Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 86


"...Jiang Ting," Yan Yan hesitated a bit, but after thinking for a while, he decided to say: "I haven't seen him in those 20 years, maybe it's just that you haven't seen him, but he has been watching you."

Jiang Ting raised his head: "What?"

"We found a CD in the old home of Bu Wei's parents, which contains some clips about you..." Time was running out, Yan Yan could only briefly describe the content of the CD, and then added: "This is a law enforcement recorder. This kind of equipment has only been put into use in China seven or eight years ago. Judging from the dialogue in the video, Gongzhou police are not very proficient in using it, and they may have just come into contact with this kind of equipment. It is not a law enforcement record preservation for incident files. There is a time limit, usually between six months and a year, after which the backup will be destroyed.”

Maybe it was because of emotional turmoil after falling into the water, coupled with long memories of the past, which led to confusion. Jiang Ting's always clear and quick thinking was a little stagnant.

"Yes, I don't know how this video backup leaked out, but it must have fallen into the hands of the king of spades later than the time you met him again twenty years later."

The two didn't speak for a while, only listening to the sound of night insects, coming from the grass in the distance.

Over the course of twenty years, how did that little boy grow into a big drug lord with cruel and deeply hidden methods, which made a small drug dealer such as Hu Weisheng terrified

What kind of mentality does he have to watch Jiang Ting step by step to become an anti-drug police officer

"Actually, I had a feeling for a while." Jiang Ting stared at the soaked collar of Yan Xun's neck, and said abruptly.


"Because of that kidnapping, I stayed in the hospital for half a month. On the day I was discharged from the hospital, the king of spades was waiting for me outside the door, saying that if I swore never to betray him, I would take me out of this small place." Jiang Ting smiled: "For as long as I can remember, my life in the orphanage can't be called full of food and clothing... So when he said that, I was crazy with joy."

Yan Yan suddenly thought that when Jiang Ting held himself at the gate of Jiayuan Orphanage just now, he did say "this is the case in many places".

It shouldn't be an empty comfort, but something he experienced in his childhood.

“It didn’t take long for me to be adopted into a big city—it was the first time in my life that I set foot on the land of Gongzhou and was sent to a public elementary school. But I didn’t have a guardian at the time, so the so-called adoption was just a kind of It is said that I still live alone in an old-fashioned bungalow next to the school. For two consecutive years, my living expenses have been paid quarterly in cash in the form of cash. After I entered junior high school, the bungalow was demolished, and I lived on campus until I graduated from high school.”

"When I was young, I didn't feel that something was wrong. When I got to the OU, I vaguely figured out that there are many strange things here. When I graduated from the OU and was assigned to a branch office and had the ability to investigate my own files through various means, I found out. The so-called 'adopters' don't actually exist, and the head of the household in Tongzilou has been out of touch for many years.

The political review was not as strict as it is now, and some provinces were dissatisfied with recruiting people, so the enrollment policy was much more flexible than it is now.

But—no matter how relaxed it is, the possibility of the black households passing the trial without being aware of it is very, very small, and there should be someone behind it.

Yan Xun put one hand on Jiang Ting's back, and rubbed the back of his neck with his rough thumb, as if conveying warm comfort: "If you didn't insist on investigating 'Lanjin' and didn't find the drug factory, you Do you think the King of Spades will appear again?"

"...I don't know." Jiang Ting said tiredly after a long time, "but assuming these are meaningless, because as long as blue gold circulates in the market, some clues will be exposed one day, and I will definitely follow the clues to investigate... No matter what. A few years earlier or later, it was destined to meet the king of spades again."

From the moment Jiang Ting entered the University, fate had already set this cursed trajectory.

Yan Yan frowned slightly: "Have you ever thought that the king of spades made you a policeman on purpose?"

Jiang Ting snorted softly, with a hint of sarcasm and helplessness:

"Of course I thought about it, especially when I found out that someone in the Gongzhou public security system was unclean."

Yan Yan looked down at him: "How do you say?"

"After meeting the king of spades again, I carefully considered whether to confess it to my superiors, but in the end I still dared not tell the connection between myself and the king of spades. On the other hand, I was also afraid of being caught unprepared and killed, which would interrupt all clues. Therefore, after thinking about it, I selectively told my superiors that there might be an underground drug factory hidden in the village, and the police should take action against it.”

"However, unsurprisingly, the action was very inactive. It can even be described as procrastination, and there were a few times that the news was almost leaked. When I saw this situation, I gradually understood what was going on. The factory has been abandoned, and no key clues have been found other than waste from the manufacture of amphetamines."

"From that time, I knew that someone at the top was penetrated very deeply, and the king of spades was actually a very polite way of saying that I sought cooperation - because even if I didn't want to cooperate, I had to do things according to the instructions of my superiors, right The result is the same for the king of spades."

Yan Yan's face did not show a trace of coolness rising from the bottom of his heart: "But you are not the kind of person who sits and waits..."

Jiang stopped moving, raised his head slightly, and gave Yan Yan an extremely light smile in the moonlight: "Yes, I'm not."

"So you planned the encirclement and suppression of the plastic factory, and thought of giving him a ruthless surprise?"

Jiang Ting's body is thinner than the average person, but because of maintenance and fitness, he belongs to the Jinshou with strength and tenacity. Later, after three years in a coma, his health was basically ruined, and now his thin body has lost the tightness of his body when he was young, just thin and weak.

But in that not very strong body, there is an indescribable force that is hard to break like steel and iron bones.

"I spent a long time planning that siege, including reverse infiltration, stealing information, secret investigations, etc. I knew that once the operation was exposed, the K of Spades would immediately know that I was not an obedient partner, waiting for me It is self-evident what the end of the game will be; so since it is going to come, it must be a thorough one, and if it goes well, it may even be possible to dismount the king of spades."

"During the long reverse osmosis work, I gradually approached several undercover agents from the Gongzhou Anti-Narcotics Corps. One of them was a long-term insider. I still don't know his name. I only know his real name, Wen, and his code name is Riveting '."


Yan Yan's cheek muscles tightened slightly, and he knew that he had finally come across this name - this undercover policeman who left a deep impression in Jiang Ting's heart.

"The infiltration work of the anti-drug entrance is highly secret: the outer circle is subject to rotation and modulation, which has considerable randomness; and each inner circle has a fixed corresponding direct contact person, and the inner circle's name, background, and kinship are not displayed in the police. In the system, only their corresponding contacts know. This kind of confidentiality mechanism has caused many police officers who died in undercover work to wait for several years or even more than ten years before they can disclose their identities. It can be said that they are a purely dedicated group, and rivets are one of them."

"Compared to other undercover agents, there is a quality in Rivet that I admire very much, which is professional-level prudence—perhaps cowardice in the eyes of outsiders. His sense of self-protection is extremely strong, and his handling of intelligence is very flexible. Sometimes it's even better to let go of a part of the crime than to risk the slightest suspicion of being suspected by drug dealers. Of course, this is not a quality we publicly encourage, but I'm still relatively…”

Jiang Ting hesitated, but Yan Yan nodded to him, indicating that he understood.

"So several undercover agents were suspected of being exposed. Only Rivet has been lurking very well, and even had the opportunity to come into contact with Red Heart Q. Three years ago, the 1009 project - the case of the explosion at the plastic factory anti-drug scene, was planned by Red Heart Q. The key tip of the big drug trade is the rivets passed on to the police."

Yan Yan moved in her heart and remembered part of the inside story that Deputy Bureau Wei had told herself: "—Rivet once sent an encrypted email to the police, and after decoding it, are the drugs and illegal armed forces hidden in the Ecological Park base?"

Jiang Ting lowered his eyes and nodded.

Countless speculations flashed in Yan Yan's heart. He knew that this question was very cruel, but he asked it anyway:

"...Then why did you temporarily transfer the police to the plastic factory before the operation began?"

The tip from the rivet made it clear that the real drug trade was in the eco-park, and the plastic factory was just a well-disguised trap.

As long as Jiang Ting still has a sense of reason, he shouldn't send his teammates into this hell of death where tons of high explosives are buried.

The dark night shrouded the sky thickly, the crescent moon was hidden in the depths of the dark clouds, and the reeds swayed in the distance of the rocky beach, like countless grotesque ghosts swaying in the dark night.

"...The police force was not temporarily dispatched, but was originally in the plastic factory, and the command vehicle at the ecological park base was just bluffing." Jiang Ting's hoarse voice finally sounded: "Because I don't believe the authenticity of this information ."

Yan Yan was startled.

"Before the operation, I determined through various sources that the 'Rivets' had been sold to drug dealers by insiders."

Jiang Ting turned his upper body back, distanced himself from Yan Yan, and buried his face deeply in his palm. The tips of his blue-white nails reflected the water in the moonlight, and the night blocked the fine trembling:

"After the rivets were exposed, I urgently made the opposite plan, and brought the elite police force to fully control the plastic factory trading site. But at the same time as the operation started, I suddenly learned that more than 80 kilograms of drugs were found at the ecological park trading site. It was at that moment that I realized... I realized..."

The rustling of the wind blowing through the reeds, the rushing of the river, the sound of the distant train passing the railroad tracks... are intertwined with the hustle and bustle of going back in time, mixed with the rapid footsteps on the scene and the shouts from the headset.

"...Two inflections apex group B is ready, repeat the two inflection apex group B is ready..."

"The sniper team at point A is in place, and the field of vision is good..."

"All the firepower at the scene is in place, command the car to command the car! Did you break in?"

"Please answer the command car, did you break in?!"

No, never break in, withdraw all—

Take it all back soon-

Jiang Ting inserted his ten fingers deeply into his hair, and even his scalp felt the stinging pain from his nails. But no amount of remorse and pain can reverse the established track that has happened in memory, as well as the tragic fact of blood and flesh.

He heard his own voice say into the microphone:

"Group B broke through the door, act!"

Then all the details are repeated countless times in the nightmare, and even the time of the phone ringing is accurate to the minute and second. Jiang Ting's soul was floating in midair. He saw himself sitting in the command car wearing wireless headphones three years ago, frowning and glancing at the satellite phone, and then picking it up - he could even recall what he was thinking at the time: this At this critical moment, is there any important news to be reported from the Ecological Park

Yes, he didn't know at the time that the bell was actually a devil descending song.

All the tragedies and sins, it was at that moment that the real climax was opened.

"Team Jiang! Good news! The on-site operation at the Ecological Park Base is over!" Someone on the phone said excitedly: "We have seized a large amount of drugs, and they are sorting and weighing them and preparing to transport them back to the city bureau!"


The satellite phone came out of hand and fell to the ground.

But Jiang Ting couldn't hear or feel anything. All the air in his lungs seemed to be evacuated in an instant. For several seconds, he didn't know if he had made a sound. When he realized it, he realized that his throat was completely hoarse:

"Operation canceled, all retreat—"


But it was too late.

At the same time as the roar resounded through the plastic factory, the flames shot into the sky, the air waves overturned the roof, and the explosion overturned all the police cars around the scene!

"Team Jiang is back!"

"Stop him!"

"No, Team Jiang rushed in!"

The burning wall collapsed and overturned, burning in all directions, and even the eyeballs felt the scorching heat. Jiang Ting stood in a sea of flames that could not see the edge, as if from that moment on, he had never been able to get out of this heart-piercing purgatory.

The siren screeched, from far to near.

"Jiang Ting," Yan Yan grabbed his shoulder and whispered, "Be awake, Jiang Ting!"

At the end of the railway in the distance, the changing red and blue dots flickered faintly in the night, and the siren was faintly visible in the sound of the turbulent water of the river.

—The Jianning police who searched along the river bank finally arrived.

“I was… kidnapped from the blast site, and held blindfolded for months at a drug manufacturing facility. I could smell the chemicals nearby, but couldn’t tell the geography, nor Knowing what's going on out there... I thought I was going to die there several times."

Jiang Ting took a quick breath and forcibly calmed down the turbulent emotions. Yan Yan forcibly grabbed his two wrists and moved them away, revealing red eyes:

"Until the King of Spades said they caught the undercover police trying to escape, I knew the rivets didn't escape in the end."

Yan Yan stared at him and whispered: "Yue Guangping was organizing police outside to rescue you at that time,"

"No, it's to save the rivet." Jiang Ting corrected bitterly, "I'm a traitor in their eyes."

"..." Yan Yan wanted to comfort something, but couldn't say a word.

Jiang Ting smiled palely: "It doesn't really matter to me, but unfortunately one thing is that the police arrived too late. Before the rescue operation outside officially started, the King of Spades took me to the place where the rivets were being held. Gave me a gun..."

Yan Yan could almost guess what happened next, and could not help but change color slightly.

"… He said I could leave as long as I killed the rivet, or die with the rivet."

Jiang Ting took a deep breath and tried to raise his head.

He didn't say a lot of words, Yan Yan could feel it. But even the most determined and hard-hearted people have scars that cannot be touched and cannot be looked back on. Blood is engraved in the depths of their souls. There is no other way but to let time slowly heal.

Yan Yan stretched out his hand and hooked the back of his neck, rubbing his cold blue cheeks hard: "Did you pull the trigger?"

Jiang Ting shook his head.

"Did you kill Rivet? Jiang Ting, look at me." Yan Yan turned his face, forcing Jiang Ting to look at herself: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what happened, did you kill the rivet?"

As if the air had frozen into ice and then cracked again, Jiang Ting's answer finally shivered and seeped out: "...No..."

"It's not me... not..."

"It was you who killed him." Spade K whispered in his ear with a smile: "Remember, he died for you."

In the corner opposite the "prison cell", the figure was curled up and hunched, but his eyes were terrifyingly bright. Although Jiang Ting didn't want to read or listen, he did see it. Two words were clearly written in those eyes staring at the muzzle of the gun, and the same two words were repeated over and over again in his mouth—


Shoot, Team Jiang.


The rest are only left in memory. Jiang Ting gritted his teeth and twisted the muzzle, but before he could point it at himself, his hand was forcibly grabbed, twisted back to the front, and then his index finger was pressed and buckled. trigger!

Gunshots sounded.

"He died for you," the voice repeated in the back of his head.

"No one will believe you anymore, no one wants to hear a word from you, the crimes and sentences so far are written at the very beginning of the story—"

"Everyone wants you to be a traitor, otherwise where would justice come from?"

The siren was getting closer, and the flickering beam of the flashlight was clearly visible on the other side of the river.

"Everything can't be explained to people, because it's not clear in itself. The adopter who took me out of the orphanage, the tuition and living expenses for a few years in middle school, the political review materials when I took the OUHK exam; how did I get from drug trafficking? Why wasn't the group who escaped from the group killed? Why did the bullet test that killed the rivet completely match the traces of my gun barrel... None of these countless doubts can be explained clearly. My files and even my entire life can be found everywhere. There are innumerable connections between Tao K."

"So if I were you, Yan Yan, I wouldn't believe a word of all the above."

The corners of Jiang Ting's pale mouth curved upwards slightly, although his eyes were bloodshot: "Yue Guangping is dead, the rivets are dead, all the details that happened after the 1009 plastic factory explosion, except for the K of spades, only I know. Even if you are willing to listen to my explanation, I can't explain why my fingerprints appeared in the door frame of Room 701. If I were you, the safest course would be to hand over Jiang Ting to the police."

Several beams of flashlights gradually approached, and the shouts of searchers came vaguely.

Yan Xun's eyebrows jumped violently.

what should I do? he thought.

do i trust him

Jiang Ting broke free from Yan Yan's arms, his body swayed a little, but he gritted his teeth and stood up reluctantly:

"The Jiangyang County Hospital when you asked me why I didn't want to tell the truth. In fact, I told you all the truth, but I just concealed a part of the inside story. The reason why I concealed it was not because I was afraid that you would get involved in this muddy water, but Because I don't believe you."

Yan Yan whispered angrily: "I—"

But then he was interrupted by Jiang Ting: "I can't make myself believe you, because I have nothing now, only this lingering life is left. If one day you sell me, this My life may not last until the day I return to Gongzhou."

Jiang Ting couldn't help but smile bitterly: "But I still need to live, otherwise so many people will die in vain, who can I expect to collect this blood debt?"

The barking of the police dog got closer and closer as the wind approached, and at the end of the bridge in the distance, the hurried figures of colleagues appeared faintly under the street lights.

Yan Yan looked back, and immediately went to pull Jiang Ting, wanting him to squat down to reduce the visibility, but Jiang Ting forcibly withdrew his wrist and took a half step back.

Dark clouds covered the night sky from afar, and the salty water vapor on the river bank was getting heavier and heavier. They were one high and one low, facing each other. Jiang Ting's face was pale and expressionless, and he drew a clear silhouette in the dark night.

Finally Yan Yan asked, "Then what's going on now, what forced you to finally believe me?"

"… "

"Is it a last resort because I'm really indiscriminate to tell you? Or are you finally willing to open your eyes a little and see what I've done for you?"

After a long time, Jiang Ting said slowly, "...I can see everything you've done..."

His eyes remained calm. He always has a way to forcibly suppress all weakness, remorse, sadness and pain in a very short period of time, let the dripping blood settle in the bottom of his heart, and make the backbone that supports the soul scarred but difficult to break, and move forward forever.

"I have never had the affection from my parents, I have never experienced the love between a man and a woman, I have never even made any friends, and even friendship is quite lacking. If there was ever someone who was closest to that position in my heart, that person was you. ."

He paused and looked at Yan Yan: "But I can't let myself respond to this feeling... I don't want to lie to you."

Yan Xun clenched his palms tightly, panting softly and rapidly, and he heard the whirring of the police dogs running not far away.

"So Yan Yan," Jiang Ting said coldly and sternly, "whether or not to hand me over is up to you."

Volume 3 118: The Murder Case of Wudu