Breaking the Day

Chapter 137: Strange flowers bloom in the valley in the cold winter


Li Chengfeng said to Su Yuehan: "Go and take out all the seeds of the colorful cassia flowers."

Su Yuehan quickly opened the hidden package and carefully took out the pressed colorful cassia flowers. A few days later, although it was cold winter, the originally delicate and bright colorful cassia flowers seemed a little withered. If they were taken out for sale, , judging from the appearance, the value will be greatly reduced, and the medicinal value will be even worse than before.

But fortunately, Li Chengfeng and the others are using the colorful cassia flower to save people, and they don't care what it has become. Su Yuehan carefully removes the seeds of more than a hundred colorful cassia flowers, each colorful cassia flower A total of ten flowers can be taken, plus those that were accidentally touched or lost before, a total of more than 1,300 seeds can be obtained.

However, it is obvious that so many colorful cassia flowers cannot be planted in one acre of land. However, if they are planted nearby, it will cause large-scale withering of flowers and plants. The colorful cassia flowers in the previous one acre of land have almost absorbed all the flowers of Li Chengfeng. The aura of all the flowers and plants on the ground from the residence to the jungle is nearly ten acres. If a thousand colorful cassia flowers were planted at this time, I am afraid that the surrounding one or two hectares would change color!

There is only a surrounding area that Li Chengfeng can barely cover, but when the area expands to four or five hectares, it cannot be covered no matter what. If someone looks down from above, it will be like a sudden bulge on the top of a person's head. Extremely eye-catching.

"Master, we have collected them all. Where can we plant them?" Su Yuehan carefully wrapped the seeds and handed them to Li Chengfeng. This bulging bag of a thousand colorful cassia flower seeds looks like the size of Li Chengfeng's two fists. .

Li Chengfeng put away the cloth bag and said: "No, I will plant it, you don't want to go."

Su Yuehan's eyes widened: "But, Master, what if you are in danger when you cast the spell?"

Li Chengfeng said: "Zhao Xiaobao is more important now. I have to go far away. If you leave, I won't worry. When the time comes, you will be multitasking and you will be more likely to be in danger."

Su Yuehan said: "But, young master, where are you going?"

Li Chengfeng smiled slightly and said, "A place we have been to together."

Su Yuehan thought for a while, then her eyes lit up: "Xieyue Valley?"

Li Chengfeng nodded: "Yes!"

Su Yuehan bit her lip gently. She pulled the front of Li Chengfeng's clothes and said, "Master, you must pay attention to safety. Don't go too deep. It's dangerous inside."

Li Chengfeng patted Su Yuehan's head and said: "While I'm away, use my bed board to block the door to reduce the wind. Also, light a bonfire in the front hall and remember to surround it with stones. Let the flames burst out, it's snowing and cold, and our conditions are not good, it will be very difficult at night."

Su Yuehan's eyes were slightly red, she nodded vigorously, and then watched Li Chengfeng turn around and walk into the white snow.

Fortunately, Lingshan Sect deserves to be regarded as the most majestic place in the world and the most beautiful mountain in the world. Even if it snows in the cold winter, you can still see the lush green grass covered under the white snow everywhere.

Li Chengfeng followed the old path he had walked before, from the portal to Xianyue Valley.

Xieyue Valley at this time is very magical. Although there are heavy snowflakes flying in the sky, the snowflakes have melted and turned into mist when they floated dozens of meters above Xianyue Valley. The entire Xieyue Valley is steaming with mist, just like a fairyland. It's as if this place is protected by a magic circle, and there is a special cave.

Li Chengfeng did not dare to go deep, so he found an open space at the entrance of Xianyue Valley. He first took a colorful cassia flower seed and threw it into the grass without burying it. Then he activated the immortal energy in his body. Mobilize the spiritual energy of the surrounding flowers and plants to promote the rapid growth of this seed.

Li Chengfeng stared at the seed and saw that it grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even if it was not buried in the soil, it still took root and sprouted quickly. Since there was only one flower, it grew extremely fast. It grows with the incense stick, and the colorful petals are moistened with the mist and dew in the Xianyue Valley. They are crystal clear and really moving.

Li Chengfeng picked the colorful cassia flower, looked at it carefully, nodded with satisfaction, and then began to scatter two hundred seeds around. Li Chengfeng began to consciously control the spiritual energy in his body, and began to These colorful cassia flowers are constantly being produced.

Just spawning two hundred colorful cassia flowers, Li Chengfeng is already familiar with it. What makes him embarrassed is that when he consciously controls the aura, he often cannot make this large area of colorful cassia flowers because the range is not large enough. Mature at the same time, it can only be born one by one.

But fortunately, Li Chengfeng was reborn in the first time and was familiar with the second time. Li Chengfeng quickly spawned grass seeds in the battle before, and finally defeated the mechanical stone statue, which gave him some experience in controlling the immortal energy in his body.

At this time, Li Chengfeng became more and more proficient in the use of immortal energy after repeated stimulation. The best thing is that Li Chengfeng stimulated it for more than ten times in a row, and he didn't feel any fatigue at all. Instead, he felt more energetic! This shocked Li Chengfeng, because in his opinion, the spiritual energy of flowers and plants was flowing through his body and flowing out. As the operator, he would definitely be very tired if the time and frequency were too long.

Unexpectedly, there was none at all!

Li Chengfeng was thoughtful. Before, he felt like a transit station and a porter of nature, but now it seems that he feels more like: a bank!

Banks themselves do not produce wealth, but they absorb wealth from other places, gather it together, and then use this wealth to invest and appreciate. However, as a bank itself, it controls huge cash flows, which is itself a kind of Strong capital.

Li Chengfeng remembered a joke he had read before. There was a banker's son who despised his father: All the money in your bank belongs to others, not yours. So, no matter how much money you have in the bank, it doesn't matter. What to use? The banker said to his son: Go to the refrigerator and get a piece of raw meat.

The banker's son did as he was told. After handing the raw meat to his father, the banker's father asked: Do you have any oil on your hands? The son looked at the oil on his hands, thoughtfully. The banker father said: You just took a piece of meat and your hands were stained with oil. What if you took a hundred yuan, ten thousand yuan, or one hundred million yuan

The things were different, but the reason was the same. After Li Chengfeng figured this out, he became more and more excited and activated the immortal energy in his body, constantly ripening the colorful cassia flowers.

After he had fully ripened more than a thousand colorful cassia flowers, a huge "wasteland area" had appeared around him. The originally dense grass on the ground had all turned yellow and dry. At a glance, it seemed as if A piece of it was dug out in a large green field, which was extremely eye-catching.

Li Chengfeng didn't pay attention at first. He just kept sowing, promoting, and harvesting, and then moved to another place and continued to sow, promote, and harvest. This was repeated until the next day when he was busy. .

When he stopped and looked around, Li Chengfeng couldn't help being startled. Everything in front of him was like a terrifying scene in an environmental propaganda film. Only the green trees were not affected and were still surviving tenaciously, but all the green grass They were all dead, and even the ground beneath their roots began to crack. Li Chengfeng had almost drained the land of the aura of flowers and plants.

"This kind of skill is really terrifying!" Li Chengfeng couldn't help but feel horrified, "If I don't plant these colorful cassia flowers in Xieyue Valley, but if I plant them near my home, I'll be damned if I don't get discovered!"

Li Chengfeng didn't dare to stay too long. He collected the thousand colorful cassia flowers, carried the package on his back, and walked back quickly.

Along the way, after Li Chengfeng returned to Jiufeng Mountain from the teleportation platform, Li Chengfeng ran wildly towards the Cangxiu Pavilion. When he ran to the gate of the Cangxiu Pavilion, it happened to be Chen hour, and the senior sister was standing alone. In the snowy scenery of the mountain gate, it looks like a jade statue.

"You're here." The senior sister turned around and saw Li Chengfeng. Her expression was calm and her eyes fell on the package behind Li Chengfeng. She was curious about how Li Chengfeng did it, but she still didn't ask. Even the expression on his face didn't change.

Li Chengfeng handed over the package: "A thousand colorful cassia flowers, and more than two hundred more, can be given to senior sister! As long as senior sister saves my brother!"

The senior sister took the package without opening it. In her opinion, the person in front of her would not dare to deceive her. She said calmly: "Wait here." After saying that, she walked away.