Breaking the Day

Chapter 149: A head-on blow to his majesty


"Tomorrow? Are you kidding me? If your Hidden Sword Pavilion doesn't hand over this guy Li Chengfeng today, I will throw you off the back mountain cliff!" Senior Brother Zhou said with a ferocious smile.

Zhao Yibai really couldn't laugh now. He cried: "Senior Brother Zhou, please spare your life. You are so proud of your hands and your feet!"

Senior Brother Zhou sneered and was about to exert his strength when he suddenly heard an angry shout from the side: "Stop!"

Senior Brother Zhou was stunned, and turned around to look, only to see two men walking one behind the other not far away. The man in front of them, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, was none other than Li Chengfeng.

After Qu Tongqiu saw it,

, immediately pointed at Li Chengfeng and shouted: "Senior Brother Zhou, he is Li Chengfeng! Let us go!"

Li Chengfeng really didn't like seeing these two guys in his heart. They didn't have any backbone or future. He didn't know why these two guys didn't follow the crowd and defect to Zangjin Pavilion.

But although he despised the moral integrity of these two guys in his heart, what he couldn't stand even more was that Senior Brother Zhou from Zangqing Pavilion bullied the weak and used his power to bully others!

Senior Brother Zhou looked Li Chengfeng up and down. He noticed that the monk's uniform Li Chengfeng was wearing didn't even have a colored edge. He laughed dumbly: "Are you Li Chengfeng?"

Li Chengfeng sneered and saluted, and said, "You haven't asked Senior Brother Zhou for advice yet. Why don't you come to me for advice?"

Senior Brother Zhou released Zhao Yibai's foot, turned to Li Chengfeng and said, "Did you hurt Junior Sister Huang Nichang?"

As soon as Li Chengfeng heard this, he knew that a senior brother was here to fight against the injustice of his junior sister!

Li Chengfeng said: "That was injured by Senior Sister!"

This Senior Brother Zhou's surname is Zhou Yui, and he is a promising young monk in Zangqing Pavilion. He entered the door just one round earlier than Li Chengfeng, and in ten years he has gone from being unable to lift with one hand to being unable to carry on the shoulder. The scribe cultivated into a foundation-building monk.

Although he was quite talented, he started too late after all, and his family was poor, so he was unable to support his expensive training expenses. Although he worked hard to complete various tasks in the sect, the resources he received and the time and energy he expended were far behind. Not proportional.

Until one day, he discovered that a senior brother from Zangqing Pavilion and a senior sister from Zangxiu Pavilion had become partners. He immediately no longer worried about the resources consumed in practice. He suddenly felt like a enlightenment and suddenly realized: It turned out that they were like this. There is a shortcut for poor people to practice cultivation!

That is, having a master... bah, becoming a spiritual partner with a rich senior sister!

There are not many new junior sisters coming to Zangxiu Pavilion this time, but the one who attracts the most attention is Huang Nishang. Not only is she a lavish spender, but she is also extremely beautiful. She is considered to be at the top of the list of beauties in Zangxiu Pavilion. .

If he could become a partner with Huang Nishang, he would be able to save at least thirty years of struggle!

But if Zhou Yueyi wanted this shortcut, others would naturally want it too. As soon as Huang Nishang entered the Cangxiu Pavilion, she was surrounded by ingratiating senior brothers. Although Zhou Yueyi's potential was good, compared with these senior brothers, then Whether it was his cultivation or his appearance, he was completely different.

But Zhou Yueyi is a smart man, and smart people are best at taking detours and shortcuts. After he learned that Huang Nishang was whipped by the senior sister, he immediately ran to Cangxiu Pavilion to visit.

But Huang Nishang was disfigured by a whip. How could she, who always cherished her appearance and cherished vanity, be willing to see people at this time

Zhou Yueyi had no choice but to ask other senior sisters and junior sisters. As a newcomer, Huang Nishang was so high-profile and sought after by others. Naturally, she would not be liked by her fellow senior sisters. But for Zhou Yueyi, who wanted to deliberately please Huang Nishang. , he automatically filtered out those frivolous things, but accurately grasped the contradictory center of the entire incident: the guy named Li Chengfeng.

In Zhou Yueyi's opinion, as long as he gives this guy named Li Chengfeng a hard lesson, he will naturally win a smile from the beauty.

So Zhou Yueyi came. He stared at Li Chengfeng, eager to try, but what he didn't expect was that Li Chengfeng was also staring at him, eager to try.

Zhou Yueyi sneered and said: "Come with me to Zangxiu Pavilion, eat ten heads in front of Junior Sister Huang Nishang, apologize, and I will spare you today!"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "Okay! You give them a hundred heads first, apologize, and then I'll go with you."

A trace of green energy flashed across Zhou Yueyi's face, and veins jumped up on his forehead: "Seeking death!"

Li Chengfeng stared at Zhou Yuiyi, fully alert: "Lingshan Sect does not allow private fights, how dare you take action?"

Zhou Yueyi laughed heartily, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes: "The Lingshan Sect is just not allowed to fight in private, but it didn't say... you're not allowed to beat people in private!"

As he spoke, he dodged, rushed in front of Li Chengfeng, and punched Li Chengfeng.

But he retained some strength in this punch, and did not intend to kill Li Chengfeng in one breath, but he never thought about who he wanted to cause trouble for!

If the opponent comes up and throws all kinds of spells at him, he will naturally be secretly worried. But if the opponent comes up and wants to compete with him, Li Chengfeng will laugh out of his dreams!

"Well done!" Li Chengfeng shouted, without giving in, he followed Zhou Yuiyi's fist and punched him in the head!

The two fists collided, and there was a click. Zhou Yueyi's heart immediately shook: I fuck your mother, who is this guy!

Then he felt a sharp pain, and he suspected that almost all the bones in his hand were broken!

Li Chengfeng has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and has been practicing martial arts for more than ten years now. He practiced Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer. He was unable to gather his own true energy, otherwise with the cauldron he was working on, the visualization of refining Qi would be as simple as eating and drinking water for him.

Moreover, Li Chengfeng's cauldron is not a cauldron that was trained in ordinary morning classes. His cauldron is a cauldron that was forged in actual combat!

Practitioners will never do it in a battle when they use their own skins and cauldrons, because every cultivator's physical skins are very important and are their only training container in the early stage. If they use the skins and cauldrons If it is destroyed, their path of cultivation will basically come to an end.

Therefore, the physical cauldron that they practice and endure is all trained in the morning and evening classes on weekdays. Although he is experienced in fighting, when it comes to the field of fist and kick fighting, Zhou Yui uses short strikes and long strikes. When Li Chengfeng first entered the world of cultivation, all he could do was to mobilize the spiritual energy of flowers, plants and trees. In actual combat, he only used the spiritual energy of flowers and plants to use tricks to deal with machine puppets, and succeeded with one blow.

He had no experience in human-on-human combat.

But the other party actually gave up what he was best at and came to the world where Li Chengfeng was best to compete with him. Li Chengfeng felt that the person in front of him was like a mobile novice gift bag!

In Zhou Yueyi's view, Li Chengfeng is just a newcomer. Even if he has some skills, how good can he be? He underestimated the enemy for a moment and was immediately hit hard!