Breaking the Day

Chapter 159: If you want dignity, you must first respect yourself


Li Chengfeng stopped as soon as he saw what was going on, winked at Su You and others, and motioned for them to take Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai away.

The group of people "came here for fun" and returned in despair, with no intention of walking to the teleportation platform again. Li Chengfeng watched them leave like zombies, he sighed in his heart and shook his head.

Su You and his party left in disgrace amidst the waves of scoldings from the Zangjin Pavilion disciples. When they got out of the Zangjin Pavilion, Su You and others could no longer bear it and pushed Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai down. On the ground, he rushed up and kicked and punched him.

Zuo Fei was particularly angry. He waved his fists and rained them down without any order: "It's all you!! Bastards, it's all you!! You killed me!!"

Su Youye gritted his teeth and kicked him away. He said, "You two are worthless. Just think of yourself as useless. Why did you drag us to die together?"

Tianjun also had red eyes and kicked hard. Only the stupid guy on the side persuaded him: "Forget it, forget it, we are all from the same sect, don't do this."

Zuo Fei was so angry that he grabbed the big stupid man, raised his head and roared: "Fuck you, mother, just forget you are stupid, do you think we are stupid too! Do you know what happened just now?"

Before the stupid man could speak, he roared angrily: "We are dead. Do you know what it means? We can't stay in the Hidden Sword Pavilion, and we can't go to the Hidden Brocade Pavilion. What should we do now? Answer me!" "

The stupid man touched his head, grinned, and was speechless.

Zuo Fei roared: "Smile, laugh at your mother's size! Tell me, what should I do?"

The silly guy grabbed his hair, thought about it seriously, and said, "How about we go to Zangxiu Pavilion together?"

These words made both Su You and Tian Jun laugh out of anger: "Fuck your mother!"

Desperately and angrily, Zuo Fei pushed the stupid guy away, and he roared: "How did an idiot like you get recruited into the Hidden Sword Pavilion!!"

The silly guy thought about it seriously and said, "When senior brother was in my village, he saw that I was very strong, so he recruited me back."

Zuo Fei clenched his fists tightly, raised his head angrily and roared: "Oh my God!! Why are you so unfair! I, Zuo Fei, am dedicated to making progress, why did I suffer so many setbacks! Why did I go through all the hardships when I started, and this idiot is just a man of strength? An easy introduction to pooping! Why, exactly why!!”

Zuo Fei's voice was like an angry wave, rushing into the boundless sky and quickly dissipating without a trace.

The stupid man was not angry, he said with a dry smile: "Senior Brother Zuo, you can still be stronger. Maybe you will be stronger than me in the future!"

Zuo Fei glanced at this stupid big guy and let out a long sigh. Facing such a kind-hearted but stupid big guy, he was so full that he couldn't even express his temper.

Li Chengfeng looked at the silly big man He Zhu, and secretly compared the three fools in his family. He only felt that these four fools each had their own strengths and weaknesses, and each was surprisingly stupid and innovative.

Zuo Fei looked at Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai desperately. He looked at the two people holding their heads with their hands and huddled up. He suddenly felt angry and evil in his heart, and murderous intent gradually appeared in his eyes: "I can't survive, you guys." Don’t even think about living!!”

After saying that, a ball of flame swirled in his hand, and he walked towards Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai with murderous intent.

Upon seeing this, the two men immediately howled like pigs, turned over and kowtowed: "Senior Brother Zuo, please spare your life, Senior Brother Zuo, please spare your life!"

"Spare your life? I'll spare your life, who the hell will spare my life!" Zuo Fei gritted his teeth, his eyes were red. As soon as he raised his hand, the flame in his hand was about to blast towards the two of them.


Just as Zuo Fei was about to move his hand, a hand grabbed his arm. Zuo Fei turned around and saw Li Chengfeng grabbing his hand and shaking his head at him.

"Let go!" Zuo Fei said ferociously.

Li Chengfeng said: "Senior Brother Zuo, even if you kill them, it won't help! Why don't we discuss countermeasures!"

Zuo Fei roared: "Countermeasures? There are no other countermeasures! These two idiots ruined our plan!"

After that, he wrenched his hand away from Li Chengfeng's hand and blasted towards the two of them.

When Li Chengfeng saw this, he quickly stopped and grabbed Zuo Fei's arm. He said loudly: "Senior Brother Zuo, haven't you noticed that Senior Brother Zhou from Zangjin Pavilion is clearly teasing us! They are simply It’s impossible to recruit us again!!”

Zuo Fei trembled slightly. Of course he knew this, but his anger and resentment had to be vented somewhere, and these two guys, Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai, became the people to vent his anger.

Zuo Fei said angrily: "How do you know!"

Li Chengfeng sighed and said: "Brother Zuo, some things are just like doing business. If you miss the opportunity, no matter how good the goods are, they will be worthless! Their purpose is to empty the Hidden Sword Pavilion. Now they The purpose has been achieved, why do we still need to take in the remaining few people?"

"And for them, they will also doubt our sincerity and authenticity of joining now! Maybe, after we join, our life will be worse than that of Hidden Sword Pavilion. At least... In Hidden Sword Pavilion, I... you will not be Considered a spy!"

Su You listened silently, and then he suddenly spoke slowly: "I think what Junior Brother Chengfeng said makes sense."

Zuo Fei smiled miserably, the flame in his hand slowly extinguished, he sighed, turned around and left.

Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai breathed a sigh of relief and quickly kowtowed to Li Chengfeng: "Thank you Master Chengfeng... Brother, thank you Brother Chengfeng!"

Li Chengfeng laughed out of anger. He stepped forward and kicked the two of them over, then grabbed them and said angrily: "There is gold under the man's knees! Don't you know! I kneel down and kneel down at every turn, but you still know How do you stand and talk?"

Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai trembled slightly. Zhao Yibai smiled and said, "Senior Brother Chengfeng, we..."

Li Chengfeng interrupted him angrily: "It's Junior Brother Chengfeng, Junior Brother, Junior Brother, do you know!! Can you have some shame!! Don't you have a little bit of self-respect? As monks, as men, you Where is your dignity and face! If your parents knew that you were kneeling on your knees to the sky and kneeling to your parents’ knees, and kneeling when you saw people, what would they think!!”

Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai's lips trembled, and they collapsed on the ground. Qu Tongqiu wiped his tears and cried: "Junior brother, I also want to stand up and straighten my back to speak! But no one looks down on me! Then I What can I do!”

Zhao Yibai also cried: "Yes, we all want to become stronger, but in order to practice and survive, what can we do!"

Li Chengfeng grabbed Zhao Yibai and said angrily: "Get up, get up! I tell you, I am just like you, I came here to practice in order to become stronger and protect my family! For these purposes , there are some things we can give up, sometimes we can give up, but there are some things we can never give up at any time!! That is self-esteem!!!"

"You yourself look down on yourself, how can you expect others to look down on you? Anyone in the world can look down on you, but you can't look down on yourself! Do you hear me!"

"If you even look down on yourself, how can you become stronger! I give you the best magic weapon in the world, can you use it? Can you use it?"

"If you don't even look down on yourself, will your parents look down on you?"

"If you want others to respect you, you must first learn to respect yourself and learn to respect yourself. Do you understand?"

"Practice to become stronger, live forever, and protect your family. These are all important!! But what is more important is your self-esteem and self-love! You look down on your origins and look down on the Hidden Sword Pavilion. How can you let the people in the Hidden Sword Pavilion look down on you? Woolen cloth!!"

Li Chengfeng's words were referring to Sang and Huai. He roared like a barrage of words. Every word he said was like Hong Zhongdalu. It deeply shocked Su You and others beside them, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Qu Tongqiu and Zhao Yibai seemed to be hurt by Li Chengfeng. After Li Chengfeng let go, they collapsed on the ground and burst into tears.

Su You's eyes on the side were also red. He stepped forward, as if he had met the junior brother in front of him for the first time: "Junior Brother Chengfeng! Tomorrow... you will go to the Discipline Hall to do morning classes and the Sword Performance Hall. Breaking through the magic circle?"

Li Chengfeng stared deeply at this senior brother with red eyes and tears hidden in his eyes. He smiled and nodded vigorously: "Go! Not only will I go tomorrow, but also the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and every day!!"

Su You nodded slowly: "Okay, I'll go with you!"

Tianjun also wiped away his tears and said decisively: "I'll go too!"

The silly guy grinned and said, "I'll go too!"

Li Chengfeng stretched out his hand, stared at them firmly, and said, "Senior brother!"

Su You, Tianjun and the silly guy glanced at his hand and put it on their hands: "Junior brother!"

Zhao Xiaobao watched with excitement and wanted to step forward and extend his hand, but he didn't dare. It wasn't until Li Chengfeng glanced at him and signaled with his eyes that he stepped forward with a smile, put his hands together, and the five of them reached out to each other. They looked at each other and burst out laughing, as if the clouds had opened and the sun was shining brightly.