Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 37


Jiaxing Processing and Packaging Mould Factory covers an area of three hectares. The main factory building has two floors, and most of the surrounding areas are logistics warehouses and a few office buildings.

The snipers could confirm that the three kidnappers who had appeared inside the factory building were holding the hostages somewhere on the second floor, but the exact location could not be determined.

To avoid alerting the kidnappers, the SWAT and criminal investigation vehicles all kept away from the scene. Only a communication vehicle disguised as a freight company drove into the corner across the street from the factory building. Bureau Lv led the negotiating experts from the provincial office to command the scene in person.

"The operatives are divided into two groups, entering the factory area from the east and the south respectively. The specific action routes have been marked. One group of lurking targets is the roof of the factory building. After the observers confirm the location of the hostages, they send a signal, and Captain Kang leads the special police. The personnel used ropes to conduct a window-breaking raid."

"The first principle of the special police is to grab the hostages and avoid the exchange of fire under the premise that it can be avoided. Yan Yan, your task is to lead two groups of personnel to guard the passages from the second floor of the factory building to the first floor, and at the same time, when Captain Kang grabs them After taking the hostage, immediately respond and cover."

"If in 1 in 10,000 cases, the operatives are discovered by the kidnappers and the hostages are violently held; then I order the second group to evacuate quickly with the priority of not angering the gangsters, and at the same time try to lure the kidnappers and create conditions for the snipers. All Does everyone understand?"

Lu Ju's chubby round face no longer has a trace of kindness and kindness, as if Maitreya Buddha finally showed his majestic true face. The voices of Yan Yan and Kang Shuqiang sounded simultaneously in the communicator: "Understood!"

"The second group understands!"

"Officer Lu," Director Chen from the provincial office also followed this time. Sitting in the command car, he couldn't help but say, "This operation is of great importance. In case of any mistakes, the hostages..."

"Old Chen—" Lu Ju said earnestly.

Everyone groaned in their hearts.

"You have to have confidence in our public security officers and in our SWAT personnel—ah, I believe, first of all, our actions aim at perfection, use the greatest effort, the strictest preparation, and strategically despise the enemy, Tactically attaching importance to the enemy; secondly, in the rescue of hostages, the Jianning City Public Security Bureau, from top to bottom, leaders at all levels, attach great importance to persevering in training and resolutely implement the relevant ideas and guidance of the Ministry of Public Security..."

Why do you want to provoke this surnamed Lu!

Several other experts glared at Chen Chu one after another, and Chen Chu wanted to cry without tears, so he covered half of his mouth and went to put on a gourd.


The sky was darkening, and the street lights were on.

The entrance of the first floor of the factory building, the hidden place inside the flower bed.

"Hey, Lao Yan," came the lowered voice of Director Huang from the other channel of the earphone and said, "What did you just ask me for? Why did you locate your own chip?"

Yan Yan was wearing a bulletproof vest, the cuffs of his shirt were rolled up on his elbows, he held the gun tightly against the corner of the wall, glanced back at his colleagues scattered in various hidden spots, pressed the headset and said softly: "If you want to check, you can check, Stop talking so much."

Huang Xing: "Hey, why are you so fierce, is your girlfriend cheating? Oh, I don't have a girlfriend for you."

Yan Yan: "…"

"Hey, I persuaded you a long time ago that I asked you to be lower, and you could almost become a small internet celebrity. You see that your own conditions are the same, and you are also asked to be your soul confidant, who has your head in your trousers belt. Be a confidant? Aren't other girls blind?"

Yan Yan: "..."

The special police officer in front stretched out his hand from the outside of the corridor entrance and gave a direction to move forward. Yan Yan bowed and rushed into the corridor first, like a silent arrow in the night, only to hear Director Huang in the headset say with great interest:

"Look, the consequence of not lowering the conditions is a red apricot coming out of the wall. Your chip moved and moved—"

Yan Yan almost fell down with one foot empty.

"Stopped!" Huang Xing happily reported: "Stopped twenty meters away from the original coordinates!"

"..." Yan Yan said coldly: "Please don't talk to me if you move no more than 500 meters." Then he raised his hand and dialed back the communication channel, dodged and turned around the corner of the stairs, swept the gun forward, left hand Resolutely backwards a "continue to advance" command.


Time pushed back three minutes, outside the warehouse.

Han Xiaomei watched Jiang Ting open the door of the Grand Cherokee, stepped out of the car, straightened her sleeves, and walked towards the silver-gray Mercedes-Benz that she was driving without looking back.

"Lu... Lu Lu Lu..." Han Xiaomei, who stayed here as a jailer under the orders of Deputy Yan's detachment, was about to cry. She wanted to stop her but didn't dare to go forward. It was hard for her to muster her courage to say three complete words: "Mr. Lu..."

Jiang Ting opened the door of Daben: "Is something wrong?"

Han Xiaomei was stared at by the dark pupils on his snow-like handsome face, she couldn't say anything at once, she just pursed her lips and shook her head.

Jiang Ting sat in the cab of Daben and slammed the door shut.

At that moment, countless heroes of the Anti-Japanese War flashed in front of Han Xiaomei's eyes, from heroically bombing the bunker to blocking the gun, from "comrades come with me" to "the proletariat stands up"; the bright red five-star red flag is high on the land of Shenzhou Flying, the blood of the revolution has been drumming in Han Xiaomei's heart for a long time!

Jiang Ting pulled out his data cable from the glove box, started charging the phone, and then raised his head.

In front of the car, Han Xiaomei opened her arms with a resolute expression. She stood in the middle of the road with a large font. She had a heroic expression of praising my corpse first if you dared to go.

"..." The two looked at each other for a while.

Jiang Ting touched two chocolates, stuck his head out of the car window, and said suspiciously, "... why don't you come up for a break and have some candy?"

Han Xiaomei: "...Oh."

Han Xiaomei pursed her lips, stepped forward to take Jiang Ting's candy, and got into the back seat of the car.



A light was lit in a room on the second floor of the factory building. Across the 100-meter night sky, the sniper mirror could vaguely see a figure shaking in the room.

"Report to the command car. This is monitoring point A. There is a target activity in the east corner of the second floor of the building. It is impossible to distinguish whether it is a kidnapper or a hostage. The sniper angle is not good. Finished."

"Understood, continue monitoring." In the command car, Bureau Lu paused under the worried eyes of several experts, "-Xiaokang, did you hear me?"

On the roof of the building in the dark night, the well-trained special police were perfectly concealed in the night. Kang Shuqiang grabbed the sling and crawled on the ground: "Yes, one group will move towards the target direction."

"Yan Yun?" Lu Bureau asked instead.

"—Understood." At the corner of a corridor on the second floor of the factory building, Yan Yan was half-kneeling with a gun on the ground, only the cold light from the corner of his eyes shone slightly in the darkness: "The second group has blocked three important passages separately and is ready to respond at any time. "

Bureau Lu nodded and let out a long breath.

"What should I do now, Lao Lu?" a provincial expert asked in a low voice.

Lu Ju's seemingly chubby and harmless face remained unmoved, and said lightly, "Wait."

The mantis catches the cicada, followed by the oriole. In this still-to-frozen situation, the kidnappers are eagerly waiting for the drugs to be synthesized, the hostages are waiting for rescue, the special police in ambush in various hiding spots are waiting for the opportunity to break in, and the snipers are at a high place to blend in with the surrounding night; no one is there. Dare to act rashly and break the balance of danger.

Pull one hair and move the whole body.

The walls of the "lab" were whitened by the fluorescent lamps, and the hour hand on the wall clock gradually pointed to eight o'clock.

Chu Ci turned off the instrument, took off his goggles, and raised his head almost to hit the muzzle pointed at the back of his head at close range.

The three drug dealers stared at him, and Wang Le couldn't wait to point a gun at him and ask, "Can you do it?"

"...It's a bit difficult." Chu Ci's voice was extremely hoarse, "But mass production is possible, and the cost is relatively low compared to traditional morphine drugs."

Chi Rui glanced at the eye technician, who nodded to confirm.

"Then get it done!" Wang Le was overjoyed.

Chu Ci's Adam's apple slid slightly, as if swallowing something with difficulty - in fact, he hadn't drank water for a long time, and even his throat was very dry when he spoke.

"Lack of equipment." He lowered his eyelashes and gestured to the surroundings casually, and said, "Your laboratory, even the production of methamphetamine is not standardized, it turned out to be a double line of cooking and synthesis. In case of bad luck, during the cooking process When an explosion occurs, the mixed pseudoephedrine and red phosphorus will generate a large amount of toxic phosphine gas. At that time, no one can escape, and all of them will die. If you want to synthesize this new type of fentanyl compound, which is rare on the market, many professional equipment It is indispensable.”

Several drug dealers looked at each other, and after a while, they reached a consensus in silence, and Chi Rui went out with a gun in his hand.

The technician coughed, walked to Chu Ci, and handed him a bottle of water.

"Thank you," Chu Ci replied politely, "I'm not thirsty."

He was afraid of addictive substances in the water.

The technician didn't care, he pulled up a bench and sat in front of him and asked, "How old are you, offspring?"

Chu Ci said, "Twenty-one."

"Twenty-one-year-old offspring." The technician nodded and said, he was a black and thin middle-aged man in his thirties and forties, and he seemed to be a bit trusting: "—I heard Ding Jiawang say that your family is very difficult. , but the grades are good, aren't they?"

Chu Ci did not deny it.

"You're a student who has never been out of society, so you probably don't know about our chemistry majors. Even if you graduate from a famous school, if you can get eight or nine thousand dollars a month, you will be considered smoke on the graves of your ancestors - you are in a place like Beijing, eight or nine thousand dollars. What can you do? Buying a house or marrying a daughter-in-law is enough to bring your parents to Beijing from a young age?"

"Look at me, I also studied chemistry, so I'm like this." The technician spread his hands and pointed outwards: "Ding Jiawang, you know, a big company engineer, isn't he pretty cool? Tell me the truth. If you didn't do our business, what would he use to pay for his wife and daughter, and what would he use to pay off the mortgage and car loan? Young man, you study so well, and studying chemistry is in the wrong field! "

"It's okay," Chu Ci said lightly, "I am a chemistry major who was directly recommended by the Olympiad."

Technician: "… "

The technician probably scolded something fiercely in his heart, but he restrained himself on the surface.

"Yes, you think it's okay now, but when you work out of the society in the future, you will know how unfair the world is. Of those officials and business people, which one is not greedy, and which is not illegal? How many murders and arson We are all at ease, let’s make some medicines and sell some money by our own abilities, as long as we don’t die, do you think the police will really arrest us and not let us go?”

Chu Ci was silent for a long time, and there was a hint of shaking on his face.

Seeing that he was not so stubborn, the technician was slightly overjoyed, and pulled the bench forward again: "Student boy, let me tell you. We are definitely going to run away next. You are good to cooperate with us. Go to the south and find a small place to stay and wait until the experimental equipment you want is built. How much money will you earn? If you really make a 'blue gold', you are a living God of Wealth, who doesn't do well for you?"

The technician turned around and gave Wang Le a wink.

"Aiya, what are you doing with these useless things!" Wang Le deliberately said in a rough voice, went to the corner of the chemical storage cabinet and dragged out an old travel bag, and threw it in front of Chu Ci, a few stacks of RMB suddenly Shocked out of the bag.

"The whole point is useful, top student, these are all yours!"

Chu Ci stared at the thick piles of pink cash before turning her eyes away for a long time, as if she was struggling fiercely in her heart.

There is a play! The two drug dealers were overjoyed.

"Hey, Old Wang, what are you doing? Isn't this insulting? We'll make blue gold in the future, this amount of money is not enough to send beggars!" The technician said as he got closer and patted Chu Ci. His shoulders, he lowered his voice deliberately: "By the way, student, haven't you been in love yet?"

Chu Ci didn't speak, as if acquiescing.

The technician said: "I see that the dishonest girl from the Ding family seems to like you very much. Well, you can cooperate with us well. The eldest brother will make the decision to give her to you today, how about it?"

Chu Ci's eyebrows jumped, and the door was opened. Chi Rui, who had just gone out, stood at the door, holding a gun to Ding Dang's head!

Ding Dang's flushed cheeks seemed to have been slapped a few more times. He wanted to cry, but he didn't dare. He stood there trembling, and cast a collapsed look at him for help.


- At the same time, in front of a residential building to be demolished somewhere hundreds of meters away.

"I want it all, wrap it all up for me."

The last remaining apples and pears on the trolley were either wrinkled or bug-spotted, and no one passed by for a long time. Originally, the hawker had given up hope and decided that he would not be able to sell it in half an hour, so he packed up and took it home, and made do with it for dinner. Bargain, don't even ask for change.

The hawker was overjoyed, for fear that the customer would regret it, he hurriedly packed up with a plastic bag, wiped off the few taels, and handed it over with a smile.

The guest reaches for the plastic bag.

-Ok? The hawker is a little careful.

In the weather in early May, why is this person still wearing leather gloves

He thought so, and while packing up the scooter to leave, he subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the guest.

The back of the street lamp could not be seen clearly, but the customer seemed to be quite young, wearing black clothes and black leather shoes that almost melted into the night from head to toe, carrying a large briefcase in his left hand, looking like a white-collar office worker who just got off work. But the side face was dazed and staring, as if he had never seen it nearby.

The hawker was pondering, when suddenly the customer seemed to have a feeling and turned his face.


At the moment when their eyes met, the hawker suddenly felt a chill in his heart, like a rabbit being stared at by an eagle or a frog being stared at by a snake. His instinctive timidity crawled all over his body along his spine, letting him spend the night in the early summer. Leng Shengsheng shivered.

Then the guest raised his chin and said, "Why, not enough money?"

- Attitude turned out to be very casual.

"No, no," the hawker waved his hand quickly, saying that I was curious about what to do with so many things, so I didn't want to look at it any more, and hurried home with the scooter.

It wasn't until the fruit seller disappeared at the end of the night road that Ajie smiled slightly, took out an apple and wiped it, took a bite, and threw the rest with a plastic bag, and turned to the residential building. go.


The night wind roared from the sky, and the ceiling of the residential building.

Ajie looked at the processing mold factory in the distance, put down the "briefcase", opened it, and began to assemble the sniper rifle in an orderly manner.