Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 13


Many people say that only fools buy the Phaeton, but the comfort and protection of luxury cars are really good. At least for now, the group of policemen walking around outside and shouting loudly can't be heard at all. The whole car seems to have sunk into deep dark water, and even the almost inaudible sound of the heartbeat was crushed to death by the water. Death pressed into the freezing air.

" won't find him again," Jiang Ting finally said.

Yan Yan achieved a staged victory, and politely made a "please advise" gesture: "Why?"

Jiang Ting didn't answer and asked, "Why didn't you catch up with him just now?"

"Mom's grandson can run faster than a rabbit. I chased all the way to Sanmao Street intersection, and was almost hit by a car and flew out..."

"What car?"

Yan Yan was stunned, "I didn't see it clearly. It seems to be an SUV. It should be black or dark gray."

"How much speed?"

"...about sixty or seventy kilometers, what?"

"Go check, that car is an accomplice."

"You knew it was an accomplice?!"

Jiang stopped slightly impatient in Yan Yan's suspicious eyes, but still replied: "When I came, I passed through Sanmao Alley, a one-way street with electric and tricycles parked on both sides. Only those who are familiar with road conditions can Drive so fast, but people who are familiar with road conditions will not drive a big car into such a crowded alley, not to mention that it just happens to block you. Immediately have someone go to the traffic control bureau to get the surveillance video of the incident immediately, if I No mistake, this SUV should be a set car."

"..." Yan Yan lowered the car window: "Pony!"


"I just told you about the car I hit while chasing the suspect, check the license plate for me, speed!"

Ma Xiang put his fingers on his temples and waved casually: "Got the order!"

Jiang stopped in the back seat, shook his head, and moved very slightly.

"What's the matter with you?" Yan Yan glanced sensitively, "Aren't you full? Buy you another ham?"

Jiang Ting: "...?"

Yan Yan was a little stunned and didn't explain to him: "What did you just shake your head for?"

Jiang Ting said, "I said you would never find him again."

"… What's the meaning?"

Jiang Ting did not answer.

"Didn't you say that the SUV was an accomplice?"

Yan Yan's sharp eyebrows tickled, and he looked up and down suspiciously. Jiang Zing didn't explain much while staring like this. Judging from his demeanor, he probably sighed, but it was so subtle that he could hardly hear any sound.

"Just because it's an SUV," he said.


An hour later, the inter-provincial highway.

The 200-meter-long asphalt road was cordoned off, the red and blue police lights flashed, the walkie-talkie was buzzing, and the flashing lights of the technical detective came one after another.

Yan Yan parked the car in the isolation belt outside the cordon, turned his head and said seriously: "Who said we would never find him again? It turns out that you were wrong."

Jiang Ting: "..."

Yan Yunyi pointed ahead: "The suspect is still in the world, but the form of existence has changed."

The tens of meters of pavement was covered with flesh, bones, hair and pulpy internal organs. The corpse, which had been crushed by passing vehicles no less than a hundred times, had turned into blood and mud. The scene was terrible. Except for half an illegible head, even a complete long bone could not be found.

Jiang Zing didn't say a word under Yan Yan's righteous eyes. In terms of his character, he probably didn't bother to have such a conversation, so he opened the car door and walked out.


Ma Xiang's stomach turned upside down for a while, and he bent down suddenly and spat out a large mouthful of sour water. Gou Li stood on the side and patted him on the back, his eyes full of love.

"I, I've only seen this kind of thing on Weibo, I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes one day... ugh!!"

Gou Li said: "Oh, it was the same when I first went to medical school, Xiaoma, you are still too young - one day you will hold the skull in your hands and laugh at the giant view, and from then on, ghosts and ghosts are all floating clouds, dancing in the morgue. Yes. What is the difference between people who have no dreams and salted fish? Brother Gou believes in you."

Ma Xiang cried and said, "Brother Gou, I have failed the trust of the organization. Let me, the salted fish, continue to sink in the abyss of losing my dreams..."

The forensic doctor and the trace investigators went into battle together, each with a long iron pliers in their left hand and an evidence bag in their right hand, picking up pieces of meat back and forth on tiptoe. The front and rear of the highway were surrounded by warning tapes, and the police kept shouting to stop it, but many people stopped to take pictures and look around.

"Get out of the way!" Yan Yan squeezed past the crowd and snatched the mobile phones of several young people: "What to take pictures, be careful that the dead ghost knocks on your door at night. And you! Who is taking pictures secretly? Xiao Zhang came over and took her mobile phone. The album was deleted for me!"

Yan Yan spoke sternly and blocked Jiang Ting tightly behind him. The two girls next to them clutched their phones and wanted to slip away, but they were quickly stopped by the police and forcibly deleted the photos they had taken secretly.

"Old Yan!" Gou Li beckoned: "This way, this way, come here!"

In the grass outside the fence, Gou Li raised his chin: "Is this the dead ghost?"

The half of the head in the grass was really damaged, the brain tissue was almost completely lost, the left face was missing, and the only left side was covered with blood. Yan Yan lifted his trousers, squatted on the side of the road and observed it for a while, tsk tsk: "How did you do it?"

"What else can happen, it's a hit. Don't look at the low traffic flow on this fork. Most of the vehicles passing by are trucks. As long as there are 20 or 30 vehicles at random, it is guaranteed that they won't even recognize his mother."

Yan Yan asked, "Where's his gun?"

"The technical investigator was packing up the deceased's clothes and belongings, but couldn't find the gun for the time being—it cannot be ruled out that the accomplice shot him to death and then dumped the body in order to silence him."

Yan Yan nodded, only to listen to Gou Li and ponder: "But I don't understand, just robbery with a gun, why do you want to kill people?"

"He wasn't shot."


Gou Li Misheng looked at it and saw a handsome young man half-squatting beside the corpse's head. His hair was soft and black, and the profile of his face was as white as his neck. At first glance, he couldn't tell his age.

He lowered his eyes to observe the head, holding the sunglasses in one hand, while the index and middle fingers of the other hand lightly touched the broken part under the neck.

Gou Li didn't know who he was, but just as he was about to speak out to stop him, he was blocked by Yan Yanshi's wink. After more than half a minute, the young man opened his mouth and said, "The hyoid bone and throat bone are broken, and the section is relatively flat, not like being run over by a wheel. There is oval subcutaneous bleeding on both sides of the neck. One on the right and four on the left are five human fingers."

Gou Li was stunned for a moment, then squatted down to examine it carefully, and indeed found traces of subcutaneous bleeding that were extremely difficult to detect from the rotten and unrecognizable wounded muscles: "—I'm going?"

The young man grabbed his hand and motioned him to press the sides of the corpse's neck like a murderer.

"Fuck," Gou Li took a breath and said, "It's really human."

Jiang Ting stood up, took off his gloves, and put on his sunglasses again.

"According to the position of the finger marks on both sides of the neck of the deceased, the size of the palm can be measured, and the height, size, and even weight of the murderer can be further inferred. There is one more thing, those who can twist the throat bone with one hand have undergone special training and should be professional Killer; opening a deck of SUVs is convenient for concealing oneself and transferring corpses, both of which show that this person is prepared, and the murder is not an impromptu intention."

Gou Li squatted on the ground and raised his head: "Brother, are you..."

"Oh," Yan Yan said casually, "a friend, I asked him to come and see if he could provide some new ideas."

Gou Li did not suspect him, and immediately extended his hand to hold it politely. Unexpectedly, Jiang Ting just turned his head and looked intently at the bloody and muddy road not far away, wondering what he was thinking.

Gou Li's hand was empty, but he has always been generous and fat, and he didn't take this detail to heart: "Since the murderer took his gun, would he want to cover up illegal gun production by killing people to silence him? origin of?"

"Well," Yan Yan rubbed the stubble that he hadn't shaved for a few days, his chin was now a spark, and he was about to start a prairie fire: "Logically it's possible, but I don't think it's entirely the case. so."

Jiang Ting said directly: "It's not like that."

Gou Li moved back and forth between them, obviously a little puzzled: "... What else could it be?"

Jiang Ting turned and walked towards the technical investigator. A trace inspector was picking up the deceased's broken clothes from the ground and carefully putting them into the evidence bag.

He motioned for the technical detective to hand him the evidence bag and observed the light for a moment. Yan Yun and Gou Li followed, but they didn't look back, and suddenly asked, "Has Hu Weisheng explained it?"

Gou Li: "Ah? Who?"

Yan Yan teased: "Mr. Lu, how did you know we caught Hu Weisheng?"

Jiang Ting didn't answer, turned around and stared at him quietly.

"I didn't explain anything." Yan Yan laughed and said, "The grandson insisted that he picked up the victim's backpack while driving on the night of May 2nd. Make two small money. In addition, the police detective identified an accomplice in the back seat on the surveillance video on the night of the crime, but Hu Weisheng said he was a hitchhiker and he didn’t know him.”

Jiang Ting returned the evidence bag to the technical investigator: "Thank you."

"The field team has applied for a search warrant and is digging three feet into Hu Weisheng's residence." Yan Yan asked, "Why, do you have any other clues about his line?"

Jiang Ting held his arms in his arms, in a vague gesture of refusing people thousands of miles away: "Everything I know has been sold to you, Vice-Captain Yan."

Yan Yan smiled and said, "Mr. Lu, don't you have no use value at all?"

The atmosphere suddenly became dark and surging, as if invisible soldiers were fighting in the void. Gou Li was shocked and looked at them inexplicably, not daring to speak.

"..." Jiang Ting was silent for a long time, and Yan Xun even thought that he was going to be so stalemate until the end of the world, so he suddenly heard him say leisurely: "A person who is caught committing a crime and does not dare to confess his accomplices, in addition to protection, it is more likely that It's because I'm afraid to pull out the radish and bring out the mud, revealing something more serious than what the police have already grasped."

"Is there anything more serious than drug trafficking?" Yan Yan asked suspiciously.

"Yes," Jiang Ting said, "to make drugs."

Yan Yan was startled.

At this time, a flash was lit in front of the blocked road, and the media, who were strictly guarded by the police, finally came in, and they crowded behind the cordon to take pictures.

Jiang Ting turned his face imperceptibly, and stopped paying attention to Yan Yan, pushed up his sunglasses, and walked towards the black Phaeton outside the cordon.

"—Hey, wait!" Gou Li finally reacted and grabbed Jiang Ting: "You two are patronizing and playing dumb riddles, and you haven't told me why you just said that the murder was not to cover up the source of the gun? The investigator looks down on the technical port. you two?"

Yan Yan was a little helpless: "Why are you still thinking about this stubble? There is nothing to cover up with this kind of homemade gun. I can make a mold for me, and it only costs more than 10,000 yuan on the black market. You see, this murderer spends a lot of money. Zhou Zhang, with so many surveillance cameras on the highway, strangling and throwing corpses, it’s not just for the gun, it’s not worth it.”

"Ah," Gou Li blinked: "Then what is he planning?"

"Comrade reporters, let's go, let's go! The case is still under investigation, please respect the police's principle of confidentiality!" "May I ask how the police comrade's body was killed?" "Is it crossing the highway? How old was the deceased and what was his identity?" "Tell us something! Comrade police officers come to smoke, smoke!"…

Jiang Ting turned his face away from the camera and frowned, "You don't need to try to speculate on the thoughts of a perverted killer. The act of strangling the neck with bare hands is itself an expression of physical contact, exposing corpses and crushing them. It is excessive killing, with the meaning of conviction, catharsis and punishment. This situation shows that either the killer himself is a cold-blooded and aggressive Alpha personality, or the employer who instructed him to do so is an aggressive Alpha personality; It is certain that the way of thinking is very different from ordinary people.”

If Gou Li understood something, he nodded while listening.

"It's not so much a cover-up as the killer wants us to think he's trying to cover up the source of the gun. But these details don't help the investigation much, it's the overkill itself that matters. If you ask me, maybe the killer's purpose in killing It's just pure punishment."

Yan Xun's expression was slightly strange, but he didn't say anything, only Jiang Ting nodded politely, took out his sleeve from Gou Li's hand, and walked away with his back to the guns and cannons of the media not far away.

"..." Gou Li's face seemed to have opened up a new world: "Old Yan, you can really tell the investigators, I feel like I was persuaded by him..."

Yan Yan left a sentence: "I'm going to open the car door." Then he followed in stride.

With a bang, Phaeton unlocked the lock. Jiang Ting was about to stretch out his hand when suddenly there was a strong force behind him, and then Yan Yan grabbed his arm and dragged it to the side of the highway guardrail, pressing it against the door.

A few meters away, the traffic police were yelling at the Internet reporters and onlookers, and the order could not be maintained. It seems that people are rushing to enter the festival.

However, in this small space, the two faced each other at close range, almost touching their noses.

"You have already guessed who wants to kill you," Yan Yan stared at Jiang Ting's eyes: "right?"

Jiang Ting asked back, "Why do you want to get involved?"

The air almost froze.

"Because the easy victory that didn't require a struggle five years ago made you hard to let go of my imaginary enemy, or is it because your subconscious is also an Alpha with a strong desire to dominate and attack, just like the killer who exposed the corpse and crushed it?"

Jiang Ting stared at Yan Yan, his eyebrows raised slightly: "—Huh? Team Yan?"