Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 102


The office door was knocked twice, and then Yan Yun walked in.

Bureau Lu probably just finished the phone call and was drinking tea with his head down. He pointed to the chair behind the desk without raising his head, motioning him to sit down.

However, Yan Yan didn't sit, and stood there with a tall and straight figure of nearly 1.9 meters, and said solemnly: "Are you looking for me, Director Lu?"

Just such a detail, he almost understood the attitude implied by Yan Xun, put down the thermos cup in deep thought, and asked after a long while, "You already know about the team, right?"

Yan Yan said lightly: "Fang team?"

"Well, Captain Fang Zhenghong got involved in the case related to your poisoning, haven't you heard?"

Yan Yan said, "I just returned to the city bureau, and I don't know anything yet."

Bureau Lv was not surprised by Yan Yan's watertight response at all. Cong Shan Ruliu recounted the inquiry of Qinchuan and the investigation of Zhenghong Fang, and there was almost no discrepancy with the content of Gao Panqing's tip-off - this proves Gao Panqing is indeed the backbone senior of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, and he is very meticulous in this regard.

"So now that Fang Zhenghong's detachment has been suspended at home, it can be considered to be cooperating with the city bureau's investigation." Lu Bureau said slowly: "If there is a result, the city bureau will notify you immediately. But to get a clear result, At present, it is estimated that it will be more difficult, and you have to be mentally prepared.”

The office fell into silence again, Yan Yan's clear and deep eyes seemed to have a dark and unpredictable expression, and suddenly smiled after a long time:

"If it's difficult now, let's talk about it later."

-talk about it later

In the face of a poisoner who was waiting for his life in the dark, how could Yan Yan take it so calmly

Bureau Lu raised his eyes unexpectedly, only to see Yan Yan smiling, with a faint hint of arrogance on his handsome and tough face: "I heard that Director Gou went to Jiangyang County to perform a second autopsy on the killer named Xian Shengrong, I don't know what the result will be, but I heard that the time of death has been determined?"

Bureau Lu was startled.

"In that case, check the alibi of the team at the time of the crime, wouldn't that prove his innocence?"

Lu Ju looked at Yan Xun for a long time, but the tough light in the latter's eyes did not change in the slightest. After half a cigarette, Director Lu finally exhaled and said, "Do you know that you are accusing a 30-year-old criminal police officer, a detachment captain with the rank of a police officer, of committing murder? Yan Yan?"

Yan Yan's answer was unmoved: "No, Director Lu, I'm just providing an investigation idea."

"But your investigative thinking..."

"It's not a presumption of guilt, it's a reasonable presumption."

Yan Yun is like this. Usually, what he shows is natural, casual, and down-to-earth, which can be called a very gentle side. But if he gets really angry, or touches his bottom line, he can become very tough and even arrogant.

That kind of confidence in his bones can't be shaken by anyone.

"...Since you're so sure, then I will dispatch people to investigate the team's alibi that night." After being silent, Ju Lu finally said, "However, since you are the direct victim, you should avoid the place where you should avoid, otherwise the procedure Any errors or omissions may also affect the final investigation results."

Yan Yan said firmly: "I understand."

"You go," Lu Ju waved his hand.

Yan Yan turned around and walked towards the door, stopped abruptly after a few steps, and looked back at Director Lu. The big office is old-fashioned, with landscape paintings hanging on the walls, party flags on the cabinets, and a row of bookcases against the wall neatly stacked with various professional books and party newspapers and party journals; Behind the desk, it looks like a round and solid statue.

"..." Yan Yan finally asked the question: "Why do you trust Fang Zhenghong so much?"

Lu Ju stared deeply at him behind his reading glasses, "Because Fang Zhenghong is not the kind of person you know."

Yan Yan had nothing to say, only nodded, turned and walked out.

Lu Ju leaned back into the chair, his stomach was straight, his hair was gray, and he sighed for a long time. He took off his reading glasses and wiped them carefully until he was sure that the lenses were clean and there was not even a trace of dust that was invisible to the naked eye. Everything around you, and everyone.

The closed door knocked twice again, and the secretary asked from outside, "Officer Lu?"

Bureau Lu adjusted his glasses: "Come in."

Secretary Zhang walked into the office with a stack of materials and put down a few letters waiting to be stamped. When Director Lu held it in his hand, the title in black and white was: Security Surveillance Video Data Access Notice.

"Oh, it was about the crash of Deputy Yan's Detachment on the Panshan Highway." Secretary Zhang said with a smile: "Isn't this under investigation? Our bureau needs to see the surveillance video of the crash, so we have to send an official letter first. Go to adjust the security monitoring in the Jiangyang County area - this is sent to the Jiangyang County Police Station, you can stamp it and I can send it away, and the investigation is still waiting for the investigation."

Just as Lu Ju's hand stretched forward, he suddenly paused in mid-air.

"You put it here," he pointed to the table. "I'll think about it."

The secretary was stunned, what does it mean to think again

Director Lu turned a blind eye to the secretary's undisguised doubts, and had no intention of explaining it. Suddenly, the conversation changed: "I just remembered something. Fang Zhenghong was suspended from work to recover from his illness. During that time, the work of the anti-drug detachment was all deputy Qin. Detachment host, right?"

"That's right, you are..."

"Captain Yu of the criminal investigation is on sick leave, and Yan Xun was appointed as the acting leader. This appointment was officially issued by our bureau. However, although Qinchuan has been temporarily undertaking the work in the anti-drug side, there is a lack of formal appointments and many documents and materials. It's not right to sign the name, which brings a lot of inconvenience to the daily management of the anti-drug detachment. I think Fang Zhenghong has suspended his job this time, so let's just put down the appointment document for Qin Chuan. "

Qinchuan manages the anti-drug detachment as a deputy, and Yan Yu manages the criminal investigation detachment as a deputy. Both of them are acting as the main authority during special periods, and there is no difference in any practical sense. But if you leave the gate of Jianning City Bureau, the difference between whether there is an official document or not will become obvious. For example, when Yan Yan went to see Qi Sihao in Gongzhou, Gao Panqing could directly introduce, "This is our brother Yan, The current leader in charge of the work of the detachment"; but if Qin Chuan went out to handle the case, he would not be able to introduce it like this.

Therefore, it is actually a good thing for Qin Chuan to issue this appointment document. Secretary Zhang immediately agreed: "Okay, okay, it's simple, I'll do it right away!"

Bureau Lu nodded, and as if he remembered something, he warned him carefully: "Although Qin Chuan has been acting on his behalf for a period of time, according to the regulations, he is officially in charge of the work of the anti-drug detachment only when he issues an appointment document. Many management He may not be familiar with the work, so tell him to ask for more instructions and inquiries about everything, and ask him to ask me more about every job.”

This is also the meaning of the title. Secretary Zhang wrote them down one by one. Seeing that Bureau Lv had no other orders, he pointed to the official letter on the table for reviewing the monitoring data, and asked for instructions again: "That, Bureau Lu, you Look at this stamp..."

I don't know if it was because of the dim light in the office, but for a few seconds, he suddenly felt that Lu Ju's expression was a little subtle.

That feeling is indescribable, but it must be very different from the usual smiling Director Lu, so that Secretary Zhang's first reaction was that he had read it wrong.

"This," Lu Ju's thick and round five fingers pressed on the official letter, and said flatly, "Let's talk about it."

How can I say it again, never mention it from now on

How to investigate the poisoning of Deputy Yan's Detachment? Do you just skip this one and leave it alone

Secretary Zhang was a little stunned, but for some reason he was too pressed to say more, and subconsciously replied with a smile.

Lu Ju's eyelids drooped behind his reading glasses, as if he didn't see the secretary's doubts. It wasn't until Secretary Zhang disappeared outside the door, and he was the only one left in the office again, that he slowly picked up the official letter, opened the drawer, and threw it in.


Silence returned to the office.


The spoon in Jiang Ting's hand froze in the air: "Is that what your Director Lu said?"

Although Yan Yan set up an ambition to take Jiang Ting to eat delicious food in the evening, in fact, the two of them went home in the end. The big bone soup boiled on the stove is steaming hot, the bone marrow rich in collagen makes the soup white, and the soft tofu keeps rolling up and down, exuding a warm smell in the kitchen on a late autumn night.

Yan Yan moved a small bench and chose the shallots beside the soup pot. Hearing this, he said solemnly, "Juju Lu still believes in Fang Zhenghong."

Jiang Ting said, "Before you Bureau Lu..."

Yan Yan keenly noticed the hesitation in his tone: "Why, have you dealt with it before?"

"We met during the operation. We only said a few words at the celebration party, but we didn't have any deep friendship. However, Bureau Lu is very famous in the public security system in the southwest region. They say that he was very powerful when he was young, and he is an old fox when he is old." Jiang Ting Turning over the big bone that was simmered in the soup, he smiled and said, "He must be a very smart person, but sometimes it is too watertight, which makes people feel uncomfortable."

Yan Yan subconsciously hummed, and then the final voice raised abruptly: "What?"

"What?" Jiang Ting glanced casually.

They stood and sat, their eyes meeting in mid-air, and a similar conversation emerged in Yan Yan's mind. —

"What kind of person do you think Captain Jiang is, Director Lu?"

"Young, courageous, high IQ... terribly high."

"It makes me personally feel very uncomfortable."

The almost identical dialogue was repeated in such a coincidental way that the roles were switched, and a trace of indescribable strangeness and absurdity was transmitted from the nerve endings to the brain, making him speechless for a while.

"Yan Yan?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Yan Yan calmed down, "I just feel like you don't think very highly of Director Lu."

Jiang Ting didn't take it seriously: "That's not true. Besides, he is a widely respected senior, so do you need my evaluation?"

Under the steam of the hot soup, his face seemed a little flushed. Because of the high temperature at home, Jiang Ting, who rarely wears short-sleeved shirts, rolled the cuffs of his long-sleeved home shirt to his elbows. Yan Xun pondered for a moment beside him, pressed down the subtle strangeness in his heart and stopped mentioning it. When he looked up, he saw that he was sprinkling salt into the soup, and when he raised his hand, the white tooth marks on the inside of his right wrist were revealed.

"I'll do a scar removal someday," Yan Yan said casually.


Yan Yan raised his chin, Jiang Ting followed his gaze to see his wrist, paused for a moment, and immediately lowered his sleeve: "Let's talk about it."

"Why don't you talk about it, modern medicine is so advanced, maybe it's over for a meal, why don't you do it?"

Jiang Ting pulled the cuff down again, but Yan Yun got up and caught him, making a gesture to pull his little hand. The two twisted and turned in front of the tumbling bone soup, one wanted to kiss, the other refused to kiss. In the end, Jiang Ting won the victory and put his right hand behind his back, saying with a smile on his face: "There's no coriander at home! Why don't you go quickly? Buy!"

"How did you do it? Be a scar remover." Yan Yan was not without regrets: "How about my husband pays you to do it for you, and rewards you with a Chanel bag after finishing it?"

Jiang Ting didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He leaned out of the kitchen half body, took a few coins from the change bowl on the shoe cabinet, and shoved it into Yan Yan's arms: "Buy the coriander first, don't beep here."

Yan Deputy Detachment, handsome and rich, decathlon, and threatened to buy a bag for his daughter-in-law, counted the money, wiped his hand on his apron in dissatisfaction, and said, "It's only five yuan, it's not enough, give me more."

"Just buy two, you won't need that much for soup."

"Who sells two by two? In the supermarket downstairs, they are sold in hardcover and refrigerated boxes. Do you know how much a box is?"

Jiang Ting raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

"Why, what's your expression? People's supermarkets are here, and it's clear that they are slaughtering the stupid and rich owners in this community." Yan Yan sighed: "Is it easy to support a family these days? People like us Greasy middle-aged, irritated at work 9 to 5 all day long, and my daughter-in-law is not obedient when I come home... "

Jiang Ting laughed and said, "If you can't afford it, just pick two of them secretly and bring them back. Go, the organization will take care of you."

Yan Yan muttered in his mouth, grabbed another handful from the change bowl, and decided to buy two packs of potato chips alongside the coriander. Fortunately, a new supermarket opened at the entrance of the community, which was only a few minutes' walk away. Before leaving, he accepted the task of "taking down the garbage bag and throwing it away".

Yan Xun, who felt that she was already a greasy middle-aged man, took off his apron, put on his home clothes, put on flip-flops, and got out of the elevator with a coin in one hand and a garbage bag in the other. It was already past seven o'clock in the evening. Vehicles came and went on the road in the distance. The beautiful trees in the community swayed slightly under the light of the brass-colored street lamps, making rustling noises. Yan Yan hummed a little tune while slapping his slippers, and walked towards the gate of the community, when suddenly he heard a faint click behind him.

"?" Yan Yan turned around.

If it was someone else, it would be impossible to hear this voice, or it would only be regarded as an ear error. But Yan Yan's listening ability, which he has trained over the years, is different from that of ordinary people who have not received training. He stopped almost instantly.

The path behind was deserted, and over the bushes in the distance, there seemed to be a few young people running at night in the public garden.

... it's a kitten.

Yan Yan didn't think much about it, and continued to walk forward. After walking for a while, I suddenly remembered something, and my heart said something was wrong. Because of the accident of stray cats and dogs attacking children at the front end, the property was afraid of offending the rich and powerful owners, so they concentrated on cleaning up a wave of stray animals. Did a kitten show up

He involuntarily stood still, thinking that there should be leftover ribs in the garbage bag that had just been dumped from the refrigerator. At this moment, the green sign not far in front of him suddenly lit up, and it was fleeting, too fast to catch. .


Yan Yan's pupils tightened, and he suddenly realized what it was—

Flash reflection.

Someone was following him.