Breaking the Day

Chapter 123: Iron Blood Past Hidden Sword Pavilion


On the way back, Su Yuehan was still rubbing her cheeks. She smiled and said: "Master, stop telling jokes, and be careful to make your maid laugh to death. Let's see who will serve you!"

Li Chengfeng sighed: "I can't laugh anymore after a while! I have to go back to our shabby house again!"

Zhao Xiaobao said: "Master, now that they accept us, can we change to a better place?"

Li Chengfeng said flatly: "No! Poverty makes people strive for progress, luxury makes people arrogant. Just live there!"

Zhao Xiaobao didn't think much about it, he just responded and didn't ask any more questions. But Su Yuehan knew that Li Chengfeng had a special status and it was impossible for him to really practice according to the Lingshan sect's practice methods. He had his own unique practice method, but he had to rely on the sect's resources to practice. There will be a better entry, which will have a deterrent effect on his enemies.

Otherwise, when Li Chengfeng hides in a place to practice by himself, even if he succeeds in practicing, he is afraid that his family will have been slaughtered by his enemies.

Therefore, Li Chengfeng must have a separate space, but also rely on the sect. The current result, although the residence is extremely bad, just meets Li Chengfeng's safety needs.

The three of them returned to their residence, and after tidying up again, they each began to look through the books they brought back. The first one they read was "Hidden Sword Pavilion Chronicles".

The three of them rummaged through the pages until midnight, and then they figured out the relationship between the Hidden Sword Pavilion and the other three-day pavilions and the origin of the current desperate situation.

Originally, the Lingshan Sect had only three major heavenly pavilions, namely the Zangjin Pavilion, the Zangxiu Pavilion and the Zangqing Pavilion. These three days of pavilion developed vigorously and went hand in hand, with talents emerging in large numbers. However, as the Lingshan sect continued to grow, soon the three-day pavilions The cabinet produced fierce conflicts of interest and contradictions between power and authority.

Everyone wants to take advantage, but no one wants to suffer. There are naturally people rushing to do good jobs, such as collecting wealth and refining elixirs and magic weapons. But no one wants to do unlucky tasks, such as collecting money from clients, chasing down thieves, and gathering intelligence.

Trees naturally attract the wind. As a sect grows, there will always be unscrupulous people looking for trouble, but who will take the lead when the time comes? The great cultivators cherish their feathers and are reluctant to take action, but the ones below cherish their lives and are even less willing to take action. But if they come knocking on the door, what can they do? Is it possible to draw lots

In fact... it is indeed the case.

There were two battles in the Three-Day Pavilion, and after some civil and military fights, they finally sat down to discuss a charter: Cangjin Pavilion would provide money, Zangqing Pavilion would provide people, Cangxiu Pavilion would provide resources, and Three-Day Pavilion would each contribute its own contribution. With his power, he reorganized a Heavenly Pavilion. This is the Hidden Sword Pavilion!

The people selected by lot from the Zangqing Pavilion took the money from the Zangjin Pavilion and the magic resources provided by the Zangxiu Pavilion to build their own Heavenly Pavilion. They were extremely reluctant at first, but soon they discovered that because they had to go through life and death, the other three-day pavilions were almost always responsive. Therefore, the people in the Hidden Sword Pavilion received great support. Although they continued to die in battle, they could It has also developed rapidly at an alarming rate.

As the Hidden Sword Pavilion grew, they gradually became unwilling to just do the dirty work. They began to demand greater power and honor, and to be on an equal footing with the Three-Day Pavilion.

Considering Hidden Sword Pavilion as their own Three-Day Pavilion, how could they be willing to be on an equal footing with Hidden Sword Pavilion? In their opinion, Hidden Sword Pavilion is just a piece of meat that they carved out!

This piece of meat survived on his own and became a man, and he actually asked to be called brothers to them

This is simply unreasonable!

So, the war broke out!

The first war between Zangjian Pavilion and other three-day pavilions suddenly broke out, and the first civil war of Lingshan Sect also began!

The disciples of the Hidden Sword Pavilion fought bravely in the first battle. They were well-organized, disciplined, and consistent in advancing and retreating. They defeated the Three-Day Pavilion with their own evil intentions and defeated the Three-Day Pavilion with their unique fighting method of relying on the magic circle while being weak as a whole.

In the first battle, Hidden Sword Pavilion won a great victory!

Later, Zangjian Pavilion and Santian Pavilion finally sat down to formulate regulations, and Three-Day Pavilion finally became Four-Day Pavilion.

These cultivators of Zangjian Pavilion, who were born and died doing the dirtiest and most painful jobs, exchanged their blood and lives for the dignity and recognition of Zangjian Pavilion. For the first time, the remaining survivors of Zangjian Pavilion all had feelings for Zangjian Pavilion. Gave a great sense of identity and belonging!

They not only think that they are disciples of Lingshan Sect, but they also identify themselves as disciples of Hidden Sword Pavilion!

After the Hidden Sword Pavilion won this battle, they gained an extremely important right from the Lingshan Sect: to be in charge of the Lingshan Sect’s commandments and regulations!

It's like a department that does dirty work has been transformed into a disciplined force!

From then on, the Hidden Sword Pavilion became the inspection and disciplinary department of the entire Lingshan Sect. For a time, the Hidden Sword Pavilion was unparalleled in power and glory.

Blessings lie where misfortunes lie, misfortunes lie where blessings depend!

Naturally, Santian Pavilion was not willing to accept such a failure. They could give up the power of disciplinary inspection, but they could not tolerate the piece of meat that they had divided in the past to grow up and actually want to ride on their heads!

Santian Pavilion was very angry. Fifteen years later, the second Lingshan faction civil war broke out.

This time, Santian Pavilion realized its shame and became brave. They selected the most elites and sent them out to follow the emperor on the expedition. After being tempered in the war and returning, they launched a surprise attack on Hidden Sword Pavilion!

But over the years, Cangjian Pavilion has been complacent, and their arrogance has bred their arrogance. In the second Lingshan Sect civil war, Cangjian Pavilion was defeated miserably!

But at the last moment, the master of the Hidden Sword Pavilion faced the threat of the Three-Day Pavilion. He vowed not to give in and launched the Ten Thousand Swords Breaking Heaven Formation.

At this time, Santian Pavilion discovered that if they wanted to eradicate Hidden Sword Pavilion, they would have to pay the price of killing half of the masters. This was a price they absolutely could not afford.

No sect can withstand the heavy blow of losing half of its elite masters after losing a quarter of their strength.

In desperation, Santian Pavilion had to sit down and negotiate with Zangjian Pavilion again, but this time, Zangjian Pavilion fell to the altar, and a large amount of their resources and authority were taken back, leaving only picketing and disciplinary functions. However, they no longer have The power to formulate commandments only has the power to revise and execute them, which is the last fig leaf left for Hidden Sword Pavilion.

Since then, Santian Pavilion began to take strict precautions against Hidden Sword Pavilion and take every possible precaution. However, Hidden Sword Pavilion lost a large number of masters in the second civil war, and it began to enter a period of rapid decline.

One hundred and fifty years later, Zangjian Pavilion has begun to adapt to the hard work of doing dirty work. After they began to forget their former glory, another major event happened: Shiwu Mountain of the Lingshan Sect unearthed extremely rare spiritual crystals!

This news caused a sensation in Lingshan Sect!

Everyone in Santian Pavilion wants to take over Shiwu Mountain as their own!

As a result, the third Lingshan faction civil war suddenly broke out!

Zangjin Pavilion, Zangxiu Pavilion, and Zangqing Pavilion fought for the ownership of Shiwu Mountain. They fought day and night with constant internal fighting. The number of casualties in the battle was much higher than the previous two civil wars combined!

This internal fight that lasted for a period of time consumed nearly half of the strength of the Lingshan Sect, causing the strength of the Lingshan Sect to plummet. The leader learned from the painful experience and agreed to a truce at the Santian Pavilion and decided to make the weakest ones not even qualified to participate in the battle. The Cangjian Pavilion will be in charge of mining, and the other three days of pavilion will be distributed according to the proportion of strength. Because only in this way can Sansan Pavilion not have another dispute.

But what no one expected was that the Cangjian Pavilion, which was originally just a handyman serving as cannon fodder, would actually have a proud man: Chaotian Que!

Chao Tianque was born in poverty, but he relied on the mineral crystals that were secretly concealed after being mined every day in Shiwu Mountain. Chao Tianque spent ten years working on the Heaven-Breaking Sword passed down from generation to generation in the Hidden Sword Pavilion into a divine sword that shocked the world!

The disciples of Hidden Sword Pavilion once again awakened the pride and glory hidden deep in their memories because of the rise of Chaotian Que. They united around the pavilion master Chaotian Que and once again became the invincible and terrifying figure. Sword Formation Legion!

The rise of the Hidden Sword Pavilion also awakened the terrifying memories deep in the hearts of the other three-day pavilions. They began to carry out crazy suppression and attacks on the Hidden Sword Pavilion. The fourth Lingshan Sect civil war broke out again!

In this battle, Hidden Sword Pavilion not only has the top master Chaotian Que, but also has a powerful and well-disciplined sword formation legion. Hidden Sword Pavilion's previous shortcomings of not having super masters have been made up for, and they no longer have any obvious flaws!

Facing the fierce attack of Santian Pavilion, Zangjian Pavilion fought more than ten times with it. The battle lasted for three years and three months, and Lingshan Sect suffered heavy losses again.

The head of the Lingshan Sect who was in seclusion finally couldn't sit still anymore. He had to break out of the seclusion and suppress the internal fighting of the Lingshan Sect with the majesty of the leader. Those who establish and use up their skills will be expelled from the school!

Peace was once again restored to the Four Heavens Pavilion, at least on the surface.

But the tyrannical strength of Chaotian Que makes it difficult for the Three-Day Pavilion to sleep and eat well. The Hidden Sword Pavilion is like a huge shadow shrouding the heads of the other Three-Day Pavilion, making them dark!

Until, more than a hundred years ago, the master of the Hidden Sword Pavilion, Chaotian Que, suddenly disappeared!

The other three-day pavilions were shocked by the strength of Chaotian Que. They had to wait for more than fifty years before they had the courage to attack the Hidden Sword Pavilion again. Then step by step, they became more and more bold and destroyed the originally extremely powerful Hidden Sword Pavilion. It has been weakened bit by bit to the point where it is today.

However, they still cannot let go of the extremely strong shadow that Chaotian Tower and Hidden Sword Pavilion have brought to the other three-day pavilions. They are afraid that this terrible Hidden Sword Pavilion will rise again!

"So... Hidden Sword Pavilion is now the target that other three-day pavilions must eradicate!" After Li Chengfeng read "Hidden Sword Pavilion Chronicles", he covered his face and sighed, "Why am I so unlucky? At this juncture, I fell into such a bad situation. Is it coming from a big pit?"

It’s easy to enjoy the shade under a big tree, or it’s a sect of spiritual practice, they’re all lies!

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, where there are rivers and lakes, there are interests, and where there are interests, there are wars!

At this moment, Li Chengfeng just wanted to hide his feelings and scold his mother!

Hey, I'm still a novice account. You come up and give me a hell difficulty. Is this really good

What a cheat! !


Second update at 8pm