Breaking the Day

Chapter 60: There are catastrophes and catastrophes


Li Chengfeng didn't have any dreams this time. When he woke up, he found that it was already late at night. He was lying next to a bonfire, covered with some clothes that he didn't know where he came from. They looked a little short and tight and did not fit him. . He looked around blankly. He was in a narrow cave. The jumping flames heated the cave very warmly. His figure was reflected on the walls of the cave by the light of the fire. From time to time, due to the sound of the flames, Twisting and shaking slightly.

This... is not dead again

Li Chengfeng thought of something and quickly touched his feet. He found that the skin on his feet was much whiter than other places, as if it had grown new.

Li Chengfeng frowned, thoughtfully.

Just as he was thinking about it, a tangy aroma wafted from outside, and Li Chengfeng's stomach growled. He turned over and rushed out in two steps. He saw Su Yuehan rolling rabbit meat on the grill. , while nibbling on a roasted rabbit leg.

"Ah..." Su Yuehan saw him and was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Master, are you awake?"

Li Chengfeng sat next to her with his clothes on, staring at her without saying a word.

Su Yuehan looked at his eyes and stopped chewing hard. She said aggrievedly: "Master... yours haven't been baked yet. This slave has already eaten it. You..." As she said that, she handed it over in a pretentious manner. Rabbit legs, that expression clearly said: I'm going to be polite, don't eat it, don't eat it!

Who is Li Chengfeng

The young man unceremoniously took the rabbit leg and said, "I don't dislike you!"

Su Yuehan gritted her teeth secretly: But I dislike you!

Su Yuehan forced a smile and had no choice but to vent her anger on the unroasted barbecue.

"It tastes good. Where did you get it?" Li Chengfeng nodded, and while eating happily, he gestured with his new clothes with his hands.

Su Yuehan was a little timid and said: "My slave... I stole this slave. Please punish me, Master."

Li Chengfeng glanced at her and said, "Where did you steal it?"

Su Yuehan said: "There is a farmer two miles away from here. I stole it there."

Li Chengfeng smiled: "You dragged me here? Can you drag me?"

Su Yuehan forced a smile and said: "Little by little."

Li Chengfeng put down the rabbit leg in his hand, stared at Su Yuehan sharply, and said, "Then were you the one who treated my injuries?"

Su Yuehan was startled and waved her hands quickly, saying: "No, no, yes, yes..."

Li Chengfeng said in a deep voice: "Speak! Make it clear!"

Su Yuehan bit her lip and rubbed her clothes with her fingers: "The young master cured it himself."

Li Chengfeng's eyes narrowed: "Speak more carefully."

Su Yuehan looked at him timidly and said: "Young master, there is a strange light in your body. After it flows out of your body, the flowers and plants around you will continue to come to you, and then grow on your body, and slowly your injuries will … Enough."

Li Chengfeng was shocked: It seems that those two dreams did not appear out of thin air! Those two dreams... obviously meant something else!

Li Chengfeng subconsciously looked at his hands and thought to himself: What on earth is going on? I... who am I

In the night, low sounds of insects came from all around. Li Chengfeng was silent and Su Yuehan sat quietly beside him. Only the crackling and burning sound of the fire continued to sound.

"Young Master..." After a while, Su Yuehan called out timidly.

Li Chengfeng came back to his senses and said, "What?"

Su Yuehan probed: "Is the young master really not a reincarnated god?"

Li Chengfeng's face suddenly became very ugly. He forced a smile and said, "Definitely not." After saying that, his face changed and he said to Su Yuehan, "Don't mention this matter to anyone in the future, otherwise you will be killed." disaster."

Su Yuehan was startled and nodded quickly.

Li Chengfeng and Su Yuehan warned him, but he didn't even bother to eat. He looked down at his hands and thought to himself: If he could live and die without flesh and bones, then he would be great.

But, how to use this power

Li Chengfeng thought for a while, but after all, he didn't try to run the merit score he had written down in front of Su Yuehan.

Su Yuehan was roasting meat on the side and quietly sizing up Li Chengfeng. Seeing his uncertain expression, she said, "Young Master..."

"Huh?" Li Chengfeng came back to his senses.

Su Yuehan said: "My slave, you look very unhappy, but are you worried about my mother and the others?"

Li Chengfeng sighed: "They are all there." He glanced at Su Yuehan, and then he realized that the pretty woman in front of him had a frighteningly pale face, and her lips were almost bloodless. He was startled: "What did you do? ?Made like this?"

Su Yuehan forced a smile and said: "I'm just tired. I'll be fine after a nap. Young Master, if we survived this disaster, we will be blessed in the future!"

Li Chengfeng smiled bitterly and said: "I see, there must be a catastrophe to survive a catastrophe!"

"Huh?" Su Yuehan was startled, "Where do you start talking about this?"

Li Chengfeng looked in the direction of Cheng'an City and narrowed his eyes slightly. His tone was calm, but there was murderous intent in his voice: "Do you think this monster stork that is only found in the northwest will appear out of thin air?"

Su Yuehan said: "Master, what do you mean..."

Li Chengfeng sighed softly: "The trees want to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, so I say that after this catastrophe, there must be a catastrophe!"

Su Yuehan said timidly: "Master, let's run away a little further? Even if we come to the Zhan family, we won't be able to chase him to the end of the world."

Li Chengfeng shook his head and said: "No, it's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that cannot be avoided. It cannot be escaped!"

Su Yuehan whispered: "But... that's the Zhan family!"

Li Chengfeng smiled slightly: "Have you ever seen an arch bridge?"

Su Yuehan curled her lips and said: "Master, this slave is not a country girl who has never seen the world."

Li Chengfeng said: "Then you know that no matter how huge or high an arch bridge is, it has a fatal weakness. As long as you can find where that weakness is and then extract that piece of stone, this huge arch bridge will immediately Collapse!"

Su Yuehan asked: "A thousand-mile embankment was destroyed by an ant nest?"

Li Chengfeng clapped his hands and said, "After all, I learned it from my family."

Su Yuehan became interested. She let go of the barbecue stick and asked, "Then what is the Zhan family's weakness?"

Li Chengfeng reached out and grabbed the barbecue and started to turn it. He said simply: "I don't know!"

Su Yuehan was furious and looked at Li Chengfeng with an expression like "What the hell are you talking about?"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said: "You will always find it. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and it will naturally be straight when you reach the bedside."

"Ah?" Su Yuehan said in astonishment, "Master, don't bully me because I don't have enough education. Isn't it natural that the ship will straighten up when it reaches the bridge?"

Li Chengfeng winked and said, "No, people are naturally straight when they reach the head of the bed. Do you kneel on the bed to sleep every day?"

Su Yuehan couldn't help laughing: "Young Master is so poor!"

Li Chengfeng took off the barbecue, smelled it vigorously, and said intoxicatedly: "It smells good!"

Su Yuehan watched eagerly, nodding her head vigorously: "Yeah, it smells so good!"

Li Chengfeng said: "Then I will eat more and you can smell more."

Su Yuehan: "..."