Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 78


noon the next day.


The open space is surrounded by a circle of warning lines, but it can't stop the probing and whispering of the square dance aunts and uncles. Upstairs in the apartment, the doors and windows of every household were closed, and the residents stood in the corridor, all pointing downstairs, and some of the impatient ones had already begun to curse.

"Yao Shou, the one who committed suicide here commits suicide, have you ever thought about it for others, is it easy for us to save money and afford a house?!"

"I'll tell you, the fortune-telling method of Mrs. Chengnanyang is the most effective. Please invite her to come and see, otherwise what will happen at night?"

"Let's make a move, make a move," Yan Yan walked through the crowd and showed his credentials to the police guarding the line, who immediately raised the cordon and let him pass through.

"Brother Yan!" Ma Xiang greeted him and handed him the gloves and shoe covers: "You are finally here, the forensic doctor is packing up here!"

Yan Yan took off his sunglasses, and the flesh and blood on the ground had been washed away by the heavy rain last night, but the soil was still full of blood. Flies were buzzing, and the minced meat sticking to the concrete floor was already dry, and you could vaguely see the white broken bones and unidentified traces of solidification, which should be the brains that fell out.

There were three or four Gongzhou forensic doctors at the scene, and the corpses were almost cleaned up.

"Fuck, I really pick the time to die." Yan Xun tightened his gloves, and his two fingers gave Ma Xiang a gap as large as half a centimeter: "When I received a call from the city bureau this morning, Li Bawang forced him to bow to you. Consultant Lu is only a short distance away."

Ma Xiang said, "Isn't that right, you still use the overlord to force the bow with your beauty and body? Isn't it half-push and half-assaulted, the mandarin duck... the mandarin duck crossed the neck and entered the red tent?"

"Hey, although the actual situation is like this, I must not save some face for you, Consultant Lu, I will take the blame." Yan Yan raised his chin forward: "Can you be sure where it fell from, the forensic doctor? What is the preliminary conclusion?"

The two climbed up the roof layer by layer along the corridor, Ma Xiang quickly took out the notebook to record the case with him: "It is almost certain that it fell from the roof of the building, and the guardrails around the roof and the corridors along the way have extracted the deceased Wang Xingye's. Footprints and fingerprints. Because the heavy rain has caused great damage to the crime scene, there is no valid evidence that anyone other than the deceased has moved on the rooftop. Therefore, Gongzhou Xingzhi and the forensic doctor's preliminary conclusion are suicide because of fear of crime. "

"Fear of crime to commit suicide." Yan Yan snorted, but the smile made one's heart chill: "The city bureau detachment also said the same thing this morning."

Ma Xiang looked around and asked carefully, "What do you think?"

"To be able to run away from Jianning as soon as the police started arresting him, and then ride a bicycle out of Jianning under everyone's noses, such a person with so many supernatural powers, showing all his powers, is to rush to another place overnight to commit suicide? Yan Yan said lightly: "If you want to tell me that this building used to live in his unrelated first love or his biological son who was passed down by eight generations, then I will politely believe this mentally retarded conclusion."

They happened to pass by the Gongzhou police in the corridor who was taking the inquiries. Ma Xiang thought about it for a while and decided not to respond for the time being.

"Just this door," Yan Yan pushed open the iron door leading to the rooftop on the top floor, and said coldly, "Only the fingerprints of Wang Xingye are mentioned? It's really like we are stupid enough to be fooled."

As soon as the iron door was opened, the mildewed air came with the unique salty smell after the rain.

The on-site trace inspectors in Gongzhou were doing the final finishing work all over the rooftop. Gao Panqing, who arrived at the scene with Ma Xiang in the morning, was facing them. Talk to a man in his forties. He had probably been paying attention to what was going on here. As soon as Yan Yan pushed open the door to show his face, Gao Panqing immediately came forward to meet him: "Yan team, you are here!"

"Come on, this is the leader of our Jianning Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment, Team Yan." Gao Panqing turned to the man and smiled at Yan Yan again: "This is the first detachment of Gongzhou Criminal Investigation Detachment. Captain Qi, we are discussing the case here."

Yan Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and he heard the clue from the first half of Gao Panqing's accentuated tone, but he didn't say anything, smiled and shook hands with Qi team.

However, as soon as he got started, he felt unusual.

The opponent's hands are cold and weak, and the palms are soft and smooth. In addition, the uniform is straight, and the surface looks very imposing. It does not look like a mature and battle-hardened field detective - at least the field officers don't wear police uniforms all day.

"Yan Fu's name is well-known in S province, how could I not know it? I have been looking forward to it for a long time." Qi Qu's speech was not very angry, but his smile was very sincere: "In the Gongzhou Jianning joint operation, we still We've met face to face, but in just a few short years, things have changed and Yan Fu is now not what he used to be, and he's getting more and more dignified!"

The meaning of these words seems to be vaguely saying that Yan Xun was just a little scoundrel back then.

In the blink of an eye, Yan Yan understood why Lao Gao had emphasized that he was "presiding over the work of the detachment at the moment", and he couldn't help but smile, holding Qi's hand and not letting go: "It's true that things are different. Is it someone from the second detachment of Gongzhou Anti-drug? At that time, the leader of your detachment was…”

"Ah, yes, Jiang Ting! Look at my memory." Yan Xun patted the forehead in the face of Team Qi's suddenly faded smile: "You were also under the leadership of Team Jiang back then. Oh, your Team Jiang is amazing. He was promoted to a superintendent lightly, but unfortunately he was sacrificed on the front line of anti-drugs - at that time, Qi team was transferred from the second anti-drug detachment to the criminal investigation department, and then gradually rose to the present?"

Team Qi's smile has faded to the point of being invisible: "No need to mention the past, no need to mention the past." Then he pulled out his hand forcefully: "Come on, I'll show Deputy Yan to the scene of the crime."

The crime scene is actually nothing to see. Indeed, a large number of traces have been destroyed by the torrential rain, and there are no footprints on the rain-soaked felt, asphalt and concrete floor. Several tracers tried to extract evidence such as hair and fingerprints around the guardrail. The team pointed to them and said, "This is where the deceased jumped. The first batch of test materials has been sent back to the bureau just now. Jianning will be notified."

Yan Yan was noncommittal and asked, "Jump down?"

The team was silent.

"This guardrail has to be 1.34 meters tall. Wang Xingye is about 1.75 meters tall and weighs 200 pounds. Can he climb up?"

Qi team said slowly: "Theoretically, it can be done. If the desire to die is particularly strong... What are you doing, Vice Yan!"

He changed his tune and his voice declined. He saw that Yan Yan had already walked to the guardrail. He lifted the soles of his feet off the ground with both hands. At the same time, he hooked the top of the guardrail with his right foot. More than ten layers.

The Qi team rushed forward, and before they could reach Yan Yan, they saw him laughing and jumping back to the ground, clapping the dust on his hands: "I don't think it can actually be done."

"you!… "

Yan Yan patted Qi Que on the shoulder, and left half a gray handprint on his crisp uniform affectionately: "Qi team, look, if this person wants to climb over the guardrail and jump down without anything under his feet, at least Do a pull-up first. It's not a problem for me to do dozens of casually with my body type. As for Wang Xingye, wasn't this fat guy lifted up and thrown down?"

Team Qi patted himself on the shoulder and frowned: "There is no on-site physical evidence to support this!"

"What about the security surveillance around here?"

"This building was originally a blind spot for surveillance. Last night, there was a heavy rain and power outage. Even the street lights went out. There is no clue to detect it. Our inspectors are already nervous, and it is useless to check the surveillance several times!"

Ma Xiang couldn't help but interjected: "Since this is the case, we have a lot of inspectors in Jianning, why don't we send a few people to help?"

"I'm sorry, I can't do it." Qi Dui shook his head, his words were polite, but his attitude was firm: "Since the case happened in the jurisdiction of Gongzhou, it should be hosted by us in Gongzhou. Even if your people want to. Take a look at the video, it is also inter-provincial intervention in handling the case, let’s talk about the official approval from the ministry first!”

Ma Xiang immediately became angry, and before he could say anything, he was held down by Yan Yan.

Contrary to Team Qi's expectations, Yan Xun was no longer the thorn in the two provincial public security bureaus five years ago, he was not at all annoyed at all, and he was even agitated: "According to Team Qi's opinion, this case Should it be considered guilty of committing suicide?"

Qi team pondered for a few seconds, nodded and said, "There is really no evidence to prove that he did not commit suicide."

Even a person as mature as Gao Panqing almost blurted out scolding his mother - who is sick and came here in the middle of the night to commit suicide, isn't he talking nonsense? !

But Yan Yan didn't get angry, didn't even say a word, and took out two soft Chinese sticks from his pocket. After a moment of hesitation, the Qi team took it and said thanks.

"Our criminal investigation brothers are really working hard all day to handle the case," Yan Yan sighed while helping him light a cigarette.

Qi Dui breathed out a smoke ring, his face softened a little, and motioned for the trace inspectors to continue their work, and immediately waved to Yan Yan and his party to follow him downstairs.

"Brother Yan," Qi Qui sighed with a cigarette in between, "I can't decide some things alone, do you understand?"

Yan Yan only smiled and did not speak.

"I have also heard about the serial kidnapping cases in your province S over the past two years. It is said that the bastard Wang Xingye is so bold as to buy a murder to attack the police, right? As long as you are not mentally retarded, you should know that there is only one way to die after being arrested. The court will not let him go. For such a heinous prisoner, he feels that his death is on the verge of death. Isn't it normal and logical to commit suicide in fear of crime?"

"Besides, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart." Qi Que went downstairs and leaned on his side, sighing: "If this person dies, how much trouble will you save the Jianning Municipal Bureau? Confession, file, evidence chain , civil compensation, wrangling back and forth with the procuratorate... If I were you, I would secretly come out with a quilt at night. Originally, more than a dozen people worked overtime for more than half a month, hey! Now, the case can be closed! "

—Indeed, the mastermind Wang Xingye died, and the accomplice Fan Wu and others couldn’t get far. After the grandsons who attacked the police were caught and beaten to death, they might even be able to find out the underground black workshop where they bought guns and bullets.

As a dead man, Wang Xingye couldn't speak. No matter how Yan Yan improvised and smeared as much as he wanted on the final case file, he could only cooperate with the police honestly.

The so-called peace of mind is simply perfect.

"That's what I said," Yan Yan said with a smile, "but we still have a pair of victims' bodies that we haven't found and buried."

"Oops..." Qi Qi was about to say something when his voice suddenly paused.

The four of them walked down the corridor back and forth, and they were passing the seventh floor at this time. Yan Yan narrowed his eyes sharply. He clearly saw Qi Que turned around and looked at the house on his right very unnoticed, as if he was paying attention to something.

Yan Yan glanced at the corner of his eyes.

At the end of the corridor, the door of a certain house was open, and there was a faint flash of a uniformed criminal investigator.

"What's going on over there?" Yan Yan asked casually, "Found a witness?"

"Oh, no, no." Qi team said quickly: "The family reported a robbery two days ago, and it happened to be on the scene today to watch it together."

Yan Yan's eyes were fixed, and the color of Qi's fingertips on the handrail of the stairs changed slightly, as if they were exerting force.

This detail, which is difficult for ordinary people to notice, directly branded the house number of the resident into Yan Yan's heart - 701.

"Room robbery? So coincidentally in these two days?" Yan Yan followed the Qi team, keeping pace, and said casually as he went downstairs: "Then you have to investigate carefully, in case the inside story of Wang Xingye's fall from the building What about it?"

Qi team was playing haha, but did not speak. It wasn't until the group of people walked out of the corridor and came to the Jianning police car outside the cordon. Seeing that there was no one around, he patted Yan Yan's shoulder: "Brother Yan, I'll just say it straight, this case really has no inside story. "

Yan Yan had a slight smile on her face, as if listening intently.

"If Wang Xingye hadn't died in this community, or even as long as it wasn't in this building, then we could try to take risks and investigate further - but now it seems that this case is characterized as suicide because of fear of crime, not only for you, for me, and for The top is good, and it will do more good than harm to the overall situation.”

Yan Yan's eyes narrowed.

Ma Xiang and Gao Panqing behind him were also stunned.

"What's in this building?" Yan Yan asked immediately.

Qi Que shook his head and said nothing.

The silent air slowly spread around, passing through the crowd not far away. Several cars with the name Gongzhou Public Security surrounded the open space, and a forensic doctor could be seen coming and going with black plastic bags.

"Brother Qi, if there is something difficult to say, then don't say it." Yan Yan paused for a moment, then changed the topic: "But even if I understand Brother Qi's difficulties, I still have the old men from Jianning Municipal Bureau and even the provincial department, go back. How will I explain it to them later? If Bureau Lu comes over to inquire about the case in person, then Brother Qi will be in trouble."

His words were soft and hard, and he directly brought out the old fox Bureau Lu, who was very troublesome in the public security system in the entire southwest region, as a shield. It can be said that he was very good - but who knew that the Qi team only laughed and waved: "Officer Lu? It doesn't matter, this is exactly what you Bureau Lu meant."

As he said that, he made a phone call under Yan Yan's suspicious eyes. After a while, he was connected, only to hear him say "Hello": "Elder Lu? Hey, it's my Xiao Qi. Just as you ordered, Vice Yan is here. I'm here, come and tell him yourself."

Yan Yan frowned and took the phone, only to hear the calm voice of Bureau Lu: "Yan Yan?"

"Hey Bureau Lu, I'm watching the case of Wang Xingye's fall from the building in Gongzhou..."

"Fear of crime to commit suicide."

Yan Yan's pupils instantly shrank.

"Come back immediately after you've seen the situation." Director Lu said slowly, "Remember the details of the scene and ask Ma Xiang to take a few more photos. If there are inspection materials, he will bring them back. You don't have to think about other things for now. , no matter what happened, keep the clues for later."

"but… "

Bureau Lu interrupted him: "Wang Xingye died in such a place."

Yan Yan was stunned.

"Return to Jianning immediately, the team still needs you to preside over the work."

The voice on the other side of the phone stopped abruptly, and Bureau Lu hung up the phone.

"Brother Yan, you are indeed a dragon across the river, but there may be some things that Jianning didn't tell you clearly." Qi Quy took back his mobile phone with a smile, and sighed: "In short, what happened to Wang Xingye's death? Just leave it to us to clean up, you can also close the case early, it's good for everyone - ah, that's it."

Team Qi also greeted Gao Panqing decently, just in time for the forensic doctor to come, so they left.

As soon as he left, Ma Xiang couldn't hold his breath: "Brother Yan! We are now..."

Yan Yan raised his hand to stop him, raised his head, and took a deep breath. This action forced all his boiling emotions to be suppressed, and then he turned to Ma Xiang and Gao Panqing, his face was calm and could not see any abnormality: "Then I will go back to Jianning first."

Ma Xiang hesitated.

"Take more photos and be smart. If you see anything on the ground, such as hair, nails and blood, you can pick it up and take it away." Yan Yan glanced behind him, and immediately lowered his voice: "Also, when no one is there, go to Look at 701 in that building."

Ma Xiang didn't react, but the older Gao Panqing immediately understood and gave him a clear look.

Yan Yan nodded, strode out of the open space, and got into the silver G65 parked by the road in the distance.


The door was closed heavily, and Han Xiaomei in the driver's seat immediately turned around worriedly: "Yan team, you..."


Yan Yan couldn't hold back his emotions any longer, he punched the back of the passenger seat, and immediately clenched his teeth and punched again.

In the next second, Jiang Ting grabbed his wrist out of thin air—crack!

"Even if you smash it a hundred times, even if the car is torn down now." Jiang Ting grabbed his hand and said flatly, "What's the use?"

Yan Yan's fist finally loosened a little bit, and the hard knuckles were green and white.

"Drive," Jiang Ting ordered.

Han Xiaomei didn't dare to stop in place, and quickly started the off-road vehicle.

"I haven't even seen the body." Yan Yan finally said, his voice low and hoarse: "When Fang Zhenghong said he committed suicide because of fear of crime when he came out this morning, I also satirized him casually. I didn't expect a few hours of work. Even Bureau Lu insisted that Wang Xingye jumped off the building by himself... Good for everyone? Yes, a death row prisoner fell to his death by himself, but this is good for everyone?!"

Han Xiaomei didn't dare to make a sound in front of her, and she didn't even dare to look in the rearview mirror.

Jiang stopped in the back seat to play online chess, but did not answer.

Yan Yan finally turned to him: "Who is that grandson surnamed Qi?!"

"Qi Sihao, a member of the Second Detachment of Gongzhou Anti-drugs, his performance was not outstanding, his personality was relatively mediocre, and his economic conditions were not very good. Because of this character, after the reorganization of the second detachment, he was promoted to the Criminal Investigation Office as the deputy branch, probably the advantage is that he is obedient, and he was promoted to the position after the captain of the detachment retired half a year ago."

Yan Yan suddenly asked, "How do you know?"

"A little bit of inquiries can come out, why don't I know?"

Jiang stopped and put down his mobile phone, and Yan Yan looked at each other. The buildings and viaducts on the side of the street flew past the windows on both sides.

"..." Yan Yan looked at him and asked, "Juju Lu said that Wang Xingye died too much, and the surnamed Qi also said that if he hadn't fallen from that building, this matter could have been investigated at risk— What happened in that apartment building?"

"… "

"Is it related to Resident 701?"

Han Xiaomei could feel the air in the back seat as if it had been drained by a vacuum machine. The low pressure forced the blood to hit the eardrum frantically, making her dare not even turn her eyes.

After a long while, she finally heard Jiang Ting, no, Consul Lu's voice sounded, even though the words seemed to ignite the lead on the explosive: "Before questioning, why don't you think about other people's concealment maybe because the time has not come? "

boom! !

The shock from the back of the passenger seat was so obvious that even Han Xiaomei almost jumped up!

At the same time, the bell rang suddenly, and the sharp domestic mobile phone bell was like an invisible sharp knife, piercing into Han Xiaomei's pitiful eardrum at the same time.

Fortunately, the precarious volcano in the back seat did not erupt in the next moment, and Yan Yan's voice of patience sounded: "Hello, Director Lu?"

"Are you on the way?"

"at me… "

"Okay." Lu Ju said calmly, "I just came to confirm that you really left the scene."



The phone hung up, and Yan Yan's question stuck in her throat.

Yan Yan didn't delay for a moment, and then dialed back, but this time the ringtone hung up automatically and no one answered.

Maybe Yan Yan would not be so impulsive in the past, but now Qi Sihao's blatant ridicule, Gongzhou's concealment, and the anger that he can't handle the case are firmly in the heart of Deputy Yan's detachment - he is a veritable super rich second after all. For the sake of local taxation and the introduction of various talents to invest in poverty alleviation projects, let alone the city bureau and provincial department, even the provincial party committee must give some face.

This time, he crossed on the spot, and called the direct line number of the director's office five or six times in a row, until the eighth or ninth time, the other party finally picked up: "Hello..."

"Why can't we investigate this case?!" Yan Yan roared: "I don't care what happened in that building, now my criminal suspect is dead! I must get the ministry's approval to investigate thoroughly!"

"What are you going to investigate?" Deputy Director Wei's inexplicable answer came from the phone, "Officer Lu went to the provincial office. I saw that his office phone was ringing all the time, so I passed by and picked it up."

Yan Yan: "…"

"Have you got gun pills, kid, come back to me, we have to—"

Yan Yan cut off the phone.

No one made a sound in the carriage, and Han Xiaomei was frightened. At this time, the navigation sound sounded at the right time: "Turn right one kilometer ahead to the exit of Hengshui Road, and get off the viaduct..."

Jiang Ting said suddenly: "Wait, don't turn."

Just as Han Xiaomei was about to turn on the lights and change lanes, she was stunned when she heard the words, only to hear him say: "Go straight ahead, and after five kilometers, turn right on Guangzhi Road and get on the expressway."

"But it's going to be a bit of a detour, and the traffic isn't too much..."

Jiang Ting's tone increased slightly: "Go straight."

Jiang Ting usually speaks slowly and deliberately, always very calm, but if the meaning is slightly heavy, it reveals the toughness that the superior cannot refuse. Han Xiaomei was so fooled that she immediately turned back the right turn signal, but before she could drive forward, she suddenly heard Yan Yan coldly say, "Turn right!"


"I told you to turn right!"

Han Xiaomei glanced at the rearview mirror and saw Jiang Ting frowning: "I know this part of the road, you listen to me and drive forward."

"But Team Yan..."

Jiang Ting did not wait for Yan Yan to speak, and said coldly, "Go forward!"

The navigation sounded again: "Three hundred meters ahead, turn right to the exit of Hengshui Road, and continue to drive north for 23 kilometers through the Martyrs Cemetery—"

"I told you to turn right, did you hear me?!" Yan Yan suddenly got up: "Turn on the light!"

Han Xiaomei was at a loss, so she couldn't stop peeking back.

"Exit of Hengshui Road 100 meters ahead—"

"What are you looking at! Turn right at the light!!"

Han Xiaomei, who was in a hurry, turned the steering wheel at the last moment, and the G65 was galloping, whistling across two lanes, and rushed down the Hengshui Road exit without looking back at the angry horns behind her.

"1.5 kilometers ahead, Martyrs Cemetery, continue to drive 23 kilometers north."

Han Xiaomei's heart was beating wildly, and she couldn't find the courage to turn back for a long time. Just when she was trembling and wanted to peek into the rearview mirror, someone suddenly slapped her on the back shoulder: "… Ah!"

Jiang Ting said calmly, "Stop for a while."

Han Xiaomei didn't know why, so she slowly pulled over and stopped under the viaduct. The door was opened before the car came to a complete stop. Then Jiang stopped and walked down without looking back.

"Lu Lu Lu, Consul Lu?!"

Han Xiaomei slammed down the window of the car, and then her eyes widened—she saw Yan Xun also rushing down, catching up with Jiang Ting in three steps and two steps, grabbing one hand on his shoulder, forcing him to turn around The two stood face to face in the empty shadow under the bridge.

Yan Yan asked word by word, "Are you so afraid to face the dozen or so urns in the cemetery in front of you?"

The traffic on the viaduct, the horns, the sound of the subway roaring past, and the mundane hustle and bustle of the huge city are all isolated by the empty bridge opening, becoming the blurred background sound of this scene.

It had only rained the night before, and the muddy water mixed with sand and soil under the bridge hole was flowing everywhere, covering the undulating floor tiles.

After a long time, Jiang Ting said, "Yes."

In the dark, he raised his head slightly, his cheeks were blue and cold, and a glimmer of light flickered in his eyes: "Are you satisfied?"

Yan Yan's cheek muscles twitched fiercely, but before he could react, Jiang Ting turned around and walked forward.

His steps were trembling, and the ground was wet and muddy, so he walked unsteadily. When he stepped on a raised floor tile, dirty water gushed from his feet, causing him to stumble a little, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to support the moss-covered stone wall.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly lost weight and was hugged by Yan Yan from behind.

Yan Yan didn't say a word, just hugged him tightly in his arms, strode through the passage, and didn't even care that the dirty water soaked the hand-made leather shoes and trousers until he left the bridge hole and came to a slightly flatter ground. , he just bent down and stopped Jiang.

"..." Before Jiang Ting could say anything, he suddenly stopped.

I saw Yan Yan kneeling on the ground, took out a men's handkerchief from his trousers pocket, shook it at will, wiped Jiang Ting's ankles that had been splashed with dirty water, and pressed the soaked trousers along the edge, using the handkerchief. Try to absorb the excess moisture, and then carefully roll up the wet part of the trousers with both hands.

From Jiang Ting's point of view, he couldn't see his face, only the back of his head with black hair and the taut shoulders under the line of his shirt.

Then Yan Yan got up and threw the handkerchief, stood by the trash can, bowed his head and lit a cigarette.

The silence lasted for several minutes before Yan Yan's mixed voice sounded: "Sorry, I shouldn't be angry with you, I didn't mean to."

Jiang Ting exhaled, and after a long while, he stepped forward and stood side by side with Yan Yan, took a cigarette from his trousers pocket, and hooked his fingers.

Yan Yan took out a lighter and lit it for him, and the two faced each other, almost touching the tip of their nose.

"..." Jiang Ting let out a long sigh of white mist, his clear and cold face finally softened like an illusion, and said hoarsely, "I can't go back to face them before."

These words were actually very ominous, and Yan Yan glanced at him from the side.

"On the way to Gongzhou, I had some guesses about Wang Xingye's death, but I didn't say it because I couldn't be sure. I didn't say it until I heard you talk about the attitudes of Lu Ju and Qi Sihao just now, combined with my vague feelings about the surrounding area. terrain memory, I can really be sure about it."

Jiang Ting coughed a little while covering his mouth, Yan Yan looked at him alertly, and patted his thin and straight back carefully, but Jiang Ting waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

"You're too quick-tempered, but you're right," he said, coughing. "It's 701."