Breaking the Day

Chapter 124: Wanjian Mountain in Hidden Sword Pavilion


Li Chengfeng tossed and turned in depression for half the night, and finally fell into a deep sleep. Before dawn the next day, Su Yuehan called out to him. The three of them washed up, then packed up and went out, heading towards the Valley of Ten Thousand Swords that the senior brother had mentioned.

There are five mountains and sixteen peaks in Zangjian Pavilion, namely Wanjian Mountain, Jiufeng Mountain, Yuntai Mountain, Ziwu Mountain and Shiwu Mountain. Among them, Wanjian Mountain is the main mountain of Hidden Sword Pavilion. Inside is the important area of Wanjian Valley. The extremely powerful Wanjian Breaking Heaven Formation is deployed. It is the last hiding place of Hidden Sword Pavilion when it is attacked. When its formation is activated, it is said that there are The earth-shattering power is beyond the power of human beings to resist.

Jiufeng Mountain, as its name suggests, has a mountain shape similar to that of an eagle. It is the training place for the disciples of Cangjian Pavilion. Li Chengfeng and others live in Jiufeng Mountain.

Yuntai Mountain is the highest mountain in the Lingshan sect, and also has the highest peak, Yuntai Peak. Legend has it that the mountain is three feet three feet above the sky, and people who lower their heads when passing through the peak can break through the ninth level of the sky when they raise their heads.

Ziwu Mountain, this is the mountain where the master of the Hidden Sword Pavilion, Chaotian Que, attained enlightenment. It was originally called Zifeng Mountain. It is famous for the many purple orchids on the mountain. However, after Chaotian Palace attained enlightenment, he wrote a poem called "Fisherman's Ci": Ziwu often eats the sun and the moon, The entrance door is open and closed. It's like this for a lifetime. And cook the yin and yang seeds carefully.

For this reason, later generations changed the name of the mountain to Ziwu Mountain.

This mountain was originally the residence of Chaotian Que, the mountain of the pavilion master, and the place of pilgrimage to Cangjian Pavilion. When Cangjian Pavilion was at its most glorious, thousands of Cangjian Pavilion disciples came day and night to Ziwu Mountain for pilgrimage. But since the disappearance of Chaotian Tower, the Hidden Sword Pavilion has been hit repeatedly, and the building has been abandoned, and now it is rarely seen.

Shiwu Mountain, as its name suggests, is a mine where ores forge magical weapons and weapons. It is precisely because of this mountain that the Lingshan Sect can stand out in the fierce competition among practicing sects. With the powerful magic weapons created by spiritual stones, spiritual jade and spiritual crystals, He firmly occupied the top three positions in the practice sect.

The Hidden Sword Pavilion was once able to soar into the sky, precisely because of its control of this Shiwu Mountain, and precisely because of this precious mine. The common man in the Hidden Sword Pavilion is not guilty of the crime of harboring a jade!

Li Chengfeng and others left Jiufeng Mountain and passed by Shiwu Mountain and Yuntai Mountain. When passing Ziwu Mountain, Li Chengfeng had already read "Hidden Sword Pavilion Chronicles" and had a photographic memory. Li Chengfeng looked up and looked at it. This was not surprising. Ziwu Mountain, but my heart is full of sighs and longing: When will I be able to look down on the world like the Chaotian Tower with a sword in my hand

After sighing and looking up at the foot of the mountain, Li Chengfeng and others walked all the way to Wanjian Mountain, the main mountain of the Zangjian Pavilion.

Wanjian Mountain is far from as majestic as Li Chengfeng imagined. On the contrary, it is no different from ordinary mountains, but the only difference is that this mountain has only one entrance, and the entrance is a narrow canyon. The cliff here is tall and smooth, like a knife or ax slashing through it, and can only pass two people side by side.

Li Chengfeng walked into the canyon and found that the cliff out of the canyon was as smooth as a smooth mirror. He stretched out his hand and touched it. Surprisingly, except for some broken gaps on the stone surface, there were no other punctures. Feeling!

What's more, on the cliffs on both sides, there are dense jungles on the cliffs outside, but there is no grass on both sides of the cliffs inside the canyon, which looks very strange!

The senior brother stood a dozen meters away from the entrance of the canyon as promised. Standing in this narrow passage with a height of hundreds of meters, he looked small, but could not be ignored.

"You're here!" The senior brother nodded slightly to Li Chengfeng, and glanced at Su Yuehan and Zhao Xiaobao before looking away.

Li Chengfeng also bowed to his senior brother, and then he couldn't help but asked curiously: "Elder brother, why is this cliff so strange? This..."

"You want to say that this cliff looks like it was cut with the tip of a knife because its sides are too smooth, right?" Senior Brother interrupted Li Chengfeng and said.

Li Chengfeng nodded and said, "Exactly."

The senior brother raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Because it was chopped with a sword!"

"What?" Li Chengfeng was suddenly shocked. He looked up at the sky. At this time, they were standing in the canyon of Wanjian Valley. The blue sky above their heads had turned into a blue straight line. The cliff valley was so high that Li Chengfeng could not bear it. Feng felt that it was out of reach. He lowered his head again and looked past the senior brother's body. He saw that the canyon was so long that it was almost impossible to see the end. It was difficult to see at a glance!

Zhao Xiaobao and Su Yuehan also changed their expressions upon hearing this.

Although the senior brother's tone was calm, his expression was full of pride and pride. He said: "During the second civil war of the Lingshan sect, our Hidden Sword Pavilion was forced to the ancestral court. At that time, the master of the Hidden Sword Pavilion used ten thousand swords to lay down thousands of weapons on this mountain. With the sword breaking through the sky formation, the entire Wanjian Mountain turned into a powerful formation!"

"As long as someone breaks in from other places, they will be immediately devoured by the sword formation and destroyed physically and mentally. But the Pavilion Master at that time was afraid that the Three-Day Pavilion would make a desperate attempt to attack from all directions, and the Ten Thousand Swords Breaking Heaven Formation would be unable to support it. Therefore, he deliberately left an opening for this formation... "

As he spoke, the senior brother raised his head, looked at the steep and strange gorge, and sighed: "At that time, the master of the pavilion raised his sword and split the valley into a passage, but it could only accommodate two people passing side by side. If someone leads you in this canyon passage, the Ten Thousand Swords Breaking Heaven Formation will not be activated, but if you use other ideas and try to bypass it from other places, the sword formation will be activated immediately, and you will be gone."

Li Chengfeng was dazzled by what he heard. He looked at the stone wall almost obsessively, touching the extremely smooth rock surface with his hands. He imagined the scene of that day in his mind: the Three-Day Pavilion's troops came to the city, the Hidden Sword Pavilion Pavilion The Lord deployed the extremely powerful Ten Thousand Swords to break the sky formation. He stood in front of the cliff and struck down with one sword. The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, cutting through the canyon and breaking through the sky. He stood in the canyon, standing with his sword horizontally, and one man guarding the barrier. Don't open it!

In this situation, Li Chengfeng could only find film and television clips of claws and scales in his already very vague memories of his past life, as well as the astonishing scenes he had witnessed in his dreams.

How could he imagine the power of a sword without witnessing it with his own eyes

At a critical moment, in a desperate situation, a real man stands on his feet, like a rock in the turbulent flow, and the mainstay, able to turn the tide and hold up the sky with one hand. This is the most passionate dream deep in the heart of every good man!

As a true man, this is what you should do!

Li Chengfeng suddenly remembered the first time he met the fierce stork. At this moment, Li Chengfeng seemed to feel the same thing, and his blood was burning and boiling. He had already begun to imagine that he could have one of his own in the Valley of Ten Thousand Swords. The sword of destiny will be able to split the sky and cut the earth in the future, leaving an everlasting legend in this world.