Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 148


At the rear of the factory building, three bright bulletproof off-road vehicles stood side by side, and the surveillance screen installed in the vehicles faithfully reflected the scene in the corridor outside—two police action teams were rapidly charging towards them, and they were about to arrive at the door soon. .

At the same time, Ajie's last countdown is coming from the car's Bluetooth: "Three-two-"


The driver's breath stopped, and there was silence behind him.

"..." The driver was stunned and asked, "Boss?"

The cold eyes of the king of spades were reflected in the rearview mirror: "No hurry, just wait two more minutes."

But is this waitable? Line 2 didn't explode as planned, let alone two minutes, just a few seconds of delay, and the SWAT police rushed to their backs!

The driver panicked, and subconsciously wanted to ask the boss if he could detonate Line 2 himself immediately, and then at this moment - bang!

The closed door of the rear workshop was kicked away, and a flood of SWAT police rushed in: "Who is it?" "Get out of the car, don't move!" "Police!"

"Fuck!" the driver yelled.

The windows of the left and right cars lowered, and the bodyguard pulled out a miniature submachine gun without hesitation. In less than a blink of an eye, the SWAT opened fire at the same time, and the entire rear factory fell into a fierce gun battle!


"Command center! Command center! After the scene, the factory found three gangsters with guns resisting arrest. They are exchanging fire! They are exchanging fire!!"

Da Da Da Da—the rapid firing of the submachine gun came from the channel, and Kang Shuqiang shouted in a deep voice: "Hold on! Group A immediately rushed to support!"

"No, it didn't explode..." At the same time, the SWAT police around him made trembling noises, and then turned into shouts one after another: "It didn't explode!" "It didn't explode!!" "Quickly, come and defuse the bomb! !"

Although most people think that even if the king of spades is going to blow up, it will not blow up after the buyer enters the transaction site, and he himself will not be able to escape once a winter forest fire is triggered; but considering that he has a record of the plastic factory incident three years ago, Bureau Lu still insisted that the action team be equipped with special bomb disposal personnel to prevent him from risking his own life and repeating the drama of the year in case he was really insane.

Several special policemen rushed forward with the bomb disposal personnel, but before they got close, they saw Kang Shuqiang pressing the headset with one hand, gesturing desperately to tell them to back away, and at the same time stuffing Lao Cai to the deputy team: "The total frequency bomb is too late. Just make a phone call and it will explode!! The explosion-proof team will follow me, and the rest will leave!!”

The explosion-proof shields quickly stood up, forming a black protective wall with the bomb on Wu Tun's back as the center. The rest of the SWAT officers rushed out of the warehouse following the heads of Wang Pengfei and other drug dealers, and Kang Shuqiang didn't let go until after the main force withdrew: "Go! Go! Go! The explosion-proof team will keep up, ready to destroy—"

"Kang, Brother Kang," the SWAT policeman beside him trembled.

When Kang Shuqiang turned his head, the red light that suddenly went out on the bomb was reflected in his eyes.

"...Quick!" Kang Shuqiang lost his voice: "Quickly withdraw—"

Two seconds later, Boom! !

The old drug lord's body was torn apart, and was immediately completely engulfed by the strong light. The explosion-proof policeman flew out like a kite with a broken line. The high-intensity explosion caused by C4 overturned the roof, and the steel and rubble went straight into the sky!

The explosion rapidly advanced along all corridors, all the way to the rear workshop, and the entire ground shook violently in the shock wave.

The aluminum alloy materials supporting the walls burst, and the hurricane-like air waves even pushed the off-road body forward. The driver almost fell into the front window, but fortunately he was strangled by the safety belt. When he was in shock, he just heard his boss smile behind him:

"Look, didn't this blow up?"

The overwhelming PVC tarpaulin fell down, and the police couldn't retreat at all, and the firepower was lost in an instant. The three bulletproof vehicles were no longer blocked and started at the same time, smashing the outer wall of the factory building with a bang, and flying away against the strong wind!


"Report to the command center! There was an explosion at the scene, and three suspected main target convoys escaped! Three suspected main target convoys escaped!!"

On the satellite monitoring screen of the command vehicle, billowing black smoke covered the sky, and the strong light reflected everyone's solemn faces.

"I'm the eighteenth generation of his ancestors, what is this grandson thinking?!" Chen Chu had never seen a drug dealer like Spade K in his life, and shouted in disbelief: "He uses buyers, factories, and all drugs for As bait?! But he wasn't there himself?! Wasn't he afraid that he himself would be killed?!"

No one could speak—it turned out he wasn't afraid.

The police can't fully understand a cold-blooded, anti-social, powerful firepower and downright lunatic, especially when the lunatic doesn't even care about his own life, but the police must start from the overall situation and seek stability everywhere.

Bureau Lu asked the headset in a deep voice: "C11 observation point reports the situation, where is the current direction of the main target team?"

A positioning point was quickly reported in the communication channel, and everyone looked at the map—Deputy Bureau Wei frowned and blurted out: "So this is it! Sure enough, this is the only way for them to go down the mountain, I will immediately bring someone to rush to reinforcements in person!"

Deputy Director Wei also went out of his way. With this kind of intense on-site action, they should not have taken the leadership position in person at their age.

"Wait, Old Wei," Team Yu said suddenly, "Has this road been outflanked by the entire Second Investigation Team?"

"Yeah, what?"

Under several gazes, Team Yu's chest rose and fell slightly, as if he was hesitating to say something, and then turned his inquiring eyes to Director Lu.

Deputy Director Wei was impatient, but at this time he also felt that something was wrong: "I'm talking about what's going on, could it be—"

"In case," Lu Ju said slowly, "I mean in case."

His stubby index finger swiped inch by inch on the dark green line representing the mountain road on the map, and said, "Is it possible that the drug dealer has already set up a third wave of explosives at the mouth of the gorge?"


Hiss - the motorcycle stopped abruptly, the front of the car was raised high, and it hit the ground with a bang.

Qin Chuan took off his helmet, and saw flames rising into the sky in the distance from the factory, and a large area of the tent collapsed, all of which were reflected in the bottom of his squeezed pupils.

Who detonated the second line, the king of spades himself

But how is it possible? !

In order to prevent Wang Pengfei from communicating with the outside world, the entire factory building has been blocked from mobile phone signals, and only radio waves in special frequency bands can be accessed within a limited range. That is to say, if Spade K wants to detonate Line 2 himself, he must have a cordless telephone with another common frequency system, and he has to rush out of the SWAT's encirclement and suppression wall and run out of the rear workshop, otherwise it is impossible.

So if it wasn't for the king of spades, who would detonate the second line


It was obviously just the slightest movement of the muffler, but Qin Chuan, like a long eye behind his back, instantly started the motorcycle and turned the head of the air conditioner, and stopped with a long leg on the ground. Bullets rubbed the ground, splashing sparkling fire!

"Sure enough, it's you," he said.

A shrewd figure appeared on the cliff in the dark, and the muzzle of the gun was emitting curling blue smoke—

That's Ajay.

"It's up to me to say this." Ajie held the gun in his right hand and the phone in his left, staring at Qin Chuan and smiling, his expression was like smelling a bloody shark: "Or should I say, it really is you? "

Qin Chuan exhaled. The tense muscles in his shoulders and arms seemed to have relaxed, and he asked helplessly, "Can you tell me when it was exposed?"

Ajie glanced at the time, not in a hurry at all, and slowly spit out a word: "Gun."

Back in time to the start of the action—

"Qin Chuan did you give him that gun today?"

Ajie was stunned when he heard the question on the phone, "Yes, I gave him a micro-charge, what's wrong?"

Spade K said leisurely: "But he still has a ninety-two style in his arms."

"Type 92? We didn't bring this model this time." Ajie pondered for a while, and then remembered: "Oh yes, that should be the lost gun that Yue Guangping of Gongzhou left in the past and caught Caohua A in Myanmar. I met Qin Chuan one day, and he suddenly asked me to take the gun back..."

"This kid may be going against the water."


"You don't have to go to the observation post on the top of the mountain. Go back to the factory and find someone to get a spare radio frequency equipment. If Qin Chuan jumps back, you can detonate the three lines for him." Spade K paused and seemed a little sighed: "I Said that after Yue Guangping died, how could this kid's series of performances deceive the old fox surnamed Lu... It turned out that it was not a disguise at all, it was a revealing of the truth. If he didn't carry this gun today, he might not be able to reveal flaws, but it is estimated that He felt that it was a last-ditch battle, so he couldn't help it."

"You mean he wants to avenge Yue Guangping?!" Ajie said in disbelief.

"No, not quite."

Ajie was puzzled, and only listened to his elder brother jokingly said: "I'm more inclined to think that it was revenge for himself, or that a smart person was venting his anger that he was completely fooled..."

"It's a pity, I originally thought he was the same kind of person as me." Spade K laughed, and there was undisguised regret in his eyes: "Sure enough, it is unavoidable to kill one another."


Qin Chuan rubbed his forehead hard, seemingly helpless and convinced, and said with a loud laugh, "That's why I said why your boss wants to sell drugs, why don't you become a magician who is both respected and rich? What a pity Xuan Xuan The academic world has lost a genius!"

Ajie obviously doesn't have his sense of humor: "Do you think you can go back to Jianning City Bureau after you get your vote?"

Qin Chuan put down his hands while laughing and put them on the handles on both sides of the motorcycle. This movement made Ajie's nerves jump sharply, and he saw the flaming flames in the distance reflected on his side, illuminating half of his body as if it were about to burn.

"That time is worth remembering, but it is indeed time to end." Qin Chuan regretted, "your boss is right, I am indeed the same kind of person as him—"

Before he finished speaking, Ajie pulled out the muffler and threw it away, and said coldly, "I think it's time for your whole life to end!"


Removing the silencer can improve the shooting accuracy. The shot hit Qinchuan's right chest, but there was no blood - he was wearing a body armor!

At that moment, the motorcycle started with a bang and hit like lightning!

The powerful acceleration of the competition-level motorcycle is like a stream of fire swiping through the air, and Ajie can't dodge or dodge all of a sudden, bang! A shot hit Qin Chuan under the shoulder, bang! Another shot passed close to the neck, and the shell clanged to the ground—

Everything happened in the lightning, the steel behemoth leaped into the sky, and the shadow was close to Ajie's eyes!

The reaction of any normal person is to turn around and run away, but it is impossible to escape at all. The inertial force generated by the locomotive and the driver is heavy enough to crush the prey into blood and mud in an instant.

Ajie leaned back, completely shrouded in shadows falling from the sky.

Time seemed to be stretched infinitely, and even the hot air, the distorted firelight, and the gravel swept away by the tires idling quickly turned into slow motion in mid-air. In that frozen silence, Applejack raised his guns in both hands, aiming the muzzle somewhere on the locomotive—

Bang bang bang bang! !

Several bullets poured out, and the locomotive "Bang!" burst into a fire!

Qin Chuan kicked his feet violently, broke away in mid-air, rolled on the spot and got up to draw his gun. Even if it was a hundredth of a second slower, it was too late, and the high-speed rotating locomotive slammed into the mountain wall, bursting into an earth-shattering fire!

Ajie threw the empty gun, strode forward and pushed Qin Chuan against the rock with an elbow, and then went to grab the 92-style in his hand. But Qin Chuan jumped up in the air and kicked his feet forward. The weight of that kick was no small matter, and he kicked Ajie back two meters on the spot.

"Bah!" Ajie spit out bloody spit after dodging to the mountain rock. Just as he was about to get up, a bullet hit the top of his head with several debris!

This surnamed Qin really had two strokes, almost tossing his skull off. Ajie pulled out the dagger and came out from behind the rock with the cover of the night. Sure enough, Qinchuan pulled the trigger again, and the bullets came after him!

"Beyond one's own capabilities," Applejack said coldly, and threw a dagger.


The blade swirled in mid-air, and the next second, Qin Chuan's palm splattered blood, and the ninety-two style was sent flying!


The dagger and the pistol landed at the same time, Qin Chuan flew to grab it, but Ajie approached him as if he could predict the opponent's hand, and twisted him. The two adult men, both taller than 1.8 meters and weighing more than 300 jins, were like two male beasts fighting to the death during the scuffle. They rolled down the steep slope along the ground with rubble and collided with a horizontal tree. Branches sticking out!

The collision was so terrifying, the thick branch of the bowl rustled and smashed into the two of them, causing countless blood marks to be drawn from half of Qin Chuan's body.

Bang! Qin Chuan tilted his head and slammed his iron fist on the ground. The strong wind shook his eardrums. In the next second, he caught Ajie's fist with his palm, twisted it, and the sound of dislocation sounded crisply.

Ajie inhaled hissingly, and was then kicked out by Qin Chuan, taking a few steps back before he stumbled to his feet!

"Who doesn't do what they can?" Qin Chuan got up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, panting and laughing.

From the top of the slope to the bottom of the slope, there were stones all over the ground in the dark night, all stained with bloodstains when they rolled down, which was shocking at first glance.

But the professional killer's physique was like a monster. Ajie didn't feel any pain at all. He reset his wrist, squinted his eyes and stared at Qin Chuan, and a bloody cold light flashed from the depths of his pupils.

"When Yue Guangping died," he slowly raised the corner of his mouth and asked, "Did you call his father?"

Qin Chuan's face did not move, but his eyebrows twitched.

"You said that he drank the poison handed by his son. What was his mood before he died? Guilt? Regret? Shocked and unbelievable?"

Ajie stared at every subtle expression of Qin Chuan, and slowly moved his neck and shoulders, his muscles burst out, and his strong bones made a cracking sound:

"Or... hate?"

Before the last word landed, he had already raised his foot and rushed out.

Qin Chuan suddenly came back to his senses, but it was half a second too late - Ajie's cold face was already in front of him, and a punch was enough to crack gold and rubble, knocking him backwards!

Qin Chuan spat out half of his broken teeth, but luckily he blocked his lower face out of fighting instinct, otherwise the lower half of his face would have been shattered at this moment. But this was the case, his eardrums were still full of blood. In the few seconds after he lost his ability to resist, Ajie grabbed him and bent his knees. The steel-like knees were enough to squeeze and rupture his internal organs!


Qin Chuan spat out a mouthful of blood, then kicked his chest hard, and his body flew out and hit the mountain wall!

"I said," Applejack said coldly, "it's time for your whole life to end."

Ajie walked step by step, grabbed Qin Chuan's hair and pinched his throat - with his terrifying palm strength, severing a human throat was no different from severing a chicken's neck.

However, he didn't expect that Qin Chuan was more durable than he thought, and he didn't lose consciousness.

"It's just you?" Applejack mocked.

Qin Chuan gritted his teeth.

The silent wrestling continued for a moment, Ajie's fingers moved forward a little bit, and the fingertips had touched the opponent's neck—

Suddenly, in the factory area in the distance, a bright signal light appeared in the dark night.

That was the direction the Spades K team retreated.



The headlights reflected the surrounding night as bright as day, and it was clearly visible from far away. The Myanmar driver was refreshed: "The boss is here!"

Jingle! Metal crashed from the back seat, as if something had been unlocked.

The driver turned back: "You..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the cowardly and timid young man leaning into the front seat, with a handsome face that was expressionless, and a sharp needle seemed to be sandwiched between his knuckles—

Immediately, his temples cooled, and the "sharp needle" was pushed alive into his skull by Jiang Ting's thumb.

"… cluck... cluck..."

The driver's eyes bulged, and there was a sound of mechanical contraction and blood in his throat, and he collapsed on the driver's seat a few seconds later.

He didn't know until his death that the weapon that wanted to take his life turned out to be a sharpened hairpin.

Jiang stopped the car, pulled the driver's body out and threw it on the ground, found the gun and mobile phone, and ripped off the other party's coat to put it on for himself, slammed the door and started the jeep.

The mountain road ahead was getting brighter and brighter, and a convoy of signal lights was coming towards him.

Jiang couldn't stop coughing and his hands trembled slightly. After all, he was no longer a healthy and strong person. But he was very conscious, and even the hand knife with the K of spades on the back of his neck only caused a faint pain in the depths of his brain, and could not affect the speed of thinking and decision-making.

He turned on the car radio, and the messy news of the convoy suddenly rang:

"Brother Jie replied, ready to blast..."

"Prepare for Line 3, Prep for Line 3..."

With a click, Jiang Shut turned off the radio, took out the driver's mobile phone and pressed a series of numbers.

I must answer, I must answer... Jiang Ting muttered in his heart, and sure enough, the phone was picked up a few seconds later. The background on the opposite side of the call is cluttered, and it seems that someone is shouting: "Have the line been connected! Start positioning!"

That was the bald director surnamed Huang of the Jianning Technical Team.

At this critical juncture, Jiang Ting found that he was still distracted, and he was able to recognize the other person from just a few words.

Immediately, an old man said solemnly: "Hello?"

"... Bureau Lu," Jiang Ting said hoarsely, "I exposed."

"!!" Bureau Lu immediately asked: "Where are you! Quickly locate! Don't be afraid that we have already sent someone to rescue you, hold on!"

"I heard that Shao set up a bomb on the way to retreat. It's the 'Line 3'." Jiang Ting's tail trembled strangely, and said, "You immediately ask the technical investigator to locate this number, and evacuate all the police cars along the way. They will explode soon. Move fast... must be fast!"

"Where are you? What are you going to do? Stay there and wait for rescue, Team Jiang! Team Jiang!"

Jiang Ting cut off the phone and threw it on the passenger seat.

Immediately after he stepped on the accelerator, the jeep slowly started and drove towards the increasingly bright mountain road ahead.


At the same time, on the edge of the stone cliff.

The signal light was reflected in Ajie's eyes, and he suddenly remembered something important. When he felt his pocket was empty, when he turned back, he saw something shining brightly in the crevice of the stone more than ten meters away.

"..." He sighed and turned to Qin Chuan, fierce and a little unwilling:

"You are lucky today, and you will live two more years."

Immediately, he suddenly pulled his hand, and he didn't even want to fight, he pulled his leg and walked back.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Fresh oxygen was poured into his lungs, and Qin Chuan choked out a mouthful of blood and coughed violently. Just now at the moment of life and death, my almost blank mind came back to my senses, and several thoughts came up at the same time: What do you mean? let me go? What is he going to do

At this moment, what was shining in the cracks in the corner of his eyes suddenly understood:

That's a cell phone.

Ajie pulled away because he wanted to call Line 3 immediately so that the bomb at the mouth of the gorge could be triggered!

Qin Chuan turned his head suddenly, and his eyes reflected the flickering police lights in the distant night.

Hurry up and run, there is a voice in your brain telling yourself.

He has already been exposed, and even if he kills Ajie, he will lose the only opportunity to snipe the K of Spades. The most important thing now is to run for his life quickly, as long as he can escape smoothly, he has already made a way for himself a few years ago, and there is still a chance to make a comeback in the future.

Applejack walked over to the crevice and bent down.

He no longer belongs to those people, he has left that team forever. Even if you are caught alive, you will be doomed to spend the rest of your life behind bars until you leave this world. The result is better than death.

Yes, he told himself, he might as well just die.

But at the same time, another voice gradually emerged from the depths of my mind:

There are things in this world that are more reluctant to accept than death.

The phone went off a few times, then Applejack picked it up, and the screen illuminated the killer's unruly face.

The red and blue light reflected the corner of Qin Chuan's eyes, and he turned around.

In fact, even if he died here today, no one would know why he died.

Zero, zero, three. Applejack presses the extension numbers in turn, and moves his thumb to the # key—

Just at this time.

The sharp wind smashed into the back of his head, Ajie tilted his head in a conditioned reflex, and the phone was knocked out far away!

"Fuck!" Ajie cursed without saying a word, but was restrained by Qin Chuan's elbow from behind. The strength was reinforced and iron bones, and it could not be shaken in the slightest. The terrifying inertia made the two of them hit the ground at the same time, and the sharp stones on the ground instantly cut into the flesh, and then they rolled and rushed to the bottom of the cliff!