Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 140


Looking down from the hillside, across the gray-green woods and ice-like streams in winter, villages and cooking smoke can be seen faintly in the distance—that is the Laojia Village that Lao Zhang said, and it is also the last place the police can sneak into the surrounding area. A high-risk village.

In the past two weeks, the investigation team led by the Provincial Public Security Department, implemented by the Jianning City Public Security Bureau, and co-organized by the public security agencies of the counties near Yaoshan has dispatched several groups of people into the mountains, scattered in various villages to trace the traces, Visit one by one, trying to get clues about suspicious people from the local people.

Mopai visits are one of the most tedious and most important means of criminal investigation. A large number of police forces are scattered in hundreds of villages scattered in the mountains, carrying out mechanical trekking and questioning every day. At the same time, in order to avoid attracting the attention of drug dealers, All motor vehicles are not allowed to enter the key areas, and all the journeys are on foot.

But much to everyone's anxiety, the search for the underground drug factory has been going nowhere.

A few days ago, "Lao Cai", an informant who has been under the command of the Provincial Public Security Department for many years and who is also the representative of the buyer's drug dealer Wang Pengfei, returned a precious clue from the drug den on the mountain: the transaction will be carried out in an underground factory, and the address of the factory is at Yunzhongzhai is within a range of 60 to 80 kilometers. This time, the scope of searching for a needle in a haystack was classified into a limited area, but the time was getting tighter and it was too late to search overnight.

Fortunately, yesterday, amid the anxious anticipation of leaders at all levels, Lao Cai once again reported the last and most important piece of information—a small bag of soil samples that Jiang Ting extracted from the gaps in the tires of the K of Spades.

This bag of samples was urgently sent to the Forestry Research Institute for analysis. The trace test results showed different layers of soil and leaf quality, indicating that the car had driven into a redwood forest that was on the verge of a swamp several times in the past half month. .

It is on the verge of swampy terrain, redwood forests, and around 60 to 80 kilometers around Yunzhongzhai. The comprehensive topographical elements allowed the task force to successfully delineate the final area where the crime occurred. The nearby village that is most likely to provide a foothold and transit point for drug dealers is this stockade called Laojia Village.

Yan Yan personally took over the task of investigating this high-risk village.

Yan Yan finally checked everyone's communication equipment before letting them go. Lao Zhang took Ma Xiang and Han Xiaomei into the jungle along the steep slope, Yan Yan stood by the car and watched them, until the three wobbly figures completely turned into black spots the size of soybeans, and then he looked back.

The in-vehicle communication slammed twice, and the voice of Deputy Bureau Wei came out: "Report the situation outside the home village, report the situation outside the home village. Have you arrived at the transfer point? Please answer, please answer!"

Yan Yan took off the walkie-talkie: "Okay, I heard. The two brats and Lao Zhang have already left, and they can contact us anytime if there is any situation."

Deputy Bureau Wei said angrily: "Okay, hurry up! Be careful to hide!"

Yan Yan agreed and threw the walkie-talkie back into the car.

The village is surrounded by mountains on all sides. Looking around, the mountains are stacked on top of each other, just like the Taoyuan of Shu, which is said to be isolated from the world in ancient times.

However, everyone knows at this moment how many sins and life-and-death crises are hidden in this "Peach Garden".

Before Yan Yan left Jianning, he was blocked by almost everyone. Even Bureau Lv talked to him a few times, trying to persuade him to quit this extra-large anti-drug operation. No one knew about it, but Bureau Lu knew very well that he desperately wanted to. What is the motivation to go to the front line, he simply said it very clearly: Jiang Ting risked his life to embark on this road with almost no return, not only for revenge, but also for the people he loves to have peace of mind in the back. If something happened to Yan Xuan on the front line, how did the organization talk to Jiang Ting

I'm sorry, you were lying in ambush at the enemy, and we sent your target to the front to kill you in the rear

What's more, Yan Yan is the only son of his family. Don't look at the Yan family's usual attitude of donating this waste wood to the country, but if something really happened, his father would not have to rush into the gate of the provincial party committee with a rope. To hang yourself

Not only Bureau Lu persuaded him, but even Liu Ting called to persuade him. Several parties took turns to bomb, but Yan Yan was like a rock, pulling him to death without turning back. At the end of the fight, it was Ms. Zeng Cuicui who came forward and made a final decision: "Only a thousand days of thieves can't prevent thieves for a thousand days. Since you said that the drug dealer wants to kill him, let Yan Yan first try to kill the drug dealer by force, this is not the case. Is it finished?"

"Let him go," Ms. Zeng Cuicui said to Liu Ting. "My son won't have any prospects, and he won't be scared to hide at home by criminal traffickers. He's not that bad!"

At this point, Yan Yan was finally allowed to catch up with the first police car from Jianning to Yaoshan.

Yan Yan looked around the mountains, it was so quiet that he didn't even hear the sound of birds. He lit a cigarette, looked at the peak of the snow-clouded peak in the distance, and narrowed his eyes—

No matter whether the front is crushed or not, you will be shattered with one step; all sin and hatred will be ended in the hands of you and me.

I'm here to pick you up, Jiang Ting.


"Fifty bucks, take 50 bucks away... If you don't hit, you'll be charged 55 yuan last time from the county! Selling you for 50 yuan is our New Year's holiday, and next year we will go up the mountain to collect wood..."

"If you don't sell it, you won't sell it! You won't hit fifty!" Lao Zhang put his hands in his sleeves and greeted Ma Xiang angrily: "If you don't buy from them, let's go!"

Ma Xiang stepped on his faux leather shoes that creaked as soon as he walked, and Han Xiaomei carried her small leather bag co-produced by LV Chanel, and followed Lao Zhang out of the courtyard amid the angry pooh of the villagers, and was almost caught by a big white goose. a somersault.

"Come back! Come back!" The villagers really changed their minds: "Forty-eight is forty-eight! Oops! How expensive is this mushroom!"

The old man opened his eyes and saw Ma Xiang nod his head invisibly, so he turned around from Shanruliu, and went back to pay for the village uncle's humming and chirping dialect complaints.

"You lied to me, how come people from the county will charge fifty-five? Can anyone come from your place?"

"How can there be no one? How can there be no one?"

Lao Zhang counted the banknotes with spittle: "When is it going to happen?"

"Just two months ago!"

Under the cover of Ma Xiang, Han Xiaomei pretended to sneak out the door unintentionally, avoiding the big white goose and strolling around the yard twice, lying on the back window and looking in. Lao Zhang blocked the uncle in the front room, and while he was talking about it, he seemed to inquire unintentionally: "Can someone come here? I think it's very cold, and no one wants anything!"

"You are bullshitting!" The uncle was anxious, and a series of dialects popped out. Ma Xiang was completely confused, so he had to stand on the side and pretend to be a cold boss. I saw Lao Zhang listening and nodding, while sneering again to provoke him. two sentences.

After a while, Han Xiaomei slipped back, rubbing her hands with ashes, and shook her head at Ma Xiang.

"Let's go!" Lao Zhang stopped entangling, pointed to the pile of black mushrooms in the corner where nothing could be seen, and said, "Come and pick it up in the afternoon, wrap it up for me!"

The villagers made a business and were overjoyed, so they agreed.

"I don't know about this house either." After leaving the courtyard, Lao Zhang finally explained to Ma Xiang what the string of dialect conversations meant: "As the previous two said, people often come to them to collect mountains and timber, but in the winter After that, there will be no more outsiders. In the past two months, he has not seen the faces of strangers in the village, and he has never seen any suspicious whereabouts, and there is no clue at all. "

"What about the villagers who went into the mountains to collect herbs? Have you seen any signs of vehicles driving nearby?"

Lao Zhang shook his head and pointed to the majestic mountains behind the village: "The weather is cold, and they won't go into the mountains anymore! Otherwise, they will be in danger!"

Ma Xiang was a little helpless and asked Han Xiaomei, "How are you?"

"There are no passages, equipment or closed rooms near the back room. The only means of transportation is a tricycle. There are no other motor vehicles, and there are no suspicious facilities such as ventilation equipment or cement pools." Compared with Lao Zhang, Han Xiaomei's report was much more professional and neat: "In short, it seems that there is not much doubt about this family at present."

Ma Xiang nodded.

"Hey," Lao Zhang couldn't help but ask: "How can the police in your city see if there is anything suspicious about this house?"

"A family can make drugs or not. Experienced people can tell at a glance. Needless to say, those who grow marijuana and opium, even the simplest 'kitchen drug' methamphetamine requires self-made reaction kettles and filtration. Pipes, dehydrators and other equipment, and in order to deodorize waste and prevent explosions and fires, strong ventilation facilities and cement storage tanks are indispensable, otherwise the smell of ammonia can drift far away. For example, the anti-drug detachment in our bureau handles cases, Just tracking the product flow of some specific equipment suppliers on a regular basis, this is when we Qin—”

Ma Xiang's explanation paused, and he didn't speak for two seconds, then smiled: "In short, if you want people to be ignorant, you have to do nothing, as long as you get poisoned, you can't escape."

Lao Zhang seems to understand but nods enviously: "You really understand."

"Hey, is there anyone in the east of this village?" Han Xiaomei deliberately changed the topic and said with a smile, "Come on, let's go over there and ask!" She winked at Lao Zhang and quickened her pace. Move forward.

Ma Xiang raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows, using the stabbing pain to suppress the grief in his heart, he also cheered up and followed.


To the east of the back mountain of Laojia Village, the mountain stream is two kilometers away.

A steep mountain wall separates the village from the mountain road, and the top boulder resembles a chessboard, standing under the sky. Layers of dense forests of green, gray and withered yellow covered most of the sky as far as the eye could see. Only flocks of birds passed by and disappeared into the forest with a rustling rustling.

"Tomorrow Wang Pengfei will take people up the mountain, and let them follow the route we just set out, follow the signs all the way to Qiju Peak, and two groups of people will pick them up on the way." The thin line, and then clicked: "According to the speed of Wang Pengfei's horses, we should get to this position at nine o'clock at the latest, so the first group of people will wait at this position from 8:30."

Surrounded by two bodyguards, each stared at the map in Jiang Ting's hand, only to see the tip of his pen moving up the route:

"Wang Pengfei is not an honest person. In order to prevent him from doing things on the road, the first group of people who picked him up were all brothers who didn't know where the transaction was and had never entered the factory. I brought these people. Until Shangyun Zhongzhai After that, the second group of people took over from the first group and continued to lead the way. According to Wen Shao, the second group of brothers was brought by Qin Chuan."

Jiang Ting's red pen highlighted a circle somewhere on the map.

"After Qin Chuan leads the second group of brothers to Wang Pengfei, Wen Shao will send him the latitude and longitude of the trading place, which should be near the factory. Check the deposit brought by Wang Pengfei first. If there is no problem, follow the normal route. Just take it. Do you have any questions?"

Both indicated no.

Jiang Ting raised his eyebrows inquiringly, and saw that under a towering ancient tree on the edge of the cliff, the head of the bodyguard, nicknamed "Ghost Sees Sorrow" and whose real name was Gong Achi on the wanted list, also shook his head without saying a word.

"Okay, that's for now, let's talk to your boss." Jiang Ting put away the map and said briefly, "Go back."

He turned and walked up the mountain, Gong Achi winked, and the two men immediately followed.

No matter where Jiang Ting went in the past few days, Gong Achi followed him every step of the way, and even stayed outside the kennel when he went to the toilet—this should be the order of the king of spades, and Ajie probably told him secretly several times.

However, Jiang Ting is the kind of person who doesn't show his face no matter how stressful the environment is. He eats and sleeps. Occasionally the king of spades tells him what to do, and he takes Gong Achi without hesitation. Ye Ling also poured water in front of the other party when he went to the toilet, and there was a strange sense of harmony.

"I reported to the boss just now, and the boss agrees with your plan." Gong Achi took two steps forward and helped Jiang Ting through a dense bush, and said respectfully and coldly: "Also, the boss let us go first. The 'transit station' is resting, and we may have to pick up a shipment later."

Pick up

Jiang Ting snorted unexpectedly: "Let me?"

-K of Spades' attitude towards Jiang Ting is quite complicated. On the one hand, this task of personnel preparation will be handed over to him, on the other hand, he is never allowed to directly contact any "white goods" or "blue goods", even The chemical raw materials were completely excluded from Jiang Ting's sight. Such a matter of picking up the goods is directly handed over to him, which has never happened before.

Gong Achi didn't understand either, and only increased his tone: "Yes, that's what the boss said."

Jiang Ting nodded without saying a word, and was supported across the thorns before he raised his chin forward: "Let's go then."

Gong Achi waved back and whispered to Ma Zai, "Go to my home village."

The jeep climbed all the way over the Chess Peak, through the bumpy dirt road, and the distant and sparse villages under the hillside were just around the corner. Gong Achi was more experienced, and asked his subordinates to park the car a few hundred meters away from the head of the village, and then helped Jiang Ting to walk to the "transit station" they used to - a three-story residential building at the east end of the village.

Jiang Ting was here for the first time, Gong Achi motioned him to stand outside the backyard and waited, and went in and knocked on the door. After a while, I saw a woman with a big shoulders and a round waist hurriedly walked out of the kitchen, walked through the backyard to open the door, and couldn't help but probe towards Jiang Ting with a puzzled look.

"@#¥%#!..." Gong Achi reprimanded in a low voice in dialect, making the woman nod her head in fright, and immediately gestured respectfully to Jiang Stop to invite him in.

Jiang Ting was used to being treated like this, without any expression on his face, he led him straight into the backyard.

The woman led the way and entered the back room of the concrete building through the small door of the stove. It was a small hall, decorated with self-built houses in standard small towns. There were eight immortals tables and sofas and chairs, and the windows were clean. Several wooden boxes were placed against the wall, and each box was scribbled with markers. With a triangular sign - Jiang Ting recognized it at a glance.


"Is it safe here?" Jiang Ting casually sat on the sofa, took the hot water from the horse, and asked casually.

"Safety, brothers used to ship goods and often go from here." Gong Achi opened the curtains and looked outside the house, asking the woman, "Where is your man?"

The woman rubbed her hands cautiously: "Someone from home, talk in front!"

"What, someone coming?!" Gong Achi's expression changed, and he immediately became vigilant: "Who is here at this joint?!"

"No, I don't know, the county is here to collect medicinal herbs!" The woman was startled: "I'm going to call the old man over?"

Jiang Ting, who was sitting beside him, frowned, "Collecting herbs?"

On the other hand, Gong Achi was relieved to hear what she said, and explained: "My village is backed by the mountains, and people often come to collect the mountain goods. It doesn't matter." Then he instructed the woman: "When the people leave, call your old man in, the boss has The goods need to be picked up. You go to fry a few dishes, boil porridge and hot water, this damn weather is fucking cold."

The woman hurriedly agreed and went out on tiptoe.

The two horses sat down to rest and began to puff. Jiang Ting didn't ask any more questions. He leaned on the sofa and took sips of hot water. His cheeks were frozen white, and the water vapor condensed his eyelashes, making them extremely black.

Gong Achi looked at the boxes of goods by the wall, lowered his head for a while and lit a cigarette, then looked at Jiang Zing sideways.

He has killed several people in his life, and the wanted bounty for him in his hometown can be half a meter high. He has been nicknamed "Gui Jianshou" early on in the rivers and lakes. He once thought that he could be regarded as a ruthless gangster, but it was not until he met the king of spades that he was abruptly convinced. From then on, he knew the difference between Jianghu Caomang and a drug lord.

But he didn't understand why the quiet and delicate young man in front of him would make the King of Spades so scruples.

— Yes, scruples.

The king of spades doesn't kill him, but he doesn't trust him, and he has to be wary of him everywhere. It's like holding a piece of hot potato, neither able to pick it up nor reluctant to put it down, but to be by your side softly and kindly.


He was just a weak scholar who died at the slightest touch.

"Is there something on my face?" Jiang Ting said suddenly without raising his head.

Gong Achi froze: "—Nothing."

He took a puff of cigarettes, stood up and stomped his feet, and said in a sullen voice, "I'll go outside for a walk." He pushed the door and lifted the curtain, but Jiang Ting also stood up after him: "I'll go too."

"you… "

"I've never been here before, and I don't know if it's safe to receive the goods." Jiang Ting always spoke calmly and unbearably, and said, "Let's go."

Gong Achi had to lift the curtain for him.


Meanwhile, the front room.

"These two county bosses said that they can come to collect mushrooms regularly in the future. If you go into the mountains now, you can charge as much as you harvest. Here's the price—forty-eight!"

Lao Yang squatted and chatted face-to-face with a local man in his fifties. Ma Xiang sat on a chair in the main room drinking water, covered his face with an enamel cup, and whispered, "This village chief's family is quite rich."

Han Xiaomei stole her eyes and looked around, pouted and nodded.

The village head lives in the easternmost part of the village, and there are endless mountains behind it. Not far away, a mountain peak rises from the ground, and the top looks like a chessboard, blocking the way of the village to the outside world.

This is the only three-story cement building in the village. From the outside, you can see aluminum alloy plastic steel windows and drainage pipes. The walls in the main room are painted with latex paint, and the floor tiles are laid under the feet. The refrigerators and electrical appliances are all available. Building a small villa is not too bad. The villagers said that it was because the village chief’s son graduated from college last year and earned money by working in the city. However, after Ma Xiang’s rough observation after entering the house, it is estimated that the son of this family will enter the world’s top 500 after graduation, otherwise the starting salary Definitely not enough to build such a cement building in my hometown.

Ma Xiang winked, Han Xiaomei nodded knowingly, and suddenly stood up in panic: "Oh, why is my key missing!"

The village chief was negotiating with Lao Zhang with little interest, and both of them looked over after hearing that.

"Why are you so careless!" Ma Xiang was also anxious, jumped up and patted Han Xiaomei: "Why don't you look for it, where did you lose it? Where did you lose it?"

Han Xiaomei cried: "How do I know, why are you beating me! Why are you beating me!"

Ma Xiang was reluctant, and the village chief hurriedly stood up to persuade him. Han Xiaomei couldn't find it when she touched her body up and down, and slapped her thigh: "It must have fallen out while walking!"

"Look for it soon!"

Han Xiaomei didn't need Ma Xiang to roar a second time, she turned her face and rushed out of the main room.

The village chief seemed to be afraid that they would be walking around in his own house, so he reached out to stop them but did not stop them. He hurriedly followed a few steps out of the door. He saw that Han Xiaomei had already rushed out of the front yard. far away.

The village chief watched her go further and further away, and seemed to have no intention of turning back into the yard to rummage around, so he felt a little relieved, stretched his neck and beckoned to the backyard, whispering, "Hey, hello!"

His mother-in-law, the tall woman just now came in a hurry with a spatula in hand, and while nervously peeping at the front room, she whispered: "Come on, Brother Ghost has brought someone, waiting for you in the backyard!"

The village chief was surprised: "What?"

"I also brought a handsome brother, who is designated by the big boss to pick up the goods!"

The village chief immediately turned around and went back to the house: "Okay, then I'll hurry - you go and cook two dishes first, and I'll go after these melons are gone."

Han Xiaomei pretended to walk along the rough gravel road, while secretly looking back, she saw the village head turn her head into the front yard, immediately turned around, and trotted around to the side yard of the cement building, three quick steps. Going up the wall, "Hey!" I jumped over the wall.

In the self-built houses of rural people, the stoves are mostly built with a chimney outside the house. At this time, it was not yet time to prepare lunch, but there was a jingling noise in the stove, and Han Xiaomei sneaked in from the window lattice with her waist down, and saw that the village chief and his daughter-in-law were in full swing. Busy on the stove.

"..." Han Xiaomei frowned, slipped into the backyard against the wall, and saw a large bundle of firewood piled up outside the firewood room.

She didn't pay attention at first, and was about to go to the back room. But after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped again, looking back at the pile of firewood that was almost piled up into a hill.

- The firewood house is not small, why is there so much wood piled up outside

Han Xiaomei narrowed her eyes thoughtfully, and suddenly remembered what Yan Xun said in the car:

"Village drug production and dealers, or acting as a transit station for drug dealers, is much easier to search than hiding drug production in urban residential areas. Because there are only single houses in the countryside, it is unlikely to hide equipment and equipment. All such places are the focus of investigation; when we used to encircle and suppress the whole village to produce drugs, almost every production line was built in the backyard, which is one of the important characteristics of drug production workshops in rural areas.”


Most of Han Xiaomei huddled under the eaves, looking to the left and right, the yard was empty with the cold wind whistling, only the sizzling sound from the stove, and not a single dog was seen.

After she made up her mind, she scurried across the courtyard to the firewood room, stepped on the firewood flexibly and climbed up to the window, gently pushing the hidden wooden window open a crack.

With this action, the dim workshop lighted up slightly, reflecting the dehydration equipment, distillation equipment, the metal round pot on the corner table, and the bottles and jars piled up in a mess on the ground—

And boxes of very familiar chemical raw material barrels.

Han Xiaomei's heart was beating wildly, and she covered her mouth!

"… "

After a whole breath of breath, she finally forced herself to let go of her cold fingers little by little, climbed down from the wood stack with weak hands and feet, and clenched her teeth with all her might, so that she would not make any sound.

The cooking in the stove continued, and in the empty backyard, no one could hear her footsteps lighter than a cat.

Han Xiaomei leaned against the wall, bowed under the windowsill, and ran to the front room.

- What Han Xiaomei didn't see was that at the moment when her back disappeared, a man with a scarred neck and a green skin headed from the corner of the concrete building with a frighteningly cold face - it was Gong Achi.

"Fuck!" Until then, the head of Ma Zi finally couldn't help but blurt out loudly: "This family is all fucking dead, and I don't know if the note came to the door! F*ck!!"

"What now?" Jiang Ting asked.

Jiang Ting was wearing a black jacket and jeans, with his hands in his trouser pockets, and he was completely hidden in a blind spot full of debris. Neither of them said a word, but Gong Achi gnashed his teeth and rolled his eyes. After a few seconds, his heart sank: "I can't let Tiaozi spread the news, I have to kill that little girl. I'm going to find someone to do it. , you help me-"

"I can't meet with the police." Jiang Ting interrupted him and said, "That girl is my former colleague. I'm afraid I won't be able to do it."

These words were very candid, and Gong Achi was taken aback for a moment.

"She appears here, it means that this transfer point has been targeted, and Wang Pengfei can't leave Qiju Peak tomorrow. In this way, you go to inform his male owner first, and secretly lock the yard to prevent the police from running away. I will take it with you. Your two men are preparing to evacuate. When you come over, we will report to Wen Shao together, and let him send additional staff to deal with the police, otherwise you will probably leak the news if you act rashly."

Gong Achi hesitated for a few seconds, "But..."

"You have questions about my decision?"

There is no doubt, Jiang Ting's arrangement is completely thoughtful and meticulous. But Gong Achi firmly remembered Ajie's instructions, and at all times must be 200% vigilant, protected and concerned about the "Red Queen" in front of him, so he subconsciously said: "The time is urgent, I think Not as I said..."

Jiang Ting said, "If you question my arrangement, why don't we contact Wen Shao first to make it clear whether we should listen to you or me when we encounter things outside, and if something goes wrong, it's me or you who is responsible."

Who is responsible

… do you even need to ask? !

Gong Achi's body jolted, and his brain reacted as if cold water had been poured: "...Okay, I understand, just do as you said!"

Jiang Ting nodded calmly, only to see Gong Achi no longer hesitate, striding towards the kitchen.


"If you think about it again, fifty is really many. My two bosses must be coming to receive the goods often..."


The front door was pushed open, and Lao Zhang was holding out his hand to light a cigarette for the village chief, and several people turned their heads to look at him at the same time. I saw Han Xiaomei standing at the door, holding a bunch of keys tightly in her hand, and then forced a stiff smile at Ma Xiang:

"Find... found it."

Ma Xiang's eyes changed instantly: "Really found it?"

Han Xiaomei's chest heaved slightly, she lifted the key and shook it.

"If you find it, just find it," Lao Zhang hurriedly concealed and smoothed the situation: "You have a lot of odds and ends in the city, be careful, or you won't be able to find it back if you drop it!"

Han Xiaomei returned to the sofa and nodded slightly to Ma Xiang's inquiring eyes. The latter's occlusal muscles tightened immediately, but there was no sign of it on the surface. He only took out his mobile phone from under his clothes, and quickly sent a positioning message through the cover of Han Xiaomei's body:

[Find the 'key', hurry up, hurry up. 】

The recipient is Deputy Bureau Yan Weiwei, and the message was sent successfully.

With a slight movement of his wrist, Ma Xiang hid the phone back under his clothes.

back room.

Jiang Ting opened the curtain and the two bodyguards raised their heads at the same time, only to see his face grim: "The police are here."

"what? What?!"

"Where's the ghost?!"

"In the front, we must withdraw immediately." Jiang Ting instructed the shorter subordinate on the left: "You locals are familiar with the road, now go out and see if the outside is surrounded by the police, be careful not to be discovered, and watch Come back right away."

The subordinate had already turned pale with fright, and rushed out of the door without thinking.

"You," Jiang Ting turned to the sturdy bodyguard on the right: "Come with me and move these boxes of goods into the woodshed and hide them, hurry up! We're running out of time!"

How could the bodyguard let Jiang Ting carry the goods himself, let alone such a heavy wooden box, he couldn't move it, so he hurried forward to take over. At this moment, he heard a "Bang!", and sure enough, Jiang Ting accidentally dropped the box on the ground, the wooden cover was forced open, and the drugs wrapped in thick newspapers fell out.

"I'll come, I'll come," the bodyguard hurriedly squatted down to pick it up, sweating profusely, thinking that this master is really just like what Brother Gui said in private, and he wants to show his ability even if he can't do anything. Are you making trouble here

Jiang Ting knew what he was muttering, and stood up silently, reaching into his waist and holding a cold dagger handle.

"How much is this box?"

The bodyguard was in a hurry: "Two kilograms!"

"So little?" Jiang Ting asked casually.

"Look more, pack less!"

"Why don't you dress up more?"

The bodyguard said how do I know, that's what the boss ordered, why don't you ask the boss yourself

But no one could ignore Jiang Ting's questioning, so he had to quickly stuff the drugs back into the wooden box, while swallowing his voice: "Back then, Brother Jie ordered us to do this, and put some soybeans and rice in the box, so that it can be loaded into the car and passed the security check. We can't say the specific reasons, or you can ask yourself—"

The voice stopped abruptly, and the bodyguard's eyes bulged.

Jiang Ting stood behind him, holding his mouth tightly with one hand, and the sharp dagger silently wiped his throat.

A large amount of blood spurted out, splashing half of the wall, turning the gray-white drug packaging bag scarlet. The bodyguard's whole body twitched, and there was a constant gurgling sound of blood bubbles bursting in his throat, but Jiang Ting's strong hand pressed them back firmly, and he couldn't make any movement.

After more than ten seconds, the bodyguard's leg kicked a few times at the end, and the near-death struggle abruptly ended.

Jiang Ting let go, and the corpse fell to the ground, eyes wide open, and he didn't understand why he was suddenly taken down.

Jiang Ting's palm was covered in blood, he took out a rag from the table and wiped it, then threw the dirty towel on the corpse.

His expression was indifferent, his eyelashes drooping, as if he had just thrown away an insignificant piece of garbage. At this moment, messy footsteps came from outside the door, and soon from far to near, Jiang Ting tilted his head while holding the knife—

The bodyguard who went out to inquire about the situation just now returned.