
Chapter 52: As long as you say it, I will believe it


Gu Yanting's impression is nothing more than handsome, good-natured, cheerful, and straight... Of course, in the past two years, he has added a label similar to an elite man. Lin Rui is very clear about this, and even thinks that he knows Gu Yanting no less than Tang Yi, but he has never hated this as much as he does today.

Gu Yanting's face was really like answering questions, but Lin Rui was particularly embarrassed by the subtext of this sentence.

He once thought that even if everyone around him laughed at him and looked down on him, Gu Yanting would not. He didn't expect to see Gu Yanting when he entered the freshman year. In fact, when Gu Yanting came to say hello very excitedly, it took him a long time to remember who he was. At that time, Gu Yanting was already very tall, and the corners of his brows and eyes were full of high-spirited youth, which was completely different from the shrinking person in the first year of high school. After Lin Rui reacted, he was naturally happy, and since then he has become a porter.

In fact, it is not too much to call Gu Yanting a porter. Lin Rui University has basically never used hot water. The places where the provincial university supplies hot water are all next to the cafeteria. Although there are many cafeterias, the dormitory of their department is not close to any cafeteria. Gu Yanting has basically completed all the work of making hot water, buying food and receiving express delivery since he entered school, and he is happy and never complains.

Lin Rui has had many admirers since high school, and he even slept in many people's beds before his sophomore year. Of course, those people are all celebrities in the circle of T city, and it's good for him to spend a lot of money, but the means of pursuit are definitely not something like Gu Yanting can catch up with by buying hot water and buying food. He has always been chased and held, and enjoying the hospitality of others has almost become a matter of course. He never thought of responding to Gu Yanting. First, he felt that it was unnecessary, and second, he really did not look down on him.

After a long time, he also had moments when he was moved. He interacts with too many people, it is true that there are not many more Gu Yantings, and one less than him. That's why the act of taking it home was made in the first place. What Lin Rui said was not a lie. He had slept with many people before, but he had never brought them home. The original decision was somewhat charitable and sympathetic, but what he never imagined was that this was the reason why he had a chance to win!

Gu Yanting did not hold his feet and elbows as he wished, but instead gave him such a sentence to stab his lungs.

Lin Rui's mind seemed to explode in a hornet's nest, and it took a long time for him to react. He took a few deep breaths, pinched his palms to make himself look calm, but when he spoke again, he still clenched his teeth.

He didn't even care about the group of students who were separated by a few tables, and asked incredulously, "Gu Yanting, you mean I'm dirty? You think I'm dirty??"

"No, I didn't mean that." Gu Yanting glanced at him in surprise, and then explained sincerely, "I was so worried at the time, and had no other meaning. You also know that this... is a high-risk group, and your nightlife at that time was too much. too much."

He said frankly, Lin Rui gasped for a long time and didn't know how to answer.

This is the truth.

I heard that after Gu Yanting was taken down by Tang Yi, when he honestly confessed to all the people he had interacted with, Lin Rui and his classmates couldn't help but secretly laughed, saying that Gu Yanting had a hole in his brain, what was it? Whatever you say, don't hide it, the surnamed Tang is probably going to be pissed.

He didn't know if Tang Yi was mad at the beginning, but now he almost choked to death.

Still in disbelief, he pressed, almost without thinking, "What about those people you're dating? You're not worried anymore?"

"I'm also worried," Gu Yanting said after taking a sip of coffee, frowning, "so I'm very resistant to tongue kisses, in case there is a break in my mouth..."

"... What about Tang Yi, don't you worry about Tang Yi? Or did you let him go for a medical examination?"

"No, he's not the same as you." Gu Yanting thought for a while, then came over and continued to comfort Lin Rui, "Your mother must be fine, she said that the patient should keep a good mood, and you must adjust your mood first, in order to be better. take care of your mother."

Lin Rui: "..."

The color on Lin Rui's face turned colorful, and after a long time he said, "Thank you."

Gu Yanting nodded.

Lin Rui paused for a while, but in the end he said without thinking, "I don't have AIDS. Although I have dated a lot of people, they are all high-quality gays, and they all pay attention." Glancing at Gu Yanting, he pointedly said, "Actually, many of them still want to continue chasing me, and it's not like no one likes me now."

Gu Yanting secretly took out his mobile phone and glanced at him while he was talking. Hearing that, his eyes lit up, and he happily encouraged him, "Come on!"

The atmosphere of complaining about old feelings was completely destroyed. When the two separated, Lin Ruiqi didn't fight in one place, but there was nowhere to vent. Gu Yanting quickly settled the bill, and even when the taxi came over, he went in first to say hello and left.

Lin Rui had mixed feelings in his heart. He watched the car driving away for a long time, and finally he was so cold that his hands and feet were almost unconscious, so he called a taxi with complicated eyes. For a while, he felt that his charm was waning, and for a while he couldn't help but suspect that Gu Yanting was playing hard to escape.

Lin Rui rarely misses in the love scene. His own conditions are good, and he is also picky when he sees people. But few are single in good conditions, so he knows how to maintain relationships with these people in the name of friends. Just like the false proposition of whether there is true friendship between men and women, the relationship between him and those who have husbands is also very delicate.

Among those "original spouses", there are many good friends who play with him, and he often takes the initiative to care about other people's husbands' lives, and even persuade them to make peace when they quarrel. However, the methods of persuasion often vary from person to person. For someone like Gu Yanting, who is straight-minded and has strong self-esteem, when Lin Rui came back to persuade him not to quarrel with Tang Yi, the sentence "Tang Yi is such a good person, the problem must be You are not good", but it was obviously stabbed inward.

He saw the two break up as he wished, the only thing he didn't expect was that Gu Yanting would leave without a word, and he didn't even contact him anymore. Today, Gu Yanting disrupted his plan with a single sentence. He was a little unwilling, but for a while he didn't know how to start.

Gu Yanting sneezed several times on the way back. When he got to the apartment, Tang Yi hadn't finished get off work, so he happily went to buy a bunch of hot pot ingredients. After seeing that the time was enough, I went home again.

The furnishings in the room have not changed, there is a slight dust on the ground, and the housekeeping should come tomorrow after counting the days. Gu Yanting has been thinking about letting Tang Yi move in, but he doesn't know how to mention it. Tang Yi's attitude still feels a little dazed to this day. For a while, he thinks it should be like this, and for a while he is not at ease, for fear that it will not be like this in the next moment.

He walked around the room, touched this and that, and finally took the "wedding photo" frame and left.

When Tang Yi came back, he was almost taken aback by the photo frame. Gu Yanting didn't know where to get two big red flowers and tied them, and put them brightly on the shoe cabinet by the door. Fortunately, there are two people in the photo. If it is a single photo, the way of dressing will make people sweat.

Tang Yi stood there and watched for a while, and finally couldn't help calling Gu Yanting.

Gu Yanting was still pretending to be stupid, and went over to pick up the clothes and bags with a smile, but Tang Yi frowned and avoided it.

He pointed to the photo frame and said expressionlessly, "Go away."

"Where are you going?" Gu Yanting blocked the road with a smile, and said, "You put a lamp on the small cabinet by your bed, and there is basically no place for books, so it would be suitable to put it in our former home, but I live here and see No, I'm panicking when I see the sky."

"Then you two get out together." Tang Yi was speechless, pushed him away and walked in, only to be hugged by Gu Yanting.

He quickly kissed Tang Yi's face, then coughed and hummed, "Well, I saw Lin Rui today."

Tang Yi's movements stopped.

Gu Yanting didn't dare to look at his face, and hesitantly said, "I wanted to hide, but I didn't."

"and then?"

"Then I was called out for coffee." Gu Yanting felt Tang Yi stretched out his hand to push him away, so he grabbed it harder like a rogue, and shouted anxiously, "Hey, hey! I didn't say anything! I promise nothing. I didn't make any mistakes! I'm honest!"

Tang Yi was expressionless, just pushed him, "Let me go."

"Don't let it go!"

Tang Yi glanced at him lightly.

Gu Yanting knew that Tang Yi was calm when he was really angry. When he broke up, he didn't see any signs. Now, seeing Tang Yi's expression becoming more and more ominous, he couldn't help but feel anxious. He shouted, "Really, you have to believe me! Only after I went did those grandsons tell me that I have him! I knew that he would suffer as soon as he came out. You haven't set rules and regulations for me yet, how dare I keep it? But those grandsons won't let me go! I really didn't do anything, I didn't drink alcohol, don't believe you hear it!"

After he finished speaking, he opened his mouth anxiously and angered Tang Yi, but Tang Yi frowned and slapped him away.

Gu Yanting was sure that there was nothing he could not say except Lin Rui's words, so he shouted with a pale face, "He stopped me later and didn't let me go, I asked for the coffee but it cost 58, really, little. The ticket is in his pocket. He even asked me to take charge of him and I didn't answer... Ah! What the hell!"

As soon as he was in a hurry, he thought in his heart that what he must not say came out unintentionally.

Gu Yanting was immediately stunned, his mouth opened, and it took a long time to close it.

After a while, he heard Tang Yi say indifferently, "You saw him at the party, you want to hide or not, right

"Then he offered to ask you to go to the coffee shop and you couldn't refuse, right?"

"In the end, the two of them chatted for half an afternoon and you hurry back and did nothing."

Tang Yi patted him calmly, "I know and believe it, can you let me go first and let me put things down and receive two emails?"

Gu Yanting blinked, recovered and digested it for a while, a little incredulous, "You, do you believe me like that?"

"Virtue!" Tang Yi glanced at him, "Sao Fatty told me. If you don't let me go, don't let me go."

Gu Yanting didn't understand until he was eating hot pot. Sao Fat has already put him and Lin Rui in the group of suspicious persons. After dinner, seeing Lin Rui's appearance, he secretly screamed badly, for fear of Gu Yanting's mutiny, so he walked in with these two people. coffee shop.

He didn't follow him on purpose, Gu Yanting didn't see him because he was big-hearted. At this moment, Gu Yanting couldn't help but feel happy when he ate the small hot pot, and even gave Sao Fat another credit. I didn't expect that the chubby mentality at that time was that once Gu Yanting and Lin Rui were in love with each other, he would make saving Big Brother Tang his life's work.

Gu Yanting was relieved to see that Tang Yi didn't give him any face after receiving the email. After thinking about what Lin Rui said, half of what he said was not good, so he took the initiative to confess again like a bean.

Tang Yi didn't care very much at first, and when he heard the answer that he was afraid of getting sick, he almost spit the ball out of his mouth.

Although he didn't like Lin Rui, it could even be said to be disgusted, but he never thought of making the other party uncomfortable in this way.

Gu Yanting seemed completely unaware.

"Yanting, I don't want you to stay away from him forever," Tang Yi paused, scooping out the spinach with his chopsticks, and said, "Of course it's best not to, but I want you to be clear that I reject it. what is it."

The heat of the hot pot rose slightly, and the misty view softened the two's eyebrows a lot. Tang Yi had already taken his glasses to one side, his beautiful eyes looked over through the mist, his eyebrows were slightly raised, as if he was worried that Gu Yanting could not fully understand.

"I don't want to judge Lin Rui as a person. Just talking about feelings, you know him first, and it's okay for you to have secret feelings for him. It's natural that he wants to repay you for his kindness. But what I can't tolerate is that you treat him His enthusiasm was a bit excessive, and he took it for granted."

"If Lin Rui gave any hints, or you had a substantive cheating, I might feel better. But you didn't do anything, just wanted to be the most special existence in each other's hearts. This is the most disgusting thing to me. Place. I even seem hypocritical about breaking up."

Gu Yanting opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he stopped him.

Tang Yi tilted his head and looked at him for a long time, and finally said slowly, "I'm very happy that you can take the initiative to mention meeting him today. In fact, I planned to start over with you last night. But I have a grudge against Lin Rui. It's not something that can be removed overnight. Even if you reject him today. There's a saying, oh, it's 'Even if you raise your eyebrows together, it's hard to make peace'."

Tang Yi spoke very slowly, giving Gu Yanting enough time to consider each sentence. It's not the best time to say these words now, and even at this juncture, he thought about covering it up a bit and accompany Gu Yanting to get through the difficulties below.

But he didn't expect that Gu Yanting needed to talk about these things even more. His performance today was completely startled. Tang Yi said he couldn't believe him even if he believed him, his eyes were full of grievances and fears.

Tang Yi saw Gu Yanting slowly lowering his head, as if he didn't know how to defend himself, he smiled across the table, reached out and grabbed his hand, and said slowly, "There are mistakes that can be corrected, and there are misunderstandings. It can be explained, no matter what, I am willing to trust you now and give you a chance."

"Actually..." Gu Yanting grabbed him with his backhand, and said after a pause, "I have never known... what went wrong... what misunderstandings."

"It's okay, I can tell you." Tang Yi paused and said, "For example, the email you sent when we just took the wedding photo."

When he looked at Gu Yanting, he smiled slightly and said, "Don't answer me now, think about it before you think about it. As long as you say it, I will believe it."