
Chapter 50: It's hard to serve


For a moment, time seemed to stop. The whole space seemed to be protected by a kind of enchantment, and outside the window were rustling snowflakes, cold and lively. The interior is surprisingly quiet, and you can even feel the traces of the warm light flowing slowly.

Gu Yanting did not move, and even stopped breathing. After a few seconds, he slowly moved forward and slowly pressed against Tang Yi's lips.

Kissing one after another, leaving it a little and sticking it again. For the first time, the two of them were like funny kissing fish in the aquarium. They left after touching lightly. After more than ten times, Gu Yanting hugged Tang Yi's back and put the other hand on the back of each other's head. With the tip of his tongue, he gently pried open the slightly parted lips in front of him.

The sound of sucking and heavier and heavier breathing sounded in the room, and the subsequent movements became larger and larger, the kisses gradually became impatient, and more and more took on a slightly crazy taste of smack. Tang Yi couldn't breathe, frowned slightly and stretched out his hand to push Gu Yanting's face. When he raised his hand, he found that he had no strength and finally landed on Gu Yanting's head, feeling the furry head under him arching. of. After a long time, he heard Gu Yanting say hoarsely, "Master, it's worth dying for me today!"

Two kisses alone are definitely not worth it. Gu Yanting meant something, and Tang Yi acquiesced after being silent for a while. He let Gu Yanting hurriedly hug him and kiss him all the way to the bedroom, and let the pajamas he just put on be rudely torn off. The first time Gu Yanting just touched the expanded area, he was very embarrassed and shot out. This made him extremely shameless. He blushed and became angry and threatened Tang Yi not to laugh. .

Tang Yi's laughter gradually turned into cursing - he hadn't endured it for more than two years, and it was a little difficult to accept it. But Gu Yanting's self-esteem was frustrated after he laughed, and he deliberately endured it. When he had just tasted the taste, he slowed down his movements, pushed forward very slowly, and then wiped the sensitive areas before he reached the depths and slowly backed out. In this way, the movements of the two people are very clear. Tang Yi can't stand this. He can't help but take the initiative to raise his hips and lean back without a trace. Who knows that Gu Yanting holds him down, and then grabs his hand. , licking his fingers one by one.

Tang Yi was full of desire for dissatisfaction. He knew that Gu Yanting was dying and waiting for him to beg for mercy. In the past, Tang Yi didn't know how many nasty words he said, but today he laughed at Gu Yanting's premature ejaculation first, and now he is biting hard. Don't make a sound. And Gu Yanting used to be a talkative master. Last time Tang Yi was mad because he said a wrong sentence, and he kicked him off midway, but he didn't resist, but he also became stubborn today.

Tang Yi was tormented alternately by the emptiness and pleasure that was so intense that it was almost panic. The thought when he was holding on to the groan turned out to be—Fuck, if I knew that Laozi was on it, I couldn’t kill you.

The position of the two on the bed has not changed, the reason is a bit ridiculous, but it was true at first - Tang Yi is a full enjoyment, and likes being served rather than serving others.

This is the same as the habit of his appearance association, and it will be attributed to the beauty of the head. When he and Gu Yanting had their first time, they were both nervous, excited and curious. Tang Yi was hesitant to be suppressed at first. After all, Gu Yanting was not his opponent at all in terms of physical strength and skill at that time. What finally made him give up this idea was the scene he saw with squinting eyes when he hesitated to lie down that day.

At that time, before everything started, he was lying comfortably on the bed, admiring Gu Yanting's deep eyebrows, the corners of his sexy lips, and the sturdy and well-proportioned body that was soaked with perspiration at that time. Gu Yanting had no experience either, so he was clumsy and laborious and resisted his urge to please him first. The hand is heavy and gentle.

It was an afternoon in a dilapidated and cramped rental house. The rental house was a loft, facing southwest. On the opposite side of the building was an open space, and further back there was an endless green hilltop. The two youths with strong hormones only drew a thin layer of gauze curtains, so the afterglow of the setting sun reflected the dotted patterns on the curtains, and the attic was covered with warmth and affection. Gu Yanting, who was clearly eager at that time, was like a leopard with tensed muscles. He was half-bowed on top of him. From his hair to his eyes, to his smooth and well-defined chin, to his slender and powerful calves, everything was plated with a layer of golden light. .

Tang Yi's eyes when he looked at him at that time faded from the erotic color for a moment, and his mind was full of admiration, very beautiful.

The first time the two were not very happy, but the combined impact and psychological satisfaction made them experience another feeling that was more enjoyable than orgasm.

Later, the two got better in this area, and Gu Yanting also learned various tricks and techniques. Tang Yi's thought of counter-pressure also came up, and finally gave up. The reason at this time is much more direct. In addition to Gu Yanting's superb skills, Tang Yi is already in a high position in life. He doesn't care about his body position. some mercy.

If he didn't think about it, he didn't realize that he once had such a deep sense of superiority.

Gu Yanting noticed Tang Yi's distraction, and nodded angrily. Tang Yi groaned out of nowhere for a while, but his voice turned out to be a sweet and greasy one that he didn't expect. Gu Xiaoting became more and more swollen by the moans, and the two of them gritted their teeth and faced each other for a while. In the end, Tang Yi couldn't take it anymore, raised his hand and hooked Gu Yanting's neck and pressed him fiercely.

"Fuck! You can't do it anymore?!"

The conflict in the back was fierce and crazy. The two were like a pair of martial arts masters. From the initial confrontation and battle, they gradually turned into a cooperation that was slow and slow. The shattering and emotional moans were like a long-lost nectar. Gu Yanting slowly swallowed it into his mouth, and then fed it to Tang Yi bit by bit. When the last moment came, Gu Yanting was biting the corner of Tang Yi's lips. In the end, the two slowly separated like a dream, looked at each other for a moment, and turned into a pair of kissing fish with a light touch.

Afterwards, Gu Yanting carried Tang Yi to clean it up. The bathroom in the small apartment was narrow and there was no bathtub. Tang Yi half-lifted his eyelids and was full of fatigue, so he simply hung on him and didn't move. Gu Yanting glanced at it, not even a hooligan. He obediently cleaned the person, and was busy wiping them off. He carried it back to the bedroom conscientiously, even changing the sheets and quilts carefully. Finally, when he went to bed, he was extremely satisfied. The long-handed and long-legged man entangled Tang Yi, and pulled the opponent's leg over and put it into his own.

It's just that this mature and serious state didn't last for a long time. Tang Yi just woke up the next day, and Gu Yanting couldn't hold back what he said all night.

When Tang Yi woke up, he was still a little uncomfortable, and he couldn't say what the discomfort was, but he didn't do it for two years. Energetic. He didn't want to be alright, after waking up and thinking about it, he remembered how Gu Yanting was wicked and holding back yesterday.

Gu Yanting woke up a long time ago, but he was reluctant to get up all the time. He was looking at him with bright eyes. Seeing Tang Yi slightly opened his eyes, he immediately moved forward proudly. After he woke up in the morning, he wanted to play again. But Tang Yi was sleeping soundly, he didn't dare, so he could only wait. Tang Yi woke up at this moment, he was also welcome, turned over and rushed over.

When he rushed over, he also showed his morning tree's heroic appearance, and rubbed against Tang Yi's inner thigh a few times. Who knows what to do before he was caught on the butt.

Tang Yi was really grasping, and his five fingers didn't stay at all. After grasping, he patted it hard. Gu Yanting heard the crisp sound of "pop", and the whole person froze.

Tang Yi looked at him with a half-smile, and asked softly after a while, "It's quite capable, eh?"

Gu Yanting had beaten a drum in his heart when he was tough yesterday. In the past, Tang Yi was very cooperative. When he didn't cooperate, he coaxed him a lot, and he never did it. When the two of them were racing yesterday, he wondered if Tang Yi would be anxious if he lost. Facts have proved that these worries are not unreasonable, and Tang Yi really remembered that after the autumn, the account was settled.

But the feeling of a little punishment and torture was particularly enjoyable. He could see that Tang Yi's feeling was stronger, and he almost gave up and surrendered. Yesterday, the atmosphere was so good, and what he was doing was so devoted that he was so full of dirty words that he hadn't even said it, so now he hummed a bit, and after rubbing it again, he said without fear of death, "Aren't you? Did you enjoy it!"

Tang Yi raised his eyebrows.

Gu Yanting's big hairy head arched hard into Tang Yi's neck, and when he was about to turn his head again, leaning on Tang Yi's ear, he said, "You also said, 'Don't, don't stop... It's cool...' ."

Tang Yi tilted his face, met his eyes, and smiled, "Is there any more?"

"Also said I'll let you slow, and if I'm slow, let me be fast, and beg me to fuck you."

"… "

"It's hard to serve."

Gu Yanting said happily in one breath, seeing Tang Yi move back, looking at him with a smile. Then his body got cold, and when he reacted, Tang Yi had already twisted his wrist, and then swayed in front of him, and the two of them lost their positions.

Tang Yi smiled softly and horribly, grabbed his hands and pressed them up, then lowered his head and kissed him.

Gu Yanting's alarm went off just after the kiss went off. He blinked and was about to deepen the good morning kiss when he saw Tang Yi step back a little, then he grabbed his shirt from somewhere and wrapped it around his wrist a few times. Tie a knot.

Gu Yanting: "!!"

He wanted to resist, but he felt a little pity when he saw the red marks all over Tang Yi's body, fearing that he would hurt him again, he hesitated to see Tang Yi expressionlessly picked up the lubricant on the head of the bed.

That was what he found out from Tang Yi's bedside table last night. There is also a small half bottle useless. Tang Yi's original intention was obvious, to clean up him. Who knew that he was stunned after taking the bottle of lubricant.

"What's wrong..." Gu Yanting raised his head curiously.

"It's nothing." Tang Yi was silent for a while, glanced at him, but got off him, and threw the bottle of lubricant into the trash while putting on his clothes, "It's expired."


"Ah shit!" Tang Yi suddenly kicked him angrily, "Give me the expired one and you will pay it back? Get up! Cook!" He originally wanted to bud Gu Yanting this morning, but who knows how to lubricate The dose has expired. Although it doesn't matter for external use, Tang Yi firmly believes that it makes sense to mark the shelf life.

But it's not Gu Yanting's fault for this, the apartment is his, the lubricant is also his, and he was the one who took the initiative yesterday. So Tang Yi was extremely depressed.

Gu Yanting was blown away by this inexplicable anger, and raised his hand a little aggrieved, "But I'm still tied."

Binding things and not tied to the head of the bed, Tang Yi gave him a cold look and got up and put on clothes. Gu Yanting pretended to be ignored for a while, and finally got rid of the things at the corner of his mouth, and quickly went to the bathroom to solve the needs of the morning, then washed clean and hummed a song to cook.

Tang Yi originally wanted to go to the company early when he got up, but when he saw the road conditions outside from the balcony, he simply gave up.

The heavy snow that had fallen overnight had just stopped, and there were few footprints on the thick snow on the road. Tang Yi knew that this situation was not because no one went out, but because the footprints of those who were rushing to work earlier had been covered by the new snow.

He then remembered what he said to Shen Fan yesterday. Shen Fan said that he would consider giving him an answer, but no matter how he answered, he would have to face those things in the future. This cold winter has just begun, but he would rather these are directed at him, and when he thinks of Gu Yanting and the Gu family's parents, he can't help being a little irritable and worried.

Gu Yanting burned the pot and walked to the balcony to watch the snow. When he came out, he took a cashmere blanket and wrapped Tang Yi around his arms.

Tang Yi struggled slightly but didn't break away, and said in a low voice, "There are still people living on the opposite side."

"I love you," Gu Yanting snorted, keeping a posture of hugging Tang Yi from behind, resting his chin on Tang Yi's shoulder, "When I was in Guangzhou, the hand-in-hand little boy from Shangxiajiu There are so many boys, hey, why were we not so bold at the time!"

What he said was extremely envious, and it was funny in Tang Yi's ears, "You are not too brave. When I first got a job, we went to a barbecue stall to celebrate. You drank too much and held me all the way. And sing ghostly howls."

"Cough cough, isn't that a big drink?" Gu Yanting finally touched his nose embarrassedly, and couldn't help but be amused for a while.

People have different pursuits and desires at different stages. For example, when Tang Yi was a child, he longed for a cotton coat when the weather was cold, a quilt when he was sleeping, and a meat bun when he was hungry. As time goes by, he grows up slowly, and those trivial desires that haunt him all the time have gradually changed from quilted buns to good grades in exams and one more job. Then later became finding a good job and living in a good house.

Gu Yanting's experience is different from his, but it is also a similar trajectory and process. Some people have concluded that happiness is a comparative level. For example, if you have something that others don't have, you will be easy to be happy. Or what you lack now, you will get it someday, and you will be very happy when you are lacking. The reason why happiness is difficult to last is because goals are continuously achieved, and the satisfaction they can bring will be weakened.

When the two of them just graduated, they were all concerned about finding a good job. At that time, they didn't think about it for a long time, but they felt that the days of graduation and no work were scary. Tang Yi found a position first, and the salary was good. The two were very happy at the time, as if they had completed a major life event, and they discussed to celebrate. But I didn't have much money at the time, so I could only go to the barbecue stall to eat barbecue and drink draft beer. That night, Gu Yanting drank a bit too much. He held Tang Yi's hand all the way, howling as he walked. None of the songs he sang were in tune.

Tang Yi was just a fresh graduate at the time. No matter how mature his face was, it was the first time he walked hand in hand on the street. He was nervous and shy, but fortunately it was late at night, and there were not many people on the road. So he lowered his head and followed behind for a while, then slowly raised his head, pursed his lips and smiled.

Later, when they were about to get to the residence, they saw a lot of people under the overpass, with guys, driving two Santana. Yishui'er's small bald head, big gold chain, tight vest and Adi shoes. It is estimated that Santana is also a standard configuration. Tang Yi saw many people like this, and Gu Yanting, who was singing and singing, turned into the trail. Gu Yanting didn't know why, so he walked around a dark alley and saw no one in the dark alley. He thought Tang Yi wanted to fight and play in the field, so he was about to take off his pants and was finally beaten by Tang Yi. Went home in a split.

Although Gu Yanting drank a lot, it didn't stop, and he couldn't help laughing when he remembered it later. Today he couldn't hold back, rubbed his chin on Tang Yi's shoulder, and said with a smile, "That place is really suitable for field battles, the old high wall, the corners and corners of the clear bend, and there is no opening in that direction. The gate. What do you want to do with such an alley?"

Tang Yi didn't expect that it had been four or five years, but Gu Yanting was still full of field battles, so he replied angrily, "It is estimated that it is used for tadpoles."


"Looking back, the little tadpoles can still find their mother, tsk, how many small pencils have been hollowed out there."

"..." Gu Yanting reacted for a while before he understood, and suddenly couldn't laugh. Tang Yi is damaged enough, even a small pencil and a small tadpole...

The two of them didn't speak for a while, and the days in the past were getting happier as they went on. At that time, I didn't think long-term, and my vision was shallow, and I could be happy for three or four days after picking up ten dollars. Later, I wanted more and more, and the standard of comparison became higher and higher, but it was no longer the time to drink draft beer and sing songs all over the street.

After a while, Gu Yanting glanced downstairs again, rubbed his hands and pulled Tang Yi and said, "Go, go back to the house, the pot is about to boil, I'll cook some noodles for you."

Tang Yi followed him back to the house, and when he sat down, he found that the puppy was also awake, and was running to the toilet swayingly. That monkey's anxious look is quite similar to Gu Yanting.

Gu Yanting placed two bowls of noodles, and then made a tomato and egg brine. He seemed to be reverting to his old business. When he looked back at Tang Yi, he couldn't help but twitched, making Tang Yi speechless and turned away. head.

It's just that the complacency didn't last long, and his cell phone rang inappropriately while the two were eating.

The caller is Lin Rui.

Gu Yanting's cell phone was on the table, he almost poked the bowl out with his chopsticks when he passed it, and cut off the phone without thinking.

This kind of reaction has not been carefully thought about why or what it will be. Tang Yi's strong resistance to the word Lin Rui has caused Gu Yanting to form a conditioned reflex, and he feels that if he is wrong, he will fall into hell again, so Suddenly, regardless of whether he overreacted or not, he shivered even looking at Lin Rui's name.

After a few seconds, the phone rang again and was hung up again.

When Tang Yi noticed that he was wrong and looked up, he remembered the phone for the third time, Gu Yanting glanced at it with a white face, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. This time it's fat.

Sao Pang told him about Thin Monkey's marriage. Originally, Gu Yanting knew about it, and he also gave a red envelope to Thin Monkey in advance, but he didn't plan to attend his wedding, so he forgot about it. Sao Pang knew that he was back yesterday, and it happened that Thin Monkey was getting married tomorrow, so he wanted to call Gu Yanting over to have a look.

They were in the same dormitory when they were in college. At that time, when Gu Yanting was ridiculed by others because of various rumors, many people in the dormitory supported him. Those few people are all straight men, they don't understand their world and logic, and they even have a slight rejection of Luo Dong, another member of the dormitory. Only Gu Yanting had a big face and played with them until graduation. Among these people, Sao Pang is one of the most frequently contacted people. Thin Monkey does not often communicate with each other, but he also belongs to the type who will be there when he has something and lend him money as soon as he has it.

Sao Pang said with a smile, "This kid may be afraid of getting married, so he will have a wedding tomorrow, but he told me yesterday that he doesn't want to get married, and he couldn't tell if he asked him what was wrong. After thinking about it, the people in our dormitory got together today, Set up a table first, and cheer him up. I didn't plan on you when you didn't come back. Now that you come back, you have to see everything you say."

Gu Yanting hesitated for a moment and asked him, "When will we meet?"

"It's noon. He has something to do at noon. Let's go to Xiaoyuxiang and wait. When he's finished, we'll go over and have a drink or two."

"Okay, you all go first, and tell me about the private room when you get there, I may be late." Xiaoyuxiang is a restaurant where a few of them often go to school when they go to school. Gu Yanting is a little nostalgic when he hears Sao Fatty's words. No, I can buy something from outside to cook at night.

Tang Yi also listened to a general idea, Gu Yanting wanted him to go with him, but he refused to meet Shen Fan. When he was about to go out, Gu Yanting saw him off, and kissed him reluctantly at the entrance for a long time before letting go.

Xiaoyu Township is just across from the Provincial University. Its name is quite graceful, but it is actually a Sichuan restaurant. I don't know if the dish is authentic, but it's quite spicy. When Gu Yanting followed Sao Fat's prompt to find the box, he kept sneezing along the way.

Six chairs were placed in the box. When Gu Yanting came, the other three people were ordering food. Seeing him coming, they called the boss a few times. Sao Pang greeted him with a smile, and then turned his head to instruct, "Add a chicken and a chicken!"

Gu Yanting was delighted when he heard it, patted him hard, and sat down by the way, "Add a chicken? I haven't asked you to settle the account yet!"

"Damn it! It's falling apart!" Sao Fatty glanced at him up and down, and clicked, "What account?"

"What did you mean yesterday? Ang? When you said that to Tang Yi, isn't it obvious that it will trip me up!" Gu Yanting leaned closer to him, lowered his voice and said, "He doesn't want to see Lin Rui, Now I don't even dare to mention my name, and if I mention it again, I can only be a monk for the rest of my life!"

He called Sao Fatty yesterday to settle the account, but because Sao Fatty accidentally said, "Ah, I just came back from Brother Tang, and Brother Tang was invited to the hotel by Shen Fan", which made him agitated and fluttered. 's back. Of course, whether it's true or false, only Sao Fatty knows. Gu Yanting thought he was successful in the end.

Sao Fatty glanced at him and said nothing.

Gu Yanting had a very satisfying meal last night, thinking that he can still eat it tonight, he was very hopeless and wished to take root in T city and return to his hometown. Seeing that the fat nose is not a nose, an eye, or an eye, I don't care, "You give me some attention, and don't talk to Tang Yi about that in the future."

"Oh." Fatty Sao nodded, and after a while, he suddenly said, "Slim Monkey invited six people today."

"Well, I see." Gu Yanting said, "Six in our dormitory."

"Five in our dormitory," Sao Fatty looked at him and said, "Who cares about Luo Dong's stuff, there are five in our dormitory."

"… "

"There's another one, do you know who it is?" Fatty Sao picked up the chopsticks on the table with a blank expression, and slammed it against the tableware. With a bang, the package of the tableware was opened. "And Lin Rui."