Breaking the Day

Chapter 131: Strange strategies and strange methods break the strange formation


Zhao Xiaobao fell to the ground, and You Zi raised his head to see Li Chengfeng. He struggled to get up: "Young Master, be careful!"

Li Chengfeng gritted his teeth. He was furious and rushed towards the stone statue mechanism on the right.

In his rage, Li Chengfeng's speed was much faster than before. He narrowly avoided the sword coming from the stone statue mechanism. He turned around when he got close, turned on his heels, and turned to the stone statue mechanism. Behind him, he raised his arm and inserted the bone spurs in his hand towards the waist and ribs of the stone statue mechanism.

There was a piercing sound, and the bone spur in Li Chengfeng's hand pierced two inches, but when Li Chengfeng tried to pull it out, it was too late.

The head of this stone machine machine rotated 180 degrees, and two burning flames in its eye sockets stared ferociously at Li Chengfeng. The two arms behind it immediately stabbed Li Chengfeng with swords.

Li Chengfeng dodged twice. At this time, the stone statue mechanism on the left had also arrived. Li Chengfeng knew that if he persisted in grabbing the bone spurs to dodge, he would definitely die under this chaotic sword!

Li Chengfeng had no choice but to let go and step back to avoid these quick swords. At this time, he was extremely anxious. He quickly glanced at Zhao Xiaobao, who was lying in a pool of blood, only breathing. He knew that if he didn't defeat these swords as soon as possible, If there is a stone statue mechanism, Zhao Xiaobao will undoubtedly die, and so will he!

But, how to defeat these stone statue traps!

Li Chengfeng's mind was spinning like lightning: The bone spurs were so sharp that they could only penetrate two inches before being allowed in. Moreover, the weapon was now disarmed. He was currently bare-handed, and there was nothing else he could do to mobilize the power of flowers and plants. Apart from his broken skills, he has no other means to defeat the enemy!

Wait, mobilize the power of flowers and plants

Li Chengfeng's eyes quickly fell on the green grass growing tenaciously in the gaps between the bluestones on the ground. He quickly looked at the joints of the stone statues. He keenly discovered that there were quite a few cracks in the joints of these stone statues. Without these crack spaces, these stone statue mechanisms would not be able to move freely.

Li Chengfeng's heart suddenly moved, and he quickly rushed to a crack in the bluestone where weeds were growing. He quickly dug and planed to pull out the weeds by their roots, and then took out the grass seeds one by one.

At this time, a stone statue mechanism had followed. Li Chengfeng turned over to avoid the two swords. He risked getting closer, and quickly touched the joint gaps of the stone statue mechanism with his hand, stuffing countless grass seeds into it.

Then he immediately dodged and moved away, quickly mobilizing the power of flowers and plants in his body to continuously produce these grass seeds.

Soon, all the weeds within ten meters of Li Chengfeng quickly withered away, and green weeds immediately grew out of the joints of the stone statue. The mechanism of this stone statue was extremely hard, incredibly fast, and powerful, but the joints were filled with them. In the most fragile place, weeds look fragile, but when they grow, they can push through boulders. As long as there is a slight crack, they can break out!

This is to defeat the strong with the weak, and overcome the strong with softness!

These weeds are growing crazily in the narrow joints. Some are growing outwards, and some are growing inwards. They are extending into every gap of the machine gears. They are constantly being cut off by the rotating gears, and then they are cut off by the rotating gears. They continued to grow, and the gaps in each gap of these gears continued to be crowded with grass. As the small amount became more, they rotated slower and slower, and finally clicked and stopped moving.

Li Chengfeng saw that the movement of the mechanical stone statue in front of him was getting slower and slower. From the beginning it moved like wind and thunder, to now it was as slow as a dying old man, and now it was frozen in place, unable to move.

Li Chengfeng was shocked and felt confident. He knew that he had found a way to defeat the enemy and also found a way to fight with the seemingly useless power of flowers and plants!

As long as you use it properly, these seemingly harmless flowers and plants can also become a weapon to defeat the enemy!

Li Chengfeng rushed towards another stone statue. Fortunately, this stone chamber was too huge. Li Chengfeng led the other stone structure to another place, followed the same pattern, and soon destroyed the other stone structure in place.

At this moment, two of the five stone statues were destroyed in the blink of an eye. Li Chengfeng looked around the field and saw that the other three stone statues were chasing several other Hidden Sword Pavilion disciples. Two of them had fallen to the ground, motionless, and they did not know whether they were alive or dead. The stupid big man Su You and the other two were chased until they were covered in blood and could no longer hold on.

Li Chengfeng immediately rushed forward. When Su You and the others were being chased by the stone statue and were cornered, they saw Li Chengfeng, who had been scolded by him before and thought he was an inconvenient waste, rushing forward. He suddenly had extremely complicated feelings and was grateful. At this time, Li Chengfeng came to the rescue regardless of past suspicions, and felt that Li Chengfeng was also seeking death.

The stone statue mechanism blessed by the Five Directions Demonic Sword Formation is why Brother Qiu and the others came...

As he was thinking about it, he saw Li Chengfeng, like an agile cheetah, circling the farthest stone mechanism. In less than three breaths, the stone mechanism stopped in place with a clicking sound. , although its eyes were still burning with flames, its body seemed to be entangled with a huge force and could not move.

Su You was shocked when he saw it. He couldn't imagine how Li Chengfeng could control such a powerful stone statue mechanism!

Could it be... a kind of immobilization spell? But, what spell can have such powerful control

Su You took a closer look, and sure enough he saw green grass growing out of the joints of the stone statue mechanism. He thought to himself: Sure enough! Is this a monk who is proficient in wood magic? Is he an art investment expert? Or... It seems that this is at least a master with magical powers!

There are many sects of cultivation in the world, and each sect is different. However, no matter which sect, it is recognized that cultivation is divided into nine heavens, namely: shaping the body, refining qi, concentrating the mind, building the foundation, magical power, Yang Shen, golden body, thunder tribulation, and flying. The ninth level of immortality.

Shaping the body refers to beating the cauldron's physical body and cultivating the body's bones until it is full of qi and blood; refining qi refers to the person starting to mobilize and cultivate the breath in his body from the outside in, and being able to freely mobilize them; concentrating the mind It means that people can gather their own breath at will, and observe their own internal organs in the body at will, and they can visualize their own spiritual gods.

Foundation building means that a person can infinitely compress his inner energy and form its essence, thereby truly stepping into the threshold of a practitioner. All future magic power comes from this compressed inner elixir, which is everything. The source of magic power; magical power refers to the stage when a practitioner begins to master various spells after cultivating the inner elixir; Yang Shen refers to the stage when a practitioner's inner elixir has grown to a certain stage and can fly out of the body and transform into shape. Practitioners at this stage have officially jumped out of the cycle of birth, old age, illness, and death. Even if their physical body dies, they can still survive for a period of time relying on their golden body.

In Su You's view, Li Chengfeng was at least in the supernatural stage. In the Lingshan Sect, cyan sleeves were sewn on the cuffs. Most of the younger generation disciples of the Lingshan Sect were respectful when they saw him.

Su Youzheng was thinking that at this time, Li Chengfeng had also knocked down the remaining two stone statues. As the last stone statue stopped moving, the closed stone door of the sword-playing hall rumbled and fell slowly, and the sunlight outside When the light came in, Su You and the others couldn't help but burst into tears and cheered. Even Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai, who had previously fallen to the ground motionless, also got up and ran out quickly.

When Su You and the others saw this, they couldn't help but feel contempt: It turns out that these two people were pretending to be dead! As a result, they were chased by three machine stone statues and almost died!

Su You was furious and rushed over and grabbed the two of them back. They were beaten and scolded, and Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai screamed and begged for mercy.

Li Chengfeng didn't have time to cheer. He quickly rushed to Zhao Xiaobao, who had suffered severe blood loss and his face was as white as paper. He picked him up and rushed out.

As soon as he performed in the sword hall, Li Chengfeng saw his senior brother standing in the center of the sword show hall with his hands behind his back, looking at the stone statue holding a sword on one side. He rushed towards the senior brother and yelled: "If you don't fucking save me, Xiaobao, I will burn your Hidden Sword Pavilion on fire!!"