Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 25


Jianning City Chemical Plant Storage Office Duty Room.

Two o'clock midnight.

The darkness outside the window is endless, and there are long and short insects in the grass.

The watchman sat in front of the monitor, dozing off a little. When I was sleepy and hazy, suddenly the overhead light bulb made a squeaking sound of current load, flickered a few times, and then went out.

"Hey?" The attendant woke up suddenly, seeing darkness in front of him, and got up and turned around in a conditioned reflex: "What's going on?"

At this moment, a pale white flashed from the corner of his eyes, and disappeared into the darkness like a ghost.

"… "

The attendant had just graduated from high school. He was usually a timid and sloppy boy, but he was stunned on the spot. He even subconsciously thought about what was here, and then his scalp exploded with a "hum!" Cold sweat broke out: "Who..."

A cold hand was silently attached to the back of his neck.


The hand knocked cleanly, and the screams of the watchman disappeared immediately, and he fell limply to the ground.

With an expressionless face, Chu Ci shook his hands, tidied up the front of his white coat, and helped the guard who was almost scared to pee onto a chair to put himself in a sleeping position, and then took out a bunch of door cards from his trouser pocket.

In the chemical material storage control room, the door clicked, and the glass door slid open silently in the darkness.

At this time, the night watchman was absent, and the guard changing did not come. It can be said that it was the safest time, and the dark warehouse was empty. Chu Ci walked through the rows of chemical reagent raw material storage tanks, turned on the flashlight, and carefully searched down one by one along the labels under each storage tank.

“…Ar6 equilibrium catalyst, methanol…o-chlorobenzaldehyde.”

Chu Ci stopped and stood in front of a storage tank that was about half the height of a person.

He put one hand in the pocket of his white coat and held a flashlight in the other. The beam trembled slightly in the dark, making his profile dark and unclear. After standing for a full cigarette, Chu Ci seemed to wake up, took a deep breath, stepped forward and crouched at the feeding tube, bit the flashlight with his teeth, and took out the test box and other items from his pocket.

However, just as his fingertips touched the feeding tube, the phone in his trousers pocket vibrated violently, and when he took a look, the caller ID made him stunned.


His mentor was a workaholic who often spent the night in the lab. It was common to call in the middle of the night to ask for data, but no one thought it would be such a coincidence that it happened to be at this point in time. When it wasn't time to speak, Chu Ci was about to hang up the call when suddenly there was a sound from the warehouse gate without warning:

"Who is there?!"


The sound of knocking down a few bottles and cans was so loud in the dark night, someone coming? !

Chu Ci snapped off the flashlight, and hurriedly pressed it to answer, and the phone fell to the ground with a snap!

Immediately, the call is connected, the screen lights up, and the call timer starts. Chu Ci's pupils tightened, and she reached out to grab the mobile phone and cut off the call; but all the changes happened in this short blink of an eye, the footsteps of the incoming person had already come, and they rushed up from behind and grabbed his hand!


Chu Ci's breath was stuck in her chest, she turned around suddenly, and she instantly met the man.


Traffic lights flashed, clamors, horns, screeching brakes, pedestrians hurried across the street.

The sky over Jianning City was cloudy, the air was heavy and humid, and filled with a touch of salty soil.

The rainy season is coming.

"Hey, are you okay?"

The opposite side of the phone was silent for a moment, probably a little surprised, and then came Jiang Ting's cold and steady answer: "It's okay."

Yan Yan stood in front of the office windowsill, staring at the hazy sky in the distance, the glass reflected half of his tough and tired face.

"You were right," he said, "Hu Weisheng is dead."

Jiang Ting didn't express any surprise, just "um".

Yan Yan asked, "If you don't ask how you died, who killed it?"

"Human's life is very fragile. There are countless ways to kill a person, but the fact that he has died cannot be changed. The target of Hu Weisheng's life is very clear, and investigating the means of committing the crime is not the current focus."

Yan Yan said, "Why don't you become a Buddha?"

Jiang Ting didn't make any statement about this nonsense joke, not even a polite hehe, and asked bluntly, "What are you going to do now?"

Yan Yan walked through the office and stood at the door looking out through the glass. Everyone in the hall is busy sitting in front of the computer. The high-resolution surveillance video of the "Three Spring Flowers" from the Physical Evidence Center has been retrieved. The Municipal Bureau has dispatched dozens of inspectors from the sub-bureaus and police stations under their jurisdiction, and they are conducting investigations day and night. .

"I thought about it for a long time by myself after you left last night," Yan Yan said suddenly and without warning, "I think I should have understood your hint."

"… "

"There is no 'blue goods' in our target 'blue goods' at all in Sanchun Huashi KTV, that is to say, the police's actions have deviated from the focus from the beginning - the reason for this conclusion is that if Hu Weisheng can get it from the upper house at any time' If it's the blue stuff', he doesn't need to hide that small bag on the rooftop, and it's been hidden for so long that even the words on the label on the sealed bag are starting to fade."

"He got that bag of drugs from somewhere else." Yan Yan continued, "'Three Spring Flowers' is not the key to his silence, that bag of drugs is."

There were vague footsteps on the opposite side of the phone. Yang Mei's characteristic slightly hoarse and amorous voice was very soft, and she called out, "Brother Jiang."

Jiang Ting covered the lower end of the phone, and replied something, it should be "put this first, wait a minute".

"What?" Yan Yan asked sensitively.

Jiang Ting replied, "Lunch."

Yan Yan: "…"

"The banknotes sprinkled in the nightclub last night amounted to 60,000 yuan. It was Yang Mei's money. Remember to reimburse it from the case-handling expenses."

Yan Yan said incredulously: "We have just died together once, you don't have any emotion to express, just remember the money?"

"If it wasn't for money, Feng Yuguang would not die, Hu Weisheng would not be silenced, there is no drug trafficking in this world, and the global crime rate can drop by at least 80%. So money is very important. By the way," Jiang Ting said lazily: "I don't call you living and dying together, I call you to help people."

The blue veins on Yan Yun's forehead jumped.

"Don't forget to reimburse," Jiang Ting said, then hung up the phone.

"Brother Yan!" The office door was knocked twice, and Ma Xiang's shout came: "The experts from the provincial department are here, and Bureau Lu urges you to do things quickly!"

Yan Yan came back to his senses: "I see, wait!"

After thinking for a long time, he walked back to the window and quickly dialed a number. As expected, the connection was very fast, and just after the third sound came a murderous voice: "Hello!"

"Hey, Dad." Yan Yan lowered his voice before he started cursing, "Do me a favor."


Jianning City Public Security Bureau, small conference room.

Yan Yan pushed open the door and entered, and the entire conference room was already full of people. At the front of the long table is the city's top public security officer, Bureau Lv, who looks like a non-threatening Maitreya Buddha, sitting with his eyes down attentively; on the right are the two deputy directors, several detachment leaders, and technical investigators, except Wei Yao. , the director of forensic medicine, etc. On the left are three strangers who have never met before, and they should be experts from the provincial government.

"Last night at 12:20, the detained suspect Hu Weisheng suddenly asked to explain the situation, and it was reported to the Criminal Investigation Detachment through the guarding police, which attracted great attention. At 12:30, Hu Weisheng claimed that he was addicted to drugs and asked to exchange information with drugs. Gao Panqing and others from the Criminal Investigation Detachment reported it to Deputy Director Wei Yao, who approved two morphine for medicinal use."

Although the eyes of the meeting room were all cast, Yan Xun seemed to be completely absent, and did not interrupt Gou Li's speech. He gently pulled out the swivel chair and sat down, and then quickly exchanged a wink with Director Lu who was in the first place. .

"The regulations of the Forensic Department are that the medical morphine must be opened by the chief forensic doctor in person, and the key and signature are in the hands of the chief forensic doctor; but last night, the city bureau had a temporary emergency operation, and I left the forensic department with the team. Gou Li took a breath and said, "The situation was very tense at the time. Hu Weisheng was an important target that the criminal investigation team had been attacking for a long time, and he had strong anti-reconnaissance and anti-interrogation capabilities. In order to obtain the prisoners' cooperation and clues, Bureau Wei made a special application. , and urgently retrieved a diacetylmorphine from the recorded psychotropic drugs seized by the anti-drug detachment."

Diacetylmorphine, heroin.

Who would have thought that a mere piece of heroin would put the old poisonous worm Hu Weisheng to a dead end

The experts from the provincial department exchanged glances, and the middle-aged man at the head asked, "What action did you follow last night?"

Gou Li cast a look for help, Qin Chuan coughed and interjected: "Hu Weisheng explained that KTV of Yihe Road Sanchun Flowers is his upstream channel for drug trafficking, so our bureau temporarily planned an infiltration, Deputy Branch Captain Yan and Director Gou They're all out of the field."

"Oh," the middle-aged man said calmly, "what was the result of that action?"

Qin Chuan said: "Three suspected drug traffickers have been arrested..."

"How much evidence was found, and how many grams of all kinds of drugs and illegal drugs?"

"… "

"Are there any new types of psychotropic drugs taken by the victims of the 502nd case? Can you be sure that it is related to the facts of this case?"

Qin Chuan choked slightly.

"So," the middle-aged man concluded, "the infiltration and search conducted jointly by the deputy criminal investigation branch, the deputy anti-narcotics branch, and the director of forensic medicine of the Jianning Municipal Bureau yielded almost no results. Instead, the important criminal suspect, Hu Weisheng, was killed. "

This is as if Hu Weisheng was deliberately silenced by the Jianning Municipal Bureau. There was a buzzing discussion in the conference room, and the expressions on everyone's faces were not very good-looking.

Qin Chuan's face was unpleasant, and he was suddenly pressed when he was about to speak, only to see Fang Zhenghong.

"Chen Chu is right." Fang Zhenghong first affirmed, his face was sallow and sallow, and he was weak when he spoke: "We must immediately investigate the incident that happened last night, and isolate and question all relevant personnel one by one. And start to arrange an autopsy. At present, the 502 case has made considerable progress, and we will reply to the provincial department as soon as possible. "

Fang Zhenghong is worthy of being from the older generation. His speech is smooth and there are steps, but Chen Chu did not follow the steps.

"Investigate? No need." Chen Chu said firmly: "Strictly speaking, the forensic director of your bureau can also be one of those responsible for Hu Weisheng's death. In order to avoid suspicion, let's isolate them together!"

Gou Li's face changed: "What do you mean?"

"The technical staff of the provincial department will be in charge of the autopsy of Hu Weisheng. In addition, Deputy Director Wei Yao and others will be questioned in isolation by the task force. The provincial department has been paying attention to this case for so long, but you have been unable to make progress, and even now the important suspects Still dead, dead in the Public Security Bureau! Whether there are misunderstandings or mistakes, we will never allow any shady secrets to be hidden in the dignified Municipal Public Security Bureau!"

Chen Chu's words were loud and echoing, and everyone's faces became extremely ugly.

"Deputy Bureau Wei's application for emergency use of diacetylmorphine was approved by me," suddenly a slow voice came from the first seat.

Everyone looked up and saw Lu Ju kindly holding up the thermos cup, in a posture that seemed to fold his hands together, and the leather swivel chair was making an overwhelmed creaking sound under his big butt.

Yan Yan erected the case file as a cover, secretly made an OK gesture, and Director Lu nodded almost disappearing.

Chen Chu asked, "So?"

He didn't notice that the commanders and directors of the detachment all showed their saved eyes.

"So there is no problem with our process. But Hu Weisheng is indeed dead. Since he is dead, then we need to conduct a detailed investigation on the basis of fairness, rigor, objectivity and efficiency, and seek truth from facts; Strive to restore the truth of his death, and restore the work of our detachment, the work of our forensic doctor, and the work of our city bureau to a normal track as soon as possible."

Chen Chu tried to interrupt several times, but was blocked by Maitreya Buddha's unhurried, unhurried narrative, as calm as an endorsement, and as impervious to wind and rain as a master of internal power.

Maitreya said:

"The focus of our investigation now is not only the city bureau, but also the provincial department. We all stand on the same position. We know that based on the experience accumulated in the long-term anti-drug work, severe addicts like Hu Weisheng, because of a The possibility of overdose or allergy caused by diacetylmorphine is not high; but adhering to the spirit of seeking truth from facts, we must admit that even if the possibility is very, very small, the basis for the existence of the facts cannot be said to be completely non-existent…”

"Wait, wait," Chen Chu couldn't bear it any longer, and forcibly interrupted the Great Compassion Mantra of Prajnaparamita: "Juju Lu, do you mean that Hu Weisheng died of drug allergies?!"

Bureau Lu affirmed: "This kind of speculation cannot be ruled out."

"Hu..." Judging from the shape of his mouth, Chen Chu should have swallowed four words of nonsense abruptly, so he was almost out of breath: "Random speculation! This is impossible!"

But Director Lu was not annoyed at all, and he didn't even express any unpleasantness at all. He was still very amiable.

"Young people, this is not right. The possibility of anything is possible. For example, it is generally believed that senior drug addicts are very resistant to drugs, but in fact, among the people who die from drug use every year, morphine drugs Addicts are allergic to amphetamine compounds, new psychotropic drug addicts are allergic to morphine drugs, and more seriously, drug addicts are severely allergic to drug additives such as ice cream, battery acid, etc., causing shock, heart failure and so on. The number of deaths is increasing year by year. Do you know the official statistics of drug allergy deaths in Jianning City last year?"

Chen Chu: "…"

The whole place was silent.

The three provincial and departmental experts never dreamed that Maitreya Buddha could utter this long story without hesitation or panting, and they were all stunned.

"Five hundred and nine, an increase of 117.2% compared to the same period of the previous year." Lu Ju followed a good manner.

He paused for a while, and suddenly he heard the jingling of his cell phone in the conference room.

Everyone turned around, only to see Yan Yan glanced at the text message he had just arrived, and then raised his head to meet Lu Bureau's consulting gaze, and briefly made his first speech since he stepped into the conference room today:

"It's done."

Chen Chu: "???"

The ringtone of the incoming call exploded on the ground, and Chen Chu looked down and found that it was his own mobile phone, and the caller ID was - Provincial Party Committee Liu Ting.

"So, before the 502 case is completely solved, any internal investigation that delays the detection action should be carried out on the premise that it does not affect the work of the Municipal Bureau, that is, the self-inspection of the Municipal Bureau is the main and the supervision of the provincial department is supplemented. I fully agree with this point. Liu Ting's opinion." Maitreya said the above long sentence at four times the speed of his normal speech, and smiled slightly: "Answer the phone, Chen Chu."

Inexplicably, Chen Chu picked up his mobile phone, got up and walked out, and answered the call: "Hey Mr. Liu, are you... Yes, the suspect in Jianning City Public Security Bureau died abnormally..."

The voice gradually receded down the corridor, and the meeting room was silent.

Two minutes later, the door opened again, and Chen Chu stared at Bureau Lu with a stern face:

"You deliberately delay time?!"

Bureau Lu laughed, very kind.

An expert from the provincial department asked softly, "What's the matter, Lao Chen?"

Chen Chu pointed to Director Lu, who was speechless, and lost his temper. After a while, he said angrily, "Liu Ting just called and asked the Municipal Bureau not to interrupt the investigation of the 502 case for the time being. The situation of Wei Yao and others. Let the city bureau do the autopsy of Hu Weisheng and we are responsible for supervising it!"

"Ah?" Several others were stunned.

Chen Chu turned his eyes and stared at the farthest corner of the conference table. Those eyes were like the most severe dean staring at the cheating candidates who played cheat sheets, and snorted coldly: "—Yan Yun?"

"… "

"You're the deputy chief Yan of the richest man in Jianning Coal Mine who came to be a criminal police officer?"

Yan Yan still didn't make a sound.

"Listen," Chen Chu said coldly, "I don't care what kind of friendship your father has with Liu Ting, or how much tax your family pays or how many investment projects you support; I'm here to keep an eye on your criminal investigation team, as long as five If anything goes wrong in the 2002 case, I promise you will never join the police force again in your life!"

With a loud bang, Chen Chu angrily slammed the door and left.

The conference room fell into an embarrassing silence again, everyone looked at each other, breathing one after another.

I don't know how long it took before I heard Yan Yan cough and said slowly:

"This, let me make a statement. Our family is no longer the richest man, and was overtaken by Internet finance last year."

Everyone: "..."

Lu Ju struggled to stand up against the handrail, and said solemnly, "The meeting is dismissed."


People came and went in front of the Criminal Investigation Building of the Municipal Bureau. Lu Bureau walked out of the main entrance with his briefcase in his hand. His fat body was slightly turned to one side, and one hand shook slightly in the air as he spoke, as if the principal of a junior high school was doing morning exercises to his classmates:

"... The people who have handled the diacetylmorphine have all interviewed and done trace examinations. I still insist on this point of view. It is very likely that Hu Weisheng died due to allergy to drug additives; Xiaogou immediately arranged for an autopsy, Xiao Yan, old man The 72-hour time limit Wei gave you to solve the case is still there, as for the surveillance video from the physical evidence center—"

"Understood," Yan Yan said briefly, "you must hurry up."

Director Lu nodded with satisfaction: "This time, Old Wei is all thanks to you."

Yan Yan said: "Everyone wants to skip all unnecessary procedures to solve the case as soon as possible. It is our detachment that should thank Bureau Lu for your trust."

Bureau Lu laughed: "Where, there is no trust, no trust."

Yan Yan: "…"

Bureau Lu patted Yan Yan's shoulder and said kindly: "If it turns out that it has something to do with Lao Wei, the high prison walls—not inside the high walls—the cement walls in the prison are your final destination, hahaha—"

The corner of Yan Yan's mouth couldn't stop twitching. He saw Bureau Lu wave his hand, walked down the steps calmly, got into the long-awaited Hongqi sedan, and then whizzed away in the direction of the provincial office.

The national flag is dyed red with the blood of martyrs, and the iron walls of Jianning City's defense against crime are built by the people's police.

This is indeed true.

Yan Yan watched the red flag car disappear outside the city bureau gate, and could hardly laugh or cry.

He stayed for a while, took out the cigarette case, wanted to smoke a cigarette to sort out his thoughts, and then went back to the office to find someone to urgently interrogate the few drug dealers who still thought he was "accommodating prostitution"; but when he was lighting the lighter, suddenly across the street There were two loud car horns, "Beep! Beep!"

Who doesn't recognize the eyes of Lord Ma, dare to be arrogant in front of the gate of the first Jianghu force in Jianning

Yan Yan raised his head, looked through the iron gate, and saw a familiar silver dash parked on the street.

- Yang Mei

Even by very strict standards, Yang Mei can be regarded as a counterattack and inspirational Bai Fumei.

Although Jianning is no better than Beishangguang, it has been an extremely wealthy city in southwest China since ancient times. And she drives a KTV in such a commercial area in the center of the city, with thirty or forty employees, BBA as the car, and a Hermes Chanel when she has nothing; no matter how you look at it, she is one of the successful people in this city.

But Yan Yan was not afraid.

Although his face, which was listed at 50,000 yuan in the sea, has not been washed for a long time, and the beard has penetrated his handsome face bit by bit, but he has not changed his outfit when he went undercover to the nightclub yesterday. Those custom-made shoes still gave him the confidence to look down on all beings in front of Yang Mei.

—Although he didn't make a fuss about why he needed this kind of confidence for a moment.

Yan Yan cleared his throat, straightened his cuffs, raised his head and raised his chest like a male model on a catwalk, and walked across the road with standard steps; before reaching the silver run, he tapped the car window with his index knuckles, and then opened the passenger door reservedly:

"Hey, the entrance of the city bureau is not allowed-"

Yan Yan's arrogant voice stopped abruptly.

"You're all right," Jiang Ting said suspiciously, holding the steering wheel with one hand, "You came here just now like a peacock opening the screen, and was almost hit by that police car."

Yan Yan turned around.

A police Iveco braked suddenly in front of the traffic light, and the windows were neatly lined up. A dozen or so trainee police officers protruded like stubble of leeks, and they all stared at Deputy Detachment Leader Yan dumbfounded.

"..." Yan Yan sat in the co-pilot of Daben without saying a word, slammed the door, as if nothing had happened: "Why are you here?"

The car was covered with a dark film and was almost completely isolated from the outside world. There were only two of them in the not very spacious compartment, sitting side by side, and leaning slightly might rub against each other's shoulders.

Yan Yan's ears were a little hot, so she raised her hand and rubbed her earlobe.

Jiang Ting took out a transparent sealed bag from the inside of the car door and said, "I'll give you this."

There is a tiny bluetooth headset in there!

The expression on Yan Yan's entire face immediately changed from "???" to "!!!"

If his mental activities were to be visualized, it would be a stormy sea, lightning, and thunder, and thousands of arrows fired at the same time. The whole person froze on the co-pilot, a thousand words stuck in his throat, and he didn't hold back a word for a long time. Come.

There are only two ways to get the headset out, one is to go up: gastric lavage, and the other is to go down: excretion. Of course, no matter which one will cause irreparable damage to the delicate electronic device such as miniature headset, and people will not feel very comfortable, there is no need to imagine more specific and vivid pictures.

So now the question is: how did Jiang Ting get the headset out

Yan Yan's gaze was uncontrollable, moving from Jiang Ting's pale red lips to between his thighs, then back to his lips, and then to between his thighs... After so many back and forth, he finally closed his eyes and took a deep breath. , forcibly expel all images from the mind.

Then, under Jiang Ting's increasingly suspicious gaze, he pointed to the headset and summoned the courage to ask:

"How did you get it, from above, or below?"

"..." Jiang Ting was inexplicable: "Let's count down, what do you mean?"