Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 101


Xian Shengrong, male, 40 years old, was imprisoned for stealing and selling ecstasy pills in various places. After he was released from prison, he went to work in Jiangyang County.

An anti-theft camera in a small supermarket near the provincial road in Jiangyang County captured the last back view of Xian Shengrong when he hurriedly left the scene. A few hours later, Wei Yao, Huang Xing and others extracted a 9mm Luger cartridge case from where he was standing; half a month later, his decomposing body was found somewhere on the national road 60 kilometers away.

Cause of death, traffic accident.

"Ghost knows if it's the accident or intentional, but it's already smashed into pieces anyway." Gou Li snorted and snorted eating noodles from the car's bluetooth, and said, "Hey, boss, give me another braised egg, add some spicy food, thank you... Preliminary The autopsy report did not reveal any abnormality, and the second autopsy did not reveal any eggs. In short, traffic accidents are one of the most difficult methods of intentional homicide to identify. Our forensic work has already been done. I suggest you go back and continue to follow up. Let's monitor love and kill each other."

The car was speeding on the highway, Yan Yan sat in the co-pilot, and subconsciously grabbed his hair that had not been applied with hairspray when he was discharged from the hospital this morning: "You are the director of forensic medicine, and the second autopsy found nothing? You Is it on the same level as the county forensic doctor?"

Gou Li was eating deliciously while sitting in the noodle restaurant, with an earphone hanging from his ear, he snorted contemptuously when he heard the words: "Don't come here, it was you who kept instigating and persuading me back then, which made me work overtime for half of the time. Months, one person dissected the entire series of poisoning cases - I can tell you that after so many years, the aggressive method has not worked, and you don't want me to go back for a three-inspection!"

"Okay, send me the report of the second inspection." Yan Yan said helplessly and indulgently, "I really can't do anything about you."

Gou Li shivered with disgust, and hung up the phone by accident.

After a while, the phone buzzed, and the second autopsy note was sent.

Jiang Ting drove calmly, Yan Yan sat on the co-pilot, flipped through Gou Li's notes with one hand, and put the other hand on the driver's lap dishonestly. Take it out without hesitation.

Originally, according to Yan Yan's statement, as long as the husband has one breath left on a family trip, the wife must not be allowed to drive. This is a matter of a man's status and dignity. But because he had just been discharged from the hospital, Jiang Ting was worried that he would drive back to Jianning for more than two hours, and said that he now had a psychological shadow on the car driven by Yan Xun—rising to the level of PTSD—forcibly driving him to the co-pilot superior.

Yan Yan deeply felt that his belief in machismo was being challenged, but on second thought, when he was discharged from the hospital in the morning, he didn't have time to wash his hair, bathe, change clothes, or shave and do his hairstyle. When the package night was 800 buy two get one free, if Jiang stopped driving, he would not have time to pay attention to him, so he readily agreed.

"Xian Shengrong once went to a sports school to major in shooting, no wonder he was hired as a killer." Yan Yan pondered into the phone, "But he died a terrible death, his back muscles and ribs were severely worn, soft tissue contusions, and his lungs became smaller. , Difficulty breathing and excessive blood loss caused by pneumothorax…”

"Typical accident and drag to death," Jiang stopped, holding the steering wheel.

Yan Yan nodded, "It should have been dragged for quite a long distance, but because the body was found late, the local traffic police squadron did not have a strong sense of protection on the scene, so it was impossible to accurately determine the section of the crime. To be honest, this is my most A nasty traffic accident. First, there is no specific time, and second, there is no precise location. The monitoring will see the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?"

Jiang Ting asked, "Have you checked Xian Shengrong's social relations, income status, family and friends, etc.?"

"It is said that the investigation has been carried out. The friends who usually interact with him have not asked anything about the situation. There is no abnormality in the bank flow. Only 50,000 yuan of old cash notes are kept at home."

- old banknotes.

No matter who hired Xian Shengrong, this person's anti-reconnaissance ability is already quite strong.

"...Only fifty thousand," Jiang Ting muttered.

Yan Yan looked at him teasingly: "Why, your husband's life is cheaper than yours, are you proud?"

Jiang Ting waved his hand as if he wanted to give him a hand, but Yan Xun grabbed it in the air and pinched it in the palm of his hand.

"Don't make trouble." Jiang Ting immediately pulled his hand back and held the steering wheel. His fair face seemed to be solemn, and he focused on the road ahead: "I'm just thinking about how it is so cheap. It doesn't conform to my opinion... It doesn't conform to common sense."

Yan Yan sighed: "I now believe that you have never been in love before."

It happened that the red light at the expressway intersection happened at this time, Jiang Ting slowly stepped on the brakes, and glanced at Yan Yan strangely.

"If you give me a chance to buy a killer and make a king of spades, and I can be almost 100% sure of success, I won't spend millions to invite a world-class killer, and every point over fifty thousand will be counted as a king of spades. Face. Do you understand this kind of psychology? Killing a chicken with a bull’s knife itself is a compliment to the chicken. In fact, this ant-like little character shouldn’t even work. Wan? Why don't I just do something with a few million?"

Jiang Ting looked ignorant and inexplicable.

"So," Yan Yan said with love, "you don't understand this subtle hatred between males at all."

"..." Jiang Ting thought to himself that this is some kind of anti-scientific theory, you are talking nonsense.

Yan Yan shook her index finger, her face full of incomprehension, as if she was an experienced expert on male emotional issues.

At this time, the green light came on, Jiang Ting stepped on the accelerator, and slowly opened the viaduct leading to Jianning urban area as the traffic flow off the high-speed.

"I don't know much about the internal structure of this drug cartel, but I have paid close attention to it." Jiang Ting frowned and said, "K of Spades should have a man specially responsible for the aftermath and silence, doing some unavoidable clues. The killers would choose to commit suicide to protect their employers. These death squads were collected from very poor places in Myanmar, and the remuneration was also paid to their families in Myanmar, so even if the domestic police traced the killers who had committed suicide, it would be very difficult Follow the flow of foreign funds to find out the connection between the killer and the king of spades, which is a very perfect killing mechanism."

After speaking, Jiang Ting glanced at Yan Yan again, and seemed to feel a little suspicious: "So why did you use Xian Shengrong as an 'outsider' this time..."

He used an "outsider" to assassinate Yan Yan, and he had to take a lot of trouble to silence Xian Shengrong afterwards. Although "Traffic Accidents" was done as neatly as Ajie killed Fan Si on the expressway, it was a typical K-spade style, but it was not the most efficient option in itself.

Is it really like what Yan Yan said, using a bull's knife to kill chickens, in the eyes of the king of spades, every penny of Yan Yan's life is a waste

"You and I are not perverts, and you won't understand the mentality of spades K." Yan Xun patted Jiang Zing's thigh and said, "The fastest entry point is the 92-style police gun used by Xian Shengrong. Bar."

Jiang Ting thought for a long time, then nodded in agreement: "Yes, we still need to track down that gun first."

Yan Yan's face was serious and serious, and his hand slid inward a little bit again. After a while, Jiang Ting's expression was calm and calm, he held the bottom of the steering wheel at six o'clock with one hand, and grabbed the restless big hand and put it on his thigh with the other.

Yan Yan probably thought this position was acceptable, so he didn't fight for himself any further, and instead asked, "When are you going to go to Gongzhou to find Qi Sihao?"

"There are many dreams in the night, so it's not too late. If the king of spades starts to investigate the outflow of blue and gold in advance, it will be too late." Jiang Ting thought for a while and said, "I'm probably going to leave in these two days."

Yan Yan nodded and said nothing. The car passed through the urban area of Jianning City, and the familiar scenery in front of the building of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau came on. Jiang Ting took out his sunglasses and baseball cap and put them on. As usual, he didn't park his car at the main entrance. He put Yan Yan down a block away and let him go to the city bureau by himself.

"I'll go to the bureau to sign and I'll be back when I arrive. I'll take you to dinner." Yan Yan just turned to leave, but suddenly stopped, looked around and no one was paying attention, and quickly pulled Jiang Ting's hand under the palm of his hand. A kiss, and whispered: "Don't eat by yourself, you must eat whatever you want to kill yourself, it's not good for your health."

Then, without waiting for Jiang Ting to answer, he laughed, waved his hand backwards, turned and walked along the sidewalk to the Jianning Municipal Bureau.

Behind him, Jiang Ting's auricle was slightly hot, and after a while he said silently: "... greasy crooked."


"Brother Yan!"

"Strict team!"

Colleagues in the corridor greeted one after another, Yan Yan's footsteps were windy, and before he entered the large office of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, he saw a black shadow flying towards him, and Ma Xiang flew down like a swallow in the forest: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Brother Yan, we all thought we would never see you again woo woo woo..."

Yan Yan shivered, grabbed Ma Xiang's back collar and lifted it up, pushed away his crying face with a palm: "You give it to me, who was crying and making trouble two days ago and insisted on returning to Jianning immediately, Said that if you sleep on the hard bed in the hospital, you will have a herniated disc in your waist?"

Ma Xiang felt very aggrieved, and said to himself that it was not because you were in the hospital all day with Consultant Lu Qingqing me and me, and my 24K titanium alloy dog eyes were blinded by the blink of an eye

The younger brothers of the Criminal Investigation Detachment expressed their sincere congratulations and ardent thoughts to the eldest brother—it is said that this week when Yan Yan was away, Yu Zhu personally sat in the Detachment every day. I don't even dare to swipe at the city bureau's Wi-Fi notebook, let alone buy cigarettes, string skewers and eat potato chips in the small vault of the Jacquard office.

Even Han Xiaomei, who had always seen Yan Yun like a mouse and a cat, came over to give her a gift from the hospital—a box of scrambled eggs with leeks.

This is what Han Xiaomei said: "I heard that you crashed a car and stayed in the hospital for several days. I am worried that you are weak and think you may need to make up for it..."

"..." Yan Yan stared blankly at the leek for a while, then said gently, "Consultant Lu will thank you very much."

Han Xiaomei didn't know why, but she was quite proud and left happily.

Yan Yan put the box of scrambled eggs with chives on the table, and planned to give it the pot tonight. Suddenly, she heard the office door being knocked lightly twice. Gao Panqing was standing at the door with an unattractive expression on her face. His attention was tense: "Brother Yan, Bureau Lu is looking for you."

"Oh," Yan Yan reacted: "Is the investigation into medicinal liquor progressing?"

Gao Panqing hesitated to speak, looked behind him to see that there was no one in the corridor, then closed the office door with his backhand, walked over to Yan Yan, and whispered a few words softly.

"That's what Fang Zhenghong said?" Yan Yan asked in a low voice after a while.

Gao Panqing nodded, and repeated the story of the day when Bureau Lv personally interrogated Fang Zhenghong, as well as the words that he expressed his trust in Fang Zhenghong after he came out, and added: "Although Bureau Lu does not believe that Fang Zhenghong is suspected, but Team Yu was very opposed to Bureau Lu's approach, the two fought for a long time, and finally Deputy Bureau Wei came out to smooth things out, and it was agreed that the team would be temporarily suspended for investigation."

The light in Yan Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly asked, "What's Fang Zhenghong's reaction?"

"No response."

Yan Yan asked: "Fang Zhenghong was so fierce when he was questioned, but he didn't respond when he was suspended?"

Gao Panqing was also a little puzzled, but nodded affirmatively.

Yan Yan nodded without saying a word, and asked again, "What's the wind in that bureau now?"

"The situation is calm, and there is no discussion." Gao Panqing explained: "Officer Lu wants to control public opinion. Only a few directors, the director of the technical investigation Huang, the forensic doctor Gou, and Xiaoma and I are aware of your poisoning. , No one knows about the fact that Team Fang became a suspect. Besides, Team Team Fang has already been suspended for so long due to injury, and if they stop going to work for a period of time, no one will suspect anything."

- The result of this treatment is obviously not favorable to Yan Yan, and even to the entire Criminal Investigation Detachment.

"Okay, I see." Yan Yan's face remained calm, and he got up and patted his shoulder: "Go back first, I'll go to Director Lu."

Gao Panqing is obviously very worried, but he has been in the city bureau for many years. He is not a young detective like Ma Xiang and Han Xiaomei. Knowing that he can't do anything with his identity, he can only nod and leave the office.


"Hey Yan team," in the corridor outside the director's office, the secretary just came out with the materials, ran into Yan Yan head-on, pointed to the office and made a phone call: "I'm busy, I just got on the line from the provincial department, I want to Why don't you wait a few minutes?"

- so coincidentally

Yan Yan's eyes were only condensed for a moment, and then she smiled and nodded: "It's okay, I'll just stand here and wait."

The handsome, rich and good-tempered Deputy Yan Detachment is really popular in the city bureau, and the secretary is also very enthusiastic: "How tiring standing here, why don't you come to the secretariat to sit?"

"It doesn't matter, I've been driving all the way, and I'll let my muscles and bones relax after standing for a while."

The secretary didn't insist either, greeted him with a smile, and left.

Yan Yan stood in front of the glass window at the end of the corridor. The sun in the late autumn afternoon reflected on the white wall, and the background was warm and bright, but his backlit eyes were bottomless. He remembered Gao Panqing's words, Fang Zhenghong threw away the only empty medicine bottle that could be used as physical evidence, but couldn't give any excuse...

"I have my reasons, I don't want to say."

Perhaps it was the sixth sense brought about by years of criminal investigation work. From Fang Zhenghong's bizarre reaction, Yan Yan keenly felt one thing:

Although Bureau Lu trusted Fang Zhenghong, Fang Zhenghong didn't... or very much didn't trust Bureau Lu.


Yan Yan rubbed the tip of his brow and exhaled, the vague and messy guesses made him unable to grasp the clue. As a criminal investigator, Yan Yan had a habit of not letting his brain be empty. After standing for a while, he turned on his mobile phone and clicked on the second autopsy note that Gou Li sent him.

According to regulations, Yan Yun, the direct victim, should avoid the investigation, but Gou Li is very fraternal. Although he did not directly send him a signed report, he still took pictures of the detailed handwritten records and sent them with the final summary of the report documents. Not bad either.

Xian Shengrong, male, 40 years old, steals and sells illegal psychotropic drugs…

The brief introduction to the corpse was already well-known by heart, Yan Xun read it at a glance, suddenly felt a movement in his heart, and felt that something was wrong.

- Time of death.

Xian Shengrong's body had already begun to decompose when it was found, and the condition of the body was affected by the accumulation of water on the road. In addition, the forensic equipment of the local criminal police squadron was limited, so the time of death could only be determined within an eight-hour interval.

However, Gouli is different. After all, it was the chief forensic doctor of the city bureau who had read countless bodies. Gou Li, based on on-site clues and an autopsy, took pictures, and locked the time of death between 3:00 and 6:00 in the morning, greatly narrowing the scope of the suspect vehicles.

A thought suddenly flashed in Yan Yan's mind:

What was I doing late at night when Xian Shengrong died

Yes, that day he visited Bu Wei in the hospital, the little girl tearfully confessed the fact that Wang Xingye was involved in the kidnapping, and then the city bureau made an emergency arrest, but Wang Xingye escaped overnight. In order to send the notice of assistance to the major railway stations and bus stations, Yan Xun stayed at the city bureau until the early morning that night.

Yes, when he got home, he found that Jiang Ting had fallen asleep leaning on the sofa in order to wait for him. That night was the first time they shared the same bed.

Yan Yan narrowed his eyes, and the logical memory chain continued down: he was woken up by Qin Chuan's call the next morning, and hurried to the city bureau... Wait, why is he in such a hurry

Because he promised to change shifts with Qin Chuan early in the morning, but he overslept.

No, Qin Chuan was on the night shift as the deputy detachment. Shouldn't the detachment leader take over in the morning

"There is a demolition house that has been hidden for half a year and suddenly went online at 7 o'clock this morning. I am busy in the anti-drug detachment until now!"

"His old injury was committed twice in three days, and once he committed it, no one could be found anywhere. Who knows where the squadron is?"

The frantic voice of Qinchuan on the phone that morning sounded again in Yan Yan's ear, like a thunderbolt, which split the fog instantly - Fang Zhenghong did not appear in the anti-drug detachment on the night and the next day when Xian Shengrong was killed. !

Why didn't he come

Where were others at the time of the incident

Yan Yan squeezed the palm of his hand hard, and a slightly damp cold sweat had already seeped out from the palm lines.