Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 142


At the foot of the mountain, the temporary headquarters.

A row of village bungalows and several Ivecot police cars formed the command center of Yaoshan's extraordinary anti-drug operation. The police were all dressed in plainclothes, and everyone was in a hurry. into a makeshift dissection room.

Looking out of the car window with a single-sided visual film, the village chief's family and the bloodied Gong Achi were escorted by the criminal police with live ammunition and were staggering through the open space.

"Hey Team Yan?"

"Strict team!"

Yan Yan nodded, waved his hands to signal the police guarding on both sides of the door to get out of the way, and then got into the minibus.

Jiang Ting leaned against the corner of the last row of seats wrapped in a blanket, leaning his head against the window, his face pale and his eyes closed, he could not tell whether he was awake or asleep. Two plainclothes were vigilantly guarding this dangerous and unknown suspect. When they saw Yan Yan getting into the car, they all stood up immediately: "Squad Yan? Do you have any orders?"

"Officer Lu let me take a look, you go down first."

Yan Yan's level here is very high, the two of them did not suspect him, and they left in unison.


The sound of the car door closing seemed to hit his heart directly. Yan Yan stepped forward to lift the blanket, and saw Jiang Ting's slender wrists were cuffed with a pair of handcuffs, and the bright reflection was dazzling. Yan Yan took the key that he had prepared a long time ago and slapped the handcuffs off, and asked hoarsely, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Ting did not answer.

He didn't seem to know that Yan Yan was here, so he closed his eyes and didn't look, didn't listen, and didn't say a word.

The pinch marks on his neck have already shown bruises and congestion, and the pressure on the trachea at that time can be felt just from the hideous shape. That is the real line of life and death. It may only be a few seconds later, and the neck bone that is bent to the limit will be broken.

Yan Yan's fingers trembled slightly, and it took a long while to touch it slightly, as if carefully touching a treasure that had cracks and could be shattered at any time. After a long time, he finally squeezed out a sentence:

"... How much do you hate me, Jiang Ting?"

Jiang Ting's tightly closed eyelashes trembled, the frequency was barely visible, and then he turned his face away slightly, this small gesture angered Yan Yan almost instantly.

"You just want to use this method to make me hang my heart every day and night, and finally torture myself to death while thinking about you, right?!"

Jiang Ting slowly curled up, bent his knees, and buried his face between his trembling arms and the narrow gap in the car window. From Yan Yan's point of view, he could only see a head full of black hair and a small section of eyebrows, which contrasted with the surprising whiteness of the small side face exposed in the arms. Taking out the hard protective shell, he finally couldn't hold back his voice and roared: "Tell me! Jiang Ting! Look up at me!"

dong dong dong!

The car door was knocked twice from the outside, and the uneasy voice of his subordinates came: "What's the matter, Team Yan? Are you okay?"

"..." Yan Yan panted heavily, and after a few seconds, she said, "It's okay!"

He hesitated for a moment before walking away.

Jiang Ting curled up even tighter, his fingers interlaced and his hands fell, blocking the small piece of cheek and ear tip that could not be covered by his arms. That gesture seemed to be bound by an invisible shackle, and the drug dealer's already solidified bloodstains snaked from his palm to the inside of his arm. Under the dust and dirt, he vaguely revealed the bloodstains of his own bruises left in the mortal struggle.

Yan Yan grabbed his hand roughly, forcibly separated it, and grabbed his hair to make him look up: "I know everything! I already know it! What do you want me to do, ah?!"

He roared unbearably, and at that moment he saw something—

Jiang Ting's eyelashes were moist, and his eyes were bloodshot.

As if being stabbed into the flesh by a red-hot steel needle, Yan Yan's heart suddenly convulsed into a ball, and he forgot to even breathe. By the time he reacted, he had already pulled Jiang Zing's chin and kissed his tight, cold lips.

At first, it was just an impetuous, rude, painful kiss without any intimacy, Jiang Ting was forced to put his head on the window and raised his face, Yan Yan stood by the seat, his upper body almost completely shrouded his scarred lover Living.

The last time their lips and teeth were so close together seemed to have happened in a previous life, the anger like a tsunami gradually faded away, and the uncontrollable longing and love emerged again, and the bitterness and sweetness were submerged. Every inch of taste buds and senses poured down the throat.

"Jiang Ting," Yan Yan murmured over and over again, "Jiang Ting, Jiang Ting, Jiang Ting..."

His sturdy and hot arms wrapped around Jiang Ting's neck, his five fingers were inserted into the black and shiny hair on the back of his head, and he continued to deepen the kiss while chanting the spell that fascinated him. Jiang Ting's body softened as he resisted the tension. His shoulders and lips were constantly shaking. Yan Yan kissed from the corner of his wet lips to the wings of his nose, and then his eyelids, and finally heard his hoarse voice slowly penetrate: "…Why are you here?!"

He no longer had much strength, and the tail sound was so exhausted that he lacked even the strength to question.

Yan Xun pulled back a little distance, and rubbed his messy sideburns forcefully, forcing him to meet his gaze: "Why can't I be here?"

Jiang Ting shook his head, nervously saying nothing.

"You thought I would think 'Oh, Jiang Ting betrayed me, so he has been lying to me all the time' and then just stay home and do nothing? You pointed a gun at my head, and I thought Can I just cut it in two and never miss you again?" Yan Yan got closer, and the two of them almost pressed their noses together: "You love me, you are struggling to protect me, don't I want to protect me? You?!"

"I want to win hand in hand with you from the battlefield, and if it's not enough, you will be wrapped in horse leather, don't you understand Jiang Ting? Have I ever left you behind? I used to deliberately because the criminals were too vicious and the case was too complicated. Didn't I tell you the clues and made you anxious and sleepless in the back to wait for me?!"

There seemed to be a bitter lump in Jiang Ting's throat, making the throat even more painful. He raised a blood-stained hand, his fingertips were trembling and cold and stiff, stroked Yan Yan's cheek, and then pulled his hand. His face came closer to him, and a quick kiss was printed.

Yan Yan lowered his head, pressed him completely on the back of the chair, and embraced him completely.

When Jiang Ting kissed, his eyes were always slightly open, looking at Yan Yan's well-textured neck and arms from under his eyelashes, as if he could draw Yan Yan's body, skin color, breath, and straight nose with his eyes. Even the slight folds of the collar are imprinted when the side neck is turned over, and it will always be engraved in my heart.

But he couldn't say it, his language function seemed to be limited by nature to matters related to murders, and other gentle words and phrases were burned in the depths of his heart, merged with the perception of the seven orifices, and could not be organized into language to express alone. .

"It's okay, it's okay..." Yan Yan whispered in his ear, "It's all over, you can go home, you can go home..."

Jiang Ting leaned against the back of the chair as if in a prostration, and shook his head.

Yan Yan walked to the car door, opened a crack, and asked for a hot towel from Han Xiaomei, who was squatting not far away to play weeding. It wasn't until the entire hot towel was dyed black and red that Jiang Ting's blood was wiped off, revealing the mottled scratches and bruises on his arms.

It was all left by the impact and restraint in the fighting. Compared with the two drug dealers who were stabbed in the throat and strangled alive, his skills were already very neat and clean.

Yan Yan hugged his hands into his arms: "Does it hurt?"

Jiang Ting stared at the air vacantly. He didn't answer at first. After a long time, he asked blankly:

"…Why are you here?"

This sentence is exactly the same as just now, Yan Yan was about to persuade patiently, only to hear him mutter again: "If you are here, I will be distracted, and I will be tied, in case of a critical moment, my first instinct is very It may not be all-or-nothing...but in this situation, just a little distraction is bound to fail."

Yan Yan was stunned.

"I didn't appear here to protect you," Jiang Ting said slowly, "not for you."

He took a long breath and rubbed his face in his palms.

It was actually very hidden and helpless, but Yan Yan understood it in an instant. He reached out and took his upper body into his arms, kissed the black hair on the top of his head forcefully, and whispered, "I understand. I came here too. Not entirely for you, but at least to let you know that in the end, no matter what decision you make, I'm all for you."

Jiang Ting gave a wry smile, just about to say something, when suddenly the single-sided visual window in front was slapped several times: "Yan Xun! Yan Xun, open the door for me, hurry up!"

- That turned out to be Deputy Director Wei.

"It's too late! Yan Yan!"

The two were stunned at the same time, and looked at each other. Yan Yan immediately got up and opened the door of the minibus. Sure enough, it was Deputy Bureau Wei and Huang Xing outside. Before he had time to ask what was going on in such a hurry, he immediately understood the reason for the anger—the cell phone in Huang Xing's hand with the evidence bag was ringing.

Yan Yan grabbed over to take a look, and the screen displayed a string of unfamiliar numbers.

Then the bell stopped abruptly.

"..." The air was suddenly quiet, and the three of them looked at each other. Huang Xing rubbed his hands nervously, with an expression like he was about to have a myocardial infarction: "This mobile phone was found from the suspect Gong Achi, and it suddenly rang when I was about to do data analysis, what should I do now? Do you want to call it? go back?"

Deputy Bureau Wei asked back: "You know who this number is, so just call it back like this, what if it's the king of spades?!"

"I, I, I'll go check it out!"

Huang Xing was also shocked, and immediately turned around and ran back. Deputy Bureau Wei hurriedly grabbed him and couldn't help laughing: "Is it too late to check what to check, I think you also have a brain..."

In the midst of the chaos, a hand stretched out from behind and took the evidence bag from Yan Yan's hand.

When Yan Yan turned around, he saw Jiang Ting got out of the car at an unknown time, and pressed a few times on the keyboard of the mobile phone through the transparent plastic paper, and the combination lock was successfully unlocked.

Jiang Ting's focused profile was dimly reflected by the dim light on the screen, and he seemed to be unaware of the strange atmosphere around him. After turning over the missed call, he only glanced at him, then raised his head and said, "It's not the King of Spades, it's Jin Jie. "

Deputy Bureau Wei frowned, and at this moment, another text message came with a ding-dong from the phone:

【why do not you answer? 】

In the process of handling the case, the criminal police need to deal with the information of the accomplices received by the seized mobile phones with great care, otherwise, not only will they not be able to lead the snake out of the hole, but they will also startle the snake. Deputy Bureau Wei was about to pick up the phone when suddenly Jiang Ting pondered for a while, then clicked on the text message and typed out two lines:

[Brother Jie, the surnamed Jiang is causing trouble again, it's hard to deal with. It is inconvenient to speak. 】

Deputy Bureau Wei opened his mouth and held it back. He watched Jiang Ting click send, and after a while, he added:

[Call back later. 】

Information sent successfully.

Several people's eyes were fixed on the screen, but the phone fell into silence. There seems to be a string in the air that is getting tighter and tighter. I don't know how many minutes later, when even Deputy Director Wei couldn't help but be startled, the screen lit up again!

Ajie's reply finally arrived belatedly. Deputy Bureau Wei grabbed it and took a look. He breathed a sigh of relief in an instant, only to see two words on the screen:

【pay close attention. 】

five minutes later.

The door of the interrogation room was slammed open, and the cold wind roared in. Gong Achi raised his head with a shiver all over his body, only to see Deputy Director Wei striding into the room, bang! Put the phone in front of him.

Confessed to sit and wear from the broad prison, and resisted the strictness to go home for the Chinese New Year. Gong Achi's mouth was tightly closed like a mussel shell, and just as he turned his head bitterly, he heard Deputy Director Wei spit out a few words coldly and sternly:

"Now there is a chance to make a guilt!"

Gong Achi's pupils could not help shrinking.

"Did you make the call yourself, or did I take it to your accomplice in the next room?"


"Go outside and watch. Except for the three of you, Deputy Bureau Wei, Detachment Yu, and Director Huang of the Technical Investigation Team, no one is allowed to approach this room, understand?"

Han Xiaomei and Ma Xiang, who had changed back to normal casual clothes, should all agree, and Bureau Lu closed the door.

The main house of the bungalow has been converted into a temporary command post office, with a large map on the wall, a table full of file materials, and satellite communication and positioning instruments all stacked on the ground. Jiang Ting was sitting in the sofa chair behind the large desk, his face was completely pale, his shirt could not be buttoned up to the top of the terrifying streak on his throat, Yan Yan stood beside him and held his hand tightly.

Ju Lu turned around and looked at the two of them with an extremely serious expression, but he did not ask questions immediately, but first made a cup of hot wolfberry tea and placed it in front of him before he said solemnly, "Team Jiang has been wronged. However, there are many people with mixed eyes and mixed speech, so I still have to handcuff you back on the bright side, please forgive me."

Jiang Ting waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, but his voice was hoarse, but he said straight to the point: "Tomorrow, the buyer Wang Pengfei will take people up the mountain, passing Qiju Peak, and Qin Chuan will take people to meet them in Yunzhongzhai."

Ju Lu and Yan Yan glanced at each other, and they both saw the unconcealed solemnity in each other's eyes.

"Is it reliable?" Lu Bureau asked.

Jiang stopped nodded.

"What have you seen and heard all this time? How much firepower do the drug dealers in Yunzhongzhai have? Where is the specific location?"

Jiang Ting didn't answer and asked, "Has your provincial party's insider found out who it is?"

Without saying a word, Director Lu tore off a piece of paper and wrote down a series of numbers with a pencil. He tapped the tip of the pen: "This is his siren."

Yan Yan had already known about this information, but Jiang Ting couldn't help but tick the corners of his eyebrows: the alarm number sequence was actually within the top ten.

In all provinces or municipalities directly under the Central Government, the police number 001 is without exception the director of public security, and then from the deputy director to the leaders at all levels 002 and 003, the top ten police numbers are considered important no matter where they are. , the severity of which is evident.

"After you left Jianning, I was admitted to the hospital because of a stab wound, and as we expected, this person sent a trusted clerk to monitor our ward, revealing a fox's tail, and was caught by Liu Ting. But now this news is still highly top secret, we still need to use this traitor to spread false news to the other party before we can completely take down the Wu Tunwen Shao drug cartel."

Bureau Lu took a breath, took out a lighter and burned the piece of paper to ashes, then said: "Don't worry, not only Jianning, but also Gongzhou Municipal Bureau, we will immediately deal with the moths hidden inside after the operation is over. Arrest them and catch them all!"

Jiang Ting didn't know what kind of emotion flashed in his eyes. After a long time, he briefly pulled the corner of his lips and turned his face to look at the map: "...Bring it to me."

Bureau Lu took the map off the wall on tiptoe, and Jiang stopped drawing heavy dots on it.

"Yunzhongzhai is located at this latitude and longitude, at the peak of Yaoshan Pine, a three-hour drive from Qiju Peak. Every household is involved in drug transportation more or less. I heard that Shao came to Yunzhongzhai from Myanmar half a month ago. Afterwards, a local security fort was established, and then Lao Cai, Wang Pengfei’s agent, was contacted…”

The office was silent, except for Jiang Ting's hoarse and steady narration.

"... The things that followed were almost what Lao Cai conveyed. We tried all the methods we could think of, but we couldn't determine the exact location of the underground factory, and we didn't know where Wen Shao would take Wang Pengfei and his party for the final round. Trading. In addition, there are still some unanswered questions, such as how many drugs are in the underground factory, where did Wen Shao hide the simplified synthesis formula after he got it, and—”

Jiang Ting's voice paused slightly, and Yan Yan couldn't help but ask, "What?"

"...Wen Shao seems to be very anxious." After hesitating, Jiang Ting still said: "He should have become very suspicious of me, and he knows that the police are most likely to be eyeing this place, but he would rather take a risk and promote it. This deal. It's not in line with the general pattern of behavior of drug dealers."

In the countries with the most severe sanctions for drug trafficking, drug dealers rarely provoke the police. Because the lucrative industry like drugs can’t make enough money, and once caught, there’s nothing left. Therefore, the bigger the drug lord, the less willing he is to cause trouble. Those who dare to risk their lives are often demolished. Family.

To allow a drug lord of the level of Wen Shao to commit crimes against the wind, how much blue gold is hidden in the underground factory

Several hundred million? One billion

Even billions

Even Director Lu couldn't imagine it, so he frowned and asked, "Wang Pengfei can take so much drugs alone?"

Jiang Ting shook his head: "A few years ago, I caught Wang Pengfei's demolition in Gongzhou. According to my observation, this possibility is very small."

Lu Ju took a breath, and a suspicious look flashed behind his reading glasses.

"Officer Lu! Bureau Lu!" Suddenly the wooden door was slammed, and Ma Xiang said eagerly from outside, "Brother Yan! Are you still inside?!"

Director Lu winked, and Yan Yan stepped forward and opened the door: "What's wrong?"

"Wei Bureau persuaded that Gui Jianchou to cooperate with Fang Pian J to call back, but after the call was made, the opposite side was the K of spades!" Ma Xiang anxiously pointed to the direction of the technical investigation office not far away: "They Now at Director Huang's place, the king of spades said he wants Lu... he wants the Q of hearts to answer the phone!"

Lu Ju and Jiang Ting suddenly got up at the same time.

In the Technical Investigation Department, Gong Achi was handcuffed and sat in an interrogation chair, and Deputy Bureau Wei held a mobile phone to his ear. The expressions of all the technicians around were not very good-looking, and they only heard the sullen voice of the spade K coming from the monitoring equipment:

"This batch of important goods is almost here, you call Jiang Ting, I have something to tell him personally."