Breaking the Day

Chapter 153: Don't wait when the magic circle falls


When Li Chengfeng saw his senior brother, he stepped forward and bowed, saying: "Senior brother, just now a senior brother from Zangqing Pavilion came to provoke him, but I, oh, we beat him away."

The senior brother was stunned and subconsciously looked at Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai, who were standing blankly not far away. He smiled disdainfully: "Them? Just them?"

The eldest brother snorted and said: "These two guys, who are even considered useless by Zangjin Pavilion and treated as dogs, can they also fight off the people from Zangqing Pavilion?"

Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai's faces turned red and they lowered their heads.

Although Li Chengfeng also looked down on these two people, the words uttered by the eldest brother made him particularly harsh. He said: "Elder brother, the commandments of the Hidden Sword Pavilion say that you are not allowed to bully your fellow disciples!"

The senior brother glanced at Li Chengfeng and said coldly: "A fellow disciple? That depends on whether they regard you as a fellow disciple!"

Li Chengfeng glanced at Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai, and muttered in his heart: The integrity of these two people is really unreliable.

The senior brother snorted coldly: "What are fellow disciples? They are people to whom you can entrust your back in battle! They are people to whom you can trust your life at the moment of life and death!! No matter how wronged you are, they will be unconditional People who believe in you!!! Are they worthy?"

The senior brother clenched his fists subconsciously, and there was a burning gaze in his eyes. At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the days when he was once all-powerful.

At that time, he was very high-spirited, and the Thirteen Lingtian Swords were famous in the world. The sword formation they formed was difficult to rival in the world!

When they activated the sword formation, they could feel that the thirteen people were connected to each other through the formation. They advanced and retreated together, fighting side by side. Even when they couldn't see each other, they still believed that the other party could block them. Attack everything!

Li Chengfeng was a little dumbfounded, and he asked: "So senior brother... are there any fellow disciples you mentioned in the Hidden Sword Pavilion now?"

This question left the senior brother speechless, and the light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

Li Chengfeng asked again: "Lingshan Sect, do you have any sect members like you mentioned?"

The senior brother smiled, and his smile was extremely lonely: "No more, no more! The entire Lingshan Sect, the entire cultivation world, no more!"

Li Chengfeng didn't know that what the senior brother was talking about was the end of an era of fighting: the era of magic circles!

In the era when Lingtian's Thirteen Swords were the most prestigious, even though the world was still dominated by top practitioners, the magic circle was still the best way to resist the strong with the weak. But when Lingtian's Thirteen Swords collapsed, The entire magic circle era also declined. Because what follows is a more serious and huge problem: trust and suspicion!

Not every cultivator can completely entrust everything to others. Just like the chain of suspicion mentioned by Qin Mieqin, as long as a small doubt arises, it will lead to a complete collapse!

Trust is the most powerful thing in the world, but it is also the most fragile. Sometimes it is unbreakable and indestructible, but sometimes it is fragile and can collapse at the touch of a finger!

A small magic circle is like what Li Chengfeng encountered in Yanjian Tang. Everyone can see the other's fighting status, so this kind of trust is easy to establish.

However, large magic circles, or very large magic circles, sometimes span more than ten miles in radius, and they cannot see each other at all, or even know each other's fighting status. If one person in the magic circle flees or even dies in battle due to fear or suspicion, it will lead to the total collapse of the magic circle, and the practitioners involved will most likely die on the spot due to the backlash effect caused by the collapse of the magic circle!

This is the reason why the magic circle declined and died!

After all, there will be no one more reliable than yourself in the world!

The senior brother's eyes were sad and painful, but this look only lasted for a moment. He quickly raised his head, stared at Li Chengfeng, and said: "You are late for morning class, go and get your punishment!"

Li Chengfeng smiled bitterly to himself: "What punishment?"

Senior Brother: "Go to the square and recite the precepts a hundred times!"

Li Chengfeng sighed secretly: "Yes!"

The senior brother said: "After memorizing it, come to the sword performance hall!"

Li Chengfeng's scalp felt numb: "Do you still want to break into the formation?"

The eldest brother sneered and said: "Nonsense, otherwise how will you, trash, fight in the future?"

Li Chengfeng was suffocating in his heart, but couldn't refute. He glanced at Zhao Xiaobao, who had picked up the Lightning Sword and Bone Spur, and the two of them went straight through the mountain gate and headed towards the Discipline Hall on the mountain.

The senior brother glanced at Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai who were trying to sneak away. He snorted coldly and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak. He just glanced at them lightly and turned around to leave.

But as everyone knows, it is this kind of indifference that sometimes hurts people more than harsh and angry curses.

Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai looked at the departing Li Chengfeng and Zhao Xiaobao from a distance, as well as the senior brother who glanced at them and said no more words. Both of them felt a chill in their hearts. At this moment, they felt that they had completely become A lonely man, abandoned by other Heavenly Pavilions and also by Hidden Sword Pavilion...

Li Chengfeng came to the commandment hall of the Hidden Sword Pavilion and recited the commandments of the commandment hall loudly in the empty commandment hall: ""Those who enter my sword pavilion are all my brothers. Drink Lingshan water in the morning and eat at Jiufengji at night. There are twelve rules in the sect, all of which have no meaning. Chanting in front of the Riri Hall, Chao Chao remembers in his heart: Anyone who deceives his master and destroys his ancestors, kill him! Those who are unfaithful and unfilial will be killed..."

These sonorous and powerful commandments echoed in the empty square. Compared with the time when Li Chengfeng heard more than a hundred people reciting them in unison before, they seemed particularly deserted and even... a little harsh.

The senior brother stood in the middle of the commandment hall with an expressionless face. His back was straight and his face was cold and solemn. It seemed that as long as there was someone below who was still reciting the commandments, he would maintain this majestic demeanor.

Li Chengfeng repeatedly recited the articles of the Discipline Hall, while Zhao Xiaobao watched silently. He was a little envious because he was not even qualified to be punished.

After reciting the commandments, Li Chengfeng retrieved the bone spur from Zhao Xiaobao and followed his senior brother to the Sword Performing Hall again.

When he came to the sword-playing hall again, he saw Su You and others waiting in front of the sword-playing hall early. They all had sad faces, and there were two fewer people than before: Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai.

However, in their opinion, these two lagging behinds might be more effective without them.

Su You's attitude towards Li Chengfeng obviously changed, especially when he saw Zhao Xiaobao, who was alive and unscathed, his eyes widened, and his gaze towards Li Chengfeng became more and more enthusiastic.

"Hey, Junior Brother Li is here, come on, come on!" Su You greeted Li Chengfeng and enthusiastically introduced the other people to him.

"This is Tianjun!"

The man named Tianjun was a man of average height and average appearance. He gave Li Chengfeng a slight salute.

"This is Zuo Fei, this is He Zhu, you can call him stupid!"

Zuo Fei was short and had a goatee, but his expression was a little unruly. He had a silly smile on his face. He scratched his head and bowed to Li Chengfeng.

There were eight people left in the battle last time, but this time, there were only six left.

Li Chengfeng smiled bitterly to himself. After he greeted these people one by one, Su You enthusiastically took Li Chengfeng's arm and said, "Junior Brother Chengfeng, this time we break into the formation, it's all up to you!"

Li Chengqian cursed a little bit: Emma, last time you thought I was in the way and didn't understand the magic circle, and now you're throwing all the blame on me. Is this really good