
Chapter 48: Tang Yi, how much confidence do you have in Gu Yanting?


After Tang Yi agreed, Shen Fan arranged everything non-stop, even on weekends. On Sunday afternoon, Tang Yi heard the news that Lin Rui had arrived in T city.

Naturally, Lin Rui wouldn't come back to contact him, this news was from Sao Fatty.

After Gu Yanting returned to the company last week, he asked Sao Pang to send the spare key to Tang Yi. He was afraid that Tang Yi would not accept it, so he would tell Tang Yi almost every day that the home over there was heated, but when the pressure was tested before, there was no one at home, and he did not know whether the heating was running. He also said that when he left, the gas seemed to be off, and there seemed to be food in the house. I wonder if it would attract mice. In short, I was worried. I hope Tang Yi will come and take a look.

Tang Yi has no plans to go back. He and Gu Yanting are not really reunited. Moreover, compared to the previous state where you and I are tired of being together every minute, the current relationship that is biased towards love makes him feel More comfortable.

He didn't say it clearly, but Gu Yanting felt it too, so he turned his attention to Sao Pang, and asked Sao Pang to give Tang Yi the key to the house no matter what, and let him accept it.

Sao Fat was not happy at first. As soon as Gu Yanting left in the past two years, he thought that he would have nothing to do with Tang Yi, the "friend of his friends". Who knew that when he was often in trouble, Tang Yi never looked on with a cold eye, and never gave money to contribute. Say something.

Sao Pang knew in his heart that this was taking Gu Yanting's light. Tang Yi basically wouldn't contact him. The reason why he could help him was that Tang Yi himself was a cold-hearted person. Although he didn't make many friends, he was posted by them many times. With the label of Chengfushen, in fact, once you trust someone, they treat each other with sincerity. The second is that Tang Yi is very affectionate. He doesn't say anything to others, at least to Gu Yanting.

Sao Pang was taken care of by him without retribution. At first, he felt grateful and guilty. Later, when he learned that the Gu family's parents also occasionally received things, his mood became really complicated.

Gu Yanting really shouldn't hurt Tang Yi's heart for Lin Rui, but when Gu Yanting did this, their friends never really stopped him. Sao Fatty is considered a conscience among those people, and he only reminded him a little.

To get to the bottom of it, when everyone compares Tang Yi and Lin Rui behind their backs, they think from the bottom of their hearts that Tang Yi can't compare to Lin Rui.

Lin Rui is their college classmate. Although his personal style is not very good, he is not a bad person. When he has a sense of loyalty, he will help friends. money from classmates. He usually wears brand-name clothes, and when he does these things, he is particularly well-liked. And Tang Yi himself is an ordinary person, and doing the same thing has become a matter of course for everyone.

Comparing the two, in the eyes of the gang of fox friends and dog friends, in addition to appearance, it is the family background that is worth comparing. Tang Yi's appearance is good, but it gives people the feeling of being too serious. Lin Rui's slightly seductive innocence is more likely to cause men's hormones. And not to mention the family background, they began to taste the warmth and coldness of the world since graduation, and the children of the poor family who struggled for ten years may not be able to stand up to the words of other people's fathers. Tang Yi's hard work and forbearance can at most be exchanged for "it's not easy".

Men all think that home flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers. When Gu Yanting was broken up, Lin Rui gave him a birthday party, and these people also made a lot of noise at the birthday party. Some people even whispered the word "hypocritical" with disdain when referring to Tang Yi. Sao Fatty didn't speak at that time, but he also turned to Gu Yanting in his heart, and felt that Tang Yi's actions were a bit too extreme.

At that time, he hadn't encountered his girlfriend running away with his first love. Later, he encountered the same rubbish incident. When Tang Yi came to help him when he was the most disappointed, he felt the grievance and anger with empathy.

Sao Pang felt that this was retribution, and every time Tang Yi helped, it would deepen his guilt. This is also the reason why when Gu Yanting first came back and asked him to help him make plans, he stopped without even thinking about it.

Now that Gu Yanting begged him for help, Sao Pang had a hundred unhappy thoughts in his heart. The matter of delivering the keys was delayed by him again and again, until Lin Rui suddenly sent a message in the group of classmates to return to T City, he hesitated for a while, and drove the car to deliver the keys under the pretext, but actually went to report the letter.

Gu Yanting didn't expect to kill him. When Sao Fatty ran to Tang Yi's apartment, the first thing he said straight to the point was, "Brother Tang, that kid Lin Rui is back."

When Tang Yi opened the door, Gu Yanting's phone was in his hand, and he was stunned for a long time before he could react from the chill wrapped in Sao Pang.

He was stunned for a moment, then turned sideways to give way, so he went in carelessly to change his shoes, and said loudly while changing, "Boss asked me to give you the keys, hey, I guess he wants to get back together! I'll tell you. Brother Tang, you can't agree so easily, as soon as the surnamed Lin comes back, he will definitely not be able to change his urination."

Sao Fatty's voice was loud, and he said word-for-word into the phone.

Tang Yi really didn't know that Lin Rui was coming so soon. In the past two days, Gu Yanting had to fly over to see him like a convulsion. He said that he would stay for one night before leaving. He did not agree, so Gu Yanting changed to phone and text messages. Tang Yi wanted to sort out what happened after Lin Rui came, but he was almost disrupted by him.

Of course, he didn't mention Lin Rui's coming back.

Gu Yanting was so shocked that he didn't move. After half a day, he was about to scold Fatty to death, but Tang Yi hung up quickly.

Fanfan jumped over cheerfully, leaning on Sao Fatty's feet to smell it. Fat Sao picked up the puppy in surprise and stared at it for a long time.

Tang Yi went and poured a glass of water over and put it aside for him, and when he sat down, he listened to Sao Pang perseveringly persuading him, "Brother Tang, you can't be soft-hearted."

Tang Yi smiled and sat down on the other side. Hearing this, he glanced at him, a little surprised, "Why am I soft-hearted?"

"Our boss, he asked me to give you the key." Sao Pang took the key out of his pocket, put it on the coffee table and pushed it forward, "Maybe this is trying to tempt you to fool you."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to think that it was not very suitable for him to sell his brothers like this, so he explained it very objectively, "His house has not been moved. When he came back last time, he recruited mice. He asked the housekeeper to clean it for a day. Now, I have been helping me to watch it this month, and I have housekeeping to clean it up once a week. If you go back and look at it now, it is estimated that nothing has changed. "

Sao Fatty coughed after stating the facts, and returned to the central idea, "But that's what happened this month, it wasn't like that in the past two years."

Tang Yi held the cup in both hands and listened to him vigorously. When he turned his head, he saw Gu Yanting calling again. He raised his eyebrows, changed the ringtone to silent, and threw it aside to signal Sao Fatty to continue.

In fact, Sao Pang didn't really want them to reconcile. After chatting, he sighed and said with some emotion, "Boss, he only wants to get back together, and he has really been unfamiliar for the past two years. But I treat him all the time. I really can't bring up any confidence. Lin Rui used to be fragrant for him to fart. If he said that, he would take Lin Rui as a passerby, and he couldn't trust anyone. From the bottom of my heart I said that I hope you two will reconcile, but when I look back and think that Lin Rui is still here, I feel that this matter can't pass like this."

His words were basically the same as Shen Fan's, but they were more sincere. Tang Yi held the water cup and looked down at the water ripples. After a long time, he nodded slowly.

Sao Pang sighed and asked him, "Brother Tang, do you still have confidence in the boss?"

Tang Yi thought for a long time before giving a very vague answer. Who knew that within half a day, Shen Fan told him that he had settled in the hotel, and asked him the exact same question when he invited him over for dinner.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, Shen Fan sat in the restaurant with his eyebrows locked, and waited until Tang Yi sat down opposite him before he recovered. Tang Yi lost a full two laps compared to a month ago, but fortunately, he seemed to be in good spirits. Shen Fan didn't speak. After ordering, he turned his face and looked at Tang Yi and asked, "Why have you lost so much weight."

Tang Yi smiled, and finally replied lightly, "It might be better if you didn't stuff Lin Rui."

"..." Shen Fan's expression froze slightly, and after a while, he looked across the table, "Tang Yi, how much confidence do you have in Gu Yanting?"

Tang Yi squinted his eyes and didn't speak, and Shen Fan didn't give a shit anymore, he simply said, "I didn't like him at first, this person said that he is pure, and to put it bluntly is stupid. Everything depends on you. Not to mention eating from the bowl and looking at the pot."

"But he's not now," Tang Yi smiled. "Even if he made a mistake, he has to give him a chance to reform himself. Why do you look down on him so much."

"Yes, he is quite capable now." Shen Fan paused, and after a few seconds he smiled strangely, "Do you believe it?"

"Has he already come to see you? What nice things did he say? Can you make money now? Are you capable?" Shen Fan said lightly, "Do you really believe it? Or are you surprised?"

"… "

"Have you asked him what he has done in the past two years? How did he get up, how did he make a fortune, which one can become popular after being discovered... What do you do for a living now?"

Tang Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't speak for a long time. Shen Fan obviously had a deeper meaning in his words, but Tang Yi deceived himself and found that he didn't want to know this. These are the unease and doubts dormant in his heart.

Does he believe it? Gu Yanting was so successful in this way. He does have a certain talent, but can his talent reach such a high position in one fell swoop

The answer is no belief.

But he didn't ask, and the subconscious was preventing him from asking these questions.

Shen Fan's face was a little tired, while Tang Yi was stunned, he saw the slight stubble on his face, and the faint blue under his eyes.

The waiter quickly brought the dishes, and the two of them were silent, and the four dishes and one soup were quickly assembled.

Shen Fan refused the waiter's action, but scooped Tang Yi's soup in person. When he put the soup bowl aside and waited for it to cool, he raised his eyes and glanced at Tang Yi, and finally paused under the latter's gaze. He gave up half of his bowl and asked Tang Yi, "Do you want to know?"

"..." Tang Yi opened his mouth and said nothing.

Shen Fan said, "You want to know, but you don't dare to know, right? You see that between the two of you, even if you don't have Lin Rui, you don't completely trust each other. You don't completely trust him." He paused. He added, "You don't fully believe in yourself either."

"Then what?" Tang Yi smiled vaguely, "It's not a big deal."

Shen Fan glanced at him and stopped talking. Tang Yi also ate and drank with a smile, and didn't mention it any further.

The problem between him and Gu Yanting was indeed more than just Lin Rui. Before the breakup, the two often had cold wars. Tang Yi was busy with work and had a high income. Gu Yanting's inconsistent words and deeds made him feel cold, so the more he went on, the more unwilling he was to take care of him. the other's feelings. The most common is that he occasionally shows disdain for Gu Yanting's income.

When the two broke up, his words stabbed Gu Yanting's heart with a knife. He coldly told Gu Yanting that he was not mature enough, earning little money, and when everything in the family depended on himself, Gu Yanting's eyes were red at that time. .

In the past two years, Gu Yanting has been away from home, and now he is stalking after returning. The confidence in it is that he is able to endure it himself, and is no longer a stupid boy with nothing. In fact, Tang Yi also regretted that sentence after the separation. It was not what he thought, it was purely to retaliate against Gu Yanting, but the water he said was poured out, and now he denied it, who would believe it.

In fact, he would rather Gu Yanting hit the big luck and soar into the sky.

Shen Fan saw that he was always distracted, and he couldn't bear it for a long while. After picking up a piece of vegetables for him, he couldn't help but say, "I owe Father Lin a favor. Lin Rui wanted to come back to T City for a long time, and I kept dragging it. A few days later, his mother was found to be ill, and it has not yet been diagnosed whether it is benign or malignant. His father said, and I let him back."

Tang Yi couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and raised his eyes to look at Shen Fan.

Shen Fan coughed lightly and said, "Of course, I also have selfish intentions to watch him stop you from reconciling with Gu Yanting."

Tang Yi: "..."

"But in the company, you don't have to be too embarrassed. Just give him any position, and the salary will be allocated from the headquarters. If you don't want to see him, you can give him a vacation for an idle job."

Tang Yi gave him a serious look and smiled, "Then I might as well give him a tiring job of running errands and toss him." He paused, but finally couldn't hold back, and asked softly, "Yanting, he has been in the past two years. work, okay?"

His expression was somewhat nervous, Shen Fan's smile was slightly stagnant, and after a while, he slowly said, "There is no problem with the work, but the reason why he can come to Huayuan is because he was mistaken by Huayuan's President Fang as a Zhou Hao."

Shen Fan raised his eyebrows, looked at Tang Yi and said, "He does have a certain talent, but based on his education and knowledge, he didn't have these opportunities to emerge."

Tang Yi's breathing stopped for a while. Shen Fan said that he stopped here and saw that Tang Yi's face was pale and his fingertips were shaking slightly. He opened his mouth several times, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

Shen Fan knew that the words were here, and it would be meaningless to stop in half. He waited for a while, and when he saw Tang Yi leaning motionless on the chair behind him, he slowed down and said, "Whether there is a pusher behind this, whether Zhou Dongchuan has already found out, I have found someone to investigate for a long time and have no clue. But one thing is already clear, Gu Yanting is not the biological child of the Gu family. The second elders of the Gu family have changed houses, but the previous neighbors all know that this child came to the Gu family when he was five or six years old. Gu Yanting has an honest heart, I am afraid I don't remember these things."

"He is now enjoying a high salary without any worries, but you know, maybe soon, what is he going to face?"

"He is a cub who was raised as a sheep, and sooner or later he will be thrown into the blood pool to fight."

The mobile phone placed on the dining table suddenly vibrated, and Tang Yi felt a little weak. He glanced at it from a distance, but then his eyes were burned, and he avoided it in a hurry. Shen Fan's eyes moved, and he waited until the words "Gu Yanting" on the screen went dark and the phone returned to calm before he sighed softly.

He was silent for a while, then said softly after a while, "I didn't support you and Zhou Hao before, I just didn't want you to get involved with the Zhou family. If you really can't change your sexual orientation, I would even agree with someone like Lin Rui. Or simpler, at least you have to be able to hold back."

Tang Yi gave a hoarse smile, "Don't be disgusting with me, it's nothing to tease Lin Rui."

"I'm serious," Shen Fan sighed, "but I didn't expect that you still like Gu Yanting. If you don't like this kind of face, then it's not as good as Zhou Hao. The two of them look alike, and Zhou Hao at least has the ability. You don't have to protect him from the wind and rain. But Gu Yanting is different, he doesn't even know why he is in Huayuan now, and when you are with him in the future, you will be the one who stood out from the hail of bullets."

"You think too far. The Zhou family has too many illegitimate children outside. Zhou Hao said that, except for the one who was recognized home, the others... are worthless in the eyes of the Zhou family."

The candle-shaped chandelier on the dining table cast a gilded light and shadow, Tang Yi slowly leaned forward, stretched out his hand and held down the phone. The body of the phone was cold, and so were his fingertips. Seven missed calls signed by Gu Yanting were displayed on the phone. His fingers slowly slid over, and Shen Fan whispered, "That's true."

"… "

"But back then, Zhou Dongchuan liked the younger son." He said in a low voice, "Zhou Hao was recognized back to the Zhou family later."

"I don't believe it... Even so, Yan Ting doesn't have to be at the mercy of others." Tang Yi said halfway through, and he felt that it was a little difficult to breathe. He calmly reassured himself and took a deep breath in his heart, but he refuted himself very clearly in his mind.

Gu Yanting may not be at the mercy of others, which does not mean that others will not be at his mercy. If Zhou Dongchuan was brooding about what happened back then, even if he had no feelings for Gu Yanting, he would inevitably use it to warn those who disobeyed him back then.

For example, Zhou Hao...

Tang Yi swallowed and said slowly, "Brother... It doesn't have to be..."

Shen Fan looked up at him, Tang Yi met his gaze, and said, "Maybe, it will be like you and me..."

"… "

Tang Yi: "Really?"

Shen Fan looked at him, stretched out his hand and pressed it slowly between his eyebrows for a long time, before shaking his head coldly, "No."

"Tang Yi, how do you know, I have never guarded against you."

Tang Yi: "..."

"I knew about the battle between Hua Yuan and the Zhou family earlier than you. Although it's true that the company's finances were tight, if there was no problem with the head office at that time, I couldn't guarantee that I would immediately lend a helping hand."

Shen Fan paused for a while, and it was a little difficult, but he still said frankly, "It's rare for the snipe and clam to compete. If I use a subsidiary as bait, I can finally get several times the benefits. It's hard for me not to be moved. Of course, after the event I will give you several times the amount of this subsidiary as compensation."

Tang Yi's face changed, and then he slowly turned his head.

Shen Fan clasped his hands together and slowly let out a breath.

After a while, he heard Tang Yi say softly, "I know."

Shen Fan was stunned for a moment, "When?"

"Last weekend." Tang Yi raised his hand and put it down again, "Gu Yanting reminded me that this subsidiary might just be used as a chess piece. I was stunned and said that er would be used as a chess piece one day. . He stubbornly corrected me, saying it wasn't ER, just this subsidiary."

"..." Shen Fan was stunned, and said for a long time, "He has a brain."

"Shen Fan, can I make a request?" Tang Yi smiled lightly.

"What do you want, you say."

"I want to buy all the shares of this subsidiary." Tang Yi said, "all."

On the way home, there was snow on the road, Tang Yi walked along the way back for a while, and then he reacted in a trance. He slowly stopped, stretched out his hand and watched as the snowflakes that were getting bigger and bigger fell into his palm, slowly melting into the invisible.

He remembered the first Mid-Autumn Festival, followed Gu Yanting back, Gu's father and Gu's mother were looking forward to the scene at the bus stop. It was cold and early that year, and in order to wait for him, Gu Yanting went back at night. When I got out of the car, the second old man's hands were red from the cold. When he got home, the table was full of cold dishes. Gu's mother rubbed her itchy hands and returned them to the pot one by one.

That day, Gu Yanting introduced with a silly smile, "My father, my mother." Tang Yi was very envious, thinking that he will also be my father and my mother from now on.

Tang Yi understands Shen Fan's concerns. Apart from the various problems that Gu Yanting will face in the future, there is another point that Zhou Hao is still er's second largest shareholder. If Zhou Hao and Gu Yanting faced each other that day, Shen Fan would choose to support Zhou Hao no matter what his purpose was. Tang Yi's position will be very awkward.

When Tang Yi told Shen Fan that he would buy all the shares of this subsidiary and completely cut off all ties with the head office, Shen Fan was silent for a while, and couldn't help but say to him, you are crazy.

is crazy.

Tang Yi was silent for a long time at that time, and replied to the sentence that Shen Fanyi came up with.

- Tang Yi, how much confidence do you have in Gu Yanting

-no confidence. However, I hurt him.