Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 66


The door of the hospital.

Big G slowly stopped by the side of the road, Jiang Ting swallowed the last custard bun and exhaled contentedly.

Yan Yan turned off the fire, but didn't rush to get out of the car. He stared at Jiang Zing's mouth without blinking, until he saw that he had completely swallowed the sweet buns and drank the last half cup of warm soy milk. He swallowed and looked away uncomfortably: "I'll take you to eat after I finish my work, ah, darling."

Jiang Ting said, "No, it's the first time since I met you that I can eat two buns well. It's very rare."

Yan Yan: "…"

The former heir of Jianning's richest man was struck by five thunders, and he sat stiffly on the ground, his expression as if he had just received a Pegasus Meteor Fist. The fragile male self-esteem shattered into countless pieces.

"...Let's make it clear first, the first time you said that the custard buns were cold and not eaten and threw them into the trash, how could you be considered my responsibility?! And the last time you gnawed on the bean paste buns and fell asleep halfway through them. Well, how do I know you want to keep waking up and continue eating..."

In the corridor outside the ward, Yan Yan strode back and argued frequently, but Jiang Ting always looked straight ahead, with his hands in his trouser pockets, with a kind of calm and serenity that regarded everything as a dog.

"Hey, Brother Yan! Consultant Lu!" Gao Panqing was waiting at the end of the corridor, and hurriedly greeted him: "You guys are here!"

"Don't say it as if I never let you eat, am I a man who doesn't care about my family, I'm just..." Yan Yan turned around and complained, "What's the matter, Lao Gao?"

Gao Panqing was taken aback: "You guys are... You guys originally planned?"

Yan Yan said, "You are ashamed to ask. When your unfortunate phone call came in, I was planning to take you Consul Lu to a Michelin two-person candlelight dinner. Come on, it's all messed up for you. Look, Consul Lu is making trouble."

As honest as Gao Panqing's first reaction was immediately: what, brother Yan's friend won't help solve the case

"Listen to him." Jiang Ting said helplessly, "Where is the victim?"

Gao Panqing was in a hurry: "In the ward, come and come."

"Why are you staying outside?" Yan Yan asked dissatisfied.

"Hey, I'd like to sit comfortably in the ward, but the little girl doesn't want to. Who knows what's bothering her, and when she sees a stranger, it's like she's about to be molested, so she can't ask questions at all. Words - fortunately I'm wearing a police uniform today, otherwise I'd have to be caught as a hooligan and sent to the Public Security Bureau in the situation just now!"

Yan Yun and Jiang Ting turned their heads at the same time, and both glanced at Gao Panqing with suspicion.

It happened that a little nurse passed by with sideways eyes, and Lao Gao spread his hands innocently: "Did you see her? It was she who asked me just now if this police uniform was a high imitation bought from Taobao for 200 yuan. What do you think I can do!"

Yan Yan: "…"

The little nurse passed them by and walked away suspiciously.

This week, Bu Wei wakes up and sleeps, sleeps more and wakes less. The city bureau was in a hurry to ask questions, so they could only call in the police to guard them day and night. However, even when Bu Wei was awake, her mental state was very worrying. sex.

No doctor, no matter how savvy, can specifically explain what symptoms the human brain will produce when it is greatly stimulated, so this week, the investigation on Tianzongshan has almost fallen into a quagmire.

When they came to the door of the ward, the door happened to open, and a fat man in a suit came out facing him. The moment he looked up and saw them, the fat man was shocked: "Yan, Yan... Captain Yan?"

- Bu Wei's uncle, Wang Xingye.

Yan Yan stopped and seemed to feel a little interesting: "What's the matter, Boss Wang, surprised to see me?"

"Ah, it really scared me." Wang Xingye rubbed his hands together, his face all smiling and squeezed together: "I didn't expect the police comrade to save my niece. Guard - I didn't even have time to thank Captain Yan..."

"No thanks, it should be." Yan Yan raised his chin toward the ward: "Have you been taking care of you these past few days?"

"Then what else can happen, she didn't have a relationship." Fatty's face became bitter again: "Fortunately, the nurse is willing to take care of me, otherwise how can I serve as a big man? Even if a nurse is invited, it will take a while. Where are you going?"

Yan Yan nodded understandingly.

"When this is over, I must invite all police comrades to drink!" Wang Xingye let out a long sigh: "Hey, let's not talk about it, I haven't eaten since I've been busy all day, so I'll go have a meal first. "

Yan Yan sent him away in a very considerate and reasonable manner.

The figure of the fat man disappeared into the crowd at the end of the corridor, Yan Yan asked Gao Panqing in a low voice, "Can Buwei see strangers?"

"It was fine a few days ago, but these two days have been exceptionally unstable. What the doctor said about mental stimulation, I don't quite understand the technical terms. What?"

"Then what was her reaction when she saw this surnamed Wang?"

Gao Panqing was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly said: "I didn't hear anything unusual... At least it wasn't like seeing me today, I was so frightened as if I had seen a ghost, I didn't even dare to stay in the ward."

Yan Yan was thoughtful, but did not say a word.

The single ward was snow-white, and Bu Wei had just taken the medicine and was lying on the bed quietly.

The sixteen-year-old girl had snow-white skin, dark eyebrows and eyes, and her head was covered with blue silk on the pillow. Her lips, nose, and cheeks were as clear and beautiful as a meticulous painting. If someone painted this scene and named it, it would be nothing but Sleeping Beauty. , it should be hard to come up with a more appropriate name.

Jiang Ting just glanced at it, and sat indifferently by the window. Yan Yan stood in front of the hospital bed, touching his chin, and observed it carefully for a long time, until even Gao Panqing was a little hairy and couldn't help but muttered, when he suddenly heard a sentence from him:

"This girl looks like..."

Gao Panqing was horrified and said in his heart, Brother Yan, I beg you, although it is not illegal to be over the age of fourteen, but if you really say something that shouldn't be said, will Consultant Lu and I pretend to hear or not? .

"... Have you had plastic surgery?"

Gao Panqing was caught off guard: "Huh?"

Yan Yan raised his head innocently and looked at Gao Panqing, who was stunned.

Yan Yan, policeman, Leo. I have no straight man's life, but I have a straight man's disease. I firmly believe that there are only two colors of lipstick in this world, pink and red. Beauty contact lenses are another name for contact lenses. The actresses on TV are all natural and do not use hyaluronic acid. Their legs are two meters long. Net reds just look for angles and are born to look good.

When he asked such a question, Gao Panqing's heart was deeply shocked.

"What do you think is not like the original?" Gao Panqing couldn't help asking.

"I don't know," Yan Yan was also very confused, "I just feel a little weird. What does Consul Lu think?"

Sitting in the armchair, Jiang Ting slowly digested his two sweet buns and said, "I have no research on medical beauty technology..."

Yan Yan: "???"

"Also," Jiang Ting said tactfully, "it's normal to stare at one face for five minutes like you just did, and it's normal to feel weird."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Yan suddenly walked over, grabbed Jiang Ting's shoulder and forced him to raise his head, then stared at him for a long time.

Jiang Ting: "..."

Gao Panqing: "..."

The ward was filled with a quiet and eerie atmosphere. After a long while, Yan Hao finally let go of Jiang Ting while Lao Gao's eyes were about to fall out of the window. He seemed a little satisfied: "Don't you think it's weird."

Then he added: "It's pretty good."

Judging from Gao Panqing's face, what he is most worried about at the moment is that Consultant Lu will suddenly pick up a chair and beat Yan Yan out, or call 110 and ask the police to handcuff Yan Yan away as a hooligan.

There was a slight murmur from the hospital bed, and Bu Wei woke up.

Consultant Lu didn't have time to beat Team Yan, and the three of them looked at them at the same time. I saw Bu Wei's eyes slowly opened, and she looked around in a lucid way, as if she was looking for someone, and then fell on the faces of Gao Panqing, Yan Yan, and Jiang Zing in turn.

"Bu Wei?" Yan Yan confirmed.

"… "

"I'm Yan Xun, deputy head of the criminal investigation detachment of Jianning City Public Security Bureau." He took out the police card from his back pocket and said in a slow tone, "I would like to share some questions with you about the matter on Tianzong Mountain. "

Bu Wei's eyes trembled slightly, as if some kind of deep-rooted suspicion and fear were slowly recovering from the bottom of her heart. Then she shifted her gaze from Jiang Ting's face to Yan Yan, as if she didn't see Yan Yan's friendly expression as she could, and ignored the police card.

"Student Bu Wei?" Yan Yan said softly, "Don't be afraid, we are the police, you are safe."

What I didn't expect was that just after the voice fell, Bu Wei got up quickly, and her movements were as agile as if she had been slapped with a whip by electricity!

Gao Panqing: "Brother Yan, wait, this situation is not very good..."

The last word didn't land, and suddenly Bu Wei clasped her chest with both hands and screamed hoarsely!

The cry was too sharp and miserable, all the first reactions were to take two steps back, and even Jiang Zing suddenly stood up from his seat.


"It's all right, Bu Wei! You're safe! Calm down!" Yan Yan thought that something was happening, so he screamed and shouted in a low voice, wanting to step forward and hold down the frightened little girl. But Bu Wei screamed and kicked her legs back desperately, and the nightdress was pushed up most of the time, revealing the roots of her bright white and tender thighs, Yan Yan immediately gasped, and stood abruptly and did not dare to go forward.

There was a bang in the corridor, and then the nurse rushed in nervously: "What's going on? What's going on? What happened?!"

"Ahhhh!!" Bu Wei covered her ears, her hair was disheveled, and she pushed the quilt in a mess, making her whole person crazy. The extremely penetrating sound ripped through everyone's eardrums and echoed in the corridor from afar. Many family members in the nearby wards stuck their heads out, watching the movement here in astonishment.

"Don't come! Don't come!!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Sister Nurse is here, it's okay, it's okay..."

"Don't come here! Ahhh!"

Bu Wei's soft nightdress couldn't hide anything at all, and she was quickly torn apart by herself, revealing a large area of beautiful white shoulders, and there was a small red mole on the shoulder pocket, which immediately attracted many people. look. The nurse quickly and forcibly held her in her arms to comfort her, and it took a long time for the girl's screams to gradually subside, turning into loud sobbing and trembling.

"It's okay, it's all over, the police won't hurt you..." The nurse whispered comfort and helped Bu Wei straighten her nightgown, and took out a tissue to wipe the mottled tears on her face.

Yan Yan looked at this scene, and from his angle, he could just catch a glimpse of the half-covered cheek of Bu Wei in the nurse's arms.

It is always difficult to see Shen Yun clearly when people are unconscious, but Bu Wei is now awake. When she is not struggling to go crazy, her clear eyebrows and facial features suddenly make his heart move slightly, and suddenly a vague sense of subtle to come.

The five senses feel a bit...

A bit like…

Afraid that Bu Wei would continue to be stimulated, the nurse kept motioning for the police to go out first. Unexpectedly, when she turned around, she saw Yan Yan staring at the girl without blinking, her eyes were straight.

"Cough cough!" The nurse was angry.

"Brother Yan," Gao Panqing reminded in a low voice, "Brother Yan! Hey!"

Yan Yan came back to his senses and realized his gaffe: "Oh, I just..."

"Can you leave the ward first? It's time for the patient to change his dressing, and come in to see later!" After the nurse reprimanded with a stern face, she added in a low voice with a volume that everyone present could just hear: "What quality?"

Yan Yan: "…"

"She was like this before?! The doctor can't explain it?!" Yan Yan asked while suppressing his anger.

The three policemen were forced to withdraw from the ward and stood in the corridor, with countless suspicious eyes lingering around their bodies, and the whispers of family members in the nearby wards could be heard endlessly. Gao Panqing flicked the epaulette deliberately and frightened, and then whispered: "How can I know this, Xiao Zhang and the others only told me that she was trembling and couldn't speak, but they didn't say that this girl can scream to this decibel level. , this is clearly the maniac Wen turned into a maniac Wu."

Yan Yan seemed to remember something: "Have you done the gynecological examination?"

"Done!" Gao Panqing lowered his voice: "—No cracks were found."

This really can't be explained.

Yan Yan had no choice but to take a breath, and just turned his face to see Jiang Ting wearing a mask and standing under the corridor window against the wall. Judging from the exposed upper half of his face, he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry. indifferent.

"Hey," Yan Yan moved a few steps, approached him, and explained to himself in a low voice, a little embarrassed: "I just... I really... "

Jiang Ting hooked his fingers.

Deputy Team Yan immediately leaned forward, only to hear Jiang Ting half-cover his mouth, and said softly, "Under the age of eighteen is immoral..."


Yan Yan was almost furious, and before he had time to explain anything, the door of the ward opened again. The nurse came out with a face like a dean, and before the police could speak, she said, "The little girl is very unstable. These days, except for her uncle, any other male will be stimulated just by looking at each other. You three She can't stand the man crowded in the ward, I suggest you wait a little longer if you want to collect evidence."

Yan Yan said coldly: "We can wait, but we can't wait for the case-solving process. The police didn't arrest the culprit because of her, and the victim in front of the case must cooperate with me honestly in the investigation!"

"Then call the policewoman!" The nurse showed no signs of weakness: "Don't you have a policewoman? A bunch of big men are crowded in the ward all day, what's the idea?!"

In the second half of her sentence, Yan Yan was too lazy to refute, but the first half of her sentence stopped him.

In Bu Wei's situation, when she wakes up, she might start questioning immediately. If she transfers a female police officer from the back office, she can't find a particularly suitable and experienced person right now. In the field, there are only two official female police officers, one is escorting in other places, and the other is a six-month threatened abortion to protect the fetus at home. Usually, people are treated as cows. Yan Yan himself was not too embarrassed.

He took a deep breath, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and asked Gao Panqing, "Where's Han Xiaomei?"


"Why haven't I seen her since I came back from Jiangyang, what about people? Resigned?"

"Oh, I asked for leave this morning." Gao Panqing said, "Menstrual period, dysmenorrhea, you didn't see that face, it's so white it's scary."

"..." Yan Yan said in disbelief, "Would it cost her to buy a box of painkillers?!"

Gao Panqing did not dare to make a sound.

"If she is pregnant and has a child, maternity leave will be fine, and I will approve the breastfeeding leave. But I know that the menstrual period is once a month, so is it possible to grant her 12 dysmenorrhea leave every year? Then why didn't I listen to the police academy's request when I recruited as an intern? Just a boy?!" Yan Yan's index finger impatiently clicked on the phone and motioned to Gao Panqing: "Call! Call her over here!"

Gao Panqing was in tears, unable to protect his interns, so he could only go cowardly.

"You really..." Jiang Ting put a hand on his forehead.

Yan Yun's anger remained undisturbed. He stood upright in front of the hospital corridor window, with broad shoulders and long legs, with one hand in his pocket, like a ruthless and neat poplar. Li snorted: "It's none of my business. If you want to take advantage of the field team, you have to work according to the standard of the field team. There are many boys in the police academy who broke their heads for her internship position. If she wants to. I don’t have any objection if I transfer to the back office, I guarantee that there is no need to add shifts for 9 to 61 minutes every day, and there is no reason for sugar cane to be sweet.”

Jiang Ting murmured: "So you are really single until now by virtue of your strength."

Yan Yan was silent at first, and seemed to endure it. The two stood silently in front of the hospital window for a few minutes before they heard him suddenly say, "No."

Jiang Ting: "?"

Yan Yan seemed to be looking out of the window intently, glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, and said after a while, "It's because I haven't met someone I really like."

Jiang Ting: "..."

The atmosphere suddenly became a little strange, and even the breeze blowing from the window became particularly obvious, tickling into people's necks.

"...I'm going to the bathroom," Jiang Ting said, trying to make himself sound as if nothing had happened, and hurried away with his head down.

Yan Yan watched his back disappear into the distance, without blinking his eyes, and after a long time, he didn't know whether it was disappointment or anticipation and sighed.

Before Gao Panqing came back, the nurse had already left. Yan Yan stood by herself for a while, and suddenly felt bored, so she turned back to the door of the ward and peered in through the glass.

Bu Wei has calmed down, leaning on the head of the hospital bed alone, staring at her knees with her head down, she looks like an unbearable weakness, and she doesn't know if she is thinking or just in a daze.

Yan Yan narrowed her eyes and looked at her profile, that vague and weird feeling came back.

But why? he thinks.

What is this feeling? Why doesn't everyone think it's wrong

Bu Wei moved, raised her head and looked forward dazedly. After a while, she suddenly turned her head as if she noticed something, and just met Yan Yan's scrutinizing line of sight.

The two of them stared at each other in a flash of light and stone, stunned at the same time, and then the lightning flashed in Yan Yan's mind!

—Yes, he knew why he always felt weird.

From a certain angle of the girl's side, especially when she looked up from the bottom, it felt like Jiang Ting!