Breaking the Day

Chapter 134: Little women are the hardest to raise


When Li Chengfeng came to save her, Su Yuehan once thought that her beauty played a role. As a woman who was used to seeing the ugly faces of countless men in this world, she knew where her charm and beauty advantages lay.

In her more than a hundred years of life, has she really never met a man who was willing to die for her

No, there were, but Su Yuehan knew that those people died for her beauty, not for her.

This sounds contradictory, but in fact there is a big difference.

Therefore, when Li Chengfeng rescued Su Yuehan, although she was shocked at the time, she quickly calmed down afterwards. But when Li Chengfeng risked his dignity and pride to save Zhao Xiaobao, Su Yuehan was shocked like never before. She In all my life, I have never seen a person who could actually give up his own dignity to save a servant!

Such behavior goes beyond Su Yuehan's cognition!

Can a person be so affectionate and righteous

The snow fell heavier and heavier, and the snow on Li Chengfeng became thicker and thicker. Su Yuehan became more and more shocked. After another hour, the sky was completely dark. Su Yuehan couldn't bear it anymore, wiped her tears and turned back. Run, she didn't dare to use magic along the way, she just ran all the way. Fortunately, her cultivation was used to deal with rushing, so it was not a problem.

Su Yuehan rushed back to her residence. She carefully released a spell for Zhao Xiaobao. This spell only had a blue bright spot. It slowly fell in the air. After landing on Zhao Xiaobao, it quickly spread and enveloped the whole world. Zhao Xiaobao's face suddenly turned a little rosy.

Su Yuehan knew that this would treat the symptoms but not the root cause. This spell could only protect Zhao Xiaobao from dying of hypothermia in this cold and snowy weather. She took out the warmest fur coat she carried from the package, then turned around and ran out again.

When Su Yuehan ran to the gate of Zangxiu Pavilion again, even though she was not a mortal, she couldn't help but panting and her face flushed. She gasped and stepped forward. The sound of footsteps alerted Li Chengfeng, who turned his head to look. There was surprise and a hint of expectation in his eyes.

But when he saw Su Yuehan, the light in Li Chengfeng's eyes dimmed instantly. He glared and said angrily: "How do you know I'm here! What are you doing here! Go back and take care of Xiaobao! He can't bear the heavy snow. of!"

Su Yuehan forced a smile, stepped forward to sweep the snow off Li Chengfeng's shoulders, and then put the fur coat in her hand on Li Chengfeng. She said, "As I guessed, this Lingshan sect can save lives and heal wounded souls." The only place for medicine is Zangxiu Pavilion. My servant has already arranged the little treasure, so the young master doesn’t have to worry.”

Li Chengfeng's face softened slightly, and he nodded to Su Yuehan to express his gratitude: "You go back, Xiaobao's life or death is uncertain, and he can't live without anyone around him."

Su Yuehan couldn't bear to say: "But, young master, will you keep kneeling like this? How long will you kneel like this?"

Li Chengfeng's face was as dark as water and he said: "Whenever the senior sister from Zangxiu Pavilion comes out, I will get up."

"But..." Su Yuehan wanted to say that these cultivators were all hard-hearted and ruthless. They didn't care about other people's lives and deaths, so it was impossible for them to lend a helping hand.

But she didn't dare to say these words, for fear that the last bit of hope in Li Chengfeng's heart would be shattered.

Su Yuehan stood there for a long time. When Li Chengfeng urged her impatiently again, she sighed, took a deep look at Li Chengfeng, and turned around to leave.

Putting on his fur coat, Li Chengfeng felt a little warmer, but under the accumulation of flying snow, his body was quickly covered with a thick layer of snow, quickly dissipating his warmth.

Fortunately, Li Chengfeng is not a frail young man. The physical exertion in his youth and the immortal energy in his body allow him to withstand the cold weather.

After a few more hours of this, Li Chengfeng's voice began to no longer be as loud as before, and deep sleepiness gradually came over him. Li Chengfeng knelt in the thick snow and fell into a deep sleep. past.

He didn't know how long he had been sleeping, but Li Chengfeng suddenly woke up when a voice came to his ear.

"Hey, isn't this Li Chengfeng from the Xiyue Sect?"

Li Chengfeng was startled, his body shook, and he straightened up suddenly. The thick snow on his body shook off. He opened his eyes and looked forward, only to see standing in front of him a man wearing the uniform of a Cangxiu Pavilion monk. , the female monk whose cuffs were not trimmed was standing in front of him, with a gloating smile on her face, looking at him with a smile.

This person was none other than Huang Nichang, whom Li Chengfeng met when he passed the three levels.

"Is it you?" Li Chengfeng was stunned for a moment, then became happy, and he quickly said, "Miss Nishang... Could you please help me inform Senior Sister, and tell me to hide..."

Before Li Chengfeng could finish speaking, Huang Nichang interrupted: "I'm not that close to you, right? Who allowed you to call me by my first name?"

"Yes, yes... Miss Huang, I..." Li Chengfeng quickly changed his words.

But before he could finish speaking, Huang Nishang interrupted again: "What about the yellow girl, the green girl, it's so ugly!"

Li Chengfeng knew that this was a grudge that had been planted before. This woman's mind was as narrow as the tip of a needle. This time she took the opportunity to take revenge. The eldest son of the Li family took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said with a smile: "Huang Nuxia, but also..."

"Too rustic!"

"Miss Huang..."

"Too vulgar!"

"The daughter of the Huang family..."

"Too mediocre!"

Li Chengfeng's forehead was throbbing with veins. He was the only one who tormented others like this. How could anyone else torment him like this? Don't let this little bitch fall into your hands in the future, otherwise you won't get any good results from her!

Although he was furious in his heart, it didn't show on Li Chengfeng's face at all. He thought about it and said tentatively: "Huang Liren..."

Folks in Daqi occasionally use the word "beautiful woman" to refer to beautiful women. Just like in the world before Li Chengfeng, when he saw a woman, he would call her "beautiful woman". That is absolutely not wrong.

As expected, a smile appeared on Huang Nishang's face. She squatted down with a smile, supported her chin with her hands, tilted her head and looked at Li Chengfeng, and said with a smile, "Oh? Do you think I look pretty?"

Li Chengfeng quickly flattered her: "Miss Nishang is simply a natural beauty, so bright and charming, she is like a fish and a goose, and she is so refined!"

Huang Nishang covered her mouth, raised her head and giggled. She smiled like a flower and was very proud: "Go on! I like to hear it!"

Li Chengfeng was speechless in his heart, but he continued quickly: "The girl's eyebrows are picturesque, her face is beautiful, her face is pure and clear, she has the appearance of a charming city and a country, and she has the face of a flower shy of the moon. She is as bright as a spring flower, as bright as an autumn moon, and the peach blossoms are beautiful." Yaoyao, its flowers are scorching. There are no figures in the whole world, and they have been born specially for thousands of years. It is difficult to drive away the fragrance of the crowd, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the fragrance of the sky and the beauty of the country are beautiful!"

Huang Nishang laughed so hard that her branches trembled. Li Chengfeng also laughed with her. The two laughed for a while. Li Chengfeng looked at Huang Nishang expectantly. When he was about to speak, Huang Nishang suddenly covered his head with his hands. He touched both sides of his cheeks and said: "But, you call me so beautiful, but someone said that I have two shortcomings before. As long as these two shortcomings are covered, I will be the most beautiful woman in the world. This The two shortcomings are the left half of my face and the right half of my face... Are you right about this person?"

Li Chengfeng simply cursed in his heart: Damn it, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. This stinky bitch has suffered a loss and is waiting for me here! So damn vindictive!

Li Chengfeng said with a serious face, "Who said that? This man must be blind!"

Huang Nishang snorted, stood up and left. Li Chengfeng was very anxious and said quickly: "This man is not only blind, but also a fool!"

Huang Nishang turned around, squatted down again, hugged her knees, rested her chin on her knees, and said with a smile: "Keep talking, I just like to hear you scold him."

Li Chengfeng secretly complained in his heart, but he cursed like a barrage of curses: "This man is not only blind, but also stupid, and his mouth is very smelly. He is really the yawn of a dung beetle, with a foul mouth that does not speak human words!"

Huang Nishang laughed loudly, clapped her hands and said, "Keep going!"

Li Chengfeng smiled bitterly and then launched into a profound self-criticism: "Let me see, this man can't see the beauty of the girl. Not only is he blind and stupid, he has a bad mouth, but he is also bad. He really can't grow anything, he is a bad seed! Such people should be put in a pig cage and put in a frying pan!"

Huang Nishang rolled her eyes: "It sounds good."

Li Chengfeng was startled. Hey, it's just talk. If you take it seriously, I will deal with you!

Fortunately, Huang Nishang stopped when she saw that she was good. She stood up, clapped her hands, swept the snow off her body, and said, "I've heard enough. Our previous grievances have been wiped out. I'm going back!"

Li Chengfeng was stunned and couldn't help blurting out: "Miss Huang..."

Huang Nishang turned around sharply and glared at Li Chengfeng. Li Chengfeng quickly changed his words: "Huang Liren..."

Huang Nishang then smiled and said, "You can continue to kneel, I'm going to do my homework."

Li Chengfeng said loudly: "Huang Liren, please give me a message for Senior Sister!"

Huang Nishang asked curiously: "When did I promise you that I would bring you a message?"

Li Chengfeng said angrily: "Then you just... were you kidding me?"

Huang Nishang laughed and said, "Yes, I was just playing tricks on you!"

Damn it!

Li Chengfeng was so angry that he almost jumped up, but as soon as the anger reached the top of his head, he immediately endured it. He thought of Zhao Xiaobao, who was on the line between life and death, and swallowed back the breath, but his eyes were tight. He stared at Huang Nishang who was walking away triumphantly, and secretly felt cruel in his heart: Smelly bitch, don't fall into my hands in the future, otherwise, you will definitely lose your skin!

Li Chengfeng usually showed pity to Li Chengfeng, but Huang Nichang humiliated and teased Li Chengfeng at this juncture. He hated Li Chengfeng so much that he gritted his teeth and kept this hatred in his heart, but Huang Nichang never expected that this originally small The conflict finally ended.


Second update at 8pm