Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 51


The further you go deeper into the forest, the more strange the posture of the trees. In mid-air, the big tree hanged by countless aerial roots is like a rotten giant, standing slumped to block the sunlight; under the ground, the crisscrossed ground roots are twisted and knotted, covered with smooth moss and lichen, forcing everyone Be careful to hold it steady when you take a step, or you will slip if you are not careful.


As soon as the gasping sound fell behind him, Yan Yan immediately stopped: "What's going on?"

Jiang stopped rubbing the palm of his hand, only to see a long line of ants crawling on the tree trunk he just helped up.

"I told you to help me, I'll be bitten." Yan Yan grabbed Jiang Ting's arm, forcing him to tilt his weight on him, and reprimanded in a low voice: "I told you not to follow, you won't listen, wait a minute. What should I do if I slip, I have to rush you to the hospital—so squeamish."

Jiang Ting frowned and said, "It's not that much, and it's not a little girl."

"Aiyo, the little girl is not as delicate and expensive as you!"

"Why do you talk so much?"

"What I said is the truth summed up by countless blood and tears..."

The two quarreled like this, and walked forward with a deep foot and a shallow foot. Not far away, the criminal police led the police dog to clear the way through the dense forest, and there were intermittent cicadas above their heads.

"Deputy Yan Detachment!" The policeman trotted forward from the front and said loudly: "We have reached the limit that the police dog can track, and we can't be sure if we go any further!"

Yan Yan stood still, and placed Jiang Team, who was delicate and expensive, could not fall or touch, and had to be careful not to be bullied by ants, on the flat and soft fallen leaves, and then looked around.

It is true that there is no front or back of the village, no store, surrounded by towering trees and vegetation bushes that are similar, and the signal of ordinary mobile phones has been lost. Since the police dog can no longer track down, presumably Shen Xiaoqi and Bu Wei did not stop here, and they did not leave a particularly strong smell among the trees or on the stones.

The police dog hurried over and was stabbed a few times by Yan Hao. He took out a beef granule from his pocket and peeled it off and wanted to feed it.

"Yo, the training is good." Yan Yan boasted casually, and threw the beef grains to the trainer.

The trainer smiled and fed it again, and the police dog ate it.

"How could the two little brats go to this ghost place?" Yan Yan narrowed his eyes behind his sunglasses, and said thoughtfully, "This is not the way down the mountain."

"It's more than that, it's almost 108,000 miles away from the only way to go down the mountain!" Ma Xiang turned out from behind the big tree and held up the map of the forest area: "-Look, they have been walking deeper into the mountains and forests, Considering the normal pace of fifteen or sixteen-year-olds, it will be so dark here, aren't they afraid?"

"Are there any villages and rivers ahead?"

"There is a ghost, I believe there is a wolf or a fox."

The trainer was half-holding the police dog who couldn't stop wagging its tail, squatting on the ground and staring at the police, he could see that he was trying his best to help: "Is it completely lost, or has been kidnapped?"

Yan Yan did not speak, and walked around the neighborhood for a while before stopping.

"—It's all possible. What do you think, Police Flower?"

Jiang Ting was holding his arms and turned sideways to avoid the ants everywhere. Hearing this, he said "um": "It's really hard to speculate at the moment, there are two possibilities."

Ma Xiang couldn't help but ask: "How do you say this, police... Consultant Lu?"

Yan Yan immediately glared at him, there was a lot of police flower meaning that only I made you cry, and the innocent Ma Xiang shrank his head.

"If they were kidnapped, when did the kidnappers start looking at them, and why did they go deeper into the woods instead of the more mobile roads? It doesn't make sense. If they get lost, the direction is very straight. There are not too many signs of going around in circles, and it does not conform to the normal trajectory of getting lost in the wild." Jiang stopped filming the ants that climbed on him, and then changed the topic: "But the above two possibilities cannot be ruled out, maybe the kidnappers deliberately took two It's hard to tell if a kid goes off the beaten track."

Ma Xiang was puzzled: "Why did the kidnappers do that?"

Jiang Ting didn't answer and asked, "Is Bu Wei's uncle rich?"

"Uh... According to the information, I have been doing gallery intermediary business in other places all the year round... "

"Have enough money to spend two hundred million?"

"That's definitely not wow," Ma Xiang winked and smashed Yan Yan with his elbow: "The only one who can take out two hundred million is here."

Yan Yan immediately said sensitively: "Go! What are you doing with your hands and feet?"

Jiang Ting turned a blind eye to their small actions and said, "That's right. If the kidnappers offered ten million or even twenty million, it could be said to be for money, and the astronomical ransom didn't leave any room for counter-offering. From the very beginning, the purpose is the two children themselves, which represents the worst of all predictions."

Although he had a hunch in his heart, Ma Xiang couldn't help but shudder when he said these two words: "—Tear up the ticket?"

Jiang Ting said, "Execution."

Behind them, more policemen who followed one after another began to spread to the surrounding area, searching and trying to find clues such as footprints. Yan Yan watched the backs of the dark blue uniforms disappear into the bushes, and suddenly murmured and repeated these two words: "Execution."

He turned his head and stared straight at Jiang Ting from behind the sunglasses: "Execution is an act of punishing an already convicted crime, that is to say, a crime must be committed before punishment—what is the crime of the Shen family?"

"Hey!" Ma Xiang raised his hand first: "White-tailed sea eagle?"

I can't blame these criminal policemen for always mentioning the white-tailed sea eagle. Indeed, the blood of this first-class state-protected animal is so stimulating to them that it makes people think about it when they have nothing to do.

"Why do you keep mentioning..." Yan Yan frowned, and before she could finish her sentence, Jiang Ting interrupted him without any hesitation: "No, it has nothing to do with Shen Xiaoqi's parents."


"If I were the kidnapper, what would I do if I wanted to punish the Shen family for a certain behavior?" Jiang Ting paused under Ma Xiang's confused eyes, "I will kidnap the child first, and ask for someone who can make The Shen family went bankrupt but did not give up directly, for example, 8 million. After the Shen family had smashed the pot and sold the iron to collect 8 million, I cut off Shen Xiaoqi's finger and sent it, and added it to 12 million - Shen Xiaoqi also There are grandparents, grandparents, seven aunts and eight aunts... After everyone has gone bankrupt and collected 12 million, I will cut off one of his ears, and the extra price will be 1500."

"The so-called boiled frog in warm water is to let the frog watch me add firewood to the fire. It's scary. Do you still want the child to live? If you want to live, keep adding more. Eight hundred, one thousand two, one thousand five. , 2,000... The Shen family was gradually driven to the point of madness, despair and grief, but they would never know whether they would take back the child or continue to receive a certain part of the child after they collect the ransom next time."

Yan Yan said, "I'm mentally late."

"Yes," Jiang Ting agreed. "If the kidnappers used psychological means, then we can be sure that the target of the execution is an adult, but now it is obviously a different situation."

"..." Ma Xiang held back for a long time, and finally squeezed out a sentence: "Consultant Lu, you are too scary..."

Jiang Ting laughed: "Actually, there will be no such case. But at least you can be sure that the kidnapper is not me."

"Then let's assume that the target of the kidnapper's punishment is Shen Xiaoqi himself, including Bu Wei." Yan Yan's thinking changed: "Two students who have just finished their high school entrance exams, Shen Xiaoqi just got their ID cards, and Bu Wei hasn't even reached the age of sixteen. , social participation is very limited, and what crime is it possible to commit that deserves to be executed?”

This question hits the spot.

Several people didn't speak. The police dog trainer blinked and said tentatively, "Didn't you just say that the little girl died of both parents and was adopted by her uncle... Could it be that the little girl's social relationship is more complicated? It has something to do with love murder?"

Yan Yun and Jiang Ting looked at each other, and both saw the hesitation in each other's eyes.

There are so few clues and so little time, that even if Holmes were to die again, it would be hard not to do anything.

"Although Bu Wei is described by her classmates as a well-behaved girl, this possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, her appearance is relatively rare in the crowd." Jiang Ting stomped his feet to shake the ants off, raised his head and asked: " Bu Wei's guardian hasn't been contacted yet?"

Yan Yan spread out his hands, turned around and shouted, "Old Gao!"

Gao Panqing was in the command car from a distance: "Hey!"

"It's really not easy for you criminal investigators." The police dog trainer looked at the two of them with admiration.

Jiang Ting didn't care, "I'm not a criminal investigator, I'm only responsible for scouring the bourgeoisie."

Trainer: "Huh?"

"Brother Yan!" Gao Panqing stuck his head out of the commander's car door: "The city bureau found Bu Wei's guardian and is using a police car to take her uncle to the farmhouse! Director Huang also sent Shen Xiaoqi's computer search records! "

At least the work on the technical investigation side has made a little progress, and everyone's spirits are lifted.

"Yes, our profession is not search and rescue, and it's also causing trouble here. Go back to the car." Yan Yan said, "Look at your consultant Lu being almost overwhelmed by ants."

Jiang Ting was displeased: "It's all the bean paste buns you bought in the morning..."

"Don't say a few words," Yan Yan sneered while forcibly hooking his shoulder: "Eating sweets all day is just attracting bees and butterflies, what does it have to do with me."

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the command car stumbled and crashed in the forest, like a strong man drinking too much, making everyone miserable.

"All records of mobile phone communication, WeChat payment, social software chat, web browser search, etc. are all here. Originally, this file has hundreds of megabytes. Fortunately, Director Huang, who rescued the distressed, gave us the focus."

Gao Panqing opened the compressed file package and handed the notebook to Yan Yun.

Sure enough, the screen is full of dense data, and all the secrets in Shen Xiaoqi's computer are spread out in the sun, as if a corpse has been carefully dissected. Anyone on stage can watch.

Ma Xiang poked his head from the back seat, followed Yan Yan to read a few pages, and sighed: "This is the biggest worry in my heart since I became a policeman."

The city bureau driver was driving ahead. Yan Yan was engrossed in browsing the search engine records. Jiang Ting was frail and prone to motion sickness. In the whole car, only Gao Panqing took care of Ma Xiang: "Yo, are you the only one who has hidden worries?"

"Old Gao, you look down on people so much, do I not look like a slender boy at heart?"

Gao Panqing said, "Okay, what are you worried about, boy? My buddy will help you solve it."

"You don't need to solve it. You promise to help me with this." Ma Xiang coughed, and said with emotion: "Doing our business, luck and blessing depend on each other, life and death are unpredictable. I sacrificed heroically to protect the people. Please raise your hands high, my colleagues in technical investigations. Please don’t touch my alien computer that I saved from food and frugality, especially my DEFGH disk and several terabytes of various resources… "

"..." Gao Panqing squinted at him from the corner of his eyes for a while: "Then burn it for you?"

Ma Xiang covered his chest with his hands and had tears in his eyes. After thinking for a long time, he solemnly said: "Before burning, you can copy a copy to Deputy Qin next door. After all, everyone is an old teammate who has been hacking for many years. I can't live without leaving some spiritual legacy for this society. ."

Gao Panqing couldn't help nodding with an "Oh Huo" expression on his face. After a while, he turned his head and murmured, "...You are still playing a love game."

"Old Gao, this search history won't be missed because of turning on the privacy mode or clearing it instantly, right?" Yan Yan suddenly asked in a loud voice.

"Director Huang said no, what's the matter?"

"That's kind of weird."

Ma Xiang and Gao Panqing approached curiously, only to see Yan Yan pointing at a row in the densely packed record: "On May 9th, Shen Xiaoqi searched for the first time using Tianzongshan Raiders as a keyword. There is no search record on tourism, not even keywords such as 'summer resort', 'sightseeing around Jianning', 'cheap free travel', etc. He did not follow anything like Jianning scenery, Jianning scenery on Weibo For accounts such as Toutiao and Meijianning, the search records on the website and Weibo cannot be recovered, but the browsing records did not find anything related to Tianzongshan; it feels like this child suddenly came up with the idea of 'I am going to Tianzongshan'. No other options exist, and there is no hesitation at all."

"Well..." Ma Xiang, a young Internet addict, said very experienced: "Nowadays children basically use mobile phones."

Gao Panqing also agreed: "What if I read the recommendation from WeChat Moments?"

Yan Yan shook his head, and before he had time to say anything, Jiang Ting in the front row didn't reply: "Jianning is a famous tourist city with a lot of surrounding attractions. Even if you read the recommendations, you won't be completely ignored when planning your itinerary. Any other options, unless he has some kind of obsession with Tianzong Mountain."

Yan Yan raised Erlang's legs, winked at Ma Xiang Gao Panqing, and whispered, "Learn from others."

Ma Xiang replied in the same low volume: "I know you two are a loving couple, so stop showing off."

Gao Panqing is more upright: "Obstinence? What might be the situation? Consultant Lu?"

Jiang Ting kept his eyes slightly closed, slightly tilted his chin, his head resting on the back of the chair, motionless.

"Consultant Lu?"

"… "

Everyone's eyes were burning, and at the end of the line of sight, consultant Lu's weak voice slowly came: "There are many kinds of situations, maybe there is a certain saying about Tianzongshan among the classmates, maybe important relatives and friends have been there, or..."

He suddenly snorted and opened the window.

Everyone: "???"

Yan Xun was suspicious, and was about to go forward to check, but suddenly saw Jiang Ting stick his head out of the window like lightning, and then: "Ouch—"

Everyone: "… "

Consultant Lu, who has always been elegant and calm, was finally knocked down by motion sickness.


The farmhouse compound, the breakfast hall was converted into a temporary operation office.

"I really don't know anything, are you sure my niece was kidnapped?"

A fat man in a suit and leather shoes sat in front of the two policemen, his face was covered with hot sweat, and he kept wiping with a handkerchief like a literate man, but he wiped more and more:

"No, I haven't received any extortion messages at all—yes, I really haven't seen her since the day before yesterday, but I usually call this child every week when I'm out of town, and I'm not her father! What are you? Said the kidnappers wanted 200 million?! I really dare to ask for it, I don't have 2 million! No! - Tear up the ticket? No, you don't understand the police officer, I am not her legal guardian, and I usually pay for the tuition fee. Good conscience…”


Suddenly the door was pushed open, and the two policemen stood up immediately, only to see Ma Xiang entering the house with a chorus of voices: "Where's the water? Where's the water? Get the ice water! Quick, quick!"

Ma Xiang led the way, Gao Panqing followed the fan, Yan Xun personally supported the pale-faced Consultant Lu, the posture was like a few people picked up a wild panda on the way back, and the stars supported Jiang Ting to the chair Sit down.

"Why isn't there enough ice?" Ma Xiang took the water that the police hurriedly handed over, and turned to Yan Yan. I saw that the public security system was not afraid of the sky and the earth, and the famous deputy Yan Detachment, the second generation of the rich, hurriedly rolled up his sleeves left and right, and personally served Jiang Ting with water.

The police asked carefully: "What's the matter?"

"Motion sickness." Ma Xiang explained in a low voice, covering half of his mouth, "Squad Yan's personal consultant is responsible for the intelligence quotient of this case. Half of the analysis of the case is misunderstood. Until now, I haven't been able to finish the second half of the sentence."

"Oh..." The policeman had a stern expression on his face.

Jiang Ting waved his hands weakly, signaling that he would stop drinking, and rubbed his brows wearily.

Only then did Yan Yan screw on the cap of the mineral water bottle, and motioned to Ma Xiang to lift the vertical electric fan and blow it on Jiang Tingke vigorously, until Consultant Lu could be revived with full blood, so that he could catch the kidnappers from the vast mountains and forests in a dozen minutes. until it comes out. Then he finally got up and asked the police: "How is it?"

"Deputy Yan!" The police saluted and pointed at the fat man in a straight suit: "This is the uncle of the kidnapped girl Bu Wei, Wang Xingye, who was sent by the city bureau in a car just now."

In other words, apart from the crying parents of the Shen family, this case finally reached a key family member.

Yan Yan said politely, and just reached out to hold it, when suddenly the fat man named Wang Xingye's expression was wrong.

—His hands were frozen in the air, his eyes crossed Yan Yan, and he stared straight at Jiang Zing not far away; for a moment, his eyes seemed to have seen a ghost alive.

Unprepared, Yan Yan's heart sank slightly, and then he tightened his grip on Wang Xingye's hand:

"Mr. Wang?"

"Ah... ah? Officer?"

Yan Xuan stared at him calmly, and asked softly for a while, "What are you looking at?"