Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 100


"I have seen this bullet." Jiang paused, then said, "To be exact, I have seen this batch of bullets."

Yan Yan was a little surprised: "What?"

Jiang Ting raised his chin towards the phone and asked, "Do you know what the metal lettering on the bottom of the cartridge case and outside the fire cup means?"

This is not a difficult question. Although Yan Yan's police academy theory class is average, the man's natural love for guns and firearms makes him not forget this part of the knowledge: "The code name of the arsenal and the year of production, what's wrong?"

"This bullet is engraved 421, 04, that is, in 2004, it was produced by the Southwest Fuling Group code-named 421. The Southwest Fuling Group was one of the earliest military enterprises in China. Before liberation, it mainly produced various types of bullets and Cannonballs, like most of the ordnance companies at that time, slowly transformed into auto parts and motorcycle manufacturing companies due to policy changes after the reform and opening up.”

"Until the beginning of this century, Fuling Group began to undertake some military projects. Most of the guns and bullets produced were supplied to the Southwest Military Region after the supply and demand department was rectified, and a small amount was supplied to the public security system. Around 2003, Fuling Group responded to the national military industry. In response to the policy, internal adjustments have been made, and some types of firearms and bullets have been changed from all-brass shells to aluminum and copper-plated, and all 9mm pistol bullets produced after the Spring Festival in 2004 have become copper-plated."

Yan Yan suddenly understood something.

The bullet casings he photographed are obviously all copper, that is to say, the production date can only be from January 1, 2004 to the short twenty days before the Spring Festival!

"Yes." Jiang Ting didn't need to look at it to know what he was thinking: "Excluding the New Year's Day holiday, the actual start time should only be about ten days. Then estimate the total production capacity of Fuling Group and the production volume of other types of bullets, and the market number All-brass 9mm Luger bullets for 412 and 04 should be very rare."

Yan Yan immediately asked, "Then as long as we investigate the whereabouts of this batch of bullets, can we not target the suspect?"

- As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he realized his absurdity.

It is impossible for the arsenal of others to obediently ask him to investigate. From the perspective of bullets, it is less reliable than applying for a report to the Ministry of Public Security to compare the rifled data of police guns across the country.

But Jiang Ting didn't make fun of him. Instead, he nodded: "That's exactly the way of thinking."

Yan Yan: "..." Are you looking for steps for your husband in disguise

Jiang Ting didn't seem to notice Yan Yan's expression, or he found it but didn't bother to pay attention to it - Judging from Jiang Ting's minimalist style, the latter is more likely.

"As I said, I have seen this batch numbered bullet in the Gongzhou Anti-drug Detachment a few years ago. If its production is very, very rare, and it once existed in the Gongzhou public security system, then According to the general principles of product distribution in ordnance enterprises, it is very likely that the entire batch of brass 9mm Luger ammunition was supplied to Gongzhou. Go abroad."

Jiang Ting's narration was steady and quiet, but Yan Yan was stunned for a while before asking, "...Are you sure?"


Jiang Ting said that there is a high probability, which basically means certainty.

"But how do you know the inside story of the Fuling Group's production of bullets, and how can you remember the bullet number from a few years ago?"

Jiang Ting smiled, and the smile under the lamp shadow was not obvious, as if he only twitched the corners of his mouth lightly, "I have always paid more attention to this. Besides, the production of bullets in our country is changed from brass to copper plating. Anyone who pays a little attention to military news will know. Bar."

This is obviously perfunctory.

He must have seen the subtlety in Yan Yan's eyes, Jiang Ting added a rare sentence, this time the meaning of the wry smile could not be concealed: "The price of full copper bullets and copper plated bullets are different... Should I continue to explain? "

Yan Yan half-opened his mouth, silently "ah" for a moment, patted Jiang Ting's shoulder, and said with a smile, "You were a master of spying everywhere in Gongzhou back then."

Jiang Ting replied flatly: "Do you think it's easy for ordinary people to fight monsters and upgrade in the Gongzhou system? Judging from the average professional level of Jianning Municipal Bureau, the difficulty of Gongzhou dungeon is almost yours multiplied by ten and then squared."

Yan Yan didn't care about Jiang Ting's usual ridicule of Jianning Municipal Bureau. He was used to being ridiculed anyway. What he was more concerned about was: "But how can we be sure now? Only the local public security bureau can check the rifled data of police pistols. , but Gongzhou…”

It is theoretically feasible to report to the Ministry of Public Security according to the process and then investigate it layer by layer. But after a long time in the system, even a former idealist like Yan Yu knows very well that many things are often invisible through the naked eye from "theoretically feasible" to "practically feasible".

After a year and a half of rifling is compared, maybe the grass on Yan Yan's grave has grown to half a person's height.

Jiang Zing opened his mouth and seemed a little hesitant to speak, before he breathed softly for a moment: "There is a way."

Yan Yan narrowed his eyes, only to hear him spit out three words: "Qi Sihao."

Qi Sihao, the policeman of the Second Detachment of Drug Enforcement, and Jiang Ting's subordinate, is now the first captain of the Gongzhou Criminal Investigation Team.

A man who is careful and thoughtful, and is a bit hob-like bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, when facing Yan Yan, he deliberately put on a straight-cut uniform to straighten his waist.

Yan Yun had never seen an old front-line detective with a soft and cold palm, and even Deputy Bureau Wei, who had been in the leadership post for a long time, couldn't get rid of the scars and calluses on his palm, but Qi Sihao was the first.

"Is there a breakthrough in him?" Yan Yan sat up straight and asked sternly.


Yan Yan glanced at Jiang Ting's expression, and suddenly reacted: "You went to Gongzhou with Yang Mei this time to make sure of this?"

Maybe because Jiang Ting has warmed up, his pale and blue complexion has returned to normal, and the whiteness is very uniform, so his hair and pupils appear to be unusually black, even a bit dark: "You still remember us The package of fentanyl compounds found on Hu Weisheng's rooftop."

Yan Yan certainly remembered that Jiang Ting tried to hide the bag of blue powder when he saw it for the first time.

Jiang Ting said: "I took it away at the time, not because I wanted to take drugs..."

"I know." Yan Yan interrupted him, with a faint smile passing through his eyes: "You are for the transparent bag that contains the drugs."

Jiang Ting did not expect that he would know the answer, and raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

"I later thought about why you wanted to hide this package of drugs. If it was just because of the drugs themselves, Hu Weisheng was arrested. Sooner or later, the new fentanyl compounds were discovered by the police. There are so many 'blue and gold' transactions on the border. The police It just takes a little more time to get the sample. That is to say, what you are trying to hide is not the blue gold itself, but other clues."

Yan Yan approached slightly, stared at Jiang Ting's black and white eyes, and said with a smile, "It's the... handwritten label on the sealed transparent bag."

- Nine boxes of 7704 in Group C.

In the lower right corner of the sealed bag, the handwriting on the yellowed label has faded slightly, clearly appearing in front of Jiang Ting's eyes.

Yan Yan was too close, and the oppression in the male instinct was faintly covered.

Jiang Ting leaned back slightly, squinted his eyes and looked up and down the handsome face of Deputy Yan Detachment. After a while, he snorted from his nose: "Although your reflex nerve arc has been dull for five months..."

Vice Detachment Yan accepted it humbly as a compliment.

"…but how did you react?"

"Oh, it was actually two days ago that Bureau Lu asked me to go to the Prohibited and Unsold Warehouse to help with the review. I saw the seized stolen goods sent by the Anti-Narcotics Detachment. There was a box of heroin sorted into small bags, and each bag was sealed with a sticker. Mark it." Yan Yan blinked slyly: "I used to only search for drugs, and I never knew what would happen to the drugs after they entered the warehouse to be sold. It was not until I saw this scene that I realized that you were hiding the bag of blue gold. , because I found the pending sale number in the lower right corner of it, thus confirming that Hu Weisheng's bag of blue gold was stolen goods that had been seized - but how did you determine that it came from Gongzhou, not the police in other places?"

Jiang Ting's pupils were pressed into a line, faintly flickering in the darkness.

"Because that pending number," he said coldly, "is my handwriting."

- No wonder his first reaction was to hide!

Yan Yan silently said "Oh-" for a while, then thought about it: "So Hu Weisheng was drunk and boasted to others that he stole this bag of blue and gold from the king of spades. This should be a lie. The truth should be Gongzhou. Someone inside the system is secretly selling drugs that have been seized for sale, and by chance, this bag of blue gold flows to Hu Weisheng?"

Jiang Zing nodded: "It should be."

"Hey," Yan Yan rubbed his chin, thought about it for a long time, and said with emotion: "Your copy is really a treasure of feng shui where talents come out in large numbers... Hey! Beating someone again!"

Yan Yan smiled and clenched Jiang Ting's hand, pulled his upper body into his strong and fiery arms, and asked, "How do you know that the private drug dealer is Qi Sihao?"

Jiang Ting maintained this slightly tilted upper body posture, put his hands in Yan Xun's palms, let him clench tightly without pulling them back, and said, "I'm not sure, I'm just suspicious. The provincial public security bureaus will focus on the destruction of seized drugs. Usually once a year, there are usually waste disposal professionals and people from the provincial notary office. If there is fraud, it is definitely not something that can be done by one or two people. There should be a whole chain of interests. The detachment leader, a heavyweight who gave the green light to cover, said it was absolutely impossible for him not to participate."

This really makes sense.

"Furthermore," Jiang paused, and a gloomy expression gradually appeared in his eyes: "I went to Gongzhou this time and made sure of one thing."

Yan Yan's expression focused.

"I made a list of surviving anti-narcotics police officers from the plastic factory explosion three years ago, and found that the current conditions of these people's homes are not very good. Some have retired, some have been transferred, and some have gone to the police station. Maybe it's because I don't want to do drug control anymore."

Jiang Ting raised his head, Yan Yan couldn't see his expression clearly, he saw his Adam's apple slide up and down, as if he was swallowing hard - when he spoke again, he had already suppressed the hoarseness in his voice, and replaced it with a coldness:

"Only Qi Sihao has been promoted and made a fortune, and he has been in and out of luxury cars. According to inquiries, he has just sent his children to study abroad."

Yan Yan's expression moved slightly, and she patted Jiang Ting's shoulder comfortably.

"I'm fine," Jiang Ting said hoarsely.

For some reason, a trace of unknown happiness suddenly passed through Yan Yan's heart.

The explosion three years ago was a thorn in Jiang Ting's heart forever. But it's always a good thing that someone can hate, so that on the last day, look around and find that all sins are ultimately their own, and the only person who can hate and take revenge is themselves.

For a survivor like Jiang Ting, someone to love and someone to hate are the hope that supports his survival.

Jiang Ting, a person, basically does not reveal his negative emotions in front of others. Even if he loses his temper in front of Yan Yan, it is very short-lived. He quickly took a deep breath and rubbed his face heavily.

"When planning the operation three years ago, Qi Sihao was just an ordinary anti-narcotics police officer. Even if he colluded with the people under Spade K, it was unlikely that key information would be leaked. However, after he became the team captain, he sold privately for sale. In terms of drugs, he has exposed a deadly handle that we can seize."

Jiang Ting and Yan Yan's eyes were always bright when they looked at each other, but when he raised the corners of his lips, the slight smile on his handsome face had a cold meaning:

"—You said, what would he do if the king of spades knew that Qi Sihao had been involved in the private sale of blue and gold?"


Jianning City Public Security Bureau.

"I don't know anything. What happened to Yan Yan has nothing to do with me? What do you guys think?!"

Fang Zhenghong's excited roar could be heard clearly through the glass, and he didn't need to wear a wireless headset at all. Yu Zhu frowned, took the earphones away, and sighed, "Lao Fang has been really..."

Ju Lu's chubby figure stood beside her with his hands behind his back, his immobile face reflected on the glass.

"Lao Fang, calm down, we have been old people for many years, and you also know that the procedure must go, right?" Wei Yao sat behind the iron table in the inquiry room, consciously persuaded: "Our deputy criminal investigation branch of the Public Security Bureau is very likely to have an incident in the city bureau. Do you think we can ask you? Not only did we ask you, we also... "

Fang Zhenghong interrupted impatiently: "The only object of your suspicion now is me, okay!"

At this moment, Wei Yao really missed Yan Yan's good temper. Although this bastard should be more and more scolded, but compared with Fang Zhenghong, Dumiao, the baby of the richest family, is much easier to deal with...

"We not only suspect you, but also Qinchuan, and everyone in the Criminal Investigation Detachment. Anyone who has the motive and the conditions to commit the crime is within the scope of suspicion." Wei Yao moved his butt on the chair, trying to let himself listen as much as possible. Going up, he said more earnestly: "Old Fang, if there really is a man behind the scenes in the bureau, we must find him, otherwise it is Yan Yan who was killed this time, who will it be next time? It may be you, it may be I may be more innocent colleagues. So we will not let go of any doubts, we must thoroughly investigate and prevent future troubles, and we must not just cover up with a quilt and pretend that nothing happens... "

Deputy Director Wei's chatter was interrupted by Fang Zhenghong for an unknown number of times: "Why can't you just cover it with a brocade quilt?"

Wei Yao blinked his old eyes.

Fangzheng Hongsen said coldly, "Isn't that the easiest and most efficient way to deal with it?"

It may be because of the dark light in the inquiry room, Fang Zhenghong's originally pale and sallow complexion became more and more ill under the light, his cheeks were flushed with excitement, and his eyes were a little cloudy. An indescribably eerie feeling.

"..." Deputy Director Wei was stunned for a while, and finally asked, "Lao Fang, do you have any opinion on the organization?"

Yu Zhu, who was outside the glass window, shook her head, a little bit of laughter: "How can this old Wei make such an inquiry like this?"

"Because of concern, there will be chaos." Lu Ju said solemnly.

Yu Zhu was stunned, but saw Director Lu push the door into the interrogation room.

"I've already explained everything I can, how many times do you want me to say it? Isn't it because you've already convicted me for holding onto me like this?! Yes, the surnamed Yan is the son of the richest man in Jianning, what happened to you guys? It is necessary to investigate seriously and quickly, but let me tell you, old Wei, I, Fang Zhenghong, earned it from the bottom with my own hands and feet. I have caught more prisoners than he has ever seen! Over the years, I have asked my heart. Shameless…”

Deputy Bureau Wei was having a headache when he heard Bureau Lu coming in and immediately stood up: "Look at this, old Lu, alas—"

Bureau Lu waved his hand and motioned Deputy Bureau Wei to go out, then pulled out his chair and sat across from the interrogation table:

"Old Fang."

There was no smile on Ju Lu's dignified and chubby face, and the weight that was as heavy as a thousand pounds weighed down Fang Zhenghong, causing his saliva-splashing reprimand to drop unconsciously until he looked away angrily. .

Director Lu said, "Look at me."

"..." Fang Zhenghong gritted his teeth and raised his face with his neck stuck.

Bureau Lu asked, "Did you do it?"

Deputy Bureau Wei was walking out of the interrogation room, and before Yu Zhu could greet him, the two of them heard the question at the same time, and looked back at the glass window in surprise.

Fang Zhenghong threw out three words: "What do you think?!"

"He he he, what do you think his attitude is?" Deputy Director Wei, who had just touched his nose, was immediately angry.

Yu Zhu quickly waved his hand to appease him.

However, Bureau Lu seemed to completely ignore Fang Zhenghong's cheating attitude, and asked calmly, "If it wasn't for you, why did you stop Qin Chuan from drinking the medicinal liquor when you knew it came from Yan Yan, and then threw it away afterward. A medicine bottle?"

In the interrogation room, Fang Zhenghong's hoarse breathing could only be heard. His face was blushing and purple. After a cigarette, he said coldly, "I have my reasons, I don't want to say it."

-Prefer not to say

Isn't this clearly rolling and denying? !

This time, not only Deputy Bureau Wei, but also Yu Zhu's face turned cold, and the two of them took half a step towards the one-sided glass window at the same time.

But to the surprise of the two of them, Lu Ju did not respond, and his stable and powerful voice did not change in the slightest. Finally, he asked the last sentence since he entered the interrogation room:

"Can I still trust you, Lao Fang?"

This time, Fang Zhenghong was silent for longer than last time. It was not until Wei Yao and others felt that he was not ready to answer, or had nothing to say. Yang, people saw an uncomfortable smile in their hearts.

He spit out a word from the gap between his teeth:


Bureau Lu nodded, got up and walked out of the interrogation room.

The door opened and closed, and Yu Zhu quickly stepped forward to meet Lu Ju. Just as she frowned and wanted to say something, Lu Ju raised her hand to block her unspoken question: "I believe Fang Zhenghong."

Deputy Director Wei blurted out: "What?"

Both of them looked surprised, but Lu Ju did not look at any of them, and said coldly:

"It wasn't him who poisoned him."