Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 143


Jiang Ting took over the phone, and the technical investigation office was silent. Huang Xing and his apprentices were working nervously behind the positioning equipment. Gong Achi was handcuffed to the side by covering his mouth in plainclothes. Other than that, everyone was staring at Jiang Ting with burning eyes, and all they could hear was the sound of suppressed breathing.

"Hey," came the smiley voice of Spade K from the phone: "Jiang Ting?"

Yan Yan sat on the edge of the table beside Jiang Ting, and squeezed the hand on his shoulder.

Jiang Ting nodded slightly to him and said to the phone, "Hello."

The king of spades asked, "Are you still near Chess Game Peak?"

Jiang Ting said, "Yes. Your people say you have something to tell me?"

Bureau Lu asked Huang Xing with his eyes. The latter has been sweating coldly under the hairline that has been getting higher and higher in recent years.

But this is very difficult. First of all, Jiang Ting is not a character to chat with Spade K for a while, and secondly, the longer the call time is delayed, the greater the chance of revealing flaws being discovered by the other party.

The other end of the phone said slowly, "Yes, the goods are about to arrive, and I just remembered that I had a few words to warn you, so I asked you to answer the phone."

"What do you want to tell me?" Jiang Ting asked.

The king of spades suddenly fell into silence.

One second, two seconds, three seconds. Time became extraordinarily long and unbearable, every moment of silence was infinitely stretched, and everyone's heartbeat jumped to their throats.

Why doesn't he speak

Did he find something? !

The invisible string in the void gradually tightened to its limit. At this moment, only the king of spades spoke again. To everyone's surprise, the tone was very concerned:

"Your voice is hoarse, what's the matter? Is there any discomfort?"

"...I'm fine, there's a little wind on the mountain road." Jiang Ting coughed twice: "They are heating me up with hot water in the kitchen, and I'll have a couple of sips later."

The king of spades seemed to be nodding reassuringly over the phone: "That's good. Is it cold outside?"

"not cold."

"Are you tired of walking for a long time?"


The faces of everyone present were strange, and no one knew why the big drug lord suddenly started chatting - but to the nervous technical investigators, the delay of more than ten seconds was like driftwood in rapids, and the red and green lights of the signal tracker were flickering. became a piece.

"If you can't handle it, I can send someone down to pick you up first, and let Gong Achi and the others pick up the goods. Do you think so?"

Bureau Lu suddenly raised his head, Jiang Ting and Yan Yan looked at each other.

Yan Yan silently made an export: "Hang it, don't panic-"

"Okay," Jiang Ting replied casually to the phone, then paused and said, "But if that's the case, Jin Jie will have something to say when he goes back."

If you don't watch the tense scene and just listen to the voice, all the subtle and real emotions in Jiang Ting's words will be grasped to the extreme, and will never cause any suspicion.

Sure enough, Spade K laughed: "Why do you care about him, it's not that you don't know why he likes to be cheap."

Jiang Ting was silent for a moment, then said, "Forget it, I'll stay here. Where is the goods?"

There was only the sound of the pen rustling on the paper, and the technical detective was still nervously calculating the triangulation. Director Lu, Deputy Director Wei and others could not help leaning forward with their upper bodies, but they only heard the king of spades on the mobile phone asking back at this moment:

"Why didn't you ask me where I was?"

Jiang Zing was stunned.

Not only him, but Yan Yan, Lu Ju and the others were also taken aback at the same time.

"Where are you?" Jiang Ting responded quickly, and immediately answered hesitantly.

"I'm in the factory, a few hours' drive from the stockade. If it's from you, it's probably a good distance away."

"… "

Jiang Ting's heart skipped a little, and he glanced at Yan Yan.

"Okay," Jiang Ting suppressed the growing sense of strangeness and asked, "Then are you here to pick up the goods with me? Or do you have other plans?"

"I don't want to go, the mountain road is not convenient, you can bring them to Yunzhongzhai - the so-called goods are Wang Pengfei's group. I forgot to tell you, I just changed my mind and asked them to go up the mountain to trade in advance today."

The whole room was breathing in unison.

"… today?"

"Yes, they will arrive at Qiju Peak in another hour or so. You take them up to Yunzhongzhai, and then I will send the specific route of the factory to Qinchuan, and let him take Wang Pengfei from the village to the factory to meet me and see the goods. This time, we still use the method of separation of money and goods. After the transaction is completed, we will go down the mountain at night, and Wang Pengfei and the others will talk about it tomorrow."

Jiang Ting turned his head sharply to look at Bureau Lu, who was quickly sending a message to the Provincial Public Security Bureau, and at the same time made a three-word mouth: "Come, no, come!"

"Is it too late?" Jiang Ting asked on the phone. "It will be late at night when the transaction is completed. Come to me from the factory, and then go down the mountain in the dark..."

The king of spades laughed.

"It's too late," he said with a smile, "in fact, things like inspection are very fast."

Several technical investigators were sweating profusely, Huang Xing stood up from his seat in a hurry, and frantically rushed to the river to stop gesturing: Don't hang up! Wait a minute! Procrastinate!

Jiang Ting said, "But..."

Without a word, the phone was easily hung up by the king of spades.

"Fuck!" Huang Xing scolded loudly, and Bureau Lu immediately asked, "How is the positioning? How much can the range be determined?"

The tracking machine squeaked out a few pieces of paper, and Huang Xing pointed his index finger to show it to Bureau Lu: "This old forest in the deep mountains can't be delineated at all! In the end, I can only follow within this radius! Damn, that grandson counter-reconnaissance. The experience is also too rich, can hang up the phone a little bit before we catch the signal, and I have been chased by the smugglers in Myanmar?!"

Bureau Lu squinted his old eyes to study for a long time, and snorted coldly: "I think too much, he is the one who is chasing the spy in Myanmar."

Huang Xing kept wiping the cold sweat on his bare brain. Director Lu beckoned to Jiang Ting and asked, "What do Jiang Team think?"

Jiang Ting hesitated for a moment, "...I don't know why the king of spades suddenly traded in advance, but it's not a good sign to change your mind before the battle. How much police force do you have to deploy on Chess Game Peak and Yunzhong Village?"

Bureau Lu held his reading glasses and looked at the few people who came down from the Provincial Public Security Bureau through the gap of the glasses.

"This, this incident is so sudden..." The director who opened the mouth was a little familiar, Yan Yan looked at him and recognized that this was an old acquaintance who had dealt with the 502 drug case. stale.

Director Chen said with an unstoppable embarrassment on his face, "We can't find where the drug dealer's base camp is these days. The provincial and departmental police are basically scattered in all the key suspect areas in Yaoshan. If we make a deal, we can mobilize the special police explosion-proof team to encircle and suppress Yunzhong Village overnight - but now Wang Pengfei has suddenly moved up to the mountain an hour later, and even if we call the manpower immediately, I am afraid it will be difficult to plan well."

Bureau Lu pondered for a while, then said slowly, "Team Jiang."

Everyone present at the Jianning Municipal Bureau is very familiar with this old director. Yan Yan was sitting on the table with his buttocks. When he heard this, he suddenly slipped off the edge of the table and walked forward with his bushy brows. .

However, Jiang Ting raised his hand to stop him and said, "I understand."

Yan Yan stopped in his steps with a gloomy expression on his face.

"There is really no other way. We can't conjure up a regiment of armed police from the sky to storm the village—not to mention capturing the thief first, even if we can knock down Yunzhong Village, it's useless if we can't catch Wen Shao. Ju Lu took off his reading glasses, took out a soft cloth from his pocket to wipe them, and said solemnly, "In my opinion, the fastest way at the moment is to take care of the plan. Team Jiang will go to Qiju Peak to pick up the purchase according to Wen Shao's arrangement." Mr. Wang Pengfei, our people secretly followed behind and went to Yunzhongzhai with you. After the Jiang team and Qinchuan were handed over, they tried to get the road map of the underground factory issued by Wen Shao, and then sent a signal to the command center; After confirming the transaction address, I, Lao Wei and Lao Yu personally rush over with the special police and take him to the scene."

The minister at the provincial office didn't say a word, and it was obvious from his expression that he acquiesced.

Bureau Lu exhaled and said again, "Yan Yun."

"… Yes."

"You are responsible for taking the Jiang team to the Qiju Peak, waiting for Wang Pengfei in ambush on the spot, and then secretly escorting the Jiang team to Yunzhongzhai, is it alright?"

Yan Yan's Adam's apple twitched violently before he said in a low voice, "No problem."

Bureau Lu nodded, as if he was at ease with Yan Yan's promise, put on his reading glasses and waved to the surroundings.

Deputy Bureau Wei, Team Yu, Huang Xing, Chu Chen, and several leaders of the provincial department took two steps forward and gathered around the large desk of the technical investigator.

"Wu Tun and Wenshao drug cartels have been active in the Golden Triangle and the China-Myanmar border for ten years, causing incalculable social harm and loss to the people. It is rare for our police to surround him in S province this time. This is a great opportunity. You all know that the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Party Committee of S attaches great importance to this siege operation. Countless pairs of eyes are staring at us. There is no need for me to say more nonsense such as success and failure; whether it is national justice or self-interest , everyone must understand this layer-by-layer relationship.”

Lu Ju is a penetrating person, and his words made the surroundings silent.

Even if the big truths of justice and awe-inspiring are not mentioned, everyone present has their own practical needs: the younger generation of police officers want to make meritorious deeds, want to be promoted, or want to avenge their comrades, while the older generation is unwilling to retire There is regret on the pass, and I want to keep the glory of wearing the national flag on the road in the future. Therefore, everyone's desperate direction is very consistent, and no one will be afraid of death at this time.

"Old Wei, you and Yu team work with the local leaders to make another ambush deployment. I want to call Liu Ting for the final ventilation. Time is running out." Director Lu looked at his watch, looked up at Jiang Ting, and said every word. He said solemnly and slowly, "Then I'll leave it to you, Team Jiang."

Looking at all eyes, Jiang Ting's brows were as cold as ice:

"I know."

Three police cars lined up in a row in the jungle. As they moved up and down, the SWAT officers with guns and live ammunition sat on both sides of the back compartment. The tense silence soaked every inch of the air and weighed heavily in everyone's lungs.

Yan Yan carried a gun on his waist and put on a bulletproof vest, and his gloomy eyebrows were reflected in the rearview mirror of the police car in the middle. Jiang Ting looked back slightly from the co-pilot, only to see that Ma Xiang and the SWAT officers did not look towards them, so he turned his head and said softly, "Later me down a few hundred meters earlier, so as not to be caught by Wang Pengfei. Found."

Yan Yan didn't answer, he held the steering wheel with one hand, and groped around Jiang Ting's ear with the other hand, touching the small button connector on the inside of his auricle, and smiled bitterly.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Guess where I got this button?"

Jiang Ting was stunned.

"Sanchun Flower Tree." Yan Xun tapped his index finger lightly in his ear and said, "Second-hand goods."

Jiang Ting suddenly remembered the anti-drug operation in the 502 narcotics case, where Yan Xun personally went undercover—but now that he remembered it, the first thing that appeared in his mind was not a clue of the case or a summary of experience, or even any thrilling clips. , but the secret kiss he hastily printed in order to cover Yan Yan.

A slight smile appeared in Jiang Ting's eyes, "Are you still taking it with you?"

"Lucky charm, how meaningful." Yan Yan pinched the tip of his ear: "Although it's disgusting... point."

Jiang Ting's smile froze in his eyes: "Ah?"

Yan Yan immediately said: "But I have used it several times later, and I have never disliked it, really."

"..." Jiang Ting thought that you are very particular, I just swallowed the communicator and spit it under the sofa, and then Yang Mei took it out from the bottom of the deck when no one was paying attention, and wiped it clean, otherwise my life would be lost. Still disgusting? There are a lot of things about the rich second generation.

"What are you thinking? All your husbands don't dislike it, do you know?"

Jiang Ting glanced back again, turned back and whispered, "The first thing I do when I get home from get off work is to wash my feet, otherwise I will despise you, understand?"

Yan Yan: "Fuck you, why are you doing so much, my husband is busy making money to support the family all day, what's wrong with sweating..."

Jiang Ting reached out and grabbed Yan Yan's dishonest hand, but Yan Yan insisted on drilling the back of his neck. After a few scuffles, the steering wheel tilted, and the big police car walked out of an S shape. All the special police officers in the rear compartment raised their heads at the same time, and the two immediately sat upright and did not dare to move.

"Brother Yan, are you all right?" Ma Xiang shouted from behind with his neck stretched.

Yan Yan: "Shut up and sit back!"

The carriage returned to silence again, and after a long while, Yan Yan cautiously lifted his eyelids and slid to his side, meeting Jiang Ting's teasing gaze.

"..." Yan Yan couldn't help laughing and scolded in a low voice: "Look, my husband drove the car into a ditch later!"

Jiang Ting said, "See what's wrong with you. Just take a look at it..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

The three police cars connected end to end and roared forward. Passing through the thick gray and white woods, the target site gradually appeared behind the hillside, which was the only way for drug buyer Wang Peng to fly to Qiju Peak.

The first police car stopped abruptly, the red light came on behind the car, and Yan Yan stepped on the brakes.

"Brother Yan, prepare to release the bait." Gao Panqing's voice from the first car rang through the walkie-talkie: "Officer Lu said that Lao Cai and the others will arrive in about ten minutes, and the first SWAT brothers are already in place."

"Okay, got it."

In order to ensure agility, Jiang Ting wore a black jacket with the zipper pulled to the top, revealing only his cold, white and deep chin. Yan Yan took off her dark gray scarf, tore the logo on the hem of the scarf with her canine teeth, and then carefully tied it around Jiang Ting's neck, staring at his dark black pupils:

"It's just one glance and one less. Even if we live to ninety-nine together, isn't it one day less? There's nothing wrong with it."

Jiang Ting smiled.

"I often look at you when you're not at home," Yan Yan pointed to his temple and said softly, "In my mind. I can watch it as many times as I want."

Ma Xiang opened the car door, and the special police got out of the car one by one, nimbly looking for an ambush in the grass, surrounded by footsteps and calls.

However, only the two of them looked at each other in the cab. Jiang Ting's eyes were sad and gentle, he got up and pressed Yan Yan's head in front of him, lowered his head and kissed his messy black hair, saying, "I live By ninety-nine, ninety-seven is enough for you."

As if the soft feathers swept past the point of the heart, Yan Yan suddenly raised his head, Jiang Ting had turned and got out of the car, and walked through the woods to the predetermined connection point.