Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 60


Tianzong Mountain.

The invisible minute hand in the void gradually pointed to the whole point, the setting sun was slowly sinking in the forest, and the misty blood red smeared in the field of vision through the eyelids.

Shen Xiaoqi's hand twitched violently and he woke up from the coma.

"..." He wanted to call Bu Wei, but his chapped lips moved, but no sound came out. After a long time, his consciousness gradually became clear, and he suddenly found himself lying on the open space on the top of the hillside, with a fiery red phoenix tree densely covering the top of his head, which seemed to be on fire under the last rays of sunshine.

How did you get to the top of the mountain

Shen Xiaoqi didn't think much, his attention was completely attracted by something not far away that could never have appeared here - it turned out to be a bottle of water.

A bottle of mineral water placed right on the ground!

For a few seconds, Shen Xiaoqi thought he had hallucinations in a desperate situation, but his survival instinct completely overshadowed his reason. By the time he realized what he was doing, he had already tried his best to climb the steep slope and hold on tightly. The bottle of water even spilled a few drops when I unscrewed the cap because of excessive trembling.

How could there be water here? who put it? Will it be poisonous

Shen Xiaoqi couldn't think of anything. All his mind and all senses were concentrated on the extremely sweet liquid in his throat, and he couldn't think of anything else. He poured the whole bottle of water into his stomach before stopping, staying in place like a dream, watching Holding an empty water bottle in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, in a flash of lightning, he remembered something, and his mind exploded—

Step Wei!

Shen Xiaoqi turned his head suddenly, and before he could see the girl who fainted not far away, all the changes happened the first time.

With a bang, the soil splashed, and he suddenly lost weight, the ground beneath him collapsed, and the whole person fell into the soil pit with countless dead grass and floating ash!


"The second exploration team has made no progress!"

"The first team did not find the target!"

"The Six Exploration Team is expanding its search range to the surrounding area!"

Announcements from the walkie-talkie came one after another. Countless uniformed police officers led police dogs to trudge through the complex primitive mountains and forests. Suddenly, barking and barking rang out one after another.

Qin Chuan raised his mobile phone: "This is the fourth exploration team! There is a discovery!"

The police dog ran wildly in the forest, and the police and search and rescue personnel followed closely, and after a while, they only heard the dog bark coming from the thorns behind the soil slope. In an instant, everyone was overjoyed, and Qin Chuan couldn't care less that he almost stepped on the potholes and mud, and dashed to the front, took out the machete equipped by the search and rescue team, and slashed it fiercely. Thorns.

"Wow!" "Wow!"

The search and rescue team lost their voices in excitement: "I must have found it!"

Qin Chuan threw the machete, and in a hurry, he couldn't care about anything else, and forcibly pushed aside the thorny bushes—


"cough cough..."

The pit was filled with smoke and dust, and the fall fell at least two meters deep, almost knocking Shen Xiaoqi's lungs out of his throat.

His fractured left arm was completely immobile, and fortunately, he was cushioned by the grass and leaves, so nothing major happened. After an unknown amount of time, Shen Xiaoqi finally stopped his bloody cough, barely supported himself with his unbroken arm, and got up from the wet soil under him, suddenly feeling that his hands were not feeling right.

He took a closer look, and what was in front of him turned out to be half a rotten face, his eyes that were clouded into gray balls stared straight at him.

Shen Xiaoqi's brain was completely blank, his whole body was shaking like electricity, he wanted to crawl away but his limbs were weak.

"Ah... ah..."

It seemed like a century had passed, and an inhuman scream finally burst out from his throat, which was stretched to the extreme: "Ahhh!!"

In a trance, the corpse turned into a face with a wide-open mouth and a strange smile, and the bones were lifted up, and bloody imprisoned his hands. Shen Xiaoqi rolled and crawled back like a madman, screaming and kicking his legs. The tone was indescribably scary, until the back of his head slammed into the stone on the edge of the pit with a thud, and he finally saw darkness in front of him. .

Before he lost consciousness, he heard a voice above his head in a trance. It seemed that someone had finally rushed over and stopped at the edge of the pit.

"...The police are chasing after them, and they are searching the mountains..."

"That's too late… "

Shen Xiaoqi's ears were buzzing, he couldn't hear anything, and collapsed to the ground with the rapid loss of consciousness.

Until the last moment before his consciousness disappeared, he was still holding the empty mineral water bottle tightly in his hand.


Whoa! The thorn bush was pushed aside with his bare hands, Qin Chuan jumped up with his body propped up, stepped forward a few steps, and suddenly stopped.

The policemen followed one after another, and they were all stunned there for a while.

Several police dogs barked anxiously, sniffing back and forth, but there was no one on the back of the dirt slope covered with weeds, not to mention Shen Xiaoqi and Bu Wei, there was not even a ghost except for this group of policemen.

Qin Chuan raised his hand to look at his watch while panting, and it was already 8:05 - only the last four minutes left in this tug-of-war!

"The fourth detection team will report the situation!" "How about Qinchuan?" "The fourth detection team, quickly report your situation!"…

There were roars one after another on the walkie-talkie, but the scene was solemn and tense. No one answered or even made a sound. One of the forest search and rescue team members couldn't help but almost burst into tears, and kept saying, "What should I do, Deputy Qin, there is obviously nothing, why is the dog barking..."

Suddenly, Qin Chuan stopped him with a raised hand. He stepped forward and squatted in the grass to search carefully for a while, and carefully drew something from the dead branches with his fingertips.

"This is… "

"Clothes." Qin Chuan stared at the few strands of fabric under his fingernails that no one else could see at all: "This dye may be the camouflage pants that Shen Xiaoqi wore."

The crowd rushed forward, and before they had time to take a closer look, at this juncture, there was a movement looming in the distance, as if it was an indistinct scream, and then the birds on the treetops flew up. It made people look up.

"Wang Wang Wang!!"

The police dogs rushed to the direction of the sound, Qin Chuan suddenly stood up, and his roar sounded simultaneously on all walkie-talkie channels in every corner of Tianzong Mountain: "Follow!"

Turning around the wilderness and the bushes, after being covered by the woods for a few times, the sight suddenly opened up in front of me, and a large phoenix forest burned down from a high place. The unpredictable scene made everyone stunned, and then they saw the police dog digging into the ground and running crazy to somewhere in the shade of the hillside.

"The fourth detective team has found the target Phoenix Forest, and the police dog has found it. We are following up!" Qin Chuan put the walkie-talkie into his right shoulder and followed in three steps.

The search-and-rescue team stumbled and stumbled in the jungle that had not passed through people for many years, and the aerial roots hidden under the humus layer were crisscrossed, making them fall if they took two steps. But at this time, no one can care about the pain. Many people rely on willpower to get up and then fall, and then get up again after falling. Hearing all kinds of noisy roars from the walkie-talkie:

"Eight past seven!"

"Eight past seven and forty seconds!"

"Qinchuan," Lu Ju's steady voice came from the walkie-talkie, and said, "There's less than a minute left."

The nerves are getting tighter and tighter in everyone's mind, almost reaching the limit, and the invisible leads are gradually burning to the end—

Qin Chuan gritted his back molars and drew his gun to the sky with two bangs. In the twilight, countless birds wrapped in fallen leaves chirped and flew away!

This is to deter possible kidnappers nearby, and it is the same as sounding the horn of a police car, but no one knows whether it will work against such a deranged and perverted kidnapper. The policemen behind Qin Chuan stopped one after another and stared blankly at the darkened sky. Except for the echo of gunshots in the valley, the surroundings fell into a desperate silence.

The search and rescue time is obviously so short and hasty, but at this moment, every second is endlessly long.


At exactly 8:09, the floating dust stirred up by the footsteps slowly fell back to the soil.

Obviously there was no sound, but it seemed like a heavy hammer smashed the invisible bomb in the void, and the barking of the police dog sounded in front!

"found it!"

"There! There!!"

The roar tore everyone's eardrums, and the people from the search and rescue teams in the valley looked up at the same time. In the command car halfway up the mountain, Director Lu suddenly got up.

"I found it!" Qin Chuan ran towards the several police dogs that were gathering tens of meters in front of him. He didn't even notice how many falls he had rolled, crawled, and stumbled. His voice was sharp and strange, and his tone changed: "Call the emergency team! Get the car up! Hurry up!!—"

Looking down from a height, Bu Wei and Shen Xiaoqi were lying quietly among the grass at the bottom of the hillside, and their bodies could not see any breathing ups and downs.

A line of sky leaking from the canopy changed from pale yellow to dark blue, and the night opened its grand curtain. In the world, only the blood gushing out from the bodies of the teenagers and girls became the last dazzling crimson color.


Jiangyang County Hospital, rescue outdoor.

The red light went out quickly, and the door was pushed open. At the same moment, Jiang Ting stood up abruptly, only to see the doctor come out while taking off his mask.

"The bullet has been dug out, the operation was very successful, and it can be said that the danger is out of the way. However, although the internal organs and major blood vessels were not injured, how could there be so much blood loss? You will need to rest for a while in the future. Light and heavy…”

The world was spinning around, and the doctor's voice was getting farther and farther away, gradually turning into nothingness.

"Hey what's wrong with you—nurse! Nurse!"

Jiang Ting's eyes darkened and his mind was in a trance, as if he felt that he was being supported by someone with all his hands and feet. It took several seconds for him to regain consciousness, and he was put on a bench by the medical staff to sit down, surrounded by human voices.

"I'm fine, it's fine... Thank you." Jiang Ting's hands trembled like ice cubes, he took the hot honey water that the nurse hastily brought, and took a sip on his lips.

"Comrade police," the head nurse squeezed out of the crowd and handed over the constantly ringing mobile phone: "Your phone."

Jiang Ting's cell phone has not been able to hold up to the end, or something is wrong. It only rings but does not turn on the screen, and can't see the caller ID. He glanced at the screen, picked it up, put it in his ear and asked, "Hello?"

"Hey, Consultant Lu, it's me, pony!"

Jiang Ting didn't have the strength to answer, and looked up at the wall clock on the white wall.

"There is news from the scene of Tianzong Mountain that Consultant Lu has been found hostage! - Phoenix Forest! Bu Wei and Shen Xiaoqi are both alive and alive!!"

Ma Xiang's roaring background sound is extremely noisy, he must have just received the news. Jiang Ting retracted his gaze, the three words that came out of his throat were hoarse and flat, and he could not hear any signs of weakness, nor the slightest emotion of anger or excitement. He only said, "I see."

"Deputy Qin is leading people to block the entrance and exit of Tianzong Mountain, trying to catch the kidnappers overnight. After eating the bear's heart, the leopard dares to attack the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau! This time we won't let go of even a single fly. These grandchildren uprooted!…”

Jiang Ting cut off the phone and gently tossed the phone beside him.

"Are you all right, comrade police?" The head nurse looked worriedly at his face that didn't look like a living person at all: "Come on you guys, help this police officer to the ward for a checkup, maybe there is a little acute hypotension, and ask someone to take two Glucose up!"

Jiang stopped thanking him, and was supported by the little nurse to walk forward, and suddenly struggled to stop.

"I'm sorry," he said in a frighteningly low voice, and he had to get close enough to be heard, but he was still polite: "Can you place me next to the policeman who performed the operation inside, if it's not troublesome... "

The head nurse quickly agreed, and Jiang Ting nodded, turned around and was carefully supported and walked away.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Jiang Ting, who had finished the examination, was lying in the ward with an infusion needle in his hand, and beside him was Yan Yan who had just been pushed and placed.

The chief expert personally led people to arrange various medical instruments and monitoring equipment, and was busy for a long time, until all the machines and hoses were in order, and the doctors and nurses withdrew one after another. As the door closed, the snow-white ward suddenly quieted down, only the heart rate monitor made a slow beep and flashed red and green lights.

Jiang Ting turned his head and looked at the hospital bed next door.

Yan Yan was wearing a breathing mask, and most of the profile of her face was covered, but Ying Ting's eyebrows and eyes were still clearly visible under her black hair and angular forehead.

"..." Jiang stopped using his strength to stand up and pulled out the infusion needle.

The backs of his hands were slender and white, and the pale blue blood vessels were very obvious, and a drop of blood came out with the needle, but he didn't seem to feel it at all.

Yan Yan's heartbeat and vital signs were very stable, and with the ups and downs of breathing, the oxygen mask emitted warm white air slightly. Jiang Ting grabbed his hand and clasped it tightly, feeling that the hand full of tiny scars and calluses was pressing against his palm, even to the point of a little pain.

The slight pain finally made him confirm that the man was still alive and lying in front of him.

Jiang Ting breathed out silently, raised his hand to smooth Yan Yan's serious frown even in a coma, and then took a closer look at Zhang's handsome face, and gradually a trace of something even he himself hadn't noticed appeared in his eyes. Warm and sad emotions.

"… Bai has a shrewd look," he murmured, "stupid."

Jiang Ting was extremely tired, and leaned over to gently rest his forehead on Yan Yan's strong arm.


The mountain forest has been completely plunged into darkness, the wind is passing through the treetops, and the howls of wild beasts can be vaguely heard from the distant hilltops. Several police cars surrounded the command car with their high beams on. Qin Chuan had a satellite phone on his shoulders, and he stretched out his hands and asked Gou Li to help bandage his scarred fingers.

"Old Yan is out of danger? Okay, I'll go, Jiren Tianxiang.... Yes, the two victims should have fallen from the top of the hillside. It's hard to say whether they fell and fell, I think. In addition, the top of the hillside is in a pit According to Li Yuxin's confession, there is a teenage male corpse. According to Li Yuxin's confession, it should be He Liang. It is ready to be sent to the city bureau with Da Gou... Hey! It's been almost a year since everyone has been buried for a few hours!... Yes, Yes, I understand, if there is any situation, please contact the city bureau immediately."

"Vice Qin, Vice President Qin!" Gao Panqing got into the car and said, "Come on, I have found something!"

Qin Chuan was caught by Gou Li and painted yellow potion with both hands. He couldn't hang up the phone.

Gao Panqing lifted the evidence bag in his hand, and under the bright lights of the car, he saw an empty mineral water bottle in the bag: "This was found at the bottom of the pit where He Liang's corpse was buried. A small amount of liquid remains, and a bottle cap has been installed separately."

-Mineral water bottles

Qin Chuan took the evidence bag and looked at Guang, and suddenly hesitantly took a breath: "... He Liang's body was buried in July last year."

Gou Li was puzzled: "Yeah, it's all boned."

"The production date of this bottle of Nongfu Spring... is three months ago."

The carriage suddenly fell silent, Qin Chuan, Gou Li, and Gao Panqing looked at each other, a trace of chill slowly creeping up along the bone marrow.