Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 88


The next morning, at the gate of the community.

"How do I look, husband?"

Father Yan slumped on the back seat, yawned a long yawn for the eighteenth time, and said weakly, "Meimeimei..."

The old and beautiful Zeng Cuicui - Ms. Zeng Cui looked at the mirror and looked at it again and again, and finally decided whether the bangs that fell on her forehead should be left or right, and then she took out the lipstick from her cosmetic bag and sipped it, pulling it half a meter away. After examining myself, I was finally satisfied.

"Let's go, don't be late," Yan's mother pounded Yan's father with her elbow, carrying the greeting gift for her daughter-in-law, and Le Dian Dian got out of the car.

Father Yan, who was woken up alive by his wife at six in the morning, exerted all his strength to barely climb out of the back seat, looking at the rising sun in the eastern sky and crying without tears: "I remember we were here for lunch. of… "

"Oh, what do you know, it's the first time you see your daughter-in-law, how can you make people wait? It's not surprising that many people are polite!" Yan mother said goodbye to the driver, only to feel that all the pores on her body were uncomfortable and all the spirits, she woke up early in the morning and asked the nanny The silk dress that had been steam ironed eighteen times was evenly trimmed, making her seem ten years younger out of thin air, and even her footsteps were so brisk that she wanted to dance, "Besides, if I have a lot of money, I have to follow up with her. My daughter-in-law, whom I haven't met for more than 30 years, said, "When will we get engaged? Can we get the evidence at the end of the year? Where will the wedding be held? When will I have children? High school? Is it Harvard or Oxbridge to study abroad in the future? I can say that he was three days and three nights, and he arrived three hours early.

Father Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Your son only said that he is living with someone now. Is it because the girl who drives KTV didn't say anything, and you even called your daughter-in-law?"

"I don't understand the son I gave birth to, the higher the profile, the more unreliable it is. It's the attitude of trying to hide it that is really problematic." Yan mother gave her husband a snort, and couldn't help smiling: "—I think he is 80% It was because we were afraid that we would not like the girl and dared not speak directly, so we first made a covert ambush with us. If you don't believe me, just wait and see!"

Yan's father snorted, and saw his wife carrying her carefully selected pair of men's and women's watches, twisting the little foxtrot happily, and got into the elevator of the apartment building.

Meanwhile, the top floor of the apartment.

The first rays of sunlight passed through the gaps in the curtains and fell on the messy large bed in the guest bedroom, as if a pale golden light band stretched out between the quilts. Jiang Ting's eyelashes moved, and he slowly opened his eyes. After a few seconds of confusion, his eyes finally slowly focused and he looked down.

The weight running across his waist was indeed... a familiar arm.

He turned over suddenly: "When did you come here?"

Yan Yan was half naked outside the air-conditioning blanket, closed his eyes and smashed his mouth, reached out and snorted Jiang Ting's head, clasped Jiang Ting's head on his chest and hugged him tightly: "Sleep a little longer..."

Jiang Ting was caught off guard and bumped into the firm and hot chest of the same sex, almost burying his entire face in it, and hurriedly got up and was about to get out of bed. But before his feet landed, he was suddenly hugged from behind by someone, and then fell back to the big soft bed, and then Yan Yan turned over and held him condescendingly.

The two went up and down, looked at each other for a moment, Yan Yan slowly leaned down, and stopped at a distance of less than ten centimeters from the tip of his nose:

"You haven't wished me a happy birthday yet."

Jiang Ting leaned his head back, although he couldn't get any distance due to the obstruction of the pillow, he didn't realize that this action instead exposed his white throat to Yan Yan's line of sight: " have your birthday tomorrow."

"When I was a child, I started receiving blessings three days in advance for my birthday."

"But you've grown up, you're already 30—" Jiang Ting's voice stopped abruptly, his face changed unpredictably, and he gritted his teeth for a while: "Happy birthday Yan Yan... I said you don't hit me at this time! "

The proletariat exerted ruthless strength and bravely overturned the heavy pressure of the bourgeoisie, but before it could successfully escape from the vicious capitalist ruled area, the reactionary forces grabbed it back at the head, turned over and pressed it down, and said vaguely: One, it's nothing to put on one, and it won't be missing a piece of meat..."

"It's early in the morning! Yan Yan!"

"It's because of the early morning... In other words, I suddenly found out that you didn't respond in the morning. Is there something wrong with you?! Well, let me check it, come on, don't move, check it!"

"You only have a problem!" Jiang Ting said embarrassedly: "You wake up and try to plant your own plants for three years. It's good to be able to run and jump!"

Yan Yan didn't blush: "I'm fine, if you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you now. Hey, don't move, let me push it again, don't get up in such a hurry, you say you are... "

The huge solid wood bed didn't hold back the scuffle between the two, and made a creaking sound. The air-conditioning blanket crumpled in the kicks and slowly slipped down the bed, hanging down on the thick light-colored wool carpet.


Jiang Ting was buried between the pillows, the neckline of his T-shirt was pulled down from his shoulders and neck, and he gasped slightly. At this moment, the doorbell suddenly came from the outhouse - Jingle!

Yan Yan suddenly raised her head.

From the direction of the master bedroom, there is thunderous music, which is a tablet computer that intelligently controls the access control. Yan Yan hesitated between opening the door and pretending to be away, but after three seconds, he decided to go to him. He leaned over and grabbed the hem of Jiang Ting's T-shirt and stretched it inward.

"Someone, someone!" Jiang Ting tried his best to block the enemy's arrogant attack with his elbows, panting, "Your parents are here!"

Yan Xun was like a male wolf who had been starving for several years, with one arm holding Jiang Ting in his arms, he said hoarsely: "Impossible, you can see for yourself that it's only nine o'clock, they won't be until noon..."

Jingle! Jingle!

The doorbell is indomitable, jingle! !

Last night, the phone that Yan Yan brought with him when he touched the guest bedroom suddenly vibrated. Yan Yan was stunned for a few seconds, and finally cursed in despair. He grabbed the phone from the bedside table and saw that the call was indeed:


"—Son!" Ms. Zeng Cui's enthusiastic voice came from the phone: "We're here! Open the door!"

ten minutes later.

The door opened slowly in the heavy, almost freezing air, revealing Yan Yan's expressionless face with messy hair and a toothbrush in his mouth.

The mother and son looked at each other across the door frame for a long time, and Ms. Zeng Cui said coldly, "Ten minutes."

Yan Yan spit out a bunch of toothpaste foam from his mouth.

"In the early morning, I waited for the door for ten minutes." Ms. Zeng Cui clicked her watch and said, "—unless you told me that you were making a villain with your daughter-in-law, your mother will move now. Family law!"

Father Yan hid behind his face with an expression like I can't save you, Yan Yan rolled his eyes with restraint: "If your son only has ten minutes from start to finish, should you change your family law?"

"..." Yan's mother was instantly enlightened, and she thought for it: "It makes sense!" Then she slapped Yan Yan away with a slap, stepped into the door with great excitement and cautiously, and even before changing her high heels, she stretched her neck and went to the entrance. Looking inside, I was so happy that the final sound was shaking a little:

"Oh my daughter-in-law, let me see my precious eldest daughter-in-law... wife?!"

In the living room, Jiang Ting, who had quickly finished brushing his teeth, washed his face, and changed into his shirt and trousers, was bending over to put a plate of fruit on the coffee table in the living room, when he was caught off guard by Mother Yan's overflowing eyes. People's movements were frozen at the same time.

Mother Yan: "..."

Jiang Ting: "?"

"You, you are..." Yan mother tremblingly said.

"Oh, Aunt Zeng." Jiang Ting put down the fruit bowl, got up and nodded politely: "My surname is Lu, I just transferred to Jianning to work, I'm sorry to bother you."

Yan's mother grabbed two hands in the air unconsciously, and then supported Yan's father who came in later. The faces of the husband and wife both had the same expression of being struck by lightning. In the quiet air, only Yan Yan was heard to suck toothpaste. Foaming sound.

Jiang Ting finally felt a little weird: "Yan Yun?"

Mother Yan turned back in disbelief and asked, "... son?"

—Is this what you call cohabitation

You shyly ran to say that you are living with someone now, and told your parents to prepare yourself psychologically. So what you mean by psychological preparation is coming out of the closet? !

"Cough cough!"

With his toothbrush in his mouth, Yan Xun held the eyes of his father, his mother, and the leader of his detachment Jiang, and said vaguely: "My... haven't I already said it? It's almost as you know it. ." Then he lowered his head and ducked into the bathroom, and after a while there was the sound of frantically gargling and washing his face.

An indescribable atmosphere enveloped the living room again. Even if Jiang Ting no longer wanted to guess in that direction, he vaguely felt something not so good at this moment.

But holding the last glimmer of hope that "Yan Yan is at least a 30-year-old criminal investigation deputy, it must not be so unreliable", he still coughed casually, and tentatively made a please gesture to the sofa:

"Uncle Yan? Aunt Zeng? Would you two... make some tea?"

Yan mother: "Don't bother, don't bother..." Then she pinched her husband to death.

Father Yan woke up like a dream: "Don't bother, don't bother..."

The couple walked around the coffee table with great care and sat on the sofa, both of them sitting in an abnormal posture, staring straight at Jiang Ting's face, as if to see a living flower on his face.

Jiang Ting didn't know what to say, so he had to sit across from the coffee table. He had just habitually crossed his legs, but suddenly felt that it was not suitable. He hurriedly pretended to adjust his sitting position, put his feet down, and folded his hands on his thighs. , staring intently at the bunch of bananas in the bowl.

Three minutes passed, and there was silence in the living room.

"..." Mother Yan couldn't bear the funeral-like atmosphere. After thinking for a while, she finally summoned up her courage, raised her hand and pulled a banana and handed it to Jiang Ting's doubtful eyes, showing a cautious, friendly and extremely A reserved smile: "Xiao Lu eat... eat bananas."

Jiang Ting's conditioned reflex gave in: "You eat, you eat."

"Oh, you're welcome, you eat, you eat..."

"No no, you eat you eat..."

"Mom! He doesn't eat it!" The topless Yan Yan stuck his head out from the bedroom: "He doesn't eat any yellow fruits except oranges, mangoes, yellow peaches! No bitter gourd! No eggplant! No eggplant! Carrot! Don't feed him if he's not in good health!"

At that moment, the awkward air almost exploded. Jiang Ting's only thought was to immediately rush into the house to block Yan Yan's mouth, or jump into the crack of the ground out of thin air.

"Oh, that's it." Yan mother, like an aunt who had done something wrong, put down the banana with a shy smile, and found a step for each other with empathy: "Don't eat well, don't eat well, bananas are too high in sugar, It's not healthy to eat."

Jiang Ting immediately said, "Yes, yes, indeed."

Silence shrouded this small space again, and everyone thought to themselves: Why should I discuss the sugar content of bananas when I first met my suspected daughter-in-law / Yan Yan's parents

"Cough cough!" Father Yan bluntly cleared his throat, forcibly squeezed out the distorted smile he thought was kind: "Where are you, Xiao Lu?"

Jiang Ting hesitated for half a second and quickly replied: "Jiangyang County."

Father Yan pointed to the bedroom awkwardly: "Then how did you know each other..."

"Oh, we are police academy classmates."

"You this year… "

"Two years older than Yan Yan."

At the same time, Yan's father and Yan's mother silently made an "oh-" mouth shape, but the inner thought activity was: It doesn't look like it? !

Jiang Ting said sincerely: "It's really two years older."

The couple said in unison, "Be mature, be mature."

Jiang Ting: "..."

"Then," Father Yan asked tentatively, "what do your parents do?"

The couple looked at Jiang Ting with bright eyes, and their inner activities were actually: whatever you do, the main reason is that your parents are also "psychologically prepared"? !

Jiang Ting is a person who hardly watches TV, and has no relevant experience in meeting his future in-laws in his life. Therefore, although he thinks this question is very strange, he still answers truthfully: "My parents are gone since I was a child, and I was raised by the welfare dean. ."

Yan's father and Yan's mother silently said again at the same time, "Oh—"

Yan's father: If he is my daughter-in-law, at least we don't have to deal with in-laws and in-laws in the future, that's okay!

Mother Yan: In case he is my daughter-in-law, at least my son doesn't have to risk his legs being broken by the other's parents, luckily in misfortune!

Jiang Ting's gaze swept across the faces of the Yan family couple, and the doubts in their hearts could hardly be suppressed. Just when he couldn't help but want to explain, Yan Yan finally finished washing his face and head, snorted his hair with a towel and walked back to the living room, and sat down beside Jiang Ting carelessly: "Dad! Mom!"

In an instant, three eyes stabbed at the same time, and the various rich meanings in the eyes rubbed and collided in the air, bursting with shining fire.

Yan Yan covered her mouth and coughed in embarrassment, pretending she didn't see anything, and stretched out her hand to pull the gift bag his mother brought: "Yo, what is this, my birthday present?"

Yan's mother couldn't stop it, and her debt collector son had already pulled out the counter watch box cheaply - one was a birthday present for his son, and the other was a greeting gift for his daughter-in-law.

Unable to turn around under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yan mother only felt her head grow big.

"This, this is..." Yan's mother's final tone was a little vain: "It happened that the two watches I shot last year could make a pair. I want to see my daughter-in-law for the first time... This is the first time I see Xiao Lu, and there is nothing I can take out. So just…”

Two watches can make a pair.

… make a pair.

Jiang Ting looked at the Cara Zhuohua cross LOGO on the wooden counter box, and his facial muscles were a little stiff. This kind of expression on his face is quite rare, but at this moment he has no time to hide it, and blurted out: "No, wait for Aunt Zeng. There may be a bit of a misunderstanding here, you first listen to my explanation-"

"I can explain!" Yan Yan couldn't wait to interrupt.

Everyone looked at each other, Yan Yan's expression was extremely calm, but he stepped on Jiang Stop under the coffee table, pouted at the kitchen, and gave a firm look of "my parents, I will do it".

Jiang Ting's always-clear brain was extremely chaotic, and he wondered what was going on? Why do your parents have to match the table to us? What did you tell your family

Yan Yan nodded invisibly, which means you leave it alone and leave it to me!

Yan's father and Yan's mother watched the undercurrents surging between the two of them. Finally, Jiang Ting couldn't take it any longer. He hurriedly said "I'm going to boil water to make tea" and ran away, so embarrassed that he didn't even look back.

As a result, he entered the kitchen with his front foot, and Ms. Zeng Cui grabbed her son's collar with his back foot, and said through gritted teeth, "Yan, Yan!"

Yan Yan squeezed her hand tightly: "Mom!"

"Tell me again what is your relationship?!"

"Mom, listen to my explanation!"

Looking at Ms. Zeng Cui's murderous expression, if Jiang Ting was not present, it is estimated that Deputy Yan's detachment would be beaten into the hospital by his own mother in the next moment.

"Mom, we are really together. Your son will be like this for the rest of his life. You can learn more about the American surrogacy agency, 1.2 million free shipping for 1.6 million identical twins, it's really impossible to have three children. The twins can still have a child with your surname, didn't my dad say that you were always clamoring for me to change my surname to Zeng when I was a child?"

Father Yan was glaring at his son, but when he heard this, he immediately turned his head and focused on the floor, successfully creating a sense of sight as he was passing by and making soy sauce.

Ms. Zeng Cui: "… "

Yan Yan said with sincerity: "To be honest, I have had a crush on him since five years ago. After so many years of failed blind dates, I knew that I was destined to be with him in my life. So if you two elders make up your mind If I want to beat the mandarin ducks with a stick, my son will be left alone but I will be left alive. From then on, I will never forget the world.”

Mother Yan shivered with disgust: "Speak human words!"

"I took the initiative, he was shy, and he didn't plan to formally confirm our relationship." Yan Yan glanced towards the kitchen and lowered his voice secretly: "So I lied to him that you don't know anything, he thought you were just being He's my police academy classmate..."

Mother Yan stared at him, probably thinking seriously about whether to put this son back in her stomach and give birth again.

"What does this little Lu do?!" Mother Yan asked coldly from between her teeth.

"Oh, don't ask me—he is a criminal investigation consultant who came down from the University, and he was a first-level police inspector for several years. It was said that he was transferred to Jianning to work, but in fact, he was only temporarily assisting for a period of time. Why do you still treat him as a criminal suspect? Human?"

Unexpectedly, Mother Yan's expression did not relax as he thought, but instead became more solemn: "The position is higher than you?"

Yan Yan nodded solemnly.

"..." Mother Yan was worried: "You two are really in love, aren't you being ruled by unspoken rules?!"

Yan Yan almost spat out.

"That, may I ask," Jiang Ting stuck his head out of the kitchen at this time, and carefully inserted a sentence: "Black tea or green tea?"

Mother Yan had already let go of her desperately grasping hand on the collar of her son, and sat on the sofa demurely and gracefully, as if nothing had happened just now: "No trouble, no trouble, we can do anything!"

Jiang Ting still looked as if his doubts were not resolved, nodded with a frown and turned back to the kitchen.

Yan Yan complained while tidying up his collar: "Mom, you are really..."

"I'll tell you a rabbit, a cub, and a son." Mother Yan was quick-witted, grabbed Yan Yan's collar again, and warned every word: "If you dare to sell yourself for glory, I will deprive you of your right of inheritance, a hundred years later. All of your parents' property will be donated to charitable organizations, so that you can get out of the house and drink the northwest wind for the rest of your life..."

In the end, it was the strict father who loved his son: "cough, cough, cough!"

"Do you have an opinion?!" Mother Yan said angrily.

Father Yan gave in: "No opinion, no opinion..."

"There are no unspoken rules, where do you want to go, Mom?" Yan Yan said dissatisfiedly, "Does your son look like he's being crushed? You didn't see how gentle, diligent, and obedient your daughter-in-law was in front of me. Is it all right? He even cooked beef stew and tomato and egg noodles for me last night." Then he swiped out his phone and clicked on the photo album, and took a photo with a filter before dinner last night.

The full suspicion in Mother Yan's eyes was finally suppressed temporarily, and she and her husband pressed their heads together, looking at the bowl of stewed beef brisket with potatoes in the picture.

"Anyway," Yan Yan straightened his clothes and said like a closing statement: "He can't leave me, I can't leave him, we have reached the stage where we can talk about marriage at any time. More importantly, we have already slept. Now, if he is in a mess, he will be heartbroken to the point of madness. You don't want your son to be a scumbag who slept and didn't confess, right? So for the sake of raw rice and cooked rice, you still give it to me. Best support and best wishes."

The Yan family looked at each other.

Although I had already had some premonitions and even made mental preparations, when things really happened, it still had a big psychological impact on the parents.

"Uncle, aunt," Jiang Ting came out of the kitchen with a tea tray.

Yan Yan immediately gritted his teeth and rubbed his neck at his parents, then turned around to meet him, involuntarily took the heavy tea tray from Jiang Ting's hand, and secretly conveyed a look of "I'm done".

Taking advantage of the short space between Yan Yan's back and the sofa, Jiang Ting lowered his voice and asked, "What's going on?"

"It's them who thought more about it, no problem." Yan Yan made an OK gesture under the tea tray: "It's explained clearly!"

Jiang Zing nodded and relaxed a little, thinking that Yan Xun's life-long event was probably a heart attack to his parents. No wonder he thought his son was coming out of the closet when he saw a man... Even though their son was already outside the closet .

"hehe… "


Yan's father and Yan's mother probably never dreamed that the first time they drank daughter-in-law's tea would be such a scene, and the smiles on their faces were a little distorted. Fortunately, Ms. Zeng Cui is not an ordinary middle-aged and elderly woman. She is a person who has seen a lot of things in the business field. Although her inner surging and complicated feelings are almost overflowing, she still insists on smiling and asks: "I said... I said Xiao Lu, are you still used to living here?"

Jiang Ting didn't suspect him: "Ah, I'm used to it, thanks to Yan Yan's care."

Father Yan choked a mouthful of tea in his throat, and swallowed hard with his neck stuck.

"It's good to live in it, it's good to live in it." Mother Yan rubbed her hands together and asked with concern: "Are you two usually in a good relationship?"

"..." This question made Jiang Ting's eyelids jump.

"It's really okay." Jiang paused and said in a serious tone: "Although we are only old classmates from the police academy, and we haven't seen each other for five years, our friendship has always been good."

He was shy, Yan Yan emphasized to his parents again with his eyes.

Mother Yan understood, remembering that her son said just now that "he doesn't plan to confirm the relationship between us for the time being", so she smiled awkwardly: "It's good to have a good relationship, just to have a good relationship. It will be a long time to come to Japan, ah."

Father Yan forced the teacup into her hand: "Drink tea, drink tea."

The parents of the Yan family sat side by side on the sofa, drinking tea in unison—not the Laotongxing Pu'er tea, the Laotongxing Pu'er tea cake had been scooped up by Jiang Ting to the size of the last fingernail. Fortunately, Mother Yan was only full of the white paper "Research on Legal Issues of Gay Marriage" at home, and the contact information of the major surrogacy companies in California flashed in her mind; Ma mixed vodka and she could pour it down without changing her face.

"This," Jiang Ting opened his mouth with consideration, and asked, "I heard that in order to celebrate Yan Yan's birthday, the lunch at noon seems to be..."

He was just about to say if we should go out now, otherwise the atmosphere would be too embarrassing, and then Yan Yan stepped back with the following words: "Yes, we are eating at home at noon. Hey, you didn't say yesterday that you were going to do it yourself. Are you good at cooking?"

Yan's father and Yan's mother raised their heads at the same time, neatly aligned.

Jiang Ting: "..." When did I say this

"It's not easy for the two old people to come all the way. Don't go outside, it's hot and crowded, and we can eat at home by ourselves. It's just that I'll help you, filial piety and filial piety to our parents." Yan Yan grabbed Jiang Ting. hands: "It is said that children's birthdays are the hardest day for parents, how meaningful it is for us to cook by ourselves, don't you think?"

Jiang Zing quickly pulled out his hand amid the two expectant gazes on the opposite side: "Actually, I don't know how to cook..."

"It's alright, it's all about the mind to do more and less. The most important thing is that I take the opportunity to learn to cook from you, and I will be filial to the old man in the future, don't you think?!"

Yan's father and Yan's mother seemed to have suddenly opened the door to a new world, and couldn't wait to agree: "Yes, it's better to eat at home!" "Eat healthy at home!"

Jiang Ting: "...?"

Jiang Ting was inexplicably stunned by the gratified, admiring and moved eyes of the Yan family's parents. His lips trembled twice.

"I said Yan Yan, who are you—"

Jiang Ting was stunned before he had time to question.

I saw Yan Yan took out an apron from the cupboard door, put his head on himself, grabbed Jiang Zhiba and forcibly straightened it, and whispered a warning close to his ear: "You cook, I'll fight. The performance depends on the meal, understand?"

Captain Jiang was caught off guard, a spatula was forcibly stuffed into his hand who was used to holding a police gun, and his forehead was full of question marks.

The author has something to say:

Yan Yan: "I mainly think that as a responsible man, I should at least bow to the high hall before being sent to the bridal chamber o(*////▽////*)q"