Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 18


"-do not move."

Just like Open Sesame in the story, all Jiang Zing's movements stopped when the spell landed.

Even his thinking seemed to be frozen, and there was a brief blank for a moment.

- Immediately afterwards, the entire row of railings overturned, and Yan Yan fell to the sixth floor!


Everything happened in the same second, Ajie grabbed the top of the railing while losing his center of gravity, slipped, and climbed up with force; but Yan Yan couldn't see what was happening at all, and the whole person slid out.

It is said that before death, the subconscious mind will repeat all the important scenes in this life like watching flowers, but at that moment, Yan Yan's mind was actually empty, there was nothing, and there was no time to think about anything.

Out of instinct, when he was weightless, he grabbed his hands desperately. The tip of his right finger pressed against the edge of the concrete floor of the roof, but it couldn't support the weight of his entire body; In a fleeting moment, he grabbed the sloping railing with his right hand, clang!

The rooftop on the sixth floor is nearly 20 meters above the ground.

The hollow iron rod hit the concrete floor, bent into a dangerous arc, and hung Yan Yan, who was hanging with one hand, in mid-air.

Yan Yan's cry was stuck in his throat, the pores all over his body opened, and cold sweat poured out—at this moment, he finally knew that cold sweat was not just an adjective.

"I fuck..."

All the feelings of dying and still living are condensed into these short words, Yan Yan also groped for the iron rod with the other hand, and was about to climb up to the rooftop, when suddenly ten fingers crushed the pain, almost let him He let go and fell-

Someone is stepping on him to death!

The professional killer!

"I haven't seen you in a few years, how are you doing recently?"

Jiang Ting froze in place, the muzzle gradually moved from the back of his head to the back of his ear, drawn a semicircle along the auricle, from the jawbone to the cheek, like a lover's fingers tracing the skin, and pressed against the temple.

The voice approached, and whispered in his ear: "Are you afraid of death?"

Jiang Ting's hair on the temples was soaked, and the sweat gathered down his cheeks to his chin.

And the diabolical bewitchment continued, asking: "Are you afraid that the policeman will fall to his death?"

Not far from the edge of the rooftop, Ajie stomped on Yan Yan's fingers with the soles of his shoes, then walked away a few steps to search for a moment, then bent down to pick up a sharp stone.

"He didn't have to die. If it weren't for you, the story would have changed from many years ago..."

Jiang Ting moved forward, but only heard the muzzle click, and the bullet was loaded!

"I said don't move," the owner of the voice joked.

- At this moment, the faint sound of sirens was sent from the distance in the night, and it gradually became clear in the wind, and reinforcements arrived!

"...Then you shoot," Jiang Ting said coldly, his chest rising and falling, exhaling hot and bloody gas. He raised his fingers and grabbed the muzzle of the gun inch by inch, and said word by word: "Shoot, don't be a coward."

Immediately afterwards, he pushed the muzzle of the gun away and rushed out!

The gunshots may or may not have been fired, but in the chaotic moments no one noticed. Ajie raised the stone and smashed it down on Yan Xun's bloody fingers. The next moment, the wind came from behind him, and Jiang Ting threw him out!

In terms of the normal level of professional killers, he should not be touched by the people behind him at all. But Ajie didn't expect Jiang Ting to rush over, and was caught off guard for a while. The two tumbled and hit the corridor door a few steps away. The rusty lock couldn't stop the big momentum, and the iron door was bounced open with a bang. Now, Jiang Ting rolled down the stairs while pressing Ajie.

Yan Yan gritted his teeth and climbed back to the rooftop from outside the suspended sixth floor. While rubbing his eyes like crazy, he staggered up and chased forward. He just took two steps and just heard - bang!

The bullet splashed a stream of rubble, and hit the ground close to his feet!

Yan Yan turned his head, and in the night, a figure stood a few meters away, holding a gun in his hand.

The gun was pointed precisely at him.

"...!" Applejack scolded something during the tumbling interval, but couldn't hear it at all. He was dragged down the corridor like a sandbag, and in the panic, he only had time to reach out to the back of Jiang Ting's head, boom! With a loud bang, it slammed into the concrete wall at the corner.

Pieces of cement were poured down and scattered all over the place.

The siren was getting louder and louder, and it was approaching rapidly, audibly. However, Jiang Ting couldn't hear anything. His ears seemed to be covered by deep water, his left elbow was tilted at an abnormal angle, and a few mouthfuls of blood came out of his throat.

In a trance, the ground was shaking, and it was someone who was approaching quickly.

-who is it

Jiang Ting wanted to see clearly, he tried his best to open his eyes, but all the scenes in the dark corridor shook violently in his sight. He was trembling and panting, his consciousness getting more and more blurred, like an invisible giant hand wrapping his soul into the abyss.

His hand lowered slowly, and finally fell into the boundless darkness before he could see the person coming.

Midsummer evening, the sky is burning.

The little boy walked through the golden wilderness, and the afterglow smeared on the tall mahogany door of the theater. The gorgeous chandelier was dim, the red curtains were half-draped, and the empty seats stretched to the end of the line of sight; he carefully wrapped his tattered coat, crouched behind the railing of the box on the second floor, and looked at the stage through the gap.

Behind the curtain was a straight silhouette of the fiddler, a boy of the same age as the little peeping.

I've seen the world, done it well

Had my cake now

Diamonds, brilliant

And Bel Air now

The fiddler's tuxedo and leather shoes gleamed in the shadow of the lamp. He suddenly looked up to the second floor and met his little voyeur, and then showed a smile.

The melody hovers over the theater, rushing away to the distant years.

The little boy crossed the golden wilderness, and the ears of wheat fell to the back and sides like the sea divided by the rod of Moses. The wind whistled past his ears, and Chang Geng Xing flashed a bright halo; his partner of the same age stood at the end of the cliff, stretched out his right arm against the wind, hugged his running body, and kissed under the top of his black hair.

The setting sun casts its afterglow between their instantly parting figures, melting the cascading mountains into golden water.

Hot summer nights, mid July

When you and I were forever wild

The crazy days, city lights

The way you'd play with me like a child

"Say you'll never betray me, and I'll take you away."

"I will never betray you!"

The evening wind swept away the oath, the twilight enveloped the sky, the dark clouds flowed rapidly, the golden red was gradually replaced by the azure and the azure blue, and the huge city lit up the sea of lights inch by inch at the end of the horizon.

Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful

In the dream, Jiang's body height became higher, and when he grew up, he opened his arms to pass through the smoke of the explosion, and let his body fall freely to the ground.

Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul

The figure on the cliff is getting farther and farther away, and it is getting smaller and smaller. Jiang Ting saw that he stretched out his hand in the direction where he fell, but the wind howling between heaven and earth blew through his fingers, and the background was the vast sky illuminated by fire.

The melody is gentle and long, and the years are short like a cloud of smoke. Jiang Ting stared at him, raised the muzzle, aimed at the rapidly shrinking figure above his head and pulled the trigger—

"I know you will—" he heard someone sing in the wind.

—You will still love me when I'm no longer beautiful.

The next moment, the bullet came back through time, and pierced his own heart in the dripping blood!

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Wake up!" "Blood pressure is normal, breathing is normal." "Quick, notify the Criminal Investigation Detachment!"

Jiang couldn't stop coughing and was groggy. In the chaos, Yang Mei screamed, "How are you doing, Brother Jiang?" "Hurry up and come!" The sound cut through the noise and was so clear that it pierced my ears, until a pair of strong hands reached out and pressed Jiang Ting back to the hospital bed.

"He's fine," Yan Yan said in a deep voice, "a slight concussion, don't let him get up."

Jiang Ting's sanity was tumbling in dreams and reality, his brain was torn in half, while lying on the hospital bed, he fell from a high altitude on a cliff at the same time. One stitch.

This injection was quite effective, and the potion quickly brought his confused soul back to reality. After several minutes, as if his soul finally fell to the ground, Jiang Zing suddenly let out this breath from his chest and opened his eyes hazy.

"... Not too serious, but the patient's physical condition is too bad, pay attention to lie in bed and take good care of it for a few days... "

Jiang Ting moved his left hand, and the pain was excruciating. He was immediately held down by Yang Mei. He had to use his right hand to pinch his forehead. He forced a sentence out of his throat because of the pain: "Yan Yan?"

Yang Mei didn't expect his first sentence to be this, and immediately froze.

Yan Yan interrupted the doctor with a gesture, indicating that he understood, and then immediately came over and asked, "How are you?"

His eyes slowly focused, and Jiang Ting finally saw that he was lying in the ward. It would be dark outside, it might be the second day.

Yang Mei must have received a notice in the middle of the night. At this moment, her eyes were slightly red, and she was obviously very worried. Several of her subordinates who helped her in KTV were stopped outside the ward.

Yan Yan's eyes were washed urgently, his hands and fingers were wrapped in bandages, and blood was faintly leaking from the edges.

"It's alright." Jiang Ting couldn't help coughing as soon as he spoke, nodded slightly to Yang Mei, and said hoarsely, "Go out first."

"But… "

Jiang Ting raised his hand to stop her.

Yang Mei was full of slander but didn't dare to say it, so she frowned and glared at Yan Xun, got up and said goodbye.

The doctor also left with the little nurse on duty. With the click of the door panel, only the two of them were left in the ward.

Jiang Ting's dislocated left arm has been attached and a triangle bandage has been attached to it. He is leaning against the soft white pillow at the head of the bed. thin.

Yan Yan asked, "Are you sure you won't sleep for a while?"

Jiang Ting closed his eyes for a while, then shook his head.

"Come on, if it wasn't for you this time, I would probably have explained it there." Yan Yan pulled a chair and sat beside the hospital bed, with a little casual indifference, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to treat criminals. The guess of trying to interfere with the focus of the police investigation turned out to be correct. Fortunately, we rushed to re-investigate Hu Weisheng's den and recovered a large number of outdated drug-making tools. Now the city bureau is working overtime to interrogate the surnamed Hu. Hey, you said We can be considered to have lived and died together once, but I didn’t expect…”

Jiang Ting asked, "He ran away?"

Yan Yan frowned and noticed that Jiang Ting's personal pronoun was - he.

Not them.

"I didn't run away." Yan Yan sighed and sighed: "I underestimated the enemy and almost fell into the hands of that grandson. After you knocked him down, I climbed up from the rooftop, only to find out that the suspect has an accomplice. , that man was still holding a gun, and a shuttle hit me at the foot, which is really dangerous."

Jiang Ting was indeed ill, and his spirit was so weak that he could not hide the slight change in his expression: "And then?"

"Then it didn't matter. I confronted the accomplice for about half a minute, and the reinforcements from the city bureau rushed to the scene with the siren. The man heard the police car coming, but he didn't want to fight, and took the gun into the one you fell from. corridor."

Yan Yan's tone didn't change at all, then he paused and looked straight at Jiang Zing:

"At that time, you were still confronting the killer in the corridor. I was afraid that you would have something wrong, so I rushed in. The stairwell was very dark. I ran down a few steps and saw—"

Yan Yan deliberately narrated, but as expected, Jiang Ting immediately asked, "You..."

Then Yan Xun unexpectedly discovered that Jiang Ting was not asking about these words, and he was not even interested in what happened in the corridor at that time.

Jiang Ting asked, "Have you seen his face?"