Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 117


The raging flames that exploded at the scene three years ago, wrapped in black smoke, rushed into the sky in the gust of wind, and were immediately collected in Jiang Ting's eyes.

His eyes were icy bright, and after a while he said slowly, "If you know more secrets about me, you might as well wait until you enter the detention center, and then talk to the investigators slowly."

When he said this, his expression and voice stabilized, the hand holding the gun was immediately fixed, and the whole person almost returned to an impeccable state in an instant. Qin Chuan was a little regretful that he had recovered so quickly, and seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by Jiang Ting: "On the afternoon of January 18, two years ago, Yue Guangping found out information about the inner ghost, and was going to go out with me. Meet. You killed him on a temporary visit, didn't you?"

Qin Chuan exhaled, and after a few seconds of silence, he said, "Yes. You guessed it just now, it's aconitine."

"… "

"What would you do if it were you?" Qin Chuan seemed a little embarrassed: "From the eighteenth to the twenty-ninth, during the entire eleven years, Yue Guangping tried many methods in exchange for the forgiveness and acceptance of his only biological son in this life, but none of them failed. It did. It wasn't until the twelfth anniversary of my mother's death that he finally noticed that my attitude had loosened, and it seemed to send a signal that he was willing to ease the relationship between father and son - and of course he would be ecstatic."

"Did the king of spades tell you to do this?" Jiang Ting asked.

This is obviously just a simple selective answer, but for some reason, Qin Chuan paused for a moment before saying, "Yes."

Then he didn't give Jiang Ting any chance to speak, and immediately took it up: "In the next six months, I started to walk with him, met several times in Jianning, and occasionally made a phone call. This should have given Yue Guangping a great deal. Encouraged, he began to invite me to sit at Gongzhou's house, but I always refused because it was emotionally unacceptable." Here, Qin Chuan added an explanation: "Yue Guangping was married in Gongzhou, and before his wife passed away, The two have always lived in that house, so this reason is completely valid for Yue Guangping."

Jiang Ting narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

When Qin Chuan mentioned Yue Guangping's wife, he didn't have any resistance at all. On the contrary, he had a rational and peaceful attitude. This should be a sign that his mentality and emotion were very stable and mature.

That said, he's far too different from most hateful patriarchs.

"So your surprise visit on January 18 is very important to Yue Guangping," Jiang Ting said slowly.

"Actually, I didn't expect it to be so important to him that he would rather postpone meeting you before letting me in first. To be honest, I actually rushed there that day."

Jiang Ting's eyes signaled him to continue explaining.

"During that time, Yue Guangping was under surveillance, so when he called and asked you to meet at the safe house, the king of spades knew that he must have found something, but it was too late to arrange a car accident, so he had to I came to the door temporarily. You can imagine how shocked Yue Guangping was when he saw me standing outside." Qin Chuan paused for half a second before choosing the word, and then said, "I told him that I was on a business trip and passed through Gongzhou, and I came in by the way to get a root. The cigarette went away, so he let me in without even thinking about it."

What Yue Guangping did not expect was that the time spent smoking a cigarette would cost him his life.

Jiang Ting was silent for a long time before asking, "Did you let him drink medicinal wine?"

"No, it's tea." Qin Chuan smiled sadly. "It's just a drop of aconitine concentrate. The elderly have a bad heart... I took the tea cup away afterward."

It was such a tragic and tragic parent-child murder, but his performance was unusually calm, as if Yue Guangping had really died of a heart attack.

According to Jiang Ting's usual interrogation style, this kind of emotional question rarely arises, but he still asked: "You killed your biological father, so you are not emotional at all as the murderer?"

"How do you say..." Qin Chuan raised his head and pondered.

He just tilted his neck and moved his cervical vertebrae, looked at the ceiling, and said lightly, "I'm the murderer, but I'm not. So the emotional touch is not the same as a normal person."

Jiang stopped and asked, "What?"

- What does this mean

Qin Chuan didn't take it seriously: "It doesn't make any sense."

Jiang Ting squeezed his pupils tightly, as if to penetrate Qin Chuan's handsome face and look into the depths of his calm eyes, but the other party obviously wouldn't explain more. Suddenly Jiang Ting asked, "Are you afraid at the time of the crime?"

"Why should you be afraid?" Qin Chuan asked back, "I also stayed by my mother's side when she died. What's there to be afraid of?"

"..." This time Jiang Ting stared at him deeply and smiled indifferently.

This smile only stayed on the corner of his lips for a short moment, and then he only asked: "So you used aconitine easily, and when you murdered Fang Zhenghong a year ago, you chose medicinal wine again?"

"I didn't want to kill Fang Zhenghong." Qin Chuan corrected him and said, "Although Fang Zhenghong's personality is very sensitive and suspicious, Yu Gong has caused me a lot of trouble, and Yu is not easy to get along with, but I really didn't get along. To the point of killing him. For me, the best state is for Fang Zhenghong to retire early due to illness, or at least to completely delegate power to nothing, then my daily work will become much more convenient."

"As for choosing Yan Yun to blame, it has also been carefully considered and weighed in many ways - the Yan family's deep background in the provincial party committee is very difficult for anyone, as long as it is not hard evidence, Bureau Lu will not easily attack Yan Yan. , at most secret investigations in private; at the same time, on the bright side, as long as Bureau Lv shows a hint of unwillingness to target Yan Yun in front of Fang Zhenghong, Lao Fang's extreme character will be understood as Bureau Lu shielding Yan Yun, thus creating Jianning Hidden dangers and rifts between the middle and high level of the city council.”

"The facts have indeed developed as I planned." Qin Chuan twitched the corners of his mouth, somewhat intrigued: "Officer Lu privately dismissed the two interns of the General Affairs Department, and the clues were interrupted and could no longer be investigated, Yan Yan. The reactions of Fang Zhenghong and Fang Zhenghong were not beyond my expectations."

There are really not many people who can calculate the human heart on this. Forget it, Fang Zhenghong, even an old fox like Lu Ju quietly said, Qin Chuan's ability or talent in this area is indeed quite extraordinary.

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly, but did not praise him, but asked, "Then why did you poison Yan Yan later? Don't tell me you didn't intend to kill him?"

Qin Chuan rubbed his forehead, as if he didn't know how to explain to express his original intention. After a while, he pushed down his glasses and said as sincerely as possible: "If I really wanted to kill Yan Yan, he would have died a hundred times by now."

Jiang Ting raised half of his eyebrows: "Oh?"

Qin Chuan shrugged: "You may have misunderstood me, thinking that I am a poisonous murderer. But in fact, I am a clear goal-oriented person, and I am not that persistent about human life. If Yan Yan died, I would even feel very sad... If he just gets injured or crashes and leaves Jianning City Council forever and goes back to take over the family business, like Fang Zhenghong's early retirement, it's a good situation for me. Because I just want their place, not I want their lives."

"Then you never thought that Yan Yan would not drink medicinal wine at all, or that the poisoned medicinal wine would be drunk by others?"

"No." Qin Chuan said lightly, "First of all, the weather is getting colder, and Yan Xun will drink medicinal wine to dehumidify every year around the beginning of winter. Some people really move, and most of them are applied externally rather than taken internally, because after all, few people can stand the taste of medicinal wine."

Speaking of this, he spread his hands and said, "Let's take another 10,000 steps back. Even if someone drinks and dies, there is no way to do it, because there is no 100% perfect setting in the world. If you kill them, you will inevitably leave traces in the layout, which is very detrimental to concealing yourself."

An indescribable expression appeared on Jiang Ting's face, which was usually not so complicated.

"I have been taught." Then he laughed and said, "What about the time when Xian Shengrong was hired to assassinate Yan Yan in Jiangyang County? Isn't it serious about taking Yan Yan's life?"

Qin Chuan said: "Believe it or not, I did not ask Xian Shengrong to 'must' kill Yan Xun, I told him it would be better to shoot the police car tires to cause an accident and create opportunities for the killers hired by Wang Xingye. However, Xian Shengrong's movements were still slow, so that the few people surnamed Fan took the lead and crashed the police car into the river, and a group of people shot the river with soil guns in their faces... More importantly, there was still no one. People can hit Yan Yun…”

Qin Chuan showed a headache and helpless expression.

"Actually, if there is a choice, I don't want Xian Shengrong to shoot, because as long as there is a rifling of the bullet, there will inevitably be traces left behind. And this gun belongs to Yue Guangping, even if Director Lu doesn't believe that Yue Guangping's death has anything to do with me. , He also knows the father-son relationship between us, I don't want to leave any possibility that Lu Bureau suspects me... By the way, do you mind if I sit down? It's really tiring after a day's work."

He pointed to the sofa beside him, Jiang Ting looked at it for a few seconds, and signaled with the muzzle:

"Sit down, but don't make any changes."

"No," Qin Chuan said lightly, "I've heard how accurate your marksmanship is."

He went around the coffee table, sat in the middle of the sofa, leaned deeply on the backrest and let out a breath: "You don't even suspect that I have hidden any weapons in the sofa..."

"No doubt." Jiang Ting said, "because I searched before you came back."

"..." Qin Chuan murmured, "I was moved for a few seconds by your trust."

"I just don't think I should have made a mistake like Lu Ju. If he started to suspect you after Yue Guangping's death, or focused on investigating you when Zhenghong was poisoned a year ago, then things should have been different from a long time ago. Just Because you and Yue Guangping are biological fathers and sons, he has hardly taken any action against you during this year, and Bureau Lu is to blame."

"Juju Lu is getting old..." Qin Chuan sighed for a long time, then rubbed his face with his palm and said, "He may have investigated me for a while, but I didn't do many things myself, such as killing Xian Shengrong and dealing with the old man. Fang's Elantra is such a trivial matter... So even if he investigates, he can't get any evidence. To be honest, I am more surprised that you can suspect me, maybe because you are an outsider."

Jiang Ting was noncommittal: "The people at the King of Spades have helped you deal with a lot of 'trivial matters'?"

Qin Chuan said, "Almost."

"Then why did you do it yourself several times when you attacked Yan Yan, and the king of spades asked you to do it?"

Qin Chuan held his forehead and laughed, and asked, "What happened between you two? How do you feel that you recognized that he wanted to kill Yan Yun, so you are presumed guilty?"

Jiang Ting's face was white and cold in the darkness, his expression was like the muzzle of a gun in his hand, motionless.

"Okay, I admit that his subordinates did convey this meaning, but..." Qin Chuan shook his head with a smile: "First of all, Yan Yan, he had security education in his family since he was a child, and he has been a criminal policeman for so many years when he grew up. It is really not easy for outsiders to attack him; secondly, the penetration of drug dealers in the high-level public security in Jianning is far less than in Gongzhou, so if I want to climb up quickly, I will wait for the spades K to operate layer by layer. It’s hard, and I mostly have to do it myself.”

The king of spades does not only rely on Qinchuan in the local area, it must also be related in the province, there is no doubt about this. But Jianning is not the Gongzhou of the year after all. As a provincial capital city with two sets of government teams, the provincial department has limited personnel control over the municipal bureau. If you want to quickly bring Qinchuan to a crucial position, only It is obviously not easy to do through the provincial department.

So Fang Zhenghong, who stood in front of Qin Chuan, and Yan Yan, who was in a more important position, became the most direct stumbling blocks.

"So if you really want to divide the responsibilities, I will take 60% of the responsibility, and the K of spades will take 40%." Qin Chuan seemed to feel quite interesting and said, "But you should be glad that it was me who took the shot, my priority is just to Get Yan Yan out of the Criminal Investigation Detachment - if it were the King of Spades to do it himself, it might be an endless situation."

Jiang Ting leaned his back against the corner of the living room, and after a long while, as if the ice sculpture exuding a biting chill had finally come to life, he let out a light laugh from his nose, oozing with undisguised mockery: "In this way, I have to thank you You and the king of spades aren't exactly one heart."

"Oh, no, I disagree with the drug lord quite a bit. For example..."

Jiang Ting was still standing there, but Qin Chuan suddenly stopped talking. He took off the gold-rimmed glasses, put them on his side, and rubbed the center of his eyebrows with the knuckles of his index knuckles. It lasted for a few seconds before he smiled slowly: " Like he didn't dare to actually kill you, but it doesn't matter to me—"

Jiang Ting's pupils froze, and in the next moment, Qin Chuan kicked over the coffee table like a violent leopard!


He kicked the heavy solid wood furniture into mid-air and smashed it towards Jiang Ting with the sound of the wind!

There were two gunshots, the coffee table was torn apart, and the wooden blocks burst all over the floor. The bullet casing jingled, Jiang Ting raised the muzzle, turned on the light with his backhand, and suddenly heard "Crash!" Above his head, the glass burst, and Qinchuan smashed the living room chandelier!

Countless pieces of debris poured down in an uproar in the dark, like a glass rainstorm pouring over the face.

Jiang Ting turned his head like lightning to block his eyes. At this moment, Qin Chuan was covered in glass shards, grabbed his right hand holding the gun with a snap, and forcibly inserted his index finger into the trigger—



Jiang Ting gritted his teeth and lowered the muzzle of the gun, but Qin Chuan's palm continued to rise.


Jiang Ting turned his head sharply as the last bullet popped out of his chest during the competition, and the scorching air rubbed against his neck!

As long as the muzzle was one centimeter away, his neck would have been pierced in the opposite direction at this moment. But it was too late to be afraid. Jiang Ting bent his knees and kicked Qin Chuan away. He threw his empty gun and took out his folding knife to open it. Suddenly, Qin Chuan picked up the long-handled umbrella hanging at the entrance and pulled out a cold light. —

It turned out to be a three-edged thorn inserted into the umbrella handle!

Jiang Ting's eyelids twitched slightly, and in the darkness, Qin Chuan showed him a regretful smile.