Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 159


It is impossible to do it in South Africa. First of all, it does not meet Yan Xun's requirement of "not too hot" - "Jiang's body is tender and does not carry heat, and if the temperature is higher than 25, he will turn into a pool of water. Risk, it will be difficult to solidify him into a human shape again."

Miss Secretary: "... Where else in the world can the highest temperature in midsummer and early August be less than twenty-five?"

Yes, in the southern hemisphere, country A.

This unfortunate city, which was chosen by Yan Yan at a glance, is said to be among the best in the world in terms of light conditions and air quality, with good social order, simple and friendly residents, and extremely open folk customs—just passed the same-sex marriage law. The surrounding of the city is close to the ocean and famous natural attractions, which means that Deputy Bureau Wei can not only realize his long-standing dream of sea fishing, but even go fishing by boat. The proportion of local Chinese is quite high, and he can speak Chinese directly in many places. any communication barriers.

Even better, although it is in the off-season southern hemisphere, the highest daytime in early August is 18 degrees Celsius, and the sun is full, the sky is blue, and the greenery is excellent, which completely satisfies the dreams of all the literary girls of Yan Yan.

"How wonderful," Yan Yan said when boarding the plane, "Let's go to this city to retire when we retire!"

Twelve hours later, the plane landed in this extreme southern city. As soon as the cabin door opened, the cold wind from the Antarctic glaciers swept the ocean currents instantly filled the cabin, forcibly pushing Yan Yan back three steps.

"Go to old age yourself!" Jiang Ting hunched over and trembled, hid behind Yan Yan's broad shoulders, and shouted in the strong wind, "It's good for me to stay in Gongzhou and eat hot pot!"

Yan Yan made thousands of choices, but he did not expect that the only shortcoming of this city, which is known as "the most livable in the world", is that it has to face the ice and snow winds from Antarctica every year, and the temperature is eighteen degrees. Even applying three kilograms of hairspray can't stop the hair from standing up.

Yan Yan grabbed Jiang Ting's collar and shouted, "Marry a chicken, follow a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog!" Then she wrapped Jiang Team Hulu in her arms, and walked with difficulty step by step against the cold wind whistling at the airport.

Regarding the scale of the wedding, Jiang Ting's concept is relatively conservative: the two of us can live behind closed doors, you can have a sense of ceremony, but it is not suitable to make a big splash, otherwise it would be very embarrassing to spread the word. What do you all think

But Yan Yan felt that since we didn't steal or rob or break the law, what I want to do at the wedding is my personal freedom. At the most important moment of a person's life, shouldn't I be happy with myself and care about other people's eyes

Jiang Ting had a subtle and complicated feeling towards Yan Yan, and he was too embarrassed to say it. In the face of Yan Yan's insistence, he is like a man who accompanies his wife to go shopping and swiping credit cards. Although he is twitching in his heart, on the surface, he is still in various ways of "doing it well, you have the final say", and the day before the wedding, he Only then did I realize that the small-scale ceremony of thirty or forty people had more than doubled the number of guests in the end.

"Can you blame me?" Yan Yan hugged his arms, 285,000 yuan, and sat on the big bed of the hotel suite with his thighs crossed and his legs twitched: "How many city bureaus are left with a bachelor's age like me? They just attended the wedding, can they come without their wife and children? After all, it's no wonder that you promised to get married too late?"

Jiang Ting: "..."

Indeed, as Yan Yan said, the total number of guests is absolutely unstoppable. Although the Yan family's old friends in the business field were not notified, and the relatives in the family only came to close relatives, the Jianning Municipal Bureau definitely wanted to invite people from top to bottom: Bureau Lu, Deputy Bureau Wei, Yu Zhu, Fang Zhenghong , Gou Li, Huang Xing, the Criminal Investigation Detachment dragged their families up and down, several deputy bureau chiefs, political commissars, directors, and so on... Some come and some don't, but as long as they come, they bring their wives and children with them. Anyway, Yan Yan's family had money to charter a flight. Everyone agreed that it would be a fool to take advantage of it and not take advantage of it. In the end, Bureau Lv simply took Yan Yan's wedding as this year's city bureau's annual team building.

In addition to the colleagues from the Municipal Bureau who received the invitation, there was also Captain Kang Shuqiang who finally got up from the hospital bed from the special police brigade next door ("The surnamed Yan tells you that I will never go on missions with you again! You are A calamity!!" "Damn, what's the matter with me, isn't this all the pot of that surname Wen, can I invite you to dinner later?!"), her maiden's family Yang Mei ("Brother Jiang, I Brother Jiang! I worked so hard to raise cabbage!!..." "You, the surnamed Yang, speak the truth. It's all me who waters, fertilizes, and removes pests and pests for this cabbage. What's wrong with you?" !"), and Jiang Ting's few comrades still alive.

These comrades must be invited. The group of anti-drug police officers in the second detachment who had the closest relationship with Jiang Ting all died after the 1009 explosion. There are still a few seriously injured in bed, two even Lying in the hospital bed for half a year. Although they did not want to believe that Jiang Ting was a black police officer after being beaten to death, because they were usually close to Jiang Ting, they were severely censored and treated unfairly afterwards. In the end, they had to change jobs or go to the police station. The situation was quite rough.

After Yaoshan's anti-drug operation, the Ministry of Public Security strictly investigated the 1009 cases, and a group of bureau-level officials were dismissed, while the two anti-drug policemen of the second detachment who were wronged in those years were successively rehabilitated. Some of these people are still willing to stay in the public security, and they all received belated merits and commendations, and they were brought back to the Municipal Bureau; some of them were disheartened by the Gongzhou system, and they all followed Jiang Ting and brought his family along. After moving to Jianning, Director Lv urged the Public Security Department of S Province to receive the files of this group of people.

In fact, they will live more comfortably in Jianning. In any case, the climate, housing prices, wages and benefits are much better than in Gongzhou, and their professional titles are promoted faster.

In this way, the total number of people at the wedding has exceeded 80, and the number of on-site staff has exceeded 100.

Jiang Ting explained feebly: "Actually, I'm mainly afraid that the wedding expenses will be too high..."

Yan Yan said: "Oh, don't look for reasons, our consultant Jiang contributed enough money to the medical cause of the motherland to hold ten weddings, and there is more than enough for ten weddings. As long as you take good care of your precious and precious body, our criminal investigation detachment should be up and down. Burning incense... Come to sleep and give me a hug! Don't run! You can still afford it in the early morning tomorrow!"


On the day of the wedding, Yan Yan could sleep until eight o'clock, while Jiang Ting had to wake up at six in the morning—because Ms. Zeng Cuicui's royal makeup artist, after a rigorous evaluation, said that the new Mrs. Shaodong's face was pale, her lips were gray, and her hair was slightly tipsy. Dry, the general summary is a look of sickness, if you don't wear makeup, the effect will be very tragic when the photo is taken.

The word sickness frightened Ms. Zeng Cuicui, forcing Jiang Ting to drink red dates soup for a month before leaving for country A, but even so, he still did not escape the clutches of the makeup artist - the palm of magic.

"Why can't this eyebrow be repaired? After repairing, I will add two strokes to the tip of the brow. Do you think that the eyebrow shape will come out? The nose shadow should also be applied, and the nose shape will not be revealed if the nose is not repaired, although the bridge of the handsome guy's nose is already very It's quite good, but the effect of taking pictures is still different... Don't hide! I'm drawing inner eyeliner! I'll poke it in the eyeball later! Oh, handsome man, look at your hand, how can you not repair your nails, how can you not maintain your skin, why is it on the palm of your hand? So many calluses? Don't you know our hands are our second face?"

The sky was bright outside the window, and Jiang was docked in the big makeup chair outside the hotel suite, with an expression as if he had gone out of his body, "...that's a gun cocoon."

The enchanting makeup artist with flaming red lips—Jamie de Douglas Li Baozhu—took Jiang Ting’s hands and said solemnly, “Our handsome hands need to be taken care of, they are different from those stinky men!”

Ms. Zeng Cuicui nodded her head in agreement as she tried to look through the closet.

"Ouch! Mom!" Yan Yan yawned and opened the bedroom door. She was immediately startled, and hurriedly wrapped her bath towel: "Why are you here?"


The mountain-like fabric in Mother Yan's arms poured out on the sofa, and the corners of her brows and eyes couldn't hide her beaming joy: "I'm coming~ Dress up~ Stop it~"

Miracle stopped slumped in the big makeup chair, his eyes were blank, and his expression was detached, as if he was going to sacrifice his flesh to Ms. Zeng Cuicui who was in high spirits as a figure in the next second, and then immediately flew up.

"Wait, Mom," Yan Yan suddenly realized that something was wrong, "Didn't you say that I'll stop wearing black and white? Mom, what is this in your hand?"

Mother Yan looked innocent, holding a set of dark green, sapphire blue, and burgundy dress tops in her arms, and there were dozens of matching square scarves of various colors piled on the sofa, saying, "Oh, I asked the craftsmen to do more. A few sets, stop and try if you want, if the effect is good, you can change a dress every hour at the wedding, otherwise it will be monotonous to wear white all the time."

Yan Yan: "…"

Mother Yan picked up the emerald velvet dress coat and compared it to Jiang Ting, her eyes flashed with sincere joy and satisfaction: "Look at this color palette, this tailoring, this skin is so refreshing. If it weren't for your mother, I would have been early in the morning. You worked so hard to put on the makeup for two hours, and you have to take pictures today—"

When Yan Yan saw Jiang Ting, the phrase "but he doesn't seem to have changed a bit", which can be selected as the top 1 in the 21st Century Straight Men's Golden Phrase List, didn't have time to blurt out, when he saw Jiang Ting meet his gaze, and his eyes flashed suddenly. There is a light of redemptive joy.

Yan Yan: "?"

Jiang Ting grabbed his hand, and the carp stood up straight, then pushed Yan Yan back into the makeup chair, and said decisively, "Auntie, don't care what I'm wearing, Yan Yan's makeup hasn't been put on yet!"

Yan Yan: "?!"

"Brows, hair, facial mask, inner eyeliner, finger clipping... Nail care," Jiang Ting held Yan Yan's chin with one hand and gestured to Yan's mother with a very professional posture: "And you see that his teeth are smoking, and his hands The calluses are so rough, you should deal with him quickly, or it will be too late for the wedding to start soon!"

Yan Yan: "What? What are you talking about? I'm a spear cocoon!"

The poor defenseless Yan Yan finally realized that the danger he had never experienced in his life for more than 30 years was approaching rapidly, but before he could struggle hard, the four Tathagata palms of his mother and teacher Jamie fell from the sky. , and firmly pressed Yan Wukong under the dressing table.

"...Jiang Ting?!" Yan Yan couldn't believe it: "You just sold your husband? Where are you going?! Come back to me—"

Yan mother pinched her son: "Don't move! Put the clothes that have stopped for a while, and let me see your teeth! Xiao Li, bring the toothbrush quickly!"

Teacher Jamie: "Ah~ Ya~"

"I... I'm going to have breakfast." Jiang Ting hurriedly dropped a sentence, not daring to face Yan Yan's shocked accusing gaze, and slipped away with oil on the soles of his feet.

Eleven in the morning.

"The bride is here—"

The door of the room slammed open, and Ma Xiang, Gou Li, Yang Mei, Han Xiaomei, Gao Panqing, and other bastards who were not afraid of death were full of joy, and they broke into the suite without singing and dancing. In the crowd, Ma Xiang's voice, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, was particularly loud, and said, "Sister Meimei, don't believe me, I know that Consultant Jiang has to wear a wedding dress today, and if he is not sure, he has to paint his eyebrows and apply rouge. Can't wait to see him... Huh? Brother Yan?!"

Outside the suite, Yan Yan, who was ready to go, was pressed on one side of his face by Yan's mother, and the other side was tightly pressed against the table. The black tip of the teacher Jamie's approaching was reflected in his pupils, and he shouted hoarsely: "Don't draw me inside. Eyeliner! Mom! I'm going to leave a psychological shadow! Mom!!"

Mother Yan pressed her son's ear: "No! OK! Stop painting and you have to paint too! After painting, take pictures with big eyes! Be obedient!!"

Ma Xiang: "…"

Yan Yan: "…"

Everyone: "… "

The dressing room fell into a brief and eerie silence. In that two-second interval, Yan Yan suddenly burst out with a strong desire to survive. He pushed away the monster called eyeliner with one hand and broke free from his mother's restraint. He rushed out the door in a hurry.

"Where are you going? Come back to me!" Yan mother rushed out the door, crying and laughing: "The eyeliner is only half drawn, shame on you big eyes!"

At the end of the hotel corridor, Yan Yan's plea for mercy echoed: "I'll go and find Jiang Ting for you to play with!" Then he dashed into the elevator and disappeared.

Ms. Zeng Cuicui said angrily, "The dog bites Lu Dongbin, you don't know the good heart!" Then she had no choice but to go back to the house angrily to entertain Ma Xiang and Han Xiaomei's gang of "wedding brides" bastards from the city bureau.

At the same time, in the hotel sauna, Director Lv was in the billowing white mist:

"A- 嘁!!"

Deputy Bureau Wei couldn't dodge in time, and was almost sprayed in the face, and quickly moved away: "What are you doing, Lao Lu, do you have a cold?"

"I don't know," Lu Ju rubbed his nose inexplicably, and then smiled again: "Who knows if an old police officer from the Ministry of Public Security is talking about you, handsome, suave, and suave brother and me behind your back."

"Hey, you are being selfish..." Deputy Director Wei snorted. The two of them continued to cover the towel and spread lazily on the slate, each with a head of worrying hair and a general's belly that could not be ignored, racing against time to enjoy the wedding before the official start. leisure time.

The Yu team just happened to pass by, and seeing the scene through the glass, they turned their heads horribly.


Where does Jiang stop

Jiang Ting nestled comfortably on the sofa in the deepest part of the cafe in the hotel lobby.

Yan Xun managed to escape from the clutches of Teacher Jamie, and went downstairs to find something to eat. From a distance, she saw a black hair top on the back of the sofa. Immediately, her anger grew from her heart to wickedness, and she took two steps at the same time. He rushed up and grabbed the two innocent ears of Team Jiang from behind: "Did you--eye-line-draw--?!"

"Fuck!" Jiang Ting's whole body was shocked, and he almost threw away the pen and paper, and quickly covered it with the signed edition of Lu Ju.

However, Yan Yan was quick-witted and stood behind the sofa and reached out to hold him down: "Don't move! Show me! What are you doing? Who are you secretly writing a love letter to?"

Jiang Ting laughed and laughed: "It's not finished yet, let it go, I'll order you a sandwich..."

"No! Show me, what is this? Red crayon?"

The two scuffled for a moment, like kindergarten children grabbing toys, one insisted on wanting and the other refused to give, and the waiters all passed by with friendly (and gossip) smiles. Finally, Jiang Ting couldn't hold it any longer, and with a flushed face, he shoved the pen and paper into Yan Yan's arms: "Look at it, you are really..."

Yan Yan was in high spirits, grabbed to take a closer look, and was immediately stunned.

It was two sheets of paper painted red and stacked, with three words on them, a marriage certificate.

These two extremely rudimentary "marriage certificates", but the inner pages are very finely drawn, and even the patterns on the headers of the pages are not bad. The two lifelike little people were leaning on their heads, with eyes, nose, and mouth like the master. "Yan Yun" on the left had two thick eyebrows, staring solemnly; "Jiang Ting" on the right had a smile at the corner of his mouth. The matchstick arm is still in a V shape with two fingers.

The holder, the registration date, and the ID number are all available, and the marriage certificate number was compiled on the spot by Jiang Ting's inspiration.

Yan Yan froze in place.

"If you have nothing to do, then..." Jiang Ting covered half of his face with a steaming mug, revealing only a pair of crooked eyes, and said with a smile, "I'm pretty good at drawing, I used to sketch suspects in case work before. Does it look alike?"

Yan Xun was silent for a while, then gestured to Jiang Ting's V-shaped gesture on the picture and asked, "What does this mean, victory?"


"Victory for what?"

There was a smile in Jiang Ting's eyes, "You didn't spend a penny, and you managed to deceive a handsome guy like you who went to the sea for 50,000 yuan. Don't you make me proud?"

Yan Yan couldn't hide the curved corners of his mouth any longer, but he still tried his best to keep his face straight: "No."

"What's wrong?"

Yan Yan laughed, picked up the pen involuntarily, drew an upside-down symbol on the avatars of the two marriage certificates, and then flicked the paper to teach a lesson: "I am the husband! The husbands are all on the left, bullying me that I have never been married. I don't know, do you?"

Jiang Ting laughed and scolded a madman, stretched out his hand to grab it, and then was forcibly pressed back on the sofa by Yan Xun, then put his heavy chin on top of his head, and waved with two red papers: "I keep mine, I keep yours as well." He carefully folded the two marriage certificates and stuffed them into his arms, pressing his chin against Jiang Ting's head, and said solemnly: "There is no way to divorce, no divorce, there is no such thing as divorce. You The marriage certificate made by myself will be responsible for me for the rest of my life."

Jiang Ting burst out laughing, and Yan Yan stretched out his hand and hooked it in his arms, and pressed a deep kiss on the forehead from top to bottom.

The sun shines through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, and the golden light sprinkles on the deck, reflected in the eyes of them staring at each other. Yan Xun saw his own shadow in Jiang Ting's deep pupils, and suddenly he didn't know how many tastes came to his heart. There was sweetness in his heart, and a slight numbness in his intoxication. He couldn't help whispering: "Jiang Ting..."

"Yan Yan."


Jiang Ting's face slowly showed a strange expression of forcing a smile, and said, "Your eyeliner is only half drawn."

Yan Yan: "..."

"You have obvious big and small eyes, is it okay? Should I wait for you to go back and get some makeup?"

Before Yan Yan's pledge of mountain alliance could be exported, he was hit by 10,000 tons in the face, and he had to go upstairs in a rage amid Jiang Ting's out-of-control laughter, and obediently went to touch up his makeup.

Weibo Fanwai

【"The Most Cowardly Moment"】

In order to release the short story of the third phase of the Poyun radio drama, let us push the time back to the beginning of the story-

"When was Qin Chuan the most cowardly?" Yan Yan frowned and touched his chin, suddenly remembered something, and laughed wildly: "Yes, of course! Not long after we were admitted to the city bureau, we went to the countryside to catch fugitives one day. I was about to go back to the city in the middle of the night, but the police car suddenly stopped when it drove to a cluttered graveyard, and couldn't even catch fire. The ghostly fire that filled the graveyard was faint. I was smoking and scolding my mother. When I turned my head, I suddenly found that the first passenger, Qin Chuan, was gone. Look closely at this kid who is shivering and shrinking under the seat hahahahahaha..."

"And then what about Team Yan?"

"Oh, then I went to the public security intranet forum to ask for help, and a senior online named Tingting gave advice online, saying that ghosts are afraid of righteousness, so just shoot a gun in the sky with a police gun that has seen blood. Hey, you said that In the middle of the night, I don’t know which police flower is still on duty, saving my buddies in dire straits. Poetry talks about the distance…”

"Yan Yan," Qin Chuan pushed his glasses, his face full of indifference. jpg: "When I first entered the city bureau, I was too excited for the mission. Ignoring the madness of the command center, I chased the prisoner and jumped over the wall, and ended up with the prisoner. Qi Qi fell into the cesspool dug by the villagers, and could only be washed in the river for two full hours before climbing up with a sad face?"

"And what about Vice Qin?"

"Oh, of course the prisoner was caught later. But because Yan Yan took a cold bath for two hours, we had to leave for the city at midnight, when suddenly the police car stalled on the edge of the burial ground. The taste is so overwhelming that it forced me to crawl under the seat, and he still has the leisure to smoke there while surfing the Internet..."

"When was I the most cowardly?" Jiang Ting said stunned, then hesitated, and finally sighed after a while: "It was probably eight or nine years ago, that was the first time I was in charge of inter-provincial command to arrest fugitives, I made a bet with the Yue Bureau whether I could complete the mission without any errors. As a result, I didn’t know where the Leng Touqing came from during the arrest operation. I ignored me on the walkie-talkie to stop me roaring desperately, and chased the prisoner and jumped into the sputum behind the wall. The pool… almost smashed the prisoner into the pool and drowned…”

"And then what about Team Jiang?"

"Oh, I lost my bet later, and the Yue Bureau fined me to change the username on the intranet forum to Tingting, and as a result, I misled a lot of male policemen to confess by private messages. It's an unbearable shame in my life. What, you ask me What do you think about the stunned young man back then? I have no idea. If I could, I would never think of him again. I wish him never to find a girlfriend and stay single for a lifetime. Thank you. …”

["A Word Without Update Day"]

During the World Cup, Vice Detachment Yan succeeded in getting a new BMW by virtue of his talented gambling genius. Specifically, he does this:

First round-

"Wait!" Yan Yan sat in front of the computer full of confidence: "My husband will earn you tea and snacks for the rest of your life!"

Jiang Ting held the thermos cup expectantly: "Mmmmmmm!"

Argentina vs Iceland, Yan Yan bought the Pampas Eagles with a lot of money.

second round-

"Wait!" Yan Yan thoughtfully sat in front of the computer: "My husband will definitely earn you tea snacks for the next ten years this time!"

Jiang Ting hugged the thermos cup and said encouragingly, "Mmmmmmm!"

Germany vs Mexico, Yan Xun bought a German chariot with a lot of money.

The third scene -

"This time it must be no problem!" Yan Yan gritted his teeth and sat in front of the computer: "If your husband says anything, he will make you two and two old, and wait and see!"

Jiang Ting held the empty thermos cup: "... ummmmm!"

Brazil vs Switzerland, Yan Yan paid a lot of money to buy the Samba Corps.

Yan Yan: "..."

Yan Yan used the funds that he had planned to buy a Bugatti Veyron to buy a new BMW, and received a tube of Tieguanyin and two cages of egg yolk dumplings from the 4S store.

"Hey, Bureau Lu?" Jiang Tingduan sat on the sofa and called, "I have thought about the last time the provincial police station asked you to come and ask me to teach... Yes, yes, there is no way, men have to make money to support their families... What are you asking about Yan Yan? Oh Yan Yan, how is it? He just bought a new BMW today after betting on the ball... Okay, I'll report tomorrow, bye."


Jiang Ting: Yan Yan is poisonous

Chu Ci: What's the matter? calm down!

Jiang Ting: I asked him, "I don't care if everyone scolds me for tickets. Why is he so happy to run to me to vote for me?"

Jiang Ting: Could it be that the poison was caused by me, when I was obviously with Yang Mei

Chu Ci: …

Jiang Ting: Then it was like a switch deep in his soul was turned on, and Yan Xun suddenly came to his mind and sang the poisonous perfume in a loop all night at home.

Chu Ci: …

Jiang Ting: So the bgm that the crew gave to Spade K is young and beautiful, and Yan Yun's turn means the perfume is poisonous? ! I am not convinced!

[From the background of the call, Yan Yan's deep, moving and magnetic singing voice: "You have her perfume on you, it's my nose's sin, you shouldn't smell her beauty, wipe everything off and sleep with you..."]

Chu Gong received a 10,000 soul crit

Gong Chu hung up the phone.

["Small Pieces of No Update Day"]

After being infiltrated into Yaoshan's anti-drug operation by Deputy Team Leader Yan's stubborn face, Bureau Lv was under a lot of pressure from Ms. Zeng Cuicui's gaze from afar.jpg. After thinking about it, Ju Ju thought that the only flaw in his superb acting skills was the pink-yellow washcloth, so he used the scriptwriting technique to travel back to the beginning of the fourth volume. Facing the dazzling array of towel racks.

Jiang Ting: Don't screw it up this time, if Yan Xun finds out that this undercover old man will quit.

Bureau Lu: Don't worry, leave it to me Y(^o^)Y

A few days later, in the study of Lu Ju's house.

"Because it's you who used bleach to clean the blood in the bathroom." Yan Yansen said coldly, "Jiang Ting will not mistake my hand towel for a rag."

"You're a man in his thirties, and you fucking wipe your hands with a gray rag embroidered with ponies and letters?!"

"That's a limited order tassel towel from Xmas vvvip, worth 3XXXX yuan, and their logo is hand-embroidered."

Bureau Lu: "..."

Myanmar studio.

Jiang Ting threw the syringe in the face of Spade K, turned his head and walked away: "I quit, I quit, whoever likes this star will be the one, go home and eat her husband..."

【When Han Yue's birthday】

Chu Gong published a heavyweight paper and listed Han Yue as the second author

Han Yue humbly accepted the jealous congratulations from Pei Zhi, Ren Jiayuan and others.

When Zhou Rong's birthday

With a submachine gun in his hand, Sinan thumped a bunch of zombies, removed dozens of boxes of unopened Chinese cigarettes, and drove a truck back to the camp.

Zhou Rong humbly accepted the jealous congratulations from Yan Hao, Guo Weixiang and others.

When Zhou Hui's birthday

Phoenix Ming carefully selected his most beautiful tail feather, and regardless of the cry of the Peacock Demon King, he forcibly pulled out a peacock tail feather and a golden-winged Dapeng bird tail feather, and made a splendid giant decoration for Zhou Hui.

Zhou Hui humbly accepted the jealous congratulations of Zhang Shun, Yu Jingzhong and others.

when heinrich's birthday

The marshal tore up the request for unilateral trade preferences from the empire, and held a large-scale military exercise on the border of the empire to celebrate the emperor's birthday

when celia's birthday

The emperor categorically rejected the request from the alliance to purchase the latest mecha, and detonated an electromagnetic nuclear bomb on the border of the alliance to celebrate the marshal's birthday

(The next day, the new Fontainebleau Palace held a press conference, solemnly protesting and condemning the rumors of the planets in the galaxy that the emperor knelt on the washboard in the middle of the night last night.)

When Yanxuan's birthday

Yan Yan forcibly asked Jiang Ting to send him over as a gift

When Jiang stop's birthday

Yan Yan forcibly gave herself as a gift

Yan Yan humbly accepted congratulations from jealousy from all directions, and Jiang Ting said that he was very tired and tired for both birthdays, and he was not very happy

【Luyu X Fun Shop】

As a state civil servant with a disorganized, unorganized and undisciplined character, Zhou Hui happily bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, bought, and then went home with a big bag.

Zhou Rong, as a purely voluntary civil servant with no government and no organization in the post-apocalyptic world, happily thumped a bunch of zombies and then went home with a big bag of joy.

As a very rich, wealthy and wealthy state official, Yan Yan couldn't help swallowing, and just as he was about to push the door into the store, he was stubbornly held back by Han Yue: "Brother, listen to me!! If you I bought it and used it, tomorrow Poyun will be cut in half!!”

Then Yan Yan eagerly watched Han Yue pay the bill, and happily walked away with a large bag of X toys.

Detachment Jiang: [laughing]

【About Tobacco and Alcohol】

Phoenix King: I can try anything.

Prince Hilda: I've tried everything.

Marshal Celia: You can drink a little alcohol, but forget about cigarettes, and set a good example for the young people of all planets in the galaxy to lead by example!

Chu Gong: I don't stick to anything, unless I'm tired of living and want to die soon...

Yang Jiu: I, I, I, I can do anything! (I was taken away by patient Chu Gong with a tea jar for two hours of education)

Si Xiaonan: Aw~ it's not sweet~ (Who was that guy who was chewing tobacco on the battlefield?)

Ye Shisan: Give me biscuits, give me biscuits, give me biscuits, I want to eat biscuits, biscuits, biscuits... (Si Nan hurriedly ran away with his sugar jar)

Fang Jin: &¥%@%&… (He was covered in a big scarf and couldn’t speak)

Jiang Ting: Is Chu Ci gone? Yan Yan give me a cigarette, hurry up!