Breaking the Day

Chapter 141: Who is whose pig teammate?


The original lake now revealed a huge stone pit, and an extremely huge magic circle was revealed in the stone pit. The pattern of this magic circle emitted a dark red light, and it would not have been noticeable if it were not covered by the lake water.

Li Chengfeng didn't know that this lake was called "Tian Sheng Pond", but when it was not triggered by the token and hung upside down on the cave roof, its name was "Jue Sheng Pond", which was missing one word, but the effect was not the same. Very different.

The water of Tianshengchi has excellent medicinal and elixir-making effects. It is an excellent adjuvant in many elixirs. The nine-turn soul-returning elixir refined by the senior sister must be supplemented with the water of Tianshengchi to have the best medicinal effect. effect. But after the water of Tiansheng Pond was infiltrated by this magic circle, it immediately changed from a panacea to cure diseases and save people into the most terrifying and violent poison in the world.

If you enter this pool without holding a customs clearance token, no matter what great cultivator you are, you will be swallowed up by this lake and corroded until not even a hair is left!

When the senior sister saw that the lake water had all risen and the magic circle on the ground was exposed, she glanced at Li Chengfeng and said with an extremely serious expression: "Run as fast as you can in one moment!"

Li Chengfeng asked in confusion: "Why?"

The senior sister glanced at him: "If you want to die, you can run slower!" As she said that, she waved her hand, and Li Chengfeng felt a huge force coming from him, and he was suddenly pushed into the lake where the water had disappeared. In the stone pit formation.

As soon as Li Chengfeng landed, the magic circle in the stone pit suddenly lit up. The originally dark red magic circle became brighter and brighter at this time, and then there was a muffled sound, and the eyes of the magic circle A bright light lit up the sky, and then began to spread along the pattern of the magic circle to the entire magic circle.

Before Li Chengfeng could react, a strong gust of wind passed by him. The senior sister ran past him and shouted: "Run!"

Li Chengfeng subconsciously ran with him, but he didn't pick up the speed completely. He chased the senior sister and shouted, "Why are you running!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt the sound of dripping water coming from behind him. Li Chengfeng looked up and saw that the top of his head hung like a mirror. The frozen lake water now had ripples and droplets. It started trickling down.

A drop of water fell on Li Chengfeng's shoulder, and there was an immediate hiss, and a big hole was corroded into Li Chengfeng's clothes!

Li Chengfeng was horrified. He reacted very quickly. With one backhand, he tore the clothes on his shoulders and quickly threw them away. But even so, some water stains still penetrated and soaked into his skin.

In the blink of an eye, Li Chengfeng's shoulder went black. A burning pain made Li Chengfeng's vision go dark and he almost fainted.

What the hell is this

Li Chengfeng gritted his teeth and quickly took out the dagger he carried with him to cut flesh for self-defense. He slashed his shoulder mercilessly. With this move, he cut off a large piece of flesh, including the belt. It fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of black water at a speed visible to the naked eye, exuding an extremely strong fishy smell.

Little did Li Chengfeng know that this was one of the most terrifying water spells in the world. Together with Zhan Qitian's trump card: Dragon Flame Wave, it was also known as the second most powerful water spell in the world.

Zhan Qitian's dragon flame wave means that as long as the flames brush against the edge, the dragon flame energy will enter the body. No matter how much dragon flame enters the body, it will quickly produce a strong alienation effect with the true energy and blood in the human body. It will swallow up all the true energy and blood in the human body, and eventually the person will die of exhaustion.

The holy water of this lake is very similar to the dragon flame wave. As long as the water droplets rub against the edge, it will have a strong corrosive effect. Especially when it comes into contact with the fleshy part of any living creature, it can immediately corrode the fleshy part. Corrode them away, and continue to transform them all into extremely holy water with a strong corrosive effect. Repeat this, endlessly, until this person is all corroded to death!

After all, Li Chengfeng has been wandering around the world for many years. Although he has never seen much of the world in the world of cultivation, he has a lot of combat experience, and he can react very quickly in life-and-death situations.

It was this moment that saved Li Chengfeng's life!

The dragon flame wave can be eliminated through some special means, but the holy water cannot be eliminated, but it also has a weakness, that is: a strong man breaks his wrist!

As long as the corroded part can be cut off or cut off as quickly as possible, it will not be able to cause further damage.

Li Chengfeng ignored the severe pain in his shoulder. As he ran wildly, he took out the golden medicine from his waist and sprinkled it on the wound. He shouted in a hissing voice: "What the hell is going on!"

The senior sister didn’t look back and answered Li Chengfeng’s question enthusiastically: “Run!”

Li Chengfeng cursed in his heart, but he could only grit his teeth and follow. At this time, he heard the sound of water getting closer and closer behind him. At first, it was dripping, like rain leaking from the eaves, but soon it became like a sporadic drizzle, and then it started to rain again. After a while, there was a crackle, like a downpour, and Li Chengfeng felt his scalp was exploding. He turned back and glanced up, and his legs almost softened with fear!

The upside-down lake behind him had begun to tilt seriously, like a tilted cauldron full of water. One side began to tilt seriously, and the water inside began to pour out. The water waves behind Li Chengfeng were like torrents, heading towards Li Chengfeng rushed towards him like crazy!

If it were an ordinary angry wave, Li Chengfeng would not be afraid. Although he is from the north, he grew up by the Xilian Lake and has long been good at water. He can be called a white stripe in the waves and is no weaker than the southerners.

But... no matter how good the water properties are, you can't wallow in this holy water, unless you want to practice the magical power of reducing whole parts to zero and make yourself disappear! !

Li Chengfeng saw the holy water pouring down, like the death god chasing after him. He spread his legs and ran all the way, not even bothering to cover the wound on his shoulder. He chased for a while and found that the speed of the elder sister was much higher than his. He couldn't catch up no matter how hard he chased. He couldn't help but loudly said: "Take me away with your magic!"

The senior sister still didn't look back, and her voice came from far away: "It is forbidden to use magic here! If you don't want to die, run away!!"

Li Chengfeng cursed in his heart: You damn thing didn't tell me that it was so dangerous from the beginning! This is trying to kill me!

Li Chengfeng gritted his teeth and ran, but no matter how fast he was, he could not reach the speed of the holy water rushing behind him. When he turned around and looked again, he found that the water was less than five meters away from him. As long as he stopped, he would basically be In just two breaths, it will catch up with him and devour him until not a single hair is left!

The hairs all over Li Chengfeng's body stood on end, and he couldn't help shouting loudly: "I can't run! Save me!!"

The senior sister turned her head and glanced. She frowned and ran to Li Chengfeng in a flash. She dragged her hand under Li Chengfeng's ribs. Li Chengfeng lightened up and ran quickly after him. .

But even so, he still watched the holy water behind him getting closer and closer.

The senior sister turned towards Li Chengfeng and said angrily: "Run faster!!"

It was the first time that Li Chengfeng saw this extremely cold senior sister having strong emotional fluctuations at this time. He loudly replied: "I can't run any faster!!"

The eldest sister turned around and took a look. She saw the holy water rolling in behind her. In a fit of anger, she exerted all her strength, picked up Li Chengfeng and ran wildly.

With the drag of Li Chengfeng's big hind legs, the speed of the senior sister also slowed down, while the speed of the holy water behind them became faster and faster. Several times, Li Chengfeng saw the holy water rolling out behind him. Water droplets were about to splash on his body, so he was so frightened that he turned his head and shouted at the senior sister: "Run faster!!"

Hearing this, the senior sister really wanted to throw Li Chengfeng into the holy water at the back and let him practice the magical power of breaking everything into parts!

But she couldn't do this. She still expected Li Chengfeng to complete the next task. Therefore, with veins twitching in the corners of her eyes, she suppressed her anger and murderous intent and gritted her teeth and said, "I can't run fast!!"

Li Chengfeng said shamelessly: "Damn it, aren't you the senior sister? Don't hold me back!!"

Senior Sister: “…”