Breaking the Day

Chapter 78: Success comes from hard work, but failure comes from play


When Huang Nishang saw Li Chengfeng sitting on the stone steps eating and drinking, she immediately shouted, "Hey, you are too leisurely! We are exhausted from the work, and your leisurely stroll is better than traveling in the mountains and rivers!"

With that said, she sat down not far from Li Chengfeng, beat her knees, rubbed her ankles, and looked hard at the dried meat and water in Li Chengfeng's hands.

Li Chengfeng smiled at her and ate his own dried meat.

Huang Nishang watched helplessly from the side, and deliberately coughed, as if "you treat me to food, I will reluctantly do it."

Li Chengfeng looked at her sympathetically: "How is it? Does it smell good?"

Huang Nishang tried her best to maintain her ladylike appearance and swallowed unconsciously. She deliberately looked disdainful and said with an arrogant look: "I didn't smell it."

Li Chengfeng said with a smile: "Then I'll eat another piece, and you can smell it again." As he said that, he ate another piece, deliberately chewing it loudly, and making a slurping sound in his mouth.

Huang Nishang was so angry that her eyebrows stood up. She was about to explode, but she endured it. She sneered and said: "It stinks! It doesn't smell good at all."

Li Chengfeng secretly laughed in his heart and ate alone. After a while, he said, "You didn't prepare any food or water for yourself?"

Huang Nishang complained: "Who knew that the third level this time would actually involve climbing a ladder to heaven!"

Li Chengfeng asked: "Is it different every time?"

Huang Nishang said: "Every selection ceremony of each sect has different assessment items. This is to prevent candidates from preparing in advance or cheating."

Li Chengfeng nodded, picked up the dried meat in his hand, and handed it over. Just as Huang Nichang was about to take it, Li Chengfeng suddenly withdrew his hand, glared, and said, "What are you doing!"

Huang Nishang also stared: "What are you doing? Didn't you let me eat it?"

Li Chengfeng stared at her seriously: "Shameless! You don't even think it smells good, I just let you smell it!"

Huang Nishang was so angry that her belly almost exploded. She forced a smile, leaned forward slightly, and her upper body outlined a beautiful arc. Her eyes were full of smiles, and she blew like a blue breath: "Brother Li, do you think I'm beautiful?"

Li Chengfeng took a serious look at Huang Nishang and said, "Well, if your face can cover up these two flaws, you will be perfect."

When it comes to appearance, no woman in the world would make a joke. Huang Nishang suddenly became serious: "Which two places?"

Li Chengfeng said seriously: "One is the left half of your face, and the other is the right half of your face."

Huang Nishang's eyebrows suddenly stood upside down: "Li Chengfeng, I want to duel with you!"

Li Chengfeng immediately waved the meat stick in front of her and said with a smile, "Want to eat?"

Huang Nishang was so angry that she almost exploded. On the two very serious issues of dignity and belly, she had to make an ultimate choice!

Huang Nishang gritted her teeth, stretched out her hand, and said, "Give it to me!"

Li Chengfeng placed the dried meat on the palm of her hand. Huang Nishang raised her chin slightly, looking like she was returning from victory: Didn't you give me something to eat in the end

But just as she was about to pick up the dried meat to eat, she saw Li Chengfeng suddenly struck like lightning and snatched the dried meat from her palm, then quickly threw it into her mouth.

Huang Nishang took a closer look and saw that the dried meat in her palm had disappeared and was replaced by a branch!

Huang Nishang was immediately furious and was about to explode when she saw Li Chengfeng chewing dried meat and saying slowly: "You didn't even react just now. How can you be my opponent? If I had taken your life just now, it would be a piece of cake!"

Huang Nishang was suddenly startled and shuddered. She subconsciously took a step back and looked at Li Chengfeng with a vigilant expression: "Private fights are not allowed in Lingshan! Anyone who violates this rule will have their skills depleted and will be expelled from Lingshan!"

Li Chengfeng sneered, swallowed the dried meat, took another sip of water, and said, "Let's go, please work harder!" Huang Nichang was so angry that tears filled her eyes, and she looked at Li Chengfeng stubbornly, Without saying a word, he waited until he was far away, then whispered through gritted teeth: "I'd better throw you to death later!"

But after saying this curse, her stomach growled again, and all her resentment immediately dissipated. She sat down miserably, and couldn't help crying.

At this moment, something suddenly flew over from the clouds and mist above. Huang Nishang subconsciously picked it up and saw a small cloth bag in her hand. Li Chengfeng's voice rang out from the clouds and mist above: "Hey, five thousand taels." Ah, you owe me five thousand taels of silver!"

Huang Nishang said angrily: "Go to hell! This piece of crap costs five thousand taels! I won't give it to you!!"

At this time, Li Chengfeng didn't reply anymore. He didn't know whether he had gone far away, and his voice couldn't be heard, so he still didn't hear it.

Huang Nishang opened the cloth bag and saw about seven or eight meat sticks inside. Her eyes suddenly turned red and tears fell on it. She picked up one stick fiercely and ate it while cursing: "You bastard thing." , How dare you sell me five thousand taels of silver for a few broken meat sticks! I won’t give it to you!! In Songshan, there are so many people queuing up to treat me to eat, but I don’t even appreciate this girl!!”

Li Chengfeng ate and drank enough, and continued to climb up. After climbing another five thousand steps, Li Chengfeng had already left dozens of people behind before he knew it. At this time, Li Chengfeng's clothes were all gone. Already wet, he was sweating profusely. He looked at the kettle he carried with him a little worriedly and found that there was not much water in it.

Li Chengfeng looked up and saw that it was already getting late. Even through the clouds and mist, he could see the setting sun hanging far away in the sky. The remaining blood-red sunset glow would disappear into the sky at any time.

But on this stone staircase, Li Chengfeng still felt that the future was long and the top was still far away!

Li Chengfeng sighed and thought to himself: It looks like we are going to spend the night on this mountain road! It's easy to spend the night in the wild, but what if there's no water

He was worried when he suddenly heard a rumble in the sky, and the downpour started without warning. Li Chengfeng didn't have time to think about it. He was so happy that he immediately opened the lid of the kettle and filled it with rainwater. When it was full, he laughed. He smiled and said: "There is no perfect path for man!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the rain in the sky suddenly stop, as if it had never rained at all!

After this sudden stop, Li Chengfeng suddenly realized that the rain was definitely not an accident. It must be that the senior brothers or uncles in the sect were afraid that they would be trapped on the stone steps due to lack of water.

Li Chengfeng thought for a while, and took advantage of the last bit of sunshine to climb up another thousand steps. At this time, the sky was completely dark. The clothes that were soaked on Li Chengfeng's body were dry again, and he curled up on his own. They formed a ball, fell down next to the stone steps, and fell asleep with vigilance.

The stone steps were uneven and extremely hard. Li Chengfeng only slept for two or three hours before he suddenly woke up.

Although he only slept for a while, Li Chengfeng still felt sore all over, even though his body had been in good shape since he was a child.

Li Chengfeng moved his hands and feet, and using the light of the stars and moon in the sky, he began to climb forward.

The tortoise and the hare race, the tortoise succeeds through persistence, and the hare fails through play. The tortoise is a hundred times slower than the hare, but it still wins the final victory. This shows how important the power of final persistence is.

What's more, compared with others, Li Chengfeng is not only not a tortoise, but a hare!

Although he was the last to start, Li Chengfeng, who insisted on maintaining a constant speed and rationally distributing his physical strength, once again caught up with the group of people in front of him at dawn. He officially began to surpass the very few people in the lead.

What Li Chengfeng found interesting was that as he climbed higher, the stone steps became wider, and there were even forks in the road!

Li Chengfeng stood at the first fork in the road and fell into deep thought: What does this fork in the road mean? Is it testing our choices or our determination? If I choose the wrong way, will I not reach the destination or will I take a detour