Breaking the Day

Chapter 61: The devil knocked on the door and entered Li's house


The monster stork suddenly appeared outside Cheng'an City and attacked the Xiyue Li family who were on their way to worship their ancestors, causing thirteen deaths, twenty injuries, and eleven missing people. Li Chengfeng, the young master of the Xiyue Sect's Li family, was One of the missing ones.

As soon as this incident was reported in Cheng'an, it immediately caused a sensation in the whole city. The prefect Zhang Junheng immediately announced the mobilization of the city defense army and opened the arsenal of magical weapons. He took out thirty armor-breaking bows, fifty demon-controlling shields, and one hundred demon-breaking spears. He drove a thousand soldiers to attack the monster stork.

Later, a report came from outside the city that the prefect led his army and fought fiercely with the monster stork for half a day, and shot it down the cliff to death. He had returned in triumph.

The people in Cheng'an City clapped their hands and cheered, extremely happy! But no one knows who actually shot down and killed the stork.

Great Qi has been at peace for a long time, especially in areas where there has been no war for a long time. The only war that may occur is the disaster caused by these monsters and monsters. Once they appear, they will often cause a bloody storm, causing countless deaths and injuries.

This time, the governor reacted very quickly. The army prepared and set off almost as soon as they received the news. They solved the problem immediately and won the praise of the whole city.

Zhang Junheng unceremoniously took the credit for killing the fierce stork. He believed that no one would dare to take the credit from him.

At the same time, the Li family was attacked and had to return to Cheng'an for repairs. This time the Li family was severely damaged. Thanks to the good health he had gained in his youth, Li Chun, who had an extremely strong body, was seriously injured, but he was still alive. Danger.

But Li Chengfeng's disappearance plunged the Li family into extreme panic, and the Xie family was on the verge of collapse.

"Agatha, you go to Bai Zhitang to get some medicine, and remember to ask Dr. Zhou for another consultation. The master's condition is somewhat relapsing."

"Asba, go to the east of the city to find Feibao from Zhongyi Hall and ask him to bring ten good men over. Three days and two nights, one tael of silver per person, go quickly."

"Uncle Cheng, I will leave the kitchen to you and Aunt Li. Remember to enter the account and check for safety."

"Hey, what are you doing standing there? Carry your things to the backyard first instead of blocking them in the front yard? How stupid!"

"You, what's your name? Forget it, don't worry about it. You go and take care of Sun Niang. You don't have to worry about this place. You're just causing trouble."

As soon as she returned to the Li family's old house, Mrs. Xie went straight to the ancestral hall in the backyard and did not come out for two days and two nights. The front hall was naturally directed by Luzhu.

Luzhu has been following Xie for many years and has learned a lot of skills. After several times of command and dispatch, he was very organized and not in a panic.

But for Luzhu, there was deep worry hidden in her tightly frowned eyebrows. She turned back and glanced in the direction of the backyard. What happened to her mother and the head of the family? Will the Li family completely collapse as a result

Luzhu grew up in the Li family since she was a child, and was raised by Xie. Luzhu, who did not know who her mother was, had long regarded Xie as her mother and the Li family as her home. Naturally, she Knowing that all the hopes and future of the Li family are tied to one person, that is the usually arrogant young master Li Chengfeng.

The Li family gritted their teeth and paid an offering to the Lingshan sect that far exceeded their own income. The purpose was to support a monk from the Lingshan sect. Once Li Chengfeng became a great cultivator, the Li family's comeback would be just around the corner!

But now...

Everything has come to nothing!

Thinking of this, Luzhu felt so sad that she couldn't help herself. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and pretended to be calm while directing the others to go about their business.

Zhao Xiaobao is not here at this time. The family lacks both a concealed weapon expert who can look after the house and the courtyard, and a housework expert who can do both inside and outside. In addition, several servants of the Li family have been injured and died, and the manpower is inevitably stretched. .

Fortunately, Mr. Xie had the foresight to buy Agatha and Asba, so there was finally no one available.

At this time, the front hall of the huge Li family residence was filled with a strong smell of medicine. Luzhu himself was busy tending to the injured servants and serving tea and water.

"Luzhu...sister!" Agatha's words were not standard, but much better than Asba's. She rushed in panting, out of breath.

Luzhu quickly handed over a glass of water and said, "Sister Agatha, please speak slowly. What did Dr. Zhou say? Are you unwilling to come for consultation?"

Agatha drank the water in one gulp and nodded: "Yes, the boy who stayed behind said that Dr. Zhou was invited by the guard to treat his old mother."

Lu Zhu punched a pillar on the side: "Damn it! Jiang Shoubei's mother passed away the year before last! If you use it as an excuse at this time, wouldn't it be an insult to our Li family?"

Agatha advised: "Sister Luzhu, there is a saying in our tribe that only by surviving the wind and snow can we see the sunny sky. People with eyesight should not care about it like a blind person."

Luzhu forced a smile in front of Agatha and said, "Thank you for your hard work. You take care of them here. I will go to the back hall to see my mother."

Agatha nodded. She was not a pampered person. She rolled up her sleeves and prepared to serve others. At this time, she heard a door knocking outside, followed by the sound of rushing footsteps.

Agatha was very familiar with the sound of footsteps. She shouted loudly in her native dialect: "Asba, is that you?"

Sure enough, Asba's voice came from outside. Agatha's face suddenly became happy, but Luzhu frowned even more tightly.

Asba rushed in sweating profusely. Agatha wiped his sweat with her sleeves distressedly, but he gently pushed her away. He said to Luzhu: "They, they refused to come, and..."

Luzhu's hands tightened: "And what?"

"Outside, there are a lot of people coming outside..."

Luzhu clasped his fingers together tightly: "What are so many?"

Asba looked horrified: "So many people!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a harsh, arrogant and domineering voice coming from outside the hall: "Oh, it's so lively!"

Lu Zhu's heart tightened, and she took a deep breath. All the previous grief and a little weakness were forgotten. At this moment, she looked very much like Mrs. Xie.

Luzhu saw a green-skinned gangster with medium build, slender shoulders and hunched back walking in casually. This man was notorious in Cheng'an, he could make children stop crying, and was known as "You San Ye" when ghosts see you. Everyone in Cheng'an would compliment him "You San Ye".

You San's bad character and vicious actions, which killed Liu Zhixi and Yin Chai's Zhou Qingyang, compared to Zhou Qingyang, he was like a good man from the ninth generation.

You San's real name is unknown. At the age of nine, he was whipped twice by his master for stealing radishes. He held a grudge and set fire to his master's family of 32 members at night. Later, although he was wanted and Man Chengan was on the run, he committed several major murder cases.

In November of the 21st year of the Apocalypse, in Hejian County, Sanhe County, local squire Zhao Quanzhen met You San who was running around and fainted from hunger on the street. He kindly took him home, but unexpectedly brought back a devil. On the surface, You San cares about the Zhao family, but secretly he covets the beauty of Zhao Quanzhen's daughter. Two months later, You San attempts to molest the Zhao family's youngest daughter and is discovered by Zhao Quanzhen. Zhao Quanzhen angrily scolds You San and attempts to drive him away. You San once again showed his ferocity and hacked to death all members of the Zhao family, leading to an unsolved case that shocked the whole family.

On February eve of the 22nd year of Tianqi, the exiled You San entangled his accomplices and disguised himself as a passing businessman. When he was staying in Qian's Village, he suddenly launched an attack and looted Qian's Village. All died tragically in Dazhong.

In May of the 23rd year of Tianqi, Daqi sent a famous arrester Zheng Jinghong to hunt down You San. Zheng Jinghong tried to use You San's still-living mother as a trap to lure him out. Unexpectedly, You San made the first move and sneaked in secretly. Returning to his hometown, he killed his old mother with his own hands and escaped again.

At this time, the sensational Qiu Wei fraud case occurred in the DPRK. Zheng Jinghong, a famous arrester, was involved in it. Not only did he lose his official position, but he even lost his head. Because of this case, fierce party disputes arose in the DPRK. There were five major sects involved in the practice. At that time, heads were rolling up and down in the Da Qi court hall, and blood was flowing.

Zheng Jinghong died and his house was ransacked, causing a huge impact on the six doors. Not only were Zheng Jinghong and his gang of arrests imprisoned, but many major and important cases were also left uninvestigated and the files were lost. As a result, You San escaped. , disappeared without a trace.

In the twenty-fourth year of the Apocalypse, You San appeared in Cheng'an and transformed into a worshiper of the Haiyan Gang in the city. Over the past few years, he became inextricably involved with the government. He changed his name to You San, which was very important to himself. However, he did not shy away from the past and would brag about it whenever he was drunk.

This ruthless and inhumane You San has become a demon that changes the color of Cheng'an City because every house he goes to will be destroyed!


It’s a new day, come on, children, log in to read, and collect flowers!