Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 74


The next morning, sunlight poured into the bedroom through a crack in the window.

The ringtone of the mobile phone suddenly exploded, Yan Yan shuddered like an electric shock, and sat up in a rush: "Qinchuan?!"

The next moment, Qin Chuan's eerie voice sounded in his ears, like a voice crawling out of the TV at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night: "Look at what time is it~"

Yan Yan rubbed her sleepy eyes and saw that the bedside alarm clock was beating at half past eight.

"What did we talk about last night, eh?" Qin Chuan was like a grudge who was left out in the dark all night, his resentment almost turned into a substance and crawled along the communication signal: "Who agreed to take over at seven in the morning? Who pretended to tell you to call you immediately if something happened? Mr. Yui Hatano knocked on your door again last night, right? Which little beauty should go to bed and live happily, forgetting Qin Baochuan who has been guarding the cold kiln for 18 years?! "

Jiang Ting rolled over dazedly.

Yan Yan immediately covered her mouth and lowered her voice: "Oh, look at what you said, can I be that kind of person..."

"you are not?!"

The two stared at each other across the phone, and after a stalemate for a few seconds, Yan Yan, who knew that he was wrong, conceded: "...I really do."

If Qin Chuan was here, he must have rushed over and desperately.

"Okay, okay, can I treat you to a meal for a week? It's my fault, it's my fault... But you didn't call me at 6:30. Then I made the mistake of abandoning the revolutionary comrades. Is it the revolutionary comrades? Don't you need to take half the responsibility? How can you blame me?"

"There was a demolition house that had been hidden for half a year and suddenly went online at seven o'clock this morning. I've been busy in the anti-drug detachment until now!" Qin Chuan said angrily: "My heart hurts! I'm going to die suddenly! What about the happiness of the young women?! Why don't you hurry up and take over?!"

Yan Yan rolled over and got out of bed while repeatedly agreeing: "I woke up, I really woke up... What about your squad? Shouldn't he be on duty this morning?"

"Who knows where Fang's team is. His old injury is committed twice in three days, and once he commits a crime, he can't find anyone anywhere - hurry up! If you don't get to the city bureau within half an hour, you will lose your Qin Baochuan forever!"

Qin Chuan hung up the phone with a pia sound.

Yan Yan put down her cell phone and didn't even call, as if the call had never happened, she turned over to bed and hugged Jiang Ting, buried her face in his neck and snorted.

Jiang Ting lacked qi and blood, and was not in good spirits. It was difficult for him to wake up immediately from sleep. After being rubbed for a long time in a daze, he finally hummed two words weakly: "Yan Xun..."

Although it was just a name, it made Yan Yan, who was already in a state of excitement, his heart beat faster, and vaguely replied: "Well."

"If you rub against me again, I'll..."

Yan Yan's movements stopped abruptly.

However, Jiang Ting "I will" for a long time and nothing came out. Yan Yan waited for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking: "What are you going to do?"

"... If you think about it carefully, there is nothing that can threaten you, and you can't beat it." Jiang Ting turned over, half-opened his eyes in a daze, and said helplessly, "I can only move back to Yang Mei's place."

Suddenly Yan Yan's body shook, the chrysanthemum tightened, and immediately jumped up with his tail between his tail and rushed into the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, two pieces of toast popped out from the toaster at the table. Jiang Ting picked up one piece slowly, carefully smeared it with meat floss and salad dressing, and then put it together and handed it to the man who had washed and changed clothes. Yan Yan put the watch on her hand.

"Why didn't you transfer money from my account when you bought snacks?" Yan Yan asked suspiciously.

This is one of the important reasons why Yan Yun had failed blind dates in the past - he was suspicious of details that ordinary people could not notice, and he often asked questions, which was particularly annoying. Jiang Ting lifted his eyelids and glanced at him, and said, "Yang Mei."

"No, what do you mean when you say that someone with a family and Yang Mei are entangled financially, what is the relationship between the two of you?"

"Ex-cops and front-line informants. And we're not so-called family..."

"Then you can't be unclear with the informant financially, right?"

Jiang Ting's meat floss toast was raised to his mouth, but he didn't put it in. He finally sighed: "In theory, KTV of Evernight Palace owns 25% of my shares, which is an investment made in advance in the early years. Of course, KTV can be so big mainly because Yang Mei's credit, so I only receive a basic dividend symbolically..."

"Don't get that dividend, what's there to get. Next time you buy snacks, clothes and bags, take money from the drawer, understand?"

"I know, I know," Jiang Ting said perfunctorily, "Go to your class, and remember to contact me if you have a case."

Yan Yan rushed at him threateningly, and hurriedly went out to rescue Qin Baochuan who had been in the cold kiln for 18 years.

Morning rush hour on the road.

The bustling outside the car window is full of cars, and the bluetooth ringtones in the car are one after another.

"Strict team, strict team, the technical screening results of the security monitoring of Jianning Railway Station have been sent to the technical team last night, Director Huang asked me to call to remind you..."

"Brother Yan, hey, I finally got through to Brother Yan. The results of inquiries from major bus stations and private car rental companies have come out. After you arrive at the Municipal Bureau..."

"Hey Deputy Yan! The economic investigation has transferred from various banks the detailed statement of the capital flow of Wang Xingye himself and all his equity holdings for half a year! Team Yan, come and take a look!"

As long as the case progresses, Yan Yan's phone calls are very lively. It's like the green head card of the Three Palaces and Sixth Court is presented to the emperor for selection, and all kinds of beauties are rushing to greet him. go with.

However, although Huang Yan had the heart of favoring the harem, he was blocked in the middle of the morning rush hour, and he missed several overtaking opportunities because he kept answering the phone. However, the city bureau is still looking at the sea across the mountains, far away.

Suddenly another phone call rang, Yan Yan looked at the caller ID, it turned out to be Zhang Guanyao.

This boy surnamed Zhang was shot and injured because he experienced the moment of life and death when the police car fell into the water in Jiangyang County. After returning to Jianning, he became a little red man who was greeted by everyone, and he was determined to harvest his first personal career in his career. Third class. Therefore, in the past few days, his whole body was full of energy, like Red Bull running in his veins. He took over Ma Xiang's night shift this morning and ran out to check Wang Xingye's personal assets with his arms hanging.

"Hey, Team Yan!" Xiao Zhang shouted in the sound of the car horn: "We searched Wang Xingye's residence and the 'Yunhe Gallery' under his name early in the morning, and found no suspicious clues. , the computer, tablet and other written paper have been sealed and sent to the technical team! Are you at the city bureau now?"

The red taillights of the car in front turned on, Yan Yan reluctantly stepped on the brakes and lit a cigarette: "No, I'll take a look when I get there."

"Then you're going to the city bureau, come to us!"

"What's wrong?"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Guanyao squatted at the entrance of the corridor of the neighborhood committee, tilted his head to hold the phone between his hanging shoulders, and held an old business card to the light with the other hand:

"We found half a box of old business cards in the corner of Wang Xingye's home drawer. It was probably printed a few years ago. The company address of Yunhe Gallery does not match the current address. ', the company should have relocated. I immediately contacted the police station of Amber Villa to verify the situation, and found that the head of the household in Room 346, Building 2, District 9, was named Yin Honglan, an elderly man in his 90s who lives in a nursing home."

The green light came on, and the car in front slowly moved forward, but Yan Xun was immersed in the case and stepped on the accelerator for a while: "It is unlikely that the lonely old man will rent out the house by himself. Is Yin Honglan and Wang Xingye related? ?"

Beep! An angry horn blared from behind the car.

"Yes!" Xiao Zhang was very excited and said, "I asked the neighborhood committee to dig through the old papers for a long time, and I can basically confirm that Yin Honglan is Wang Xingye's cousin!"

Yan Yan suddenly turned on the lights and changed lanes, facing the hail of bullets made up of countless scolding mothers, and forcibly killed in the direction of Amber Villa.

"Contact the property management immediately to check the water and electricity bill in Room 346, Building 2, District 9. If Wang Xingye still uses this place as a hiding place, then the water and electricity should be in use, but the consumption is very small. At the same time, the gas consumption is trending because the fire is not used for cooking. Nearly nothing. Don't go back to the city bureau, wait for me at Amber Villa, I'll be there in twenty minutes!"

Amber Villa belongs to the first batch of high-end residential areas in Jianning City, which shows that Yin Honglan's economic situation was good. However, in the past two decades, Jianning's economy has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and many high-end luxury real estate has been built in the city. Yanxuan's own father invested in several; the enviable Amber Villa in the past. Under the competition of many real estate developers, it was gradually forgotten and eliminated by the market economy, and now it has become a yellow flower of yesterday.

There was a problem with the parking plan in the old community. Yan Yan gritted his teeth and forcibly inserted the Phaeton between a Chery QQ and a Jinbei Bread. He couldn't even fully open the car door. A voice sounded from above: "Brother Yan! This way, this way!"


At this time, WeChat ding-dong, and a new message came from Qin Chuan: [Where is yours? ? ? 】

Yan Yan said in his heart that he forgot about him, and just as he was about to reply, Qin Chuan sent another message:

[Don't come back Pinggui. I think the old Huang next door is not bad. He has already packed up and remarried his family. Let's go there with your princess! 】

"..." Yan Yan pressed the voice key and said sincerely: "Chu! It's your husband who is sorry for you, Chuang! I wish you happiness!" Then he threw the phone into his trouser pocket, and walked down the corridor in three steps.

"That's it." Several criminal policemen surrounded the corridor on the third floor. Zhang Guanyao hung his arms and pointed at a rusted iron door: "There is no rental record, no gas consumption, but the water and electricity bill is from the personal account of the elderly Yin Honglan. Row away on a regular basis. We just asked the neighborhood committee to call the door for a long time, but no one responded. We were just about to kick the door and go in. "

The aunt of the neighborhood committee nodded frequently on the side to testify.

Yan Yan looked at the door lock for a moment and said, "Hey, kicking the door is so violent, what if someone complains about it later."

"Then what did you say—"

Xiao Zhang's questioning came to an abrupt end, and Yan Yan was ready to take out a few hairpins from his trouser pocket, and began to squat down and fiddle with her movements, very skilled.

Everyone: "… "

Aunt: "Your captain is really capable, hey, the young man is also good-looking. How old are you? Do you have a partner? How many apartments in the house? What kind of girl are you looking for? There are 18 unmarried girls in our community, all of them. Tiaoshunpan is pretty, little comrade quickly leave me a phone number... "

Yan Yan concentrated, and before saying "I have a partner", she heard Xiao Zhang smile: "No! Our captain is single!"

Yan Yan said in her heart that I would educate you after unlocking the lock later.

"The family has money! I don't know! I just can't find it!" Xiao Zhang was very enthusiastic and said, "If Team Yan's ability to pry open a woman's heart is the same as prying open a criminal's house, the harem would have been opened by now!"


The iron door opened in response, Yan Yan turned around and patted Xiao Zhang on the shoulder:

"Your personal third-class merit is gone."

Xiao Zhang: "?!"

As soon as the wooden door opened, the smell of old and musty was wrapped in dust and rushed towards you.

"Cough cough..." Yan Yan put on the shoe covers, walked carefully into the room, motioned for his hands to pull down the cordon, and pressed down the gun that the little policeman had just pulled out: "Notify the technical investigator to come here."

In the cramped living room of the old-fashioned house, there was a boxy wooden dining table covered with a plastic tablecloth with glass pressed against it. An instrument consisting of a glass bottle, a filter device, and straw tin foil was placed on the table, and there was still cloudy water in the filter bottle.

The walls were peeling off, the floor tiles were cracked, the wooden window frames had long since been deformed and rusted, and the air was filled with the faint smell of ammonia.

—Typical drug addict Paradise Lost.

Yan Yan asked everyone to surround the cordon and waited for the technical investigator in the narrow corridor. Wearing physical evidence gloves, he fumbled from the living room into the bedroom.

Speaking of the bedroom, it was obvious that Wang Xingye would not spend the night here. A rattan bed with an obvious history had no sheets. Old-fashioned chests of drawers, sewing machines covered with green cloth, and wooden boxes were piled up in every corner. Yan Yan stood in the room and looked around, raised his trouser legs and knelt on the dusty ground, not caring about his hand-made stylish trousers, and groped for a while with his backhand on the back of the bed, and sure enough, he found a piece on the edge of the bed. A hard object stuck with tape.

Square, the size of a banknote, the texture has lumps and bumps. Yan Yan felt it through the gloves for a while, and knew something.

That's the enclosed pill.

He didn't touch the package of drugs, he just opened the site investigation box and put a red triangle on the ground, then stood up and opened each wooden box and drawer of the chest of drawers one by one.

The box was basically empty, and there were also old and yellowed clothes from the old lady. Yan Xun dug out a few bags of ecstasy from under the sundries, but did not take them out, only closed the wooden box and marked it, trying to keep it as far as possible. The scene remains unchanged. The drawers of the chest of drawers were also filled with bottles and jars older than Yan Yan, and the rusty biscuit boxes and malted milk barrels exuded a rotten smell, neatly placed there.

Yan Yan had never drank malted milk essence in her life, so she picked up the tin can and shook it, and suddenly made a sound of "Huh".

The jar was rustling and seemed to be rubbing against paper.

The iron cover was already rusted, and she couldn't open it with her fingernails. Fortunately, Yan Yan still had a ballpoint pen in her pocket, "Hey!" she gritted her teeth and pried open the iron can. Sure enough, there was a small book inside, which looked quite new, not something that belonged to an old lady - Yan Yan took it out and opened a page, and suddenly the whole person was stunned.

It was a two-inch bareheaded photo.

Li Yuxin stared at him indifferently and lifelessly against the red background.

The photo was pasted on the inside page of the notebook, and below it was written a row of pen words, beginning with - Li, Sixteen. Followed by Li Yuxin's home address and the contact information of her mother, the date of signing the payment was January last year, and nothing else.

Yan Yan's heart beat faster. He quickly turned to the first page, and it was Bu Wei who jumped into view with the paper.

The same two-inch bareheaded photo with a red background, but the younger Bu Wei is not as expressionless as Li Yuxin, even different from the first time Yan Yan saw her photo at the Tianzongshan crime scene, she is not straight at all Stupid, with a shy smile at the corners of his mouth, it seems that the whole person is very vivid, like a soft and fresh camellia.

step, thirteen. The home address is followed by an inscription two and a half years ago, in December.

Yan Yan suddenly had a premonition and flipped to the next one, as expected.

An unfamiliar girl looked at him in the photo, her cheeks tensed, showing a restrained and nervous look. This attitude of being unable to let go has a little influence on others' evaluation of her appearance, but if you look closely, her facial features and face shape have some signs of becoming a beauty in the future - if she can still have a chance to grow up, not He had been buried in a wilderness somewhere with an unknown boy hand in hand, and gradually turned into two dead bones.

Teng, sixteen.

There is no home address, and the date of payment is February of the previous year.

Yan Yan stared at the concise words, but couldn't figure out any clues other than the surname and age from the lines.

In the entire note, only these three sheets of paper were pasted with photos. Yan Yan carefully turned from the first page to the last page, and did not find any traces of writing or torn. But for some reason, a strange feeling lingered in his heart, as if he had missed something, and the unease and fear implied by his sixth sense became clearer and deeper.

He stared at the seemingly unremarkable notebook, and suddenly started to remove the PVC cover.

The next moment, a photo sandwiched between the cover and the title page swayed out and gently landed on the ground.

Yan Yan half knelt down—

The young Jiang Ting was walking out of the gate of Gongzhou Municipal Bureau. He looked down slightly at the steps under his feet. His hair was black, his eyes were bright, his facial features, lips and nose were handsome and clear. The dark blue police uniform jacket was draped over his shoulders and lifted backwards in the wind, so clear that even the four-pointed star flower on the epaulette could be seen.

Yan Yan's fingers trembled, and she picked up the photo from the ground.