
Chapter 38: Oh, I'm pretty cold here


In many cases, the turmoil at the decision-making level should be avoided as much as possible by the executive level. Just like Tang Yi and Ning Zeyu's fast and covert wine table operations these days, when everyone in er came to work, had a meeting and was busy with work as usual, they naturally didn't know that there were three people in their general manager's office. What a torment it has gone through.

er was forced into a dead end. What surprised Ning Zeyu was that he didn't expect Tang Yi to be able to hold back. When Tang Yi came to a conclusion, his expression was calm, even a little cold and indifferent. However, his trembling fingers betrayed his inner panic and resentment. He turned over the contract several times before finally opening it. When his eyes fell on the line of words circled by Cao Zhengxuan with a red pen, Tang Yi suddenly grabbed the contract and threw it on the ground. The newly bound pages The paper was smashed and scattered all at once.

The shock in Ning Zeyu's heart hadn't dissipated, and he couldn't find anything to comfort him for a while. Tang Yi paced a few steps in place, his cheek muscles were bitten by him, and at that moment, Ning Zeyu had an illusion - this is what Tang Yi looked like, and his essence was a lone wolf.

Then, the "lone wolf" stopped, turned his head and spit out a word at him, "Forbearance."

Tang Yi endured the suffocation of the crowd, and also endured Yan Ke's betrayal. The latter prepared the contract single-handedly, and then put the contract in his office, which has been delayed without filing. Cao Zhengxuan was as meticulous as he was, and he realized more than Ning Zeyu that the departure of the two mechanics was not an ordinary poaching incident, so when Tang Yi and Ning Zeyu appeased the client, he finally figured out the incident. greater danger.

At this time, it was less than a week before the start date agreed with Huayuan.

There is basically no hope for the headhunting company. T city is just a small northern city, and high-caliber talents who can meet their requirements are more inclined to develop in big cities and big companies. Moreover, the conditions of headhunting companies are based on annual salary, plus conditions such as double vacations and paid vacations for outbound travel. Even if people are recruited, it will cause an imbalance of existing personnel.

Ning Zeyu turned around, and when there was nothing he could do, he could only follow Tang Yi pretending not to know anything. At the same time, according to the strategy negotiated by the three, he began to secretly contact the senior management of several colleagues.

Tang Yi didn't seem to care much. He found a time to go to the hospital by himself, and finally brought down the annoying high fever. It's just that his complexion is still pale. Although his skeleton is well-proportioned and his clothes are well-dressed, his movements are much slower than before, and many things are done in a nonsensical and extremely unlike his style.

For example, I shake off the food when I eat, wrap a blanket around me for an afternoon when I am alone, I often pass by the bus station, and my phone drops into the sink several times.

He no longer goes out for entertainment, and rarely arranges any affairs. The only two phone calls in the past few days were on the eve of his birthday. The first call was from Zhou Hao, who was planning to come the next day. Tang Yi was sitting on the floor in the living room, leaning on the sofa to return to him, "No need for now, I don't have time these days, I'll talk about it in a few days. ."

Zhou Hao opened his mouth at the other end and asked him if you were okay

Tang Yi was stunned, shook his head again, and said, it's my dog, he's sick and I want to take care of it.

In fact, Fanfan is just a little cold, fasting for a day and drinking a little children's granules, he is alive and kicking. Tang Yi subconsciously took it out as an excuse, and after speaking, he felt a little more sense of loss in his heart.

Zhou Hao on the other end smiled and said yes, call me when you think about it.

Less than half an hour after Zhou Hao hung up, calls from Shen Fan and Gu Yanting came one after another. Tang Yi only picked up Shen Fan's, the latter said a conventional happy birthday, and excitedly told him the big beauty's birthday arrangement this year, and asked Tang Yi what time to go back tomorrow.

The big beauty treats Tang Yi very well, and she takes Tang Yi as her second son in her speech and behavior. Shen Fan is even more proud of himself as a big brother, and Tang Yi has never refused before. This time, he paused for a while, and then asked hoarsely, "Shen Fan, do you know about the company?"

Tang Yi leaned on the sofa, rubbed his temples slowly, and let out a long sigh of relief, "Is there something wrong with the head office's finances?"

He was still confident when he said this. In the past, when Tang Yi was chasing after him to ask something, Shen Fan would immediately throw the phone to the secretary beside him, and then ask the secretary to reply with an excuse. This time Tang Yi waited for a while, but heard Shen Fan finally sigh deeply.

Tang Yi's face finally sank slowly. He thought about a lot of words and had a lot of questions, but now he opened his mouth, but found that it was futile to say any sentence.

Gu Yanting's phone was cut off by him. Tang Yi completely isolated himself. He went out to work during the day, and when he came back at night, he sat on the balcony without saying a word.

He waited until the night before the start date agreed by Huayuan Group, when he woke up from a dream at midnight, touched the mobile phone and was confused before calling out.

Gu Yanting was fast asleep at the time, and he was about to hang up when he touched the phone with one hand. He squinted and glanced a second before his finger slipped down, and when he saw Tang Yi's name, he almost rushed out of the bed in a hurry.

The phone was connected, but Gu Yanting's eyes were still sleepy, but he opened his mouth with a very soft low voice, "Tang Yi?"

Tang Yi slowly woke up listening to the familiar voice, and before he completely returned to consciousness, he asked in a dazed and mindless manner, "Are you that cold?"

Gu Yanting held the phone and rubbed his eyes, his ears almost stood up and got in. He listened to Tang Yi's almost dreamy question, and hurriedly replied in a low voice, "It's not cold, it's still more than 20 degrees here."

"Oh, I'm pretty cold."

Gu Yanting finally sensed something was wrong. In the three years he and Tang Yi shared the same bed, he had seen similar situations. It only counted once or twice, because he was extremely suppressed by some emotion. Later, Tang Yi became more mature and stable. In work and life, he was hard enough to grasp with both hands. Gu Yanting had never seen him so panicked.

Tang Yi was dumbfounded after saying a word. Gu Yanting didn't dare to use "what's wrong with you" to provoke his sensitive nerves, but lowered his voice and calmed him slowly. He changed all the sentences into declarative sentences, and said in a low and slow voice the cold jokes and dirty jokes he heard during the day.

Tang Yi fell silent now, and half an hour later, Gu Yanting heard a soft snoring sound.


er finally something happened.

But the company's 9-to-5 commuters didn't know it. They stepped on the dot to check in at the company, and then started their own work in a lively manner. Everyone knows that the company has left two technical backbones, but the turmoil caused by this has been suppressed in just two or three days. Everyone takes it for granted that the customers are still waiting patiently for them to slowly turn over the work. All operations of the company are very normal, and their lives are still peaceful and happy.

So when the company received the lawyer's letter from Huayuan Group, the company was in a frenzy before the news spread.

Huayuan Group obviously came prepared. As soon as the project start day arrived, and before the morning was over, the lawyer's letter was sent over. This lawyer's letter is short and concise. It clearly points out the relevant payment points in the contract. It is aware of the contract to be bound by the ER, and it is based on the advantages and disadvantages. First of all, it points out the existing fact that the ER's implementation ability is not enough to delay the construction period. A claim for compensation has been made righteously.

Tang Yi was wearing a dark shirt that day. When he received this letter, he was sitting on the boss's chair in the office, and his expression was a little lively. Unlike the employees who were immersed in surprise at this time, he instead had a sense of solidity that his long-dangling boots had finally landed.

When Cao Zhengxuan told him that the contract was fraudulent, the first intuition in Tang Yi's mind was that this was definitely not what his peers did.

So he suppressed the resentment and anger in his chest, and together with Cao Zhengxuan and Ning Zeyu, the two of them left without saying goodbye and began to conduct a detailed sand table deduction.

What if those companies insisted on paying compensation

What if they hadn't entertained the big companies

What if Huayuan's order is normal

What if everything was the other way around

That morning, thin beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of the three of them, and Ning Zeyu scolded "Grass!" viciously to the end of the deduction. Tang Yi also made up his mind to let the situation develop after that.

Because the result of the deduction is that the drunkard's intention is not to drink, and the compensation is a gimmick. No matter how hard the er struggles, the final result is that the company's capital chain is broken.

er offered customers a lot of preferential conditions in order to grab the order. The killer is that the customer only needs to pay 20% of the advance payment in the early stage of the project, and the remaining payment is paid in two installments, of which 50% will be paid within two weeks after the delivery. Clear it. Generally, it is common for customers to delay accounts, but they will be paid at the end of the year, and the bad debt rate is extremely small.

On the one hand, they are supported by the parent company, and on the other hand, they have a steady stream of advance payments from new customers for circulation. Therefore, even if the capital chain is occasionally tense, there will be no major problems. This time, Tang Yi and Ning Zeyu were able to arrange the work in an orderly manner because Huayuan's project was very large, and Huayuan's advance payment alone was enough to pay for the project costs of those wrangling companies.

It just didn't occur to them that the Huayuan Group, which they had placed their hopes on, was a trap, and the departure of Ma Sinian and Wang Xiangming was even more of a draw-they had at least ten projects under their control. Bargain on.

If the project funds cannot be collected, their capital chain can easily be stretched. The parent company that Tang Yi was worried about before Shen Fan has also admitted that this is equivalent to showing his attitude - the parent company cannot allocate money for relief at a critical moment.

The worst thing is that their company has been established for a short time, and the loyalty of employees is generally low in a relatively weak corporate culture, and the turnover of personnel is also high. If everyone realizes that the company is in trouble, there are only a few people who can think about how to get through the difficulties together. Most people are more concerned about whether their salaries can be paid in time and whether their bonuses will be affected. how.

Fewer people leave, less people will affect sales, and implementation will be more affected. It doesn't take long for this subsidiary to go bankrupt, but it's just a matter of time and night.

When the deduction was completed, Tang Yi's finger was scratched by a piece of scratch paper, and fine blood beads suddenly came out of the hole.

Tang Yi will always remember the scene at that time. In the dead and cold office, the eyes of the three big men all fell on the scratch paper scattered on the table, and their faces were gray. Outside the frosted partition are unsuspecting company employees. Among them, the older ones, such as Cao Zhengxuan, are working steadily and steadily, and it would be good to think about taking a deputy position. As long as the company is here, he will be considered an old man in the future. The younger one is like a little girl Chen Xuan. After drinking with a smile, she asked Tang Yi playfully that the boss could make red envelopes thicker for the New Year.


Tang Yi put the lawyer's letter aside. There were a lot of people calling at this time. Tang Yi asked Xiao Yang to take the call directly, and he wanted to answer every call in person.

Among them, there are those who take advantage of the fire to express their concern for their own projects, and there are also those who genuinely care that their company can pay the balance in advance. Tang Yi took a pen and wrote down the names of these companies one by one. When the last unfamiliar number came in, his hand shook violently.

The other party's tone had a heavy meaning of humility, and he politely and forcefully expressed his company's intention to help Tang Yi temporarily get through difficulties.

Tang Yi lowered his eyes and listened to the other party's words, and when he understood that the other party's mouth meant to help was equal to the acquisition, his hand holding the phone almost burst into blue veins. After a while after the other party finished speaking, Tang Yi took a deep breath and asked the other party's company name.

After an hour, he finally collected enough information about the company, and then dialed a number to the legal person's name on the computer.

A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, Tang Yi's body was sweating at some point, and his lips were shaking, and even the words were almost impossible to string together.

"Zhou Hao, thank you for your birthday present."