Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 3


"This freezer? The freezer is a special place for ice packs in our kitchen. The foreman asked me to get ice, and as soon as I opened the door, I saw this big brother standing upright and fell down. He hit me on the spot - I really don't know anything about the police comrade. , I'm scared to pee myself, don't believe me, look at my crotch now!"

The flashlights of the trace inspectors of the sub-bureau came one after another, and the technical investigators were busy collecting on-site physical evidence such as fingerprints and footprints. Yan Yan, wearing shoe covers, stepped over the survey board, squatted beside the corpse, and raised his chin.

The branch forensic doctor cautiously called the deputy detachment of Shengyan.

"How to say?"

"The deceased undressed abnormally, the corpse was bright red, and there were small blisters at the junction of the exposed part of the corpse and the waistband of the trousers. It was preliminarily concluded that it was in line with the phenomenon of freezing to death. It is difficult to judge the exact time of death. In addition, there was bleeding in the eyes, ears, mouth and nose. A detailed autopsy will be done later.”

Yan Yan pressed the corpse spot with his gloved fingertips and narrowed his eyes slightly. His eyebrows slanted into his temples, because of the deep eye sockets and the high bridge of his nose, this angle seemed a little gloomy for a while, and he said, "That's not right."

Yan Yan, the deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Jianning City Public Security Bureau, and the team leader of the investigation team, deputy director level, third-level police inspector, Leo - well-known in the public security system, has been a police officer for more than ten years, and his various legendary deeds can be Feeding ten Zhihu Duanzi hands, he was once selected by the city bureau as one of the ten most influential figures of the year for copying wine bottles and fighting drug dealers.

The branch forensic doctor did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly asked, "What do you think?"

"Abnormal undressing usually occurs when the body temperature drops, the consciousness is confused, and the temperature center of the thalamus sends the wrong signal, that is, the person is freezing to death - but our naked big brother didn't take off his clothes in the refrigerator. inside, did he freeze before he got into the refrigerator?"

The forensic doctor was startled.

The forensic doctor didn't answer at the time, and Yan Yan didn't care, just casually said: "Old Wan, block the KTV and the back alleys, let your team find the clothes and belongings of the deceased, and focus on investigating wallets, keys, mobile phones, etc. , is of great help in determining the source of the corpse. Technical investigation and monitoring, by the way, pay attention to the disappearance records of the alarm center during this period and in the next 24 hours. If a big living person is gone, someone will definitely find it. "

Wan Zhenguo, the head of the Criminal Investigation Division of the sub-bureau, sent his subordinates according to his instructions, turned around and said, "I see Xuan. If he hadn't sneaked in through the back door, then there would be a lot of people taking off clothes and picking up leaks in a place like this. , I'm not sure who has picked up the deceased's belongings."

The two of them squatted beside the corpse bag, staring at the big brother who couldn't rest easy, Wan Zhenguo thought for a while, "Do you think this person is a thief, I heard someone come in during the theft, and hid in the freezer in a hurry. Go, did you accidentally kill yourself?"

Interpols have seen many cases of accidental death by burglary like this, but Yan Yan did not answer.


Yan Yan pulled down the waist of the deceased's trousers, and raised the edge of the logo of the underwear with two fingers: "This fabric is genuine, and it has to be sold at a discount of four or five hundred. It's better to buy big-name clothes and shoes, but buy underwear of this grade. , it is a question of consumption concept. If you are so rich and come to be a 'craftsman', you must be too ambitious, right?"

Wan Zhenguo said "Hey—", folded his arms and squinted, looked at Yan Yan for eighteen times, and then said slowly, "I said Yan Fu."

"What is Deputy Yan? It's called Deputy Yan Detachment. Who is your deputy?"

Wan Zhenguo said: "Okay, Deputy Detachment Yan, you are really Conan."

Yan Yan didn't change his face: "It's easy to talk. I know that the comrades in the branch have always respected and admired me... "

Wan Zhenguo said, "Wherever you go, people die. You can even get into the freezer and freeze to death when you sing a K. Could it be that you killed this person? Hurry up and confess so that the brothers can go home and sleep."

Yan Yan gave him a slap on the back of the head, and scolded with a smile: "Bah! - With your brother Yan's methods, if I kill someone, can you still find out?" He took out his cigarette and wandered out.

"The surveillance camera that connects the back door of the kitchen to the back alley is always broken. Except for illegal parking, there are usually no people there. There are only two trash cans. Over time, I will be impatient to repair it... No, comrade police, you said I will repair it. What are you doing, waiting to take pictures of illegal parking? That's the traffic police's business!"

"Throwing things? We keep all the precious drinks in a special wine cellar. What are the pots and pans in the back kitchen to steal? Yes, I have never seen this person before, and he is definitely not a regular customer. Our store consciously abides by the law, Standardize the operation, and don’t even sell blended wine with an alcohol content of more than 40. Comrade police, tell me first, this person died in my shop, do we have to lose money?!”

The KTV has been emptied and cordoned off, and the police from the Criminal Police Department of the sub-bureau is taking notes for Yang Mei in the hall. Yan Yan walked over with a cigarette in his mouth, and the police immediately got up: "Yan Fu, sit down."

Yan Yan snorted, and was about to sit down, when she suddenly caught a glimpse of not far away, and the action was a meal.

A young man in a wheelchair, facing them, was being questioned by the police.

The singing and dancing hall that had just been cleared was full of clutter, and the years of fat powder and the smell of tobacco and alcohol had not yet dissipated. The solitary stage lights came from the other side, making the man's dark hair, eyebrows, excessively pale skin, and the surrounding environment. The extremely incongruous temperament is particularly abrupt.

Yan Yan nodded with a cigarette butt: "Who is that?"

The public warned Yang Mei to answer.

"..." Just now, Yang Mei, who was still worried about losing money, swallowed her saliva, and said in a slightly softer voice, "It's my fiancé."

The policeman's pen snapped off.

Yan Yan's expression remained unchanged: "Why do you sit in a wheelchair?"

"I used to be in the county... I was a relative. Later, he went to Jianning to find me. He had a car accident on the road and was in a coma for a while. I woke up recently, and it is not convenient to move temporarily..." Yang Mei unnaturally fluffed her long hair. , said: "I just got out of the hospital today and temporarily settled in the dormitory upstairs."

Yan Yan looked at Jiang Ting for a moment: "Which county are you from?"

Yang Mei said the name of an underground county, Yan Yan hummed, and said, "Your county is quite outstanding."

Yang Mei felt guilty and didn't understand what he meant, so she saw Yan Yan got up and walked over.

"You saw the deceased wandering in the back alley?" the policeman asked while recording: "How did you see it? What was the deceased doing at the time? Hey, Deputy Yan Detachment!"

Just as the policeman was about to stand up to give up his seat, Yan Yan pressed his shoulder back, and took the half-written record, holding the cigarette butt in his hand without raising the command: "Continue talking."

Jiang Ting's eyes turned from Yan Yan, and he took it back calmly.

"... He seemed to be waiting for someone at the time."

Policeman: "Oh?"

"We didn't talk, we just had a face-to-face. He was wearing a blue blouse with a pullover and black shoulders, kind of like a schoolbag. I just glanced at it from a distance, and he walked away immediately, looking wary. Strong."

The detective from the sub-bureau came with an evidence bag: "Deputy Yan Detachment! We found this next to the trash can in the back alley. Team Wan let us show it to you first!"

Yan Yan took it over and saw that in the evidence bag was a blue linen jumper, "No wallet, cell phone or keys?"

The detective shook his head.

"Have you found a black backpack?"

The detective wondered: "I've searched back and forth several times, but this sweater is the only one."

"Okay." Yan Yan picked up the evidence bag and handed it to Jiang Ting, "Do you see this one?"

Jiang Ting didn't answer, just glanced at his hand and nodded.

Yan Yan returned the evidence bag to the detective: "Take it to the technical detective, and tell the trace detective by the way, don't forget to print the fingerprints on the inside of the freezer door to compare with the deceased, if it is correct, the deceased is drilling himself. If it doesn’t match, the door of the freezer was closed for him by someone else, then the nature of the matter has changed.”

The detective ran away in a hurry, Yan Yan turned around, but didn't say anything, looking down at Jiang Ting condescendingly.

The policeman who took the notes was a little stunned, Jiang Ting didn't speak, and the surrounding space was suddenly extraordinarily quiet. After a while, Yan Yan lit the wheelchair with a cigarette butt: "What's going on?"

"Car accident." Jiang Ting replied calmly, "I crashed into a truck at speed."

"Can you still stand up?"

"The doctor said it would take a while to recover."

Yan Yan nodded, narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, and suddenly asked, "Have I seen you somewhere?"

Jiang Ting faced his inquiring gaze and made a blank expression just right.

"What's your name?"

"Lu Chengjiang, it's written in the transcript."

Yan Yan repeated: "Lu, Cheng, Jiang."

The atmosphere became very strange for a while, Yan Yan's face was hidden behind the cigarette, no one knew what the criminal investigation team leader was thinking about.

Not far behind them, Yang Mei finished writing the transcript and walked towards this side nervously.

"Stop the clouds and haze, and the rain is heavy; the eight watches are dimmed together, and the land becomes the river." Yan Yan rubbed his chin, and suddenly said, "Good name."

Yang Mei's footsteps stopped suddenly.

Jiang Ting replied firmly, "Thank you, officer."

"Okay, let you, Lao Wan, prepare to close the team." Yan Yan took the record back to the police, turned around and walked back: "The body is transported back to the precinct for autopsy, and all personnel involved in the case can be summoned at any time, pony!"

Ma Xiang, his subordinate, was talking to the sub-bureau's technical investigator when he heard the words and ran over: "Hey! Brother Yan!"

"Drive away, go home."

"—Hey, officer?" Yang Mei was very surprised, and subconsciously reached out to stop him: "Is this going home?"

Yan Yan said coldly: "Hey, yes, I haven't paid you yet. Bring the POS machine and give me an invoice. Ma Xiang, you remind me to call the 315 Consumers Association tomorrow..."

"Don't, handsome guy!" Yang Mei, who loves money like her life, immediately persuaded: "It's embarrassing for you to show up in the middle of the night, how can I ask for your money! No, no, no, don't! Take it back and get it. Go back! No! Take-back-go!"

Yang Mei shoved the card back to Yan Yan with the attitude of the victims stuffing the PLA with boiled eggs, with a warm smile on her face: "Oh, look at you... I actually wanted to ask, when will the survey results come out? , how sooner or later can there be an explanation for this?"

Yan Yan took out a few banknotes and threw them on the bar: "Ask the branch to go."

"You don't care?"

"If you don't involve guns or drugs, you can't go to the city bureau if you die." Yan Yan waved his hand and walked straight to the door, without turning his head: "Of course, if it's involved in guns or drugs, you're a black shop. Xiang, go away!"


Yang Mei stayed where she was, watching the police carry the body away and blocked the scene. When everyone was gone, she wanted to cry without tears: "What's the matter. Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang?"

Jiang Ting crossed his fingers and said nothing. Under the light and shadow of the final song of the Golden Cave, I saw the sharp line of his chin, along the side of the neck, winding up and down all the way into the neckline of the shirt.

After a while, he said hoarsely, "I've seen him."

Yang Mei didn't react: "What?"

"Yan Yan."

Yang Mei was stunned, only to see Jiang Ting frowning slightly, and said slowly for a long time: "Five years ago, in a major case jointly handled by Gongzhou Jianning under my commander-in-chief, this person went deep alone and encountered a drug dealer with a gun. The bottom of the wine bottle killed someone on the spot. He sat on the stage at the celebration, and I sat under the stage to see from a distance. Later, because of this incident, he was promoted to the deputy detachment leader. "

Yang Mei's heart skipped a beat.

"This person doesn't play cards according to common sense, I used to..."

Yang Mei asked, "What was it?"

Jiang Ting paused for a long time before he said, "I don't agree with him being promoted to deputy because of this, but I still admire this person."

For some unknown reason, as a woman, Yang Mei felt that Jiang Ting seemed to have hidden some of the inside information, but what was hidden, and why did he not mention it, Jiang Ting didn't say anything. Yang Mei waited for a long time before she could only shyly say: "Fortunately, fortunately, this case did not fall into his hands..."

Jiang Ting pushed the wheelchair with both hands and turned around, as if foreseeing something, and shook his head: "Maybe I should listen to you and stay in the hospital for a few more days."

The Grand Cherokee turned off the lights and sped down the slightly empty streets late at night. Yan Yan sat in the co-pilot, turned on the dome light and looked at the photos of the scene one by one, suddenly raised his head and looked ahead, thoughtfully.

Ma Xiang glanced at him while turning the steering wheel: "What's the matter, Brother Yan, let's eat bowl noodles to sober up?"

Yan Yan didn't answer, and suddenly asked, "Did you see that person in the wheelchair?"

"Oh, brother Yan, I knew you were going to say this. Don't worry, that kind of sickly beauty lamp is not the popular type now, you will always be the number one police officer of Jianning City Bureau in our hearts..."

"Don't you think he looks familiar?"

Ma Xiang was stunned, "No wow."

"But I always feel like I've seen this person somewhere."

Yan Yan closed his eyes and opened them again after a while. He searched hard in his mind but found nothing. In the chaotic memory, a trace of indescribable heart palpitations accompanied by a strange taste spread from the base of his tongue. In a flash, he sank into the abyss of memory.

After a long while, he took a deep breath and murmured, "But I can't remember it for a while."


At the same time, the suburbs.

At the end of the wasteland is a sea of city lights, the night wind blows over the top of the mountain, the stars in the distance are bright, and the gauze-like Milky Way crosses the sky from overhead.

"Tianshu, Kaiyang, Fluctuating Light, Big Dipper. Going down the arc of the bucket handle is Arcturus, the first-class bright star in the constellation Shepherd. If you look down, that white star is Spica."

The girl turned her head and looked at her lover, her beautiful eyes filled with admiration: "It's so bright!"

"Yes, Spica is the brightest star in the constellation Virgo, 260 light-years from Earth."

Her lover paused for a moment, not knowing what to think, a smile appeared on the corners of her lips:

"In ancient times, Spica was said to be the head of the twenty-eight constellations, brave and decisive, and able to fight well. But you know what? No matter when you observe it, Spica is pure white, just like a virgin, with no flaws. pure white."

His voice was low, mellow and gentle, like a slightly drunken night wind. The girl was bewitched and showed a trace of courage, she suddenly took a half step forward, raised her head, and said in a trembling voice, "You..."

At this moment, the car satellite phone rang not far away.

The man smiled and motioned her to wait a moment, turned to the off-road vehicle, and answered the phone: "Hello?"

The girl hesitated for a moment and followed. Her lover was half hidden in the shadows, she couldn't see the expression on her face, and only heard the words on the opposite side from the microphone: "...the situation of the 538 bed, after..."

After a moment, he said, "I see."

He hung up the phone and stood by the door for a while.

In the distance, long and short insects sounded in the grass, and the fragrant air of spring and early summer swept across the plains and rivers, brushing the girl's long soft hair.

After an unknown amount of time, the man turned to look at her and said, "It's time to go back."

"But it said that tonight..."

Her lover is still very tender: "Get in the car."

The girl pursed her lips, but couldn't and dared not refuse, so she stepped forward gloomily.

Under the night sky, a modified H2 crossed the undulating wasteland and drove towards the vast sea of lights at the end of the horizon.