Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 136


late at night.

The door of the monk's room was pushed open. At the end of the promenade, a slightly aged figure appeared, with a gray and slack face expressionless, the cassock dragged rustling on the ground in the blue and white moonlight, and went straight through the courtyard like a ghost to the back door of the temple.

Outside the kitchen, the two subordinates had been waiting for a long time. When they saw him coming, they immediately bowed their heads: "Big boss."

Wu Tun said coldly in Burmese: "Let's go and call Luo."

The two men worked together to lift the haystack, and it turned out to be just a thick layer of turf. With the moonlight and flashlight, a black bulletproof off-road vehicle was hidden under the turf!

The lofty mountains and mountains in the dark night are like the big iron mountain that surrounds the three thousand worlds in Buddhism, and the village valley where the temple is located is like the Youzeng Hell surrounded by circles, and all the vision that people can see is surrounded. Wu Tun got into the car, squinted his eyes and looked out into the distance into the mountains—he knew that the Shan police were ambushing around the temple, but no one would have thought that he would be able to escape at night.

Ordinary people driving on this precipitous mountain road will only end up falling off a cliff and shattering their bones, but he is not afraid.

He has been operating in the Geide Mountains for several years, and he has already opened a secret road in the middle of the mountain, just for the day when the golden cicada escapes from the corner.

The off-road vehicle did not turn on the high beams, and only relied on the unclear moonlight to skillfully drive out of the temple in the dark. Wu Tun's decree lines were especially obvious because of his tight mouth. One of the two men was driving, and the other was looking at the outside world with infrared night vision binoculars. After bumping up and down for a while, they finally left the mountain road and drove into the jungle.

The subordinate breathed a sigh of relief and whispered in Burmese: "Big boss, the police are silent, we are safe."

Wu Tun nodded slowly.

The subordinates understood, and finally turned on the high beams, which reflected the surrounding jungle—

At this moment, a long whistle like a whistling sound suddenly sounded in the distance!

Several people were startled at the same time, and their subordinates lost their voices: "Big boss!"

Wu Tun shouted: "Don't stop, listen to my command!"

The off-road vehicle stopped with a sharp friction sound, then suddenly changed direction, and stumbled into the dangerous jungle on a completely unfamiliar road. At the same time, in the distance, a young man on the hillside in the forest put down his military night vision binoculars, turned his head and said loudly, "Brother Jie! They diverted to the direction of three o'clock!"

"..." Ajie cursed silently and plunged into the car: "Chase!"

One after another, the headlights lit up in the dark night, just like the monsters woke up one after another and opened their huge yellow eyes. Immediately afterwards, there was a roar, and the tires pressed through the bushes and thorns, chasing in the direction of Wu Tun's escape in a fan shape!

But at this moment, a few voices suddenly came from the depths of the jungle: Da! Da da! —

Ajie's eyelids jumped in the passenger seat.

In an instant, the blazing tongue of the machine gun rang out without warning!

The bullets poured down like a torrential rain, and all the people in the car suddenly rushed forward with a conditioned reflex. Bullets, shards of wood, and car window glass were flying wildly in the darkness where he could not see his fingers. Ajie turned his head under the hail of bullets, only to hear his subordinates ask in amazement, "We were ambushed?!"

Ajie's eyes flashed coldly: "No, it's the government army."

After the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole, the Shan State police have been stalking the vicinity for half a month, just to catch them and Wu Tun in one go, so it is not surprising. But the strange thing is how could the government troops appear here exactly, and why can they immediately bite them in the first place? !

In a pinch like this, there is no time to think about this. Ajie bent down and took out the mortar from under the seat, carried it on his shoulder, gritted his teeth and opened the car window, and a shuttle of bullets flew past his hand instantly. But this killer, who had been licking blood for many years, was not afraid at all. Half of his body stuck out of the car window, and just by listening to the sound, he instantly identified the reverse of the most intense gunfire, and it was a blast!

The towering trees and the sky exploded, the Shan State military and police screamed incessantly, and there was a brief gap in the sound of machine gunfire.

But Applejack didn't give the other party any chance to breathe.

He squinted against the gust of wind that the off-road vehicle told him to drive, and seemed to enjoy the mourning of the enemy. He shifted the muzzle at an angle, and there was another loud noise—Boom! !

"They fired!" The driver panicked and shouted in Burmese: "Big boss! There are more than a group of people behind!"

The sound of gunfire shook the night, but Wu Tun was completely unaffected. This old drug lord, who is in his sixtieth year, is used to fighting, and until now he was very calm: "What a big deal! It's Wen Shao who was surrounded by the Shan police, and they were plotted! Let their dog bite the dog! go with!"

Before he finished speaking, several rounds of bullets shot from an unknown direction, shattering the side-view mirror. The driver shook his hand, and the off-road vehicle almost fell into the ditch. Fortunately, the rear tire bounced out at the close call, and the whole cart jumped and staggered into the woods.

"Two o'clock, towards the sound of water!" Wu Tun reprimanded: "Listen to my command!"

The all-black off-road vehicle crashed out of the bushes, and the fierce gunfight behind it was far away, and then it was covered by the roar of the waterfall. The two men were not knowing where to drive, when suddenly they saw a flash of light on the river bank in the distance, it turned out to be a flashlight!

Wu Tun said solemnly, "Stop!"

The off-road vehicle was parked by the beach, and Wu Tun didn't wait for anyone to help him. He jumped down and strode toward the direction where the flashlight was lit. Holding the gun in his hand, he hurriedly followed, only to see a dark and sturdy middle-aged man carrying a flashlight by the river bank, and a motorboat appeared behind him!

"Uncle Wu Tun," the middle-aged man was obviously a confidant of the Caohua A faction, and he didn't talk nonsense when he met, he asked in a low voice, "I've prepared it here as you ordered, what's going on in the forest?"

Wu Tun's face darkened: "Wen Shao really came to block me and was ambushed by the police. Can the boat be opened?"

"It can be driven." The middle-aged man paused, his voice slightly softer: "But only two people can sit."

Wu Tun nodded, without hesitation, took the gun from the middle-aged man, turned around and shot twice!

Before the two bodyguards who escorted him out of the temple could react, one of them was shot in the forehead and fell to the ground.

The middle-aged man didn't think it was different, and he didn't even bother to look at the body, so he helped Wu Tun onto the motorboat. The water pool under the waterfall leads to the big river. The water is rushing at night. The middle-aged man sits in front of the steering wheel and yells in the sound of rushing water: "The other side has been arranged! You can respond at any time! Wait for the people on the border guard to take care of it. , we will set off for Yunnan immediately!"

Wu Tun didn't answer, and there was a gleam under his thick and slack eyelids.

In his whole life, he has been put on his back with a knife and his head with a gun, and he has been surrounded and suppressed by several drug dealers in the Golden Triangle, and even more dangerous and terrifying moments have come. Every time, as long as the danger is turned into a safe one, there will be blessings after death, as if there is a Buddha who is blessing him in the dark.

As long as he escaped from Myanmar, there are still a lot of treasures buried in the vast mountains of S province in mainland China, enough for him to spend the rest of his life comfortably. Whether it's the murderer Wen Shao who knew that he should be strangled to death when he was born, or the Shan State military police who kill him like flies, these people don't even think of catching a hair of him—


The motorboat finally landed, and the confidant hurried up the rocky beach and helped Wu Tun out. The two of them waded up the river bank, only to see the thick ink-like night shrouding the river, the screeching sound of the wind passing through the mountains and forests mixed with the sound of the water, and no one else made a sound.

"...Where are the people?" The confidant looked around and asked suspiciously, "The Yushan group agreed to meet up here, but where did they go?"

There was a faint hint of iron in the damp river water and soil.

Wu Tun's heart sank suddenly.

"Yushan! Hey!" The confidant took two steps forward and shouted in a low voice in Burmese: "Uncle Tun has arrived, where are you guys! Yushan!"

Wu Tun hurried forward to pull his confidant, but it was too late. Hearing the sound of the muffler, the confidant's chest exploded with blood, and the next second fell silently, and the corpse fell heavily to the ground.

In an instant, Wu Tun knew that his worst premonition had come true: "... What, who?!"


More than a dozen headlights turned on, and the night turned into day in an instant. Wu Tun's conditioned reflex blocked his eyes. Immediately afterwards, he only heard a laugh. He was so familiar that his blood was connected, but it was so terrifying that he was terrified. In an instant, his entire internal organs were frozen:

"Long time no see, father."

More than a dozen jeeps surrounded the river bank, and countless bodyguards stared at them. The open space was piled up with corpses, and there were countless broken limbs.

And in the middle of this blood sea hell, his son's slender, demonic figure stood against the light, with his hands in his trouser pockets.

Wu Tun gasped quickly: "How do you know... How do you know that I can walk the river?!... "

Then his eyes froze, and his voice stopped abruptly.

—A handsome young man stood side by side with the K of Spades, a cape draped over his shoulders wrapped around his body, revealing only a pair of thin and pale hands folded in front of him.

Wu Tun knew the answer.

"I haven't had time to tell you yet," Wen Shao patted Jiang Ting's shoulder, smiled and said to Wu Tun, who had an earthy face, "Now he is 'my' Red Heart Q."


The gate of the village opened, the bodyguard pushed Wu Tun's collar forward, and the old drug lord stumbled and fell on the wooden floor of the main room.

"When I came back from America six years ago with the blue-and-gold formula, I thought your time was over."

The torches lit up one by one from the four sides of the main room, like fire dragons, reflecting the huge space as bright as day. Wu Tun staggered up from the ground, only to see Wen Shao leisurely passing through many bodyguards and standing in front of him, like a young demon who was bathed in black blood and crawled out of the ground from hell.

"But I didn't expect that your people would be able to steal the formula and even develop a simpler synthesis method. That's the second time my life plan was interrupted by you after learning that Heart Q worked for you."

"..." Wu Tun shook his head and raised his head, Jiang Zing was expressionless, and was guarded by two bodyguards, standing two steps behind Wen Shao.

"Fortunately, I still have a chance to correct this mistake," Wen Shao said with a slight pause, "Just like I won back the Red Queen."

"I won't tell you the synthetic formula," Wu Tun gritted his teeth: "You life-threatening ghost, early-dead boy, don't dream of me! Even if I die, I'm still the boss of the Golden Triangle, so don't try to replace me! "

"The Golden Triangle is gone, governments in Southeast Asia are staring at that area, and poppy cultivation is no longer as profitable as it was decades ago. Just like alkaloids will eventually be replaced by synthetics, new mind-control drugs Gradually rising, the old lion will one day come to an end."

Wu Tun opened his mouth to scold, Wen Shao leaned over slightly, and whispered in his ear: "If you hadn't trained Jiang Ting to check and balance me, maybe I would have given you a good retirement... But you took away my only one from me. Brothers."

The torches crackled, Jiang Ting said nothing, and his eyelashes fell silently.

Wen Shao looked down at Wu Tun with pity: "You will tell."

He turned around and walked in front of Jiang Ting, pulled out a dagger from his waist, and swept a few strands of Jiang Ting's hair behind his ears with the hilt. He always has a kind of patience that is out of tune with the surrounding environment. Under the eyes of the public, countless firelights shine in his abyss-like eyes, and there is a hint of tenderness in a trance:

"Go ahead and prove it to me."

Jiang Ting did not hesitate at all, took the dagger from his hand, and stepped forward.

"What are you doing? You really dare to do it?!" Wu Tun panicked: "Red Heart Q! Do you remember that I was the one who brought you out of that kennel, only you can't—"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was pressed to the ground by several bodyguards. Wu Tun's eyes were split, and he saw Jiang Ting kneeling on one knee and half on the ground, holding down his left index finger.

"I remember," Jiang Ting said lightly, "but I found someone more worthy of allegiance."

Not far away, the king of spades turned back with a smile.

In the next second, Jiang Ting raised the knife and fell, and the tip of the knife penetrated Wu Tun's fingers with precision, prying his fingernails off!


The screams resounded throughout the hall, but Jiang Ting was unmoved. His blood-stained hands pressed Wu Tun's middle finger and inserted the tip of the knife into his fingernail:

"Where is the synthetic formula?"


back room.

Wen Shao stood by the window, and the intermittent screams in the distant lobby stopped and rang again. After an unknown amount of time, footsteps finally came from behind him. Looking back, he saw Jiang Ting holding a bloody dagger across the threshold, and said briefly, "I cut one of his arms into a skeleton, and he explained it."


"Industrial synthesis is in a village in Yaoshan, S province. The new synthesis formula and a large amount of 'blue gold' inventory are sealed in the underground factory, which is Wu Tun's secret treasure. The specific address has been written down by your people. If we are in time, You can leave immediately tonight."

Wen Shao was noncommittal and waved, "Come here."

"… "

Jiang Ting stepped forward and stood still, and then his bloody right hand holding the dagger was held in front of him by Wen Shao's wrist.

"Since a long time ago, I have no feelings for people and things around me. Sadness, joy, longing, anticipation, these childish emotions are like a blank curtain. Psychologists say that lack of emotional projection is a sociopathic personality, literature The source of emotion is explained with expressions such as 'gifted from God' or 'gifted from God', but in fact a little chemical powder can easily control the secretion of dopamine in the human brain. It was just an injection. I started to know that if there is a god in the world, it should be in the form of white powder."

"But the gods synthesized from the chemical industry can't control me," Wen Shao looked at Jiang Ting deeply, and said softly, "Only you have exposed me to that kind of... feeling."

They stared at each other in the moonlight, and Jiang Ting asked calmly, "How do you feel, guilt? Regret?"

Wen Shao was silent for a long time, and the life-saving rope that was hanging in front of the two children more than 20 years ago passed through the void again in an instant.

"There is also anticipation and joy." He finally said, leaning against Jiang Ting's blood-stained knuckles against his lips, and gently pressed a kiss.

It was like the breath of death, or the scales of a viper, swept across the surface of the skin.

"You haven't recovered yet, so you won't be moving tonight." Wen Shao said gently, "Tomorrow we will set off for a transit through Yunnan, go to Yaoshan in S province, and take the road to Jianning."

Jiang Ting's expression was the same, and he smiled: "Yes."