Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 24


Jiang Ting asked softly, "Your colleague?"

Yan Yan: "No, it's not the voice of our team!"


This change came unexpectedly, the door was smashed heavily, and the inferior decoration materials shook off the wall ash on the spot.

"You go first!" Yan Xun grabbed the edge of the window immediately, and with a violent force, he took down the entire ventilation window: "Quick, I'll go out and delay the time!"

Jiang Ting couldn't climb up to the window sill, and was picked up by Yan Xun and held it up. At this moment, he only heard the door panel behind him—

Boom! !

There was another loud noise, and the bathroom door was kicked open by the police!

"Don't move! Sweep porn!"

"Raise your hand!"

"What are you doing?" Yan Yan said sternly, "Where did the police come from? Where are the uniforms and the police certificate? You say you are the police and you are the police, so call the yayo zero first..."

Before he finished speaking, the auxiliary policeman strode in, and while holding his baton against Yan Yan, he shouted outside: "Squadron leader, come to support, here! Someone jumped out of the window and ran away!"

Yan Yan had nowhere to go, his heart sank, he raised his elbow to block the baton and kicked his foot, and immediately kicked the stupefied little auxiliary policeman out!

clap la la-

The auxiliary policeman fell to the ground, knocking over countless decorations, and Ding Ling was banging incessantly.

At that moment, countless thoughts flashed through Yan Yan's mind, police discipline, eight honors and eight shames, three disciplines and eight attentions, Marxist Deng Xiaoping Theory, twenty-four-character socialist core values... Infinite despair and desolation in my heart.

I'm done, he thought.

80% of the cases, Bureau Wei would strangle me with handcuffs, dismember my body, and then build it into the cement wall of the office. It is estimated that it will be many years before the people who renovate the city bureau building will find out that I am dead.

Yan Yan rushed out of the bathroom, and two policemen rushed towards him roaring. But how could he be caught by the police of the police station, and he was hit with a baton with his hand covering his head. The little policeman's baton yanked towards him, grabbed his neck at the moment when the other party lost his center of gravity, and threw it down fiercely.

The little policeman slammed onto the sofa with a roar, almost squirting his stomach out of his throat.

"Shut up!"

"Don't move!"

Yan Yan glanced at him. There were at least eight or nine policemen in the room, and Brother Zong and the two horses had been held down. Fatty was squatting on the ground while being held down by an auxiliary police officer, his whole body was like a screen in fright, and he said incoherently: "Misunderstood, I am my own person, really my own person!"

The auxiliary policeman was insulted: "Who the fuck is yours!"

"Command center, command center, Yihe Road Police Station is asking for support!" The squadron leader of the police station shouted with a walkie-talkie in one hand and pointed a gun at Yan Yan in the other: "Repeat, Yihe Road Sanchun Flowers KTV Sweeping Porn Encounter Violently Arrested, Please Request Quick support!"

Yan Yan stood up, smiled bitterly and raised his chin at the muzzle: "Hey, you didn't open the safety bolt."

At this time, there were chaotic footsteps outside again, and in the blink of an eye, from far to near, a familiar stern shout exploded on the ground:

"Stop! Raise your hands and don't move!"

When Yan Yan turned around, he saw colleagues from the city bureau's peripheral action team rushing in, followed by a fully armed Qinchuan rushing in with a gun: "All squat down! Jianning City Public Security Bureau!"

Yan Yan was relieved: "Old Qin, you..."

Before the word "pig" could be said, Yan Yan saw that Qin Chuan's gaze was over his shoulder, and his expression changed from finally relieved to very frightened.

Qin Chuan: "Stay—"

It's too late.

Yan Yan was hit by a police baton firmly on the lower back, and he didn't even hum. The huge inertia made him jump out and knock over the deck. In front of all the men of the city bureau, he slammed the street with his head and big characters. Pingsha fell a wild goose and threw a dog to eat X.

The place was dead silent.

The air condensed.

The squadron leader of the police station took the lead, rushed up with the police, grabbed Yan Yan with all his hands and held him up, and slapped his head with a slap: "You are too brave! Try to resist arrest again? Shackle and take away!"

"...Wait, wait for this colleague!" Qin Chuan finally found his voice, stepped forward and took out his certificate. Although he couldn't control the trembling in his voice, he could still hear that he tried his best: "You... this action, who did you file this action with?"

"Report to the leader!" When the squadron leader saw a deputy detachment across from him, he immediately became awe-inspiring, gave a slap salute, and said, "We received the police before, saying that this nightclub was suspected of accommodating prostitution, and we have never caught it! Today! Someone else reported to the case that there is evidence of homosexual indecency and suspected illegal transactions. You see, a large amount of stolen money and unknown drugs have been found. We are going back to the office to report it! May I ask that the comrades from the city bureau are also sent by the command center ?"

"...Why today..." Qin Chuan was really trembling this time: "Ah? Why is it today?!"

The squadron leader was bewildered: "Because the command center received a police report today!"

Qin Chuan couldn't say a word.

No one from the city police officers made a sound, and no one even moved. The heavy atmosphere was over everyone's heads, so that this box didn't look like a popular nightclub anti-pornography, but a bit like a serial murder scene.

Yan Yan raised his head like a gossamer, but no one on the other side dared to look at him, and they all shivered and turned their eyes away or covered their faces.

"What are you looking at!" The auxiliary policeman who handcuffed Yan Yan was probably too nervous, so he kicked him: "No small movements are allowed!"

"Hey wait!"

Qin Chuan was alive in an instant, his voice almost broke, and all the police officers in the police station looked sideways.

In front of several drug dealers, of course, it is not good for Qin Chuan to point to Yan Yan and say that this is our deputy criminal investigation team leader who is on an undercover mission. After reading the electricity, he found a reason, and he did his part and said: "Is the law enforcement video fake? Has the internal rectification been done in vain? Don't beat the suspect! Whoever took away the stolen money and property, the city bureau took over this case!"

"Hey!" The squadron leader panicked: "Comrade City Bureau, we didn't do it casually! Look at what happened to our brothers who were beaten by the suspects, Xiao Liu Erwang, you two help the wounded and come to the brothers of the City Bureau. have a look!"

The auxiliary police also echoed: "Yes, yes, this grandson can fight very well, and he just kicked him out of the door!"

"Injured several of us!"

"It's too ruthless, it's not a thing!"

The comrades at the grassroots level were enthusiastic, and the surrounding complaints rang out. Qin Chuan's face was very difficult to come off the stage, staring at Yan Xun and gritted his teeth from the corner of his mouth and asked, "Why are you beating someone?!"

Yan Yan: "…"

"It's him. Just now, the public called the police and said that he was pulling a man downstairs, kissing his mouth and touching his face, and then he went upstairs with a nightclub horse boy in a blink of an eye. Isn't it accommodating prostitution?" , pointed at Yan Yan and said angrily: "And just now at the arrest scene, he was covering a suspect and jumped out of the window. What do you think the two of them were secretly hiding in the toilet? What about the tens of thousands of dollars in cash on this table? Explain, what is not prostitution?!"

If it was just dead silence just now, the atmosphere in the box should be the vastness and nothingness after the nuclear explosion.

Qin Chuan's handsome face was blue, red, and purple, and he could be called a big dyeing workshop. After a long silence, he finally choked out a few words:

"…Yes, absolutely."

The majority of the simple grassroots police finally let out their breath and stared at the prostitute suspect Yan Yan with the stern eyes of the people's democratic dictatorship.

Qinchuan: "Ma Xiang boss! Don't be stunned! Take all these peddlers... prostitutes and pimps to the city bureau!"

The crowd gave way one after another, the scene was quiet and silent, only countless deep and complex gazes were intertwined in the void. Yan Yan was surrounded by several police officers from the city bureau, and left the grave-like quiet scene.

At this time, what the policemen at the police station thought was: as expected of the city bureau, the suspect who was so mad just now doesn't dare to come out, his grandmother is so cool!

What Brother Zong Hongmao and the others thought was: This kid is a big man. He has done so many things alone. This time, he will be sentenced to 20 years, right

As for the detectives from the City Bureau Detachment, they had no idea, and in a trance, they only heard Ma Xiang murmured what everyone said: "I guess when we go back later, we will be strangled to death with handcuffs by Brother Yan, and our bodies will be divided. The concrete wall built into the city bureau office…”


An hour later, on the sidewalk at the entrance of the nightclub, Qin Chuan opened Iveco's door and ducked in.

The back seat was lined up and leveled, Yan Yan was lying face down, with a bare and sturdy upper body. Gou Li was rubbing his waist with a bottle of traumatic injury cream. Qin Chuan walked over to take a look and gasped: "Da Gou, Lao Yan's kidney was not damaged, right?"

Gou Li said: "It's okay, he has rough skin and thick flesh, and theoretically a person can live on one kidney."

"... Then will he still be human in the future?"

"That's hard to say." Gou Li smiled and said, "But it is said that our Yan Deputy Detachment has regained its strength after 108 blind date failures and adjusted its strategy - washing chrysanthemums in the future can also start life. A new chapter, maybe you can climb a new peak in your career, right Lao Yan?"

"...Shut up Lao Tzu," Yan Yan said feebly, "I said that was my informant, informant!"

Qin Chuan clicked his tongue and lit a cigarette: "You're not being kind, old Yan, you have an informant, and you're still begging the white guy to use mine—it's not reliable for a fat man to do things, now I'll wait for the drug dealers to react. I have to send him to the forced detention center to avoid the limelight."

Yan Yan reluctantly waved his hand to signal him not to talk nonsense: "What's going on inside, have you found any blue goods?"

"It's still blue, but I haven't found any white ones. Ma Xiang led people to search eighteen times, and he found a few packets of leaves in the corners, not enough for a rat to stick his teeth between their teeth."

Yan Yan frowned.

Qin Chuan said, "Can you blame me, my friend? Who would have thought that those few idiots would go out to fight pornography today, wearing uniforms and carrying the video to enter the door? Wei'er ran away, and took all the leaves that should be taken away. The few packets of leaves left are purely due to Ma Xiang's ancestors building roads and bridges and accumulating great virtue. Otherwise, we will be strangled to death with handcuffs by Bureau Wei when we go back. , dismembered, built into…”

"I almost asked the guy called Brother Zong to take out the 'fresh goods'." Yan Yan's eyes were heavy, and he whispered: "This is not right, it can't be so coincidental."

Yan Yun's brow bone is relatively high, and it seems that the brow is pressed tightly against the front of the eye socket, and the tail tip flies into the temple. This is a clear, profound and somewhat rebellious face. He narrowed his eyes in thought, and suddenly said, "Go check the police station records."

Qin Chuan said, "I checked it out long ago, and I still use your orders?"

"No, it's not just tonight, all the previous reports on the suspected prostitution of this nightclub have been transferred, and the Yihe Road police station, the security team in the jurisdiction, and the police station will have a three-way confrontation. If they match, forget it, right? It's tricky to say it." Yan Yan paused, and said coldly: "I don't believe that things in this world can happen like this. The city bureau took a temporary action tonight, and the police station received an alarm to clean up pornography. Not bad? Check, give me a thorough investigation!"

Qin Chuan nodded, opened the car window, and put his head out to instruct the detective.

"What do you do now, Lao Yan?"

Yan Yan took a breath of cool air, slowly sat up from the back seat, gritted her teeth and pressed her lower back.

In fact, he was really tough. During the violent resistance to arrest, he was beaten so hard by a genuine baton, and his physique was almost changed. It is estimated that he would have to be sent to an ambulance on the spot.

"No way, go back to examine Ah Zong and his two horses, and focus on that red hair, and see if you can pry something out of his mouth. In addition, all the surveillance video of this nightclub will be copied and sent to the provincial government. The Physical Evidence Center will sharpen it, and immediately arrange for a follow-up follow-up investigation."

Every time he said a word, Qin Chuan nodded. At the end, Yan Yan was silent for a moment, staring at the dark night outside the car window, her complexion gloomy, not knowing what she was thinking, and then raised her hand and touched her ear.

"Old Yan?" Qin Chuan reminded in a low voice.

"...Oh," Yan Yan came back to his senses and said, "I was thinking, fortunately we still have Hu Weisheng in our hands."

Qin Chuan intuition that his out-of-body state just now wasn't because of this, but he didn't ask any further, only suspiciously said, "Hu Weisheng hates you so much that you bleed, so he almost jumped up to tear your flesh and eat it, and he can still find out something. ?"

Yan Yan said coldly: "As long as he is a criminal, even if he is skinned and cramped, I can squeeze something out of his marrow!"

The carriage was quiet for a long time, except for the slight movement of Gou Li silently packing the medicine box, and the vague sounds of the criminal police going back and forth in the night outside the car window.

"Hey," Yan Yan suddenly remembered something, "Why hasn't Bureau Wei contacted us yet?"

Qin Chuan was also stunned for a moment, and then the phone in his pocket rang.

"Hey, I'm Qin Chuan... Fang team?"

Qin Chuan and Yan Yan looked at each other.

Fang Zhenghong is the head of the anti-drug detachment of the Jianning Municipal Bureau and the immediate boss of Qinchuan. But he is almost retired. He was injured in action at the beginning of the year, which nearly killed him from an old illness. Now he is almost in a state of semi-retirement.

It's almost two o'clock, what made this old man suddenly call from the city bureau office

"Well, we are still doing follow-up processing on the spot, and we will be able to close the team soon... It was not particularly successful, the situation is more complicated, and we will wait until we return to the city bureau... What? What did you say?!"

Qin Chuan's hoarse voice suddenly went out of tune because of staying up late, and Yan Yan suddenly raised his head.

Fang Zhenghong's aging, tired and unsmiling voice came from the phone, saying, "Hu Weisheng is dead."

Like a dull thunder, the three people in the carriage shook violently at the same time, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Yan Yan suddenly got up and grabbed the phone and turned on the loudspeaker: "Hey Fang team, I'm Yan Yan. Hu Weisheng died? When and what happened?!"

Electricity rustled, and it took an unknown amount of time before Fang Zhenghong spit out three words in an unusually dry manner:

"—Deputy Bureau Wei."