Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 150


The mountain road was suddenly bright, and three bulletproof off-road vehicles had already driven over.

According to Wen Shao's original plan, Jiang Ting quickly lowered his head, turned on the lights, stepped on the accelerator and rushed up the mountain road to join the team. The driver of the third bulletproof car saw the jeep following from the side of the road, and the lights flashed in the flash of light, reflecting Jiang Ting in a baseball cap and a dark blue jacket on the driver's seat - the driver recognized it The familiar clothes made it logical that he recognized his accomplice, and turned on the car radio directly: "The tail car is ready to meet up as planned, and the tail car is ready to meet up as planned!"

- Receive

Jiang Ting was stunned for a moment, and his thoughts changed.

He couldn't allow him to hesitate. Looking out of the passenger's window, he saw that the rear car had adjusted its speed and kept pace with his jeep, only half a body gap away.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the opponent's back seat opened, and Wen Shao stuck out half of his body in the strong wind—

This action made Jiang Ting understand everything in an instant.

Before leaning over to open the passenger door, he grabbed the phone!


The lights illuminated the night like day, and the police lights flashed rapidly outside the cordon that traversed the valley, and countless special police were waiting.

In stark contrast, the huge valley behind the police body is empty, and only the bomb disposal personnel and the explosion-proof team are working nervously under the blazing bright lights under the focus of countless eyes.

Suddenly a police car came from a distance and stopped outside the cordon. A chubby old man in a steel helmet didn't wait for anyone to help him, so he stumbled out of the car, and the surrounding special police made way for him. Surprised voices one after another: "This..." "This is not..."

"Officer Lu!" The police officer on the scene stepped forward to greet him: "The road conditions here are too dangerous, why are you here?"

Ju Lu raised his hand to stop him, his bloodshot eyes were solemn: "What's the situation?"

"Four of the six tipping points surveyed have been removed, and the remaining two are under construction at the same time!"

"Guide Yang—" A special policeman rushed over: "The No. 5 tipping point has been eliminated!"

The faint sounds of relief all around came together, but Ju Lu's fat face, aged and haggard from staying up for several nights in a row, was still tense: "Where is the last tipping point?"

The on-site commander immediately beckoned someone to bring the map: "Here!"

The satellite map of the valley has been zoomed in and out, and six red crosses have been drawn on the interlaced image, and only one is now glowing scarlet. Director Lu looked at it for a while, and suddenly frowned. He took the tablet from Commander Yang's hand and observed it carefully for a while, and his face changed suddenly: "No."

"What?" Several SWAT instructors around became nervous at the same time.

"..." Ju Lu's stubby fingers touched the last red cross, and if you listen carefully, you can see that his tail is slightly unstable: "This tipping point is at the narrowest part of the gorge, and once it explodes, it is easy to cause a chain reaction, forming a whole There is a landslide in the canyon, and everyone will have no time to retreat... Call the explosion-proof experts from the provincial department, hurry up!"

Everyone was in an uproar at the same time.

"Report the command car! Report to the commander Yang!" At this moment, the roar of the observation post in front came over the radio: "The three main targets are only one kilometer away from the ambush point, and they are heading towards the blasting point at full speed!"

As soon as the voice fell, the headlights dimly lit up on the mountain road in the distance, and as the roar of the engine in the strong wind got closer—

"Sniper preparation!" "Checkpoint preparation!" "Everyone!!"

The doors closed and banged one after another, and then a large number of sirens suddenly sounded!

"Come here to cover Director Lu!" Director Yang couldn't help but forcefully pushed Director Lu onto the police car, but during this extraordinarily chaotic time, suddenly Chen Chu stumbled down from the pile of rocks in the distance, holding his phone and shouting: "Lu Bureau! Nail sent an urgent report!"

Lu Ju's cheeks trembled, and he grabbed the phone with agility that was completely disproportionate to his size: "Team Jiang?"

The background of the mobile phone was the howling wind, and even Chen Chu, who was standing beside him, could hear it. It seemed that the caller was driving at a high speed: "The three vehicles of the main target are going to charge the card, and I heard Shao is not in the car that is charging the card."

Chen Chu asked silently, "Then where is he?"

In an instant, the words of Yan Yan on the road just now rang in Lu Ju's ear:

"Qin Chuan said that the king of spades seems to like to make noises, and told us to be careful, just in case..."

"...Quick! Let the special police go for reinforcements!" In an instant, the roar of Lu Bureau and Jiang Ting's answer on the mobile phone completely overlapped: "—Wen Shao is with 'Nails'!!"


Wen Shao approached the passenger of the jeep from the back door of the bulletproof car.

The distance between the two speeding cars is half a meter. As long as one of them is driving at a slightly wrong speed, he will slip into the bottom of the car and turn into a pile of blood in an instant - but his stride across the sky is steady, and both hands simultaneously exert force to support the car. At the top edge, the whole person got into the passenger seat, "Bang!" and closed the door.

The three off-road vehicles suddenly accelerated and sprinted towards the brightly lit police car array in the distance.

Wen Shao breathed out almost inaudibly and turned his head to the back seat - his eyelids twitched.

The back seat was empty, and his hostage was nowhere to be seen.

"Don't move," Jiang Ting said coldly, "Otherwise, the gun will shoot."

The sound of the car bumped and roared, but the small space on this side seemed to freeze, and a few seconds were longer than centuries. Finally Wen Shao laughed, seemed very helpless, and said, "It's my fault, I should have thought that it would not be so easy to subdue you."

Jiang Ting said, "It doesn't matter, I didn't expect you to throw yourself into the net."

Jiang Ting held a gun in one hand and the steering wheel in the other. The stress aftermath from the car accident three years ago no longer affected his superb driving skills. The jeep galloped smoothly along the narrow mountain road. Wen Shao's body swayed slightly with the bumps. It was so dark outside the car window that he couldn't reach his fingers. Half of his smiling face was reflected in the glass, as if he couldn't feel the cold muzzle on his head at all:

"Really?" he said. "You're wrong."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head and grabbed the gun. This act was no different from suicide, the gun went off with two bangs, and the bullet pierced the roof of the car against his own temple!

Jiang Ting's jaw clenched, the gun was out of his hands, and he jumped into the air under the action of recoil. Wen Shao stretched out his hand to grab it, Jiang Ting slammed the gun into the air with an elbow, "Bang!" The third sound went off, the bullet swept through Jiang Ting's nose and smashed the front window, and the gun flew to the back seat!

Hearing Shao's failure to grab the gun, he reacted extremely quickly, and his vise-like hand grabbed the steering wheel.

Taking the gun and grabbing the steering wheel, these two actions are like a lunatic gamble, and no one who is not so mentally ill can do it. However, at this time, Jiang Ting slammed on the brakes, and the jeep stopped abruptly. The huge inertia made Wen Shao lean forward, and his forehead hit the dashboard; in the loud noise, he could only hear clicks, clicks - the handcuffs clasped his wrists like lightning. !

Wen Shao got up together, and his right rib suddenly suffered severe pain. He lowered his head and saw Jiang Ting was pulling out a blood-stained knife from under his rib, and then stabbed it harder without saying a word. Wen Shao let out a muffled groan amid the blood spurting, and was immediately pushed to the throat by the blade.

"I've thought about it many times. If there is a chance, it would be best to kill you Lingchi." Jiang Ting said lightly, "Do you want to give me this chance to fulfill my wish?"

Wen Shao kept inhaling, and with this action, the blade drew tiny bloodstains on his throat. Finally, he sighed with a long smile: "You should have broken my two legs with your hands just now. If you don't want to lose both hands, what did you do earlier?"

The jeep parked in the middle of the narrow mountain road, with cliffs on one side and steep abyss on the other. Jiang Ting's eyes lit up in the darkness, and he said, "I really want to do this, but what if I kill you? Those drug distribution channels, cooperating personnel, internal and offline channels, who helped you in the United States back then? The blue-gold molecular formula you developed, the smuggling routes that have been sold to Southeast Asia and even North America for so many years, and the innumerable heavyweight information, who will explain it?"

Inside the police car, on the communication channel connected by the mobile phone, Jiang Ting's voice rang in the zigzag electric current: "... Now your life is worth more than mine."

Lu Ju's brows trembled.

In the dark night, the submachine guns were constantly spewing flames. The special police in bulletproof vests pressed forward one layer after another. The three bulletproof vehicles were riddled with holes and scrapped alive, but the drug dealers were still using their bodies as bunkers to continue to resist.

"Snipe D point and answer, snipe D point and answer—"

"Spot D is ready!"


A drug dealer just stuck his head out from behind the open car door, and before he could throw a home-made grenade, a sniper bullet flew through the vast night sky and pierced his head instantly.

Drop Yo - the grenade landed with the body at the same time, and four seconds later, the whole car exploded into the sky in the air!

The explosion caused gravel to fall in the sky and splattered all over the ground. Deputy Bureau Wei and Chen Chu, who were squatting outside the bomb disposal cordon, both shrank their heads, and their necks were sprinkled with sand.

"Bah bah bah..." "Cough cough cough!" The two of them were shaking their collars, and suddenly they saw a vague movement in the distance, and the explosion-proof team was jumping for joy at the same time. A few seconds later, an excited report sounded from the walkie-talkie: "Command Center Command Center, the sixth tipping point has been successfully removed!"

The blood pressure of the two leaders soared at the same time, and both of them began to shake. The on-site commander surnamed Yang almost didn't scare them out.

"Old Chen, go and report to Lao Lu!" Deputy Director Wei made a decisive decision: "Let the explosion-proof team start clearing all the explosives immediately!"

Chen Chu sighed. At this time, he no longer saw the shelf of the provincial commissioner. He moved as nimble as a rabbit with its tail chopped off. He jumped up and ran to the police car: "Officer Lu! There is a bomb disposal scene. information-"

His voice suddenly stopped, and he saw Director Lu staring straight at the front window of the car. The drug dealer's car in the distance was burning after it exploded, and the fire was reflected in the turbid eyes of the old Director: "...Not good."

Chen Chu: "Huh?"

Bureau Lu turned his head slowly, and Chen Chu and him looked at each other, only to hear him finally say hoarsely:

"... The explosion just now seemed to sound twice."


The gunfight seemed to be far away, and it disappeared silently after being rolled up by the rustling wind in the woods.

"Do you want me to explain?" Wen Shao's dark eyes showed a playful look: "But as far as I know about mainland law, my crime is enough to be shot 108 times, even if I cooperate with the police investigation, it is absolutely impossible. In exchange for a reprieve, what's the point of being honest?"

Jiang Ting said calmly, "Maybe I can help you to replace the shooting with injection, at least you can die with dignity."

Wen Shao seemed to have heard something very funny: "Then you might as well stab me to death now, or stab me slowly. I have the most dignity to die in your hands."

The two looked at each other, and Jiang stopped smiling slowly for a long time, but the smile was so cold that it made the bone marrow chill: "Don't worry, the police will have a way to pry your mouth open."

He pulled the handbrake and was about to start the car - but suddenly shouted, "Wait!"

Jiang Ting raised his eyebrows.

"Do you want me to explain?"

"… "

"If you are involved in every interrogation, I will tell all the secrets the police want to know, how about it? Is it a deal?"

Jiang Ting's expression was like a deep pool, from the corners of his eyelashes to the curvature of the corners of his lips, he could not see the slightest emotion.

Wen Shao was pushed against his throat by the blade of the blade, and the blood beads kept rolling down, but he didn't seem to feel the pain, and even his smile became more obvious: "You can connect your mobile phone to the command center, maybe you can see my sincerity first. Do you know how the three children of Wang Rui, He Liang and Shen Xiaoqi died?"

Jiang Ting wanted to remind him that Shen Xiaoqi had been rescued, but he didn't say anything.

It was useless to remind him, Wen Shao's paranoia was already terminally ill, and in his eyes, Shen Xiaoqi was no different from death.

"Every mid-July, I think about our childhood experiences. If I ever had any regrets in my life, that lifeline was probably the only thing I wanted to turn back in time and go back in time to stop and change; Like you said, more than twenty years, too long. There's no point in going back."

"This incident later became a stalk in my heart, until I came back from the United States and found that you were completely on Wu Tun's side, this stalk turned into a blood spot, and every day I could feel it spreading, Festering, it gradually became a problem for the confidant.”

"That's why you forced Teng Wenyan to kill Wang Rui and Li Yuxin to kill He Liang." Jiang Ting said with his brows still, "You actually want to execute yourself, but you don't want to die, so you can only find these innocent children to be yours. substitute."

Wen Shao was silent for a moment, his eyes flashing: "I actually want to die under your hands, just like when I got into the car just now, I asked why you didn't shoot."

Jiang stopped for a moment.

"But I'm still glad that you can understand what I mean." Wen Shao said gently, "I have always loved you, Jiang Ting. In exchange for cooperating with the police, please send me to Bureau Lu by hand."

If it was before, these three words would make Jiang Ting be entangled by the poisonous snake of hatred and self-loathing, and even be forced to suffocate, but now he just feels very absurd in his heart.

"I'm sorry I don't understand you. I've never understood you very well." Jiang Ting laughed and laughed, "The person responsible for analyzing the motive of the crime in that case is Yan Yan."

He slammed on the accelerator, and the jeep hummed and drove forward.

The side mirrors reflected the scene behind them, and there was a faint glow at the end of the mountain road—the headlights, as if a police car was chasing after them.

Jiang Ting glanced at the side mirror distractedly, and then heard Wen Shao's increasingly clear laughter.

This person often laughs when chatting with Jiang Ting, but rarely does he laugh out loud like this. For some reason, Jiang Ting's heart sank slightly, and he frowned and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's like Teng Wenyan didn't kill Wang Rui, so she died..." Wen Shao said regretfully, "That's why I just asked, why didn't you just shoot?"

"… "

Wen Shao held Jiang Ting's hand that suddenly started to tremble, as if he was holding a priceless treasure. With a relieved smile, he said slowly: "In order to completely destroy the clues after I escaped and prevent the police from tracking, I put bombs in all four cars..."

Jiang Ting suddenly took out his hand and threw the knife, banged open the glove box under the dashboard, and his pupils instantly shrank.

In the lighting lamp, a stack of explosives was fixed at the bottom of the box, and the detonating device was extremely delicate. It turned out to be two metal balls fixed by electromagnetic wires—

"Continue to drive forward, don't slow down." Wen Shao's tone seemed to have a little regret: "This is an inertial trigger device, the metal ball can be detonated after three collisions. You stopped and started just now, and the inertial force has already made it collide twice. Again, as long as you step on the brakes again, you and I will be blown to pieces."

"I love you, and I want to live with you." The voice of the king of spades sounded clearly in the command car: "If it really doesn't work, you can die together."

The expressions of all the leaders changed suddenly, and Bureau Lu's teacup fell to the ground with a bang!

"Report to the command center!" At this moment, Team Yu could only hear the loud voice of the communication channel: "I have set up a checkpoint ahead with reinforcements, and Team Jiang's car is only 200 meters away from us!"

Deputy Director Wei lost his voice in anger: "No—"

Jingle bells! The car satellite phone rang, and Bureau Lu pressed the connect button with trembling hands.

"Report to Director Lu, I just caught up with Jiang Zing from behind." Yan Xun was driving a police car, and through the front window of the car, the jeep taillights were reflected in his surprised eyes: "Can you help me connect to Jiang Zing's channel? He doesn't seem to have any intention of slowing down to meet me, what's going on?"