Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 139


Yaoshan Feiyue Peak, Cloud Village.

The bonfire in front of the house was burning brightly in the night, the roasted whole sheep was turned over, and the oil droplets fell into the fire.

The main room was full of alcohol, and the large round tables were full of people, but at this time they all collapsed. Even those who have not completely lost consciousness are still leaning against the wall with a drooling face and a dazed expression, with a face full of greed and contentment like a fairyland.

The house was filled with an indescribable stench, and if anyone had ever smelled it, they should have immediately realized that it was the smell unique to marijuana.

"Our boss Wang said that the goods are good, and he personally brought someone up the mountain to pick them up at the appointed time, no problem!" A lean and lean old Mediterranean man put his chopsticks on the table and said with a smile: "But I still want to Ask, where are we going to pick up the goods? The local area is about to be covered with snow, and we are not familiar with this place... "

Ajie took a sip of wine and said lightly, "It doesn't matter if you're not familiar with it. Then Wang Peng will fly up the mountain, and we'll send someone down to pick him up into the village. After that, we'll go to the underground factory together."

"Hey, that's what I said, but this old man in the mountains—"

"You've been working under Wang Pengfei for a few years, Lao Cai. The surnamed Wang knows how to deal with us, so don't worry about your boss."

"Uh… "

Mediterranean Sea, known as Lao Cai, didn't find out, was not reconciled, and stole a glance not far away.

In the open space outside the main room, the King of Spades turned his back to him and was chatting with a young man beside him with his head slightly tilted. They stood very close to the bonfire, and the jumping fire reflected on the young man's side face, reflecting the straight bridge of his nose, and his pupils gleamed in the depths.

In such a noisy environment, I couldn't hear what they were talking about. I saw the young man answering a few words from time to time, with a gentle and calm attitude, and the conversation could be regarded as a back-and-forth. The king of spades seemed to be quite happy, turned his head and smiled and said a few words, the young man also showed a slight smile.

Suddenly the king of spades turned his head to this side as if he had noticed something.

Lao Cai immediately lowered his gaze cautiously.

When he looked up again after a while, he saw that the king of spades had left with the wine, and only the young man was standing by the bonfire.

Lao Cai left the main room under the pretext of letting the water out, went to the bathroom at the back of the house, jumped out the window while no one around was paying attention, and came to the front yard by the night. The young man was still standing still, stretching out a pair of slender hands and slowly roasting on the fire, Lao Cai walked over slowly, looking left and right, his body shrank when he approached, and most of the people were hidden in the shadow of the eaves , coughed and laughed: "What about the fire?"

Jiang Ting didn't say a word. The bonfire made his face slightly red. After a long while, he said, "It's cold and the ground is freezing, let the fire drive away the cold."

Lao Cai sighed in persuasion: "Winter is here, will spring be far behind?"

"In the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, where does spring come from?"

Lao Cai wanted to say something, but at this moment, the guard at the entrance of the front yard probably wanted to release water and walked a few steps away.

"You are too bold!" Jiang Ting's attitude changed suddenly, without turning his head, he lowered his voice and scolded: "Wang Pengfei is not a fool to be fooled, if something happens, you will be killed by both the buyer and the seller! Who let you come?"

Lao Cai's eyes kept moving around vigilantly: "It's okay, the surnamed Wang still trusts me for the time being. Liu Ting is very anxious to ask why there is no news from Myanmar?"

Jiang Ting's Adam's apple slipped up and down.

"...their people are dead."

Old Cai's pupils trembled slightly, and he said "Ah" every two seconds, "It's... very good, and I'm not guilty."

Saying that, he covered his nose and woke up: "By the way, do you really have no clue about the factory address?"

Jiang Ting shook his head, his movements were very slight, but Lao Cai could see the seriousness in his eyes, "A few days ago, I was too impatient and did something wrong. It takes about six hours to bring people out and come back, including inspection, footsteps, and picking up, the factory should be within 60 to 80 kilometers nearby.”

Lao Cai frowned and asked, "Is there no way to narrow the scope?"

"..." Jiang Ting sighed and said, "I'll try again."

Judging from his reaction, Lao Cai knew that this request was probably difficult for some strong people. But before he was ordered in danger, the Lv Bureau in Jianning City talked to him, and mentioned one point in particular - Jiang Ting, as long as he really wants to do something, he will try his best to do it no matter what.

Old Cai turned his eyes to his heart, and said softly, "By the way, Lu asked me to tell you that your 'home' is fine."

Sure enough, Jiang Ting responded immediately: "Okay?"

In fact, Lao Cai was just following Director Lu's advice and was ordered to talk nonsense. He couldn't figure out a good way to do it in a hurry, so he simply rolled his arms to show off his muscles: "Well, I can eat and sleep, and my body is doubled. It's delicious. Lu let me tell you to work with peace of mind, don't worry!"

These words were made up quite clumsily, but to his surprise, Jiang Ting believed them. The corners of his lips, which were somewhat chapped in the cold wind, curled up, and he said a serious "uh" with a smile.

Lao Cai felt a little ashamed in his heart.

But in their line of work, they are ashamed that they can't be eaten, and it is true that they climb up the ladder. Lao Cai gritted his teeth and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "So you pay more attention and pay more attention. Listen to me, if you can determine where the underground factories that store large goods are—"

At this moment, Jiang Ting caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye, and his face changed slightly.

There was a corridor corner not far behind Lao Cai, which was blocked during the day, and it was a dead end. But now there are footsteps coming out from behind, and at the same time as Lao Cai's voice sounded, the footsteps suddenly stopped.

A half figure appeared behind the wall, cast on the ground by the moonlight, like a ghost poking out of the upper body from the darkness.

"If you can determine where the underground factories that store the bulk are located—"

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Ting raised his eyes, met Lao Cai's gaze, and silently made a mouth shape.

"—I, we," Lao Cai clearly saw what the mouth shape represented, and immediately a hot blood rushed to the top of his head, and instantly turned into a biting ice, from the scalp to the eardrums, it exploded!

"We," he couldn't hear what he was saying at all, and the experience of walking on the tip of a knife countless times over the years saved him:

"Our boss will never treat you badly. It's easy to say how much thank you, or I'll give you this number after the transaction is completed!"

A terrifying silence enveloped everything.

"..." Jiang Ting stared at Lao Cai, as if he was unaware of the people pacing out not far away, and he laughed sarcastically: "Thank you Fei."

Lao Cai didn't dare to move, and he didn't dare to look back, so he stared straight ahead at him.

"I stay here in peace, I can get any amount of business for as much money as possible, and I can get a message from Wang Pengfei, what can he give me? Just do business well, it will snow in a while, everyone will finish things early and go home early, there will be troubles. It's not good for both of us, understand?"

Cold sweat rolled down Lao Cai's forehead, only to see Jiang Ting still on the fire with one hand, and waved the other impatiently:

"Tell your boss that you don't have to worry about being on the stage, just get out of here!"

The bonfire swayed and swayed, and the noise of the banquet in the main room came from afar, and there was no movement behind him.

Lao Cai took two steps back, the calf in the trousers was shaking, and he swallowed hard:

" don't know what's wrong, just wait and see!"

Jiang Ting groaned, and Lao Cai strode away angrily with his neck stuck.

It was quiet again outside the main room, Jiang Ting remained calm, still standing by the bonfire and roasting his hands. The half figure behind the corner of the corridor didn't move as if it were frozen. It took a long time for a cigarette, and finally a rustling sound rang out, and a footstep came closer to the sound of gravel branches.

Jiang Ting only turned his head, only to see Wen Shao smelling of alcohol, and smiled in the firelight: "You haven't left yet?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but this tone always gives people an indescribable subtlety. Jiang Ting smiled and didn't speak, only to listen to him ask: "I saw someone passing by here just now, who is it?"

"Oh, that's Cai."

"What is he doing here?"

Jiang Ting didn't say a word. Facing Wen Shao's gaze, he baked the fire leisurely for a while, and then asked with a smile, "I told you, what if I also eat and hang."

Wen Shao said, "How could that be? You think too much."

"Small things, and they've been dealt with, forget it."

Wen Shao was unmoved and looked at him with a slight smile.

"...You broke the casserole and asked to the end." Jiang Ting finally reluctantly compromised, "He came to find out where we hid the big goods, and said that Wang Pengfei was willing to give me a thank you fee. I have already dismissed him, now you see If you want to kill or cut, whatever you want."

The smile in Wen Shao's eyes finally had some sincerity, and he shook his head and sighed: "Wang Pengfei has never done things properly, I have discovered it long ago. The surnamed Cai chased Ajie in there just now and asked where the factory was, but he touched him. I got a soft nail, I guess it's because you have an order to talk about, come and hit a hard nail."

Jiang Ting asked casually, "Are you still doing business?"


Jiang Ting glanced at him.

"What?" Wen Shao asked.

"You can take this kind of risk, and you're not afraid of being slapped with a cold knife by the surnamed Wang?"

"There are serious people in this business, not all of them." Wen Shao laughed, as if he didn't care about scolding himself, and added, "Don't say it's a buyer who is slick, even a policeman. Smell and keep up, this business has to be done right."

Jiang Ting stopped unexpectedly: "...Are these blue goods so big?"

This batch of "blue gold" was originally owned by Wu Tun. After he mastered the simplified synthesis procedure, he opened an underground factory in the depths of Yaoshan, carrying the K of spades on his back to mass-produce new fentanyl compounds at relatively low prices. Sold to Southwest, Myanmar, Laos. Because of its remote location and limited conditions, the output of this underground factory is not very high. Compared with the Golden Triangle region of the last century and the current northeastern part of Myanmar, it is quite insignificant.

But the K of Spades came in person, not the goods themselves, but more important than the blue goods - simplifying the synthesis formula.

He led a group of people to stay in this village deep in the mountains and forests for so long, and he must have figured out the formula and production process in the underground factory. If the remaining batch of blue gold in stock is not much, it can be sold at will, or even destroyed on the spot.

"—It's quite big." Wen Shao said casually, "I have to sell it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a pity that it will spoil."

What is the unimaginable huge amount of drugs that makes the king of spades feel that it is a pity to destroy it

Under the light of the fire, the depths of Jiang Ting's eyes were dim.

Suddenly the king of spades changed his tone: "But don't worry."


Jiang Ting raised his head as he caught fire, and suddenly his left hand was held.

The gleam in Spade K's eyes is gentle and deep. Although he doesn't have such feelings at all, he at least imitates it like:

"Even if you run into the police, I won't let anything happen to you. Like you said, in this life, even if you die, we will all be together."

Even if we die, we will die together.

- However, under the dark and cold river water, another person came upstream, struggling to open the car door, holding his last breath of oxygen, grabbing his hand and dragging it to the brighter and brighter river surface;

On the rainy mountain road, G65 slammed into the mountain wall in a frantic tail swing. He crawled to the police car with his knees and hands on the broken glass and clenched his teeth, and dragged the man out of the distorted cab;

A long time ago, the man's head was covered with dust and blood, and the palm of his right hand was still marked with blood drawn from the bottom of the wine bottle. Standing in the hustle and bustle of the crowd and the flickering police lights, he was full of agility and sharpness. He looked at each other from a distance.

There has never been a commitment to live and die together between them, and it may be because of this that the story will not end in the end.

Jiang Ting greeted the stare of the king of spades and slowly smiled. He didn't withdraw his held hand, he was standing here just now, raised his head at the same angle, saw Lao Cai exaggeratedly clenching his fist in one hand and bending his arm, tsk tsk: "Eat enough to sleep! Lu Ju Having said that, your 'home' is fine!"

The smile in Jiang Ting's eyes became clearer.

With such a smile, he also looked at the king of spades and replied, "—Okay."


A few days later, early in the morning.

The tattered Wuhong Lingguang jumped on the mountain road, passed through the rugged woods and overgrown slopes, and finally climbed the mound with great difficulty, and put out the fire with a bang.

"That's it!" The old policeman of the Yamashita Police Station is a part-timer, and his main business is farming throughout the year, so he spit out a strong local flavor: "Get off here and go forward, behind Bajiuli Road is the hometown village. , this road is easy to walk, not hard! Just a few slopes and a river, you boy will carry a girl on your back, and it will take you more than half an hour!"

In the back seat, the corner of Ma Xiang's mouth twitched and looked at Han Xiaomei, who spread his hands innocently.

Both of them were dressed as migrant workers who went home to visit relatives in the 1990s. Ma Xiang, a two-dimensional teenager, wore a Beijing brand watch and faux leather shoes full of mud. Han Xiaomei, a rotten house girl, had a LV old flower on her shoulder. At the same time, there are stall bags with Chanel's LOGO hanging on them, and both of them have gold chains around their necks that are in danger of fading if they come into contact with water. Han Xiaomei was obviously not used to her new necklace. She had already reached into her collar and scratched several times. Now her five fingers are a little yellow.

"I said Team Strict," Han Xiaomei asked with a bitter face: "Can we have a gold-plated one in our bureau next time? Or buy a stainless steel platinum one. Bureau Lv said that our lurking this time is a 3A-level key operation. , the equipment can't be scribbled like this, can I go back and see if the medical expenses for skin allergies can really be reimbursed?"

"People in the mountains don't recognize platinum. You came from the county town to buy medicinal materials. The more gold you have, the better." Yan Yan turned back from the driver's seat and said hoarsely, "Ma Xiang, your accent is very wrong so far. Try not to open your mouth when asking for news. I have taught Lao Zhang how to talk to the villagers. You two will follow behind to watch more, listen more, and observe more. Once you find any clues about the presence of drug dealers in the nearby mountains, you will report back here immediately. , I'll wait for you in the car."

Ma Xiang and Han Xiaomei listened and nodded, Yan Yan turned to the old policeman surnamed Zhang, and politely said, "I will leave these two disciples to you. Be careful, don't expose yourself, and pay attention to safety."

In his life, Lao Zhang has never seen a leader bigger than the head of the police station, but in the past few days, he has seen all kinds of high-ranking officials from the provincial department to the city bureau, and he has long been very frightened. Dare not!"

Yan Yan reluctantly tugged the muscles at the corners of his mouth.