Breaking the Day

Chapter 145: Multiplying strength can turn a curse into a blessing


The senior sister was not in a hurry, with a smile on her face, and her figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

This giant beast punched the pit into a much deeper hole. Countless cracks appeared on the surrounding stone walls, and the sound of whining wind could be heard from the cracks.

These wind noises stunned the giant beast for a moment. It suddenly bent down and leaned close to the cracks in the stone pit. It listened for a while, and then it roared wildly and began to dig madly at the stone pit, digging at an alarming speed. A stone path emerged, and the whole body got into it.

The figure of the senior sister appeared on the other side. She looked at this scene coldly, feeling extremely happy in her heart: Finally, this day has finally come!

The senior sister's eyes were filled with cold pleasure. She watched the monster dig through the mountains in the forbidden area of Lingshan. The moment it emerged from the cave, its figure immediately turned into a ball of white light and flew away into the sky. In an instant, It disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

No one knows what kind of terrifying monster she released, and no one knows what kind of terrifying things happened in the deepest part of the Lingshan Sect's extremely hidden and profound forbidden area.

No one knows why this senior sister, who is so revered in the Lingshan Sect, does this!

The senior sister walked away leisurely along the stone path dug by the huge monster. Behind her, there was a man who seemed to have been completely forgotten by her. His body was half covered in the stones, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

After walking a few dozen meters away, the senior sister suddenly turned around and seemed to finally remember. She looked in the direction of Li Chengfeng, snorted coldly, and finally turned around and left.

The man she hated so deeply had become an abandoned son that she no longer had any use for.

The eldest sister gradually moved away. When she walked out of the cave and came to the lush woods outside, she took a deep breath of the fresh air outside, and then her body turned into a ray of blue light and left in an instant.

But the elder sister did not notice that where she left, flowers, plants and trees began to grow crazily, and they grew and spread towards the depths of the cave at an alarming speed.

Li Chengfeng once again came to the dreamland he had always dreamed of: that dark dreamland with ten huge stone pillars standing there.

Among these ten stone pillars, the first stone pillar was illuminated by a beam of light falling from the sky. Li Chengfeng remembered the patterns and words on it clearly, and he knew it by heart. It was the first level of teaching people how to use the power of flowers and plants.

This time, a golden light fell from the sky and illuminated the second stone pillar. Li Chengfeng quickly climbed up the stone pillar with his hands and feet. After reading greedily and carefully, he found that it was indeed similar to what he had imagined.

This is the second level of this unique practice, teaching people how to use the aura of trees!

"The way of establishing the sky is called yin and yang; the way of establishing the earth is called softness and hardness. The heaven and the earth move on their own without anyone pushing them; the sun and the moon shine by themselves without being burned; the stars sequence themselves without being arranged; the animals are autonomous without being made by man; the grass and trees are independent by themselves without being man-made. Human beings are born by themselves. This is the way of heaven and earth, and this is also the power of heaven and earth. Those who master this power can integrate with heaven and earth, can live and shine together with the sun and moon, and can do anything in heaven and earth... "

Li Chengfeng silently recited the text on it. He found that this paragraph of text was a supplement to the outline of immortal magic practice he had recited before.

In addition, before he came, he had recited the "Minutes of Practice" while sharpening his weapons in battle. After he compared the practice methods he had followed with the practice methods of the immortal method in front of him, he found that there was a complete difference between the two.

The article "Records of Practice" summarizes the practice of practice as follows: The human body is fragile, but people can continuously strengthen the body through practice, continuously store external energy into the physical cauldron, and use the human body as the cauldron. Furnace, constantly refining and strengthening its own Nascent Soul Yang Shen, and finally reaches the golden body state.

In short, it is to constantly capture external energy and store it in oneself. This is a practice process that can only be entered and exited most of the time. Unless encountering a battle, the energy stored by the practitioner for many days will only be released at this time. There was a violent release.

However, the practice method recorded in this immortal method points out that the human body is indeed fragile, but it is also a part of this vast world and all things in the universe. People can find a channel to resonate with all things through their own bodies. As long as they find this channel, people can use the power contained in such objects.

The first level of heavenly realm that Li Chengfeng cultivated: the power of flowers and plants, is when he resonates with the flowers and plants. When the fairy energy in his body resonates with the spiritual energy of the flowers and plants, he can mobilize their power according to his own thoughts.

To put it simply, this is a practice method that does not need to store huge energy in oneself at any time, but can draw on the power of all things in nature at any time. What is different from ordinary cultivation methods is that this is a cultivation method that is both in and out.

The energy of all things in the universe is conserved. If energy is borrowed from this part, it must be returned from another place.

Thinking of this, Li Chengfeng couldn't help but think of another question: According to the first practice method of only entering and not exiting, the resources and power occupied and consumed by a large number of practitioners, and the energy lost, will disappear forever. What

Li Chengfeng didn't think too much about this question, because he soon discovered that the stone pillar began to grow rapidly with vines and leaves. In just a while, there were seven or eight vines and five or six extremely thick branches, coming from all directions. Li Chengfeng came entangled.

But with the experience from the last time, Li Chengfeng did not panic this time. He silently thought about the exercise images written down on the stone pillars, and mobilized the immortal power in his body according to it.

After only running for a week, the entangled vines and branches suddenly stopped. Then with Li Chengfeng's thought, they swished back and dispersed completely in just a moment.

Li Chengfeng felt reassured, and just as he was about to laugh, he suddenly thought of another important question: How was this dream... triggered? Under what conditions will it be triggered? What kind of situation would trigger him to learn a higher realm

As soon as this question arose, Li Chengfeng suddenly noticed that everything around him began to fall rapidly into darkness, and the skylight that originally illuminated the stone pillars also disappeared, not to mention the ten huge stone pillars. He seemed to have fallen from a high altitude, thinking Falling into the infinite abyss.

He didn't know how long he had been falling like this. Li Chengfeng woke up with a start. He was sweating profusely and looked around in fear. Only then did he realize that he was in a dry bush with leaves, surrounded by the broken magic circle. , but I don’t know when many branches and trunks grew out of the surrounding broken stone walls. They tenaciously broke through the cracks in the stone walls, squeezed the extremely hard stones away one by one, rushed to Li Chengfeng, and pushed He was wrapped in it, and then a large amount of tree power was sent to him, allowing him to heal his extremely serious injuries.

Li Chengfeng looked at this scene thoughtfully: He knew that his power had increased, and it had increased exponentially.

The power contained in flowers and plants is incomparable to the power of trees!

Everything in front of you is proof!

So, does this mean that...if he can cultivate to the third heaven, his power will increase exponentially

If you continue to grow like this, your strength will increase exponentially every time you enter the next level. If you reach the top level, what will happen

Li Chengfeng was excited and trembling all over. It was only now that he came to Lingshan that he finally saw hope, and it was hope after a desperate situation and a near-death situation!