Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 149


The police car dashed through the rubble, its headlights illuminating the night ahead.

A red dot suddenly appeared on the radio detection radar screen, and a scarlet light flickered, reflecting in Yan Yan's dark eyes.

The next moment, Yan Yan slammed the steering wheel, and the police car drifted away in a scream, following the red dot.


It should have been a loud crash, but in Qin Chuan's ears, it sounded like a muffled sound across the water.

That was because his ears were already covered with blood.

"Fuck your mother..." Ajie got up from the ground in embarrassment, his whole body was covered with soil and gravel, and he coughed out several mouthfuls of blood-red saliva. He shook his head vigorously, his eyes finally gathered, and he stared at Qin Chuan who was panting on the ground not far away.

There was a height difference of eight or nine meters from where they rolled down, and the ground was full of sharp stones protruding from the ground and hard branches like bayonets. In comparison, Qin Chuan's luck was worse. He was half-kneeling on the ground and clutching his abdomen, unable to stand up at all. In the dark night, he couldn't see how his injuries were, but blood was gurgling from his fingers, constantly spilling on the ground.

"Wait... wait and see," Ajie panted, "I will never let you out of here alive today..."

Then he didn't waste time, turned around and walked uphill, and also went to get the phone.

Qin Chuan suddenly got up and pounced on his strength, just like a bird of prey headed down, and restrained Ajie from behind!


This time, Ajie was really furious, and he scolded a few words in Burmese, then leaned forward and fell back, and threw Qin Chuan to the ground!

When he landed, Qin Chuanbiao shot out a mouthful of bloody arrows, Ajie didn't wait for him to relax, he grabbed his clothes and picked him up with two punches, roaring, "I'll kill you, you idiot! You stop, you stop them and they will die!! Either Tiaozi died or you died!!"


Ribs and internal organs were squeezed, twisted, and ruptured by the fist, and even the heartbeat almost stopped.

Then Ajie paused, and his fist was caught by Qin Chuan's blood-stained palm. Immediately, Qin Chuan hit the chest with a flying kick, hitting the sternum quickly and ruthlessly!

It was the power that the beast exploded when it was about to die. It was so swift and violent that Ajie felt as if his sternum had been hit by a hammer, and he fell out a dozen paces in an instant!

"...Then," said Qin Chuan, panting, "I'll just die."

He threw himself to the ground and crawled towards the phone not far away.

It was really almost crawling, and there were bloodstains on the ground below him. Ajie stood up with blood all over his face, only to feel an inexplicable and absurd anger going straight to the top of his head, staggering on the gravel and rushing up, grabbing Qin Chuan when he was only half a step away from the phone, ruthlessly Push back.

"Do you still think you are a sliver? What are you trying to figure out, you idiot?!"

"cough cough..."

The choking cough made the trachea seem to be twisted into pieces, and Qin Chuan poured out a mouthful of blood as soon as he opened his mouth.

"You fucking want to die, don't you? I'll let you go!" Ajie took him and forcibly dragged him to the side of the broken tree trunk, and slammed his head against the tree with the back collar, and the broken wood and withered leaves rustled down: " Lao Tzu will take you on your way!"

Then he went up the tree again - bang! !

Blood splattered all over the ground, and the banging of human bones caused chills between teeth.

Qin Chuan couldn't stop gasping, and the blood-colored barrier even blocked his sight.

But in a trance, he could still see in the distance, the blue and red interlaced rays of light reflecting the canyon. He knew that there were countless police officers there, some of whom had never met before, but most of them could be named; they were nervously waiting for the emergence of a huge drug dealer, waiting for the upcoming last-ditch battle, and no one knew that the former traitor was here.

No one came to bid farewell to his death.

But at least, Qin Chuan thought, they had all appeared together in many pre-war mobilizations, many post-war celebrations, and even more long ago, at the orientation meeting when he first joined the anti-drug detachment.

Since there have been so many perfections, it doesn't matter too much about the occasional shortcoming.

"Okay, I'll send you down with those notes today," Ajie picked up a sharp stone the size of his fist and said coldly, "Let's find them as brothers in the next life!"


The stone fell head on, Qin Chuan closed his eyes.

But the expected impact did not come.

-Snapped! Ajie's arm was grabbed from behind, and then the giant force overturned him, and he fell backwards with a punch!

"There is no need for the next life," said a familiar male voice, "he has always been my brother."

Qin Chuan's pupils instantly expanded.

"Yan..." he murmured, "Yan Yun?!"

Ajie got up, and before he could get up completely, Yan Xun grabbed him and shoved him up the tree, and he was hit with a heavy and ruthless punch like lightning. Clap! The back of Ajie's head slammed into the tree, followed by another punch without resting his breath, and even his temples made a clear squeezing sound!

"...!" Ajie grabbed Yan Xun while coughing blood, kicked him away with all his might, then hugged his head and bowed. This reaction was indeed professional, because the next moment the bullet hit the tree trunk behind him with a few bangs, splashing the sky with sawdust!

"Are you alright?!" Yan Yan shouted.

Qin Chuan's head was covered in blood, and he coughed a few times before he spoke: "You... are you a fucking dog's nose?"

"Radio wave positioning!" Yan Yan said coldly, "Officer Lu said that since it was a common frequency bomb, it had to be triggered by radio waves, so the command center urgently sent out a batch of positioning devices! Reinforcements are already on their way!"

Qin Chuan smiled weakly and murmured, "But you're the only one running so fast... and you said it wasn't a dog's nose."

Ajie dodged behind the tree, only to feel that the Tianling cover was almost smashed, and two dirty words burst out from the gap between his teeth on the spot. Countless experiences of escaping death made him know that he could not hesitate at this time, and he had to let the other party run out of bullets immediately, so he took a breath before Yan Yan caught up, rolled out like a sharp arrow, and pounced on somewhere—

Yan Yan roared, "Stop!"

That was just the instinctive reaction of his many years of criminal police. In fact, he shot without waiting for the voice to fall. In the darkness of the night, a flash of fire chased Ajie, hitting the ground with gravel splashing. Qin Chuan shouted, "Be careful! Knife!"

I saw that the dagger that had fallen to the ground fell not far away, Ajie rolled on the spot, reached out to catch it, and the next moment, the bullet spun, and the dagger flew out!

Ding-dang's cartridge case landed, and Yan Yan was about to change the clip, when Ajie jumped up like a cheetah, kicking him backwards in midair!

Qin Chuan: "Can you do it?!"

Yan Yan staggered for two steps, and Ajie's third foot flew to the end of his nose. At this moment, Yan Yan's fighting style was obviously different from that of Qin Chuan. Instead of dodging, he threw an empty gun between the lightning and put his elbows on Ajie's calf. If this is a fighting arena, then the quick The reaction may not even be captured by the camera. He has already exerted force with both arms at the same time, rubbing and twisting left and right!

In fact, there shouldn't be any movement, but the sharp pain of the electric current when the long bones cracked still made Apple Jie's scalp explode.

thump! Ajie fell to the ground, Yan Yan staggered and stood firm: "I said earlier that I can do better than you, why are you not convinced?!"

Qin Chuan was gritting his teeth and moving into the distance, when he heard the words, he said weakly, "I've already used up more than half of his mana! It's impossible to make up for the knife!"

Yan Yan: "Don't be like that... Sun!"

Ajie's fierceness has been completely stimulated to the top, and even under such circumstances, he was able to knock Yan Yan down with a swipe of his leg, and the two scuffled together in an instant!

"It's so fucking touching, huh?" Ajie's face was ashen, and he sneered: "The person who almost poisoned you can be a brother, don't you think you are great?"

The palms, elbows, knees, and all other weight-bearing points of the two were stuck to each other, their muscles were tense, their muscles and bones were bulging, and each other's bones made an overwhelmed squeak. Yan Yan's physical strength prevailed, and he twisted Ajie over and pressed him to the ground one inch by inch. A smile appeared on his distorted face due to excessive force, but he looked even more terrifying: "Yeah, what's wrong with being great, admire me?"

Ajie: "… "

"Do you want me to sign your name for you?!"

If Ajie could make a free shot, Yan Xuan's tall and straight nose would have been broken by this time. But at this time, they were stubbornly pressing against each other, Ajie only felt the smell of rust keep coming up his throat, he put it next to Yan Yan's ear, blood oozing from the gap between his teeth when he opened his mouth, gasping for every word: "You do you know… "

A few seconds later, Yan Yan suddenly hit Ajie's forehead with an elbow!

The stalemate between the two suddenly broke, and Ajie hit Yan Xun's leg bone in the chaos, and rolled out with his forehead as if he was opening the gate with blood. The thrilling change only happened in half a second. The two separated a few meters away. Yan Yan scolded something, only to hear Ajie sneered: "Look back and see if your brother is still there? Run away! Stupid dick!"

Yan Yan tilted his head in a conditioned reflex, and there was nothing but a puddle of blood not far away.

At the same time, the cold wind approached from the side of his face, bang! There was a loud echo in the eardrum, and Ajie smashed his face with blood!

"Fuck your mother Qin Chuan!!" Yan Yan yelled, "Get out of here for me!!"

The night was dark and black smoke billowed, and Qin Chuan was nowhere to be seen. Yan Yan was holding Ajie's hand tightly, and Ajie lifted his foot and swept his ankle. He lost his balance and fell, almost hitting his head on the stone cliff, and suddenly the gold stars appeared in front of him.

In these few seconds, Applejack has stumbled to the distance, and the target is flashing backward in the reflection of the fire in the distance - it is a dagger.

"I haven't killed you a few times. Today is finally the time." In the dark night, Ajie raised his dagger, his eyes gleaming like a wolf: "Leave me to die alone—"

"Yan Yun!" Qin Chuan's voice-changing roar suddenly sounded behind him: "Next!!"

An arc crossed the air, whirring, and it turned out to be a pistol.

How many times the tacit understanding of birth and death has reached its peak at this moment. Yan Yan seems to have eyes behind his back, and he doesn't look at it at all. He dodged the blade of the dagger in a flash, and the tip of the blade shot a line of blood on his side face. At the same time, he tried his best to raise his hand. —

Snapped! The ninety-two style rotates, catches, and the bullet is loaded.

The bursting wind stopped for a moment, and all the scenes froze.

Under the sky, I saw Yan Yan's raised muzzle, the crosshair aimed at the target, bang! !

The rotating bullets shattered time and space and tore the night air, which was reflected in Ajie's eyes.

In the next instant, the bullet penetrated from his forehead and shot out from the back of his head, and the bullet case bounced off the ground!

"..." Ajie's expression finally froze.

This professional killer who has been in power in China and Myanmar for many years, and who has long since forgotten how many crimes he has committed and how much blood he has committed, finally knelt down in the valley full of wolf smoke, and then fell down.

The smoke and dust splashed all over the ground and slowly fell again.

-he died.

Blood flowed out of his round eyes, but the corpse would no longer react, and a trace of brain blood gradually seeped out of the bullet hole.

Yan Xun let go of his hand and fell to the ground in the ninety-two stance, and then he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Did you scold my mother just now..." Qin Chuan was paralyzed among the rubble, coughed several times, and then took a breath from exhaustion: "If you dare to scold me again, be careful that I will beat you up."

Yan Yan mocked: "Okay, come on."

Yan Yan turned around and staggered up the stone slope, only to see Qin Chuan leaning against a mountain rock, his face surprisingly white, his nose, mouth, and half of his face were covered in blood. He was stabbed in the abdomen by a branch while pushing Applejack down the rocky cliff just now. In the dark night, he couldn't see the depth of the wound, but the front of the jacket was already wet and sticky. As long as he got a little closer, a thick blood rushed to his face.

"Both of us can't do it," Yan Yan took off his jacket to block the bleeding, and said, "It took a long time to kill that Burmese guy. It's a shame."

"Do you know how crazy people are in Myanmar? It's enough to buy a suite in Jianning after receiving an order. We are greasy middle-aged civil servants. It's not bad if we can do it... sigh!"

Qin Chuan sighed in pain, and it took a long time for him to recover. He lay on the rock and said weakly, "I originally wanted to use Team Jiang's knife to kill this kid, but I concentrated on dealing with the king of spades... I also He specially gave the surnamed Jiang a powerful medicine, who would have known that he was exposed so early and didn't have time to act."

Yan Xun asked suspiciously, "Mighty medicine?"

Qin Chuan didn't speak, and suddenly asked, "What did that kid just say to you?"

Yan Yan seemed to have realized something, and gave him a condescending look: "It doesn't matter."

But Qin Chuan is a shrewd person. Under the condition of continuous bleeding, he couldn't help propping up his upper body with his elbows. There are too many, and there will be no chance to chat in the future. Do you have some hops for peanuts... What are you doing?"

Yan Yan lowered her hair for the emergency rescue signal, and hummed from her nose: "If I were you, shut up and rest now, and hope that you will be awake when the reinforcements arrive later, and you can see Wen Shao's grandson with your own eyes. escorted into a police car."

Qin Chuan laughed.

"Team Yan, Team Yan, please reply, this is the observation point of C91..."

Yan Yan picked up the phone: "Fang Pian J resisted arrest and was killed by Qin Chuan with me. I just applied to the command car for emergency assistance, what do you say now?"

"'Nails' sent the third wave of explosives to the command center to locate the bomb disposal personnel. Now the main target is only one kilometer away from the explosion area!"

Yan Yan: "Ouch, fuck me!"

Yan Yan got up and ran. After two steps, he seemed to remember something. He turned around and threw the handcuffs at Qin Chuan, warning: "You handcuff yourself."

Qin Chuan couldn't help laughing and crying: "Get out of here... hey, wait!"

Yan Yan turned around.

Before the flames were extinguished in the distance, Qin Chuan's face, which did not look like a living person because of excessive blood loss, was also reflected red, and his eyes were shining brightly. At this moment, they stared at each other, and across the knives and rocks, each other's eyes reflected the high-spirited figure of each other when they were young.

"I feel that the king of spades seems to like to make noises, you pay attention, just in case." Qin Chuan paused and said solemnly: "Take care."

Yan Yan took two steps back, nodded, turned and ran towards the police car.

The engine roared away, and darkness soon swallowed the red taillights.

Qin Chuan retracted his gaze and slowly looked at the night sky.

Good, he thought, I'm luckier than my dad.

I don't know how many times, his thoughts gradually drifted, and he returned to that chaotic and hasty afternoon again. Yue Guangping fell to the ground twitching in a hurry, his bloodshot eyes staring straight at him, as if there were thousands of words that couldn't be said, there were mistakes, regrets, regrets, nostalgia, reluctance, disbelief... hatred.

"Don't you just need to procrastinate?! Don't you mean that the dose is not enough to kill you?!" Qin Chuan stepped back tremblingly, and heard a voice in his heart roaring frantically: "How can this happen? How can this happen?!"

Doubt and fear ripped wildly in his mind, leaving his mind blank until the man who should be called "father", whom he had hated for many years, finally stopped convulsing, collapsed on the ground, and was completely breathless.

For so many years, he had never taken a good look at his father's face.

It was not until the moment when the yin and yang were separated that he realized that the face was so similar to himself.

Until the end, he didn't question the King of Spades about the dose of the poison. He seemed to be relatively calm and with some reasonable resentment, and he accepted the fact of Yue Guangping's death logically. All of his performances are so real and natural that no one has raised any doubts about him - not Ju Lu, not the king of spades, not even the father who has been dreaming back countless times in the middle of the night and the mother who is deeply remembered.

The fangs were hidden at the bottom of the tongue, and it was only at the last moment that they tried to see it.

It was too cold, Qin Chuan tried his best to bend his legs, but he couldn't move anymore.

He had hoped that the king of spades would die in his own hands, but the same would be true of the police. If he went to the execution ground to eat a gun, he would almost be winning the Mark Six Lottery. Although there was an accident in the middle, and I couldn't live to see the Mark Six lottery draw with my own eyes, the kid with the surname Yan looked at it for himself.

Qin Chuan's vision became more and more scattered, he closed his eyes, and thousands of stars turned into blurred spots of light.

So sleepy, he thought, I have to get some sleep...

Just sleep for a while.

The wind swept across the mountain stream, blowing a long whistle, and rushed towards the night sky where the red and blue light changed and flickered.

There was a faint sound of hurried sirens in the distance.


The police car was galloping fast, and the flashes in the canyon reflected Yan Yan's calm face. He pressed the channel of the walkie-talkie phone: "Old Huang, send me the location of the 'Nails'."

"Oh, I'm still positioning, this moving speed is so fast that the signal can't catch up, let me take a look..." Huang Xing Dingdang sent a position and shouted in the background of the command car: "You are going to Where is it, Lao Yan! It's too dangerous! The provincial department just called and arranged for your investigation team to go to the gorge protection experts to defuse the bomb!"

"Protect the fart! The detonation device can be triggered by an electric spark. Is it useful to call an armed police company to protect it?!"

"Then what else can happen, go as fast as you can!" Huang Xing shouted: "I said where are you, come back quickly! Bureau Lu is sending someone to cover the nails! It's too dangerous!"


The cover was to give the undercover agent a chance to escape, but it was not applicable to Jiang Ting at all. No one in this world knows him better than Yan Yan. "Red Heart Q" is not just a deep throat nailed to the inside of the drug cartel. No matter how calm and handsome the appearance, no matter how calm and indifferent, can't cover up the real thing in his soul —A fang that was soaked in blood of hatred and was polished by constant rage for three years, so it was extremely sharp.

"I'm going to meet 'Nails' right now." Yan Yan dropped this sentence and threw the walkie-talkie on the passenger seat.

"Hey! Lao Yan! If you fight like this, you will die..."

"Oh, just let him go!" There finally sounded the helpless scolding of the Lu Bureau: "What do you know!"

Huang Xing: "...?"

The corner of Yan Yan's lips evoked a fleeting arc. At the same time, he stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the police car screamed and rushed down the mountain road, dashing towards the target!