Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 156


He ran away.

After miraculously deceiving the doctor in charge and all the plainclothes surveillance, the anti-water little prince Qinchuan managed to break free from the handcuffs in the short gap between the guards' handover and escaped through the window, disappearing without a trace.

It only took Lu Bureau less than half an hour from learning of the situation to emergency deployment, but the net did not catch this cunning shark. From the handcuffs of the hospital bed to the outer walls of the windowsill, his DNA was covered with his DNA. The surveillance cameras fought for two days against the surveillance video. In the end, only half of his back was vaguely found at the exit of a certain expressway, as well as his hands raised backwards in the wind.

The gesture seemed to be saying goodbye.

No one knows why Qin Chuan chose to run away that day, maybe because he was finally recuperating enough to move, maybe because the guards were really negligent during the shift change that day. Qin Chuan's unpredictable good and evil no one can get a clue, but Lu Ju said, "It may also be because I have been waiting for you."

Yan Yan: "Huh?"

"Ah what, think about when we were talking in front of his hospital bed that day, he was actually awake all the time, listening to every word in his ears, and when we went out, he immediately got up and ran away. how to explain?"

"..." Yan Yan was speechless for a moment, and Bureau Lu sighed: "Since you don't want to go to jail, why did you have to be obsessed with ghosts in the first place!"

Bureau Lv was standing in front of the office window, the wolfberry chrysanthemum rock sugar tea was rippling in the large enamel tea jar, steaming hot, and a thin layer of white mist condensed on the reading glasses. He just stared at the busy street in the distance like this, with a shimmering light in his eyes, and after a while he sighed again:

"Qinchuan has a side of justice and loyalty in his character, but I failed to fulfill the responsibility of guiding. I doubted him when Lao Yue was just gone, and it was actually too late to rein in his horse, but he showed The appearance to the outside world is too easy, and when it is never fixed, it changes from beginning to end…”

"Old, old!" Lu Ju finally summed up with self-deprecation.

Yan Yan wanted to say something to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say. Bureau Lu turned around and walked to the big desk, signed the notice of assistance in the investigation, held a wanted notice in front of him, and narrowed his eyes with emotion.

"...I'll catch him back," Yan Yan finally said in a low voice.

Bureau Lu nodded, both of them stared at the wanted order, and Qin Chuan's handsome face smiled back at them.

"Waiting for you?" Jiang stopped at the head of the hospital bed, snapped the book "The Significance of DNA Methylation in Forensic Practice (Author Gou Li)", and laughed: "—Wait for what are you doing, your relationship with Director Lu is too much It's rich. The run surnamed Qin was definitely not planned by him alone, and it is very likely that there will be accomplices to support it. The reason why I chose that day was just because the time was right, where did it come from that there are so many? "

Yang Mei sat on the sofa chair in the single-person VIP ward and drank the seafood soup, which was delicious, and nodded. She is not familiar with Qin Chuan, but Qin Chuan once made a cut on her brother Jiang's face, so it ranks third in her book of revenge, and the fourth is the foreman of Gongzhou nightclub who lost her diamond necklace. The five are the KTV bosses next door to the Evernight Palace who robbed her of business.

As for the first and second place, they are all dead.

"Look at your prodigy, still drink, still drink!" Yan Yan taught her, "This is what I made for you to cook and send to your brother Jiang to nourish your body, why did you drink it! You've gained weight in the past two months. Circle, I don’t wash my head, I don’t put on makeup, do you still want to get married in the future?”

Jiang Ting was about to speak up to defend Yang Mei, but when he heard the word marriage, he immediately felt a sense of urgency and stared at Yang Mei reproachfully.

"Why are you getting married?" Yang Mei wiped her mouth and said coldly, "It's good for my wife to live alone, to make money to buy bags, houses and jewelry, go to a big dinner with Han Xiaomei and go to a yoga class on weekends, it's better than nothing. ?"

"Although, but..." Yan Yan still hadn't given up.

Yang Mei's next sentence made him speechless: "There is no but, the profit of the Palace of Never Night has tripled in a year, and what I have is money!"

Yan Yan, who knew the benefits of being rich, had to admit that these words were very emboldened.

Jiang Ting smiled helplessly and shook his head, opened Director Gou's latest masterpiece (signed version) again, and asked casually, "Has the notice of assistance in investigation been issued?"

"It's early, so I'll wait for the New Year if I don't." Yan Yan sighed: "But according to the latest progress, he may have escaped from S province, and the hope of being caught back in a short period of time is relatively slim."

"I think he might go abroad," Jiang Ting said.

"Going abroad?"

Jiang Ting turned a page, pouted "uh" and said, "Qin Chuan doesn't do anything, he is used to killing people with knives, and likes to stay behind. When he was loyal to the king of spades, he hinted at Wang Xingye, otherwise he would It will not leave a loophole in civilian surveillance, so as to be caught by Lu Bureau. Except for Wang Xingye, who has more than enough success, I guess he has other contacts, who may have already laid more than one for himself. A way back."

Yan Yan was thoughtful, and Jiang Ting said again: "I think you should have seen this clearly. The difference between Qin Chuan and ordinary people is that the good and evil in his personality are fluid. He began to lure him into the water more than ten years ago, not only because he was the only son of Yue Guangping who owed a lot to him, but also because he smelled the side of Qin Chuan who was similar to himself - they both liked the feeling of controlling the evil in their hands When Qin Chuan deliberately asked Ajie to return the 92 police gun in front of me, he pointed at Ajie's head and pretended to hit him, ignoring Ajie's suspicions, because he enjoyed the kind of The excitement of taking chestnuts out of the fire in the hearts of heavy people. Compared with Wen Shao, Qin Chuan just has an extra curse in his heart."

"If possible, it's best to bring him to justice as soon as possible," paused and concluded, "Otherwise I'm afraid that he may gradually evolve into the second king of spades under the influence of external forces."

Will Qin Chuan go down that road of no return

No one could tell this clearly, but Yan Yan felt that what he had more than the king of spades in his heart was not just a spell, but also something else.

However, this can only be known when he catches Qin Chuan with his own hands in the future.

The result of Jiang Ting's handling has not come down, and Bureau Lv said that it is because the S provincial department has been arguing with the Gongzhou Municipal Bureau. Since Deputy Director Hu came to make a transcript, Jiang Ting has been interrogated several times, and every time he came out, he felt a little more nervous; but later, because he could not wait for the result, he gradually calmed down. After coming down, I told Yan Yan that even if he was sentenced to a few years in prison, he would not be afraid. He brought Gou Li’s latest book and the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra into the detention center. When he was released, he would be a versatile knife-handling mage. .

Yan Yan smiled bitterly and said that her husband couldn't do anything else, so he must apply for medical parole for you, so you can rest assured.

At the beginning of spring in March, Jiang Ting was finally discharged from the high-level single-patient ward, and officially ended the days of Yanxun City Bureau, home, hospital, hospital, hospital... Three heads ran.

Not only did his hair grow out, but it was also very soft and shiny, even Yan Yan was amazed, so he touched it when he had time. However, Jiang Ting was accustomed to the baldness and coolness of neatness, and euphemistically expressed his wish to cut his head. This time, not only Yan Yan, but even Yang Mei, Ma Xiang, Han Xiaomei and other people with normal aesthetics expressed strong opposition, so he Had to give up.

In the end, it was still comfortable at home. Jiang Ting ate, slept, slept, and ate all day long. When he was bored, he went downstairs to the community park to feed the kittens. Ms. Zeng Cuicui came to deliver soup every two days and fed him like a big baby, which caused him to feel that he had gained weight not long after he was discharged from the hospital. At the last stop, he found that he had gained three kilograms.

"Yan Yun!" Jiang Ting poked his head out of the bathroom and shouted, "You promised to take me to Gongzhou when you weighed five pounds, come and see!"

Yan Yan was watching the ball with his feet up in the living room. Hearing this, he immediately rubbed his hands and stood up, and said to himself, "I've gained fat, so I can eat meat..."

Jiang Ting wanted to go to Gongzhou Martyrs Cemetery. This is the first time he has made this request since the 1009 plastic factory bombing.

It's not that Yan Xun is unwilling to drive him, the main reason is that the doctor said that Jiang Ting's cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels are still very weak, and he can't withstand too much emotional fluctuation. Lu Ju also thinks that Jiang Ting's performance is very likely to be in front of the tombstone. past. It wasn't until the weather got a little warmer, and after mid-April, the results of the re-examination were very good, and Yan Yan finally took Jiang out of the door with the doctor's permission.

Different from the renderings of literary and artistic works, when they arrived at the cemetery, not only did they not have cloudy and drizzle, but they also did not have gloomy clouds. On the contrary, the weather was fine. The shoots of the branches sprout, clusters of small flowers sway in the wind on the green grass, and even the gray tombstones reflect the warm shimmer of the years.

Yan Yan said, "I'll find you a maza to sit for a while, how can you stand for so long."

Jiang Ting didn't say a word. He walked back and forth in front of a dozen tombstones with the bouquet in his arms, not knowing what he was muttering. After a long time, he finally couldn't walk, he raised his trousers and sat on the ground, heaving a long sigh.

"Okay, I'll be alone for a while," he said casually, "I'll go out and find you later."

Yan Yan patted his shoulder, took a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, put one hand in his trouser pocket and went out.

Criminal police is one of the most dangerous professions in the peaceful era. The older the criminal police officer, the more he can see how evil the hearts of evil people can be, how kind souls can be, how precious life is, and how valuable death and parting can be. how easy it is.

It is precisely because life is too fragile and easy to disappear, so we must bid farewell to the deceased with the mentality of looking forward to reunion, and use severe punishment to protect the living.

Yan Yan walked out of the cemetery, took a deep breath in the fresh air mixed with grass and trees, and suddenly felt the phone vibrate in his pocket.

"Hello, Bureau Lu?"

Team Yu proposed to retire from illness, and Yan Yan's official succession was also put on the agenda. After being promoted to the main office, even if he is a middle-level leader, it is inconvenient to scold. Bureau Lu and Deputy Bureau Wei seem to be scolding them for the rest of their lives in the last few days. Now they can't help but see him. The need to stack up his sleeves caused Yan Yan to have a considerable psychological shadow on the phone between the two.

"Where are you recruiting cats and dogs, Gongzhou?"


Before Yan Xun could argue that it was you who approved the fake in person, he just listened to Bureau Lu continue: "The ministry's opinion on Jiang Ting's handling has been approved."

Yan Yan's cheeks tightened: "How is it?"

There was air flowing over the phone, which sounded like a long sigh, and Bureau Lu said, "It's all thanks to Lao Yue in the end!"

Among all the points where Jiang Ting may touch the line, the shooting of Qi Sihao is not very serious, because he had already taken refuge with the king of spades and betrayed the existence of Yan Yan to the drug dealer, so this point is controversial. What is really serious is some of the things he did for Wu Tun when he first joined the police in his early years, as well as several demolitions that he was ordered to cover by the K of Spades - Hu Weisheng is one of the typical cases; and Jiang Ting "died" after the 1009 Incident, Some of the big tigers in the upper ranks of Gongzhou took advantage of the situation and blamed him for what they had done, and now it is completely unclear.

Although it is said that merits and demerits are equal, but how much work is calculated and how much is overcalculated, the water in this is very deep, and it is almost endless when you pull the skin.

The S Provincial Department, Jianning Municipal Bureau and Gongzhou Municipal Bureau argued for two months, and finally alerted the Ministry of Public Security. At the beginning of April, the Ministry of Public Security sent people to conduct a thorough investigation and retrieved a large number of old case files from ten years ago. When investigating the disciplinary violations of Jiang Ting’s handling of the case in his early years, he found a lot of evidence that he was framed, so he followed the clues and arrested two people at the speed of light. Retired leaders of the municipal party committee; after further investigation, they found that some mistakes in Jiang Ting's early years were later made up by various means.

—It is Yue Guangping.

After Jiang Ting confessed his identity to Yue Guangping and proposed the 1009 action plan, the old director quietly dug out all the problematic files in his early years, and added instructions and signatures. By doing this, he was carrying the pot on himself. Although the compliance of the supplementary instructions was insufficient, in case Jiang Ting was criticized one day in the future, Yue Guangping would be able to act as a barrier to enclose the last buffer for him.

The deceased is gone, but the shadow remains. Before these old files were exposed, no one knew what Yue Guangping had done, not even Jiang Ting himself knew that there was always a pair of old and powerful hands supporting the invisible umbrella behind him.

"The public prosecution will not be enough, serious demerits in the party are inevitable, let Jiang Ting resign himself after taking the blame..."

That was actually dismissal, and he couldn't put on his uniform and go back to the police. But compared to the prosecution and imprisonment, this ending is already very good, and even worth celebrating.

"... I understand," Yan Yan was silent for a long time, and said with emotion, "Okay, it's okay... I'll go tell him."

Bureau Lu gave a few words and hung up the phone.

Yan Xun clutched the phone, took a deep breath and calmed down, walking towards the cemetery full of greenery in the spring. He stepped lightly on the soft grass with his leather shoes, passed through the heavy grey stone monuments, stood beside Jiang Ting, bowed his head and smiled at his bright eyes.

"That's right, Bureau Lu called just now and he said..."

The blue sky was as blue as a wash, the clouds fluttered and fluttered, and a ray of light broke through the clouds. Immediately, thousands of golden lights were like golden arrows shot by the gods, penetrating the heaven and earth in the world, illuminating the vast mountains, rivers, cities and villages in the southwest of the motherland.

In the Gongzhou Martyrs Cemetery, numerous pines and cypresses are green and vigorous, and countless stone tablets stand up to the sky.

Jiang Ting buried his face in the palm of his hand. Although he tried his best to suppress it, he couldn't control his trembling shoulders. Hot tears rolled down his fingers and hit the yellow earth where the loyal bones of his comrades were buried.

Yan Yan pulled him over with force, pressed his forehead against his shoulder, and sighed deeply.

The apricot blossoms are like rain, swishing across the rows of peaceful and silent stone monuments and Jiang Ting's red and moist eyes, swirling in the wind and straight up to the sky.

one year later.

Nine thirty in the evening.

In a bungalow on Yucheng Road, Taiping District, Jianning City, the floor is covered with survey boards, and the sound of criminals taking pictures is endless. Gou Li, who was carrying a suitcase, hurried to the scene with people. Outside the cordon was crowded with curious people pointing at him, and the intern police officers drove him away from time to time and shouted a few words.

"How about Brother Yan?" Han Xiaomei raised her chin at the corpse without changing her expression.

"I knew that the robbers would fight infighting because of the uneven distribution of stolen goods, but I didn't expect that they could cause death." Yan Yan took the police report board and signed it, without looking up: "Immediately send an investigation notice to the railway station. At the expressway toll station of the bus station, the traffic police team transferred the surveillance video of the northern section of Yucheng Road between 6:00 and 9:00 tonight and sent it to the material evidence technical team, Ma Xiang! The waist size of the stolen diamonds will be used for trace inspection for comparison! I What about the second dog? Is the forensic doctor in place?"

"Who are your two dogs!" Gou Li roared: "My name is Director Gou, Director!"

Yan Yan laughed and looked out the door: "Hey, why hasn't your teacher Jiang arrived yet?"

A car came from a distance, and before everyone saw it, it slowly stopped at the gate of the community.

Associate Professor Jiang from the Investigation Department of Jianning Police Station bowed and got out of the car door, put one hand in his pocket, and folded his trench coat with the other, and walked quickly through the crowd amid the discussions. The intern policeman was used to it for a long time, and greeted him with a smile from a distance, handed over gloves and shoe covers, and diligently raised the cordon for him.

Jiang Ting thanked him and looked up at Yan Yan's smiling gaze not far away.

No one could see the smile in Jiang Ting's eyes. He put on gloves and walked towards the crime scene with red and blue flashing police lights.

The author has something to say:

- end of text

See you next week

"Broken Cloud" has been serialized for seven months. It is my longest article. I am very grateful to the readers who have accompanied me along the way. Your support, encouragement and opinions have already become an inseparable part of this article.

When this article started serialization, I actually had 17 chapters saved, which was unprecedented (I had 2 chapters before). However, due to various objective reasons and subjective mistakes, I made everyone wait for a while before the start of the third volume, and for a while during the World Cup, I feel very sorry and guilty. I decided to learn from the lesson, and I must save up to 40 chapters for the next article to make sure that I don't take long vacations for anything in the middle.

There are a lot of things that I am satisfied with this article, and there are also some things that I am not satisfied with. I will slowly start to revise it after a while.

The third volume was completely deleted and rewritten, which caused some trouble. In the original third volume, Yu team took on a very full plot, and in one mission, he was killed by an internal black gun for covering Han Xiaomei. This directly contributed to the rapid growth and rebirth of Xiaomei China and Han in the fourth volume, as well as some character changes caused by the change of identity and the aggravation of responsibilities after Yan Yan was promoted to the leader of the main branch. The lack of this part of the content has caused the lack of meaning in the transition of missions between the two generations of female criminal police officers. I feel it is a pity.

But the rewrite of the third volume also has a good side, mainly because the character of Qin Chuan has been completely changed. If possible, it may become a link role and continue to the next volume (not sure if there is a next one).

"Broken Cloud" signed the film and television copyright and radio drama in February this year, and subsequently signed animation and simplified publishing. I didn't like Simplified Publishing very much before, mainly because I had to delete meat and write an extra, but this time the publisher didn't ask me to write an extra. But because of the reason for the World Cup leave, I am very sorry, so I will definitely write an online extra (see next week), and I will try my best to write a physical extra.

Some people may have noticed "Broken Cloud 2" in the column. It's like this. Around April or May, some film and television parties came to Jinjiang to ask me what I plan to write in my next article. I probably have a few topics that I'm interested in, but Not finalized either. In June, the bidding suddenly sold out, but at that time I was still not sure how to write the next article (mainly because I was going to fly to Moscow at that time, and the fourth volume was progressing to a complicated time, and I opened my eyes every day. Just thinking about how to pave the way to a decisive battle). Because I need an article ID to sign a contract, I was about to go out to the airport the day I got on the plane, and the editor suddenly knocked on me to turn on the computer and send an urgent copy of the pre-received copy, so I dragged my suitcase and temporarily named it "Poyun 2". I have no idea what kind of story to write. I will be leaving Melbourne at the end of August, and I will go to London in September to work until the end of the year, so I won’t be able to open a new article until the end of the year. This time, I have to save up to 40 chapters before I start publishing, hoping to give readers a good reading experience.

So that's it, although serialization is not an easy thing, but looking back on it, I am very happy to have spent the past half a year with everyone. If you still don’t have enough, Mao’er FM exclusively serializes the radio drama “Poyun” every Saturday. Because this is a sharing system for Jinjiang and the author, the editor also asked me to drop some exclusive snippets from time to time in the radio drama, if you want Thank you very much for your support.

When the extras are released next week, I will sort out all the overlord lists from June 11 to the present. It is estimated that it will be very long. Students who do not want to turn the page can click the upper right corner of the APP to block the author's words~

Well, after the episode next week, see you on the next story.

Ten years have gone by in a blink of an eye, love you, bow!
