Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 9


With a sound of "fuck", Wei Yao rushed out of the deputy director's office, went down the stairs in two steps in three steps, and pushed open the door of the deputy detachment commander: "Yan Yan!"

Yan Yan sat behind the computer.

"You use my password to access the intranet again! Do you know that this is a violation of discipline?!"

Yan Yan didn't move, and slowly raised his head. Wei Yao's anger rose from his heart when he saw him like that: "You, Captain Zhu, have only been hospitalized for a few days, and you are so excited! You even took the entire detachment out to drink and sing K a few days ago, do you really think I don't know? When I call you, the background is full of everything, treat each day as the doomsday and fall in love with each other! What kind of love do you guys love each other!"

Yan Yan opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Wei Yao's hatred of iron and steel: "You probably never want to be corrected, look at your dress! Watch! Shoes! Hair! Are you here for work or for the catwalk, inspector How many times has the group been criticized, so it’s better to keep your memory longer!”

Yan Yan said: "Wei Bureau..."

"Log in and log out! Before anyone finds out, hurry up!"

Wei Yao slapped his waist angrily, and wanted to scold something casually while he was enjoying himself, when he suddenly heard Yan Yan slowly ask:

"How did Jiang Ting die?"

Wei Yao was startled: "What?"

"The second detachment of the Gongzhou Anti-Narcotics Corps, Changjiang, died three years ago. How did he die?"

Wei Yao was stunned for a long time before he realized what Yan Yan was asking, and immediately became a little annoyed and didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why, it's been a few years, and you still can't let go of the little thing you had with Gongzhou Public Security Bureau?—Yes, Gong The state almost took the credit for you back then, but didn't you do the same in the end? You still…”

"Jiang Ting is really dead?"

"Yo, you haven't finished yet!" Wei Yao asked back, "Does this have anything to do with the 502 frozen corpse case you are investigating now?"

Yan Yan said, "Yes."

"There's a fart! If you have nothing to do, just use my password to roam the Internet!"

"Yes." Yan Yan repeated, raising his hand and pushing the case file on the table to Wei Yao: "Hu Weisheng, a native of Gongzhou, was once imprisoned for a large number of surrogate purchases and counterfeiting foreign prescription drugs, and has the ability to use fake Adela to lure minors. A major suspect of drug addiction. A few years ago, he was in Gongzhou and was convicted of attempted rape for drugging a third-year high school girl. I suspect that there are other hidden reasons for this case. Addictive hallucinogens with similar ingredients to della."

"—The sponsor of this case was Jiang Ting back then." Yan Xun looked at Wei Yao steadily: "Three years ago, an explosion occurred at the scene of the drug investigation commanded by Jiang Ting. There are no bones left, what is going on?"

With his steady and powerful tone, Wei Yao's anger was suppressed, and he gradually fell into thinking. After a long time, he finally came over, pulled out his chair, and sat across from the desk.

"In that anti-drug operation," Wei Yao sighed: "The total amount of all kinds of drugs recovered in the end is more than 80 kilograms."

Yan Yan's pupils shrank - so big!

Immediately after, Wei Yao's second sentence poured into his heart like ice water: "They all said later that it was the life-saving money of the dozen or so anti-drug police officers."

"… What's the meaning?"

"In that case, because of the large amount of drugs and the large transaction amount, the drug dealers used a separate transaction method of people, money and goods. According to the undercover report, the police identified two main transaction locations, one is the suburban plastic factory, and the other is the ecological park. , After analysis, it was determined that the buyers and sellers were hiding in the plastic factory, while a large number of drugs and illegal armed forces were hidden in a cultivation base in the ecological park."

"According to the original plan, Jiang Ting should have burst into the cultivation base with sufficient firepower and a large number of elite special police officers, while another group of people set up an ambush in the plastic factory to prepare for arrest. However, before the action, Jiang Ting, the chief planner, suddenly put the Most of the elites who rushed to the ecological park were secretly transferred to the plastic factory, and rushed in with obvious lack of preparation. After just over half an hour, an unexpected series of explosions occurred in the entire factory area."

"Drug dealers and buyers ran away before the police arrived, but the bombs were pre-installed." Wei Yao said solemnly: "Jiang Ting's change of mind for no reason is like sending his comrades to hell with one hand."

Yan Yan said in surprise: "Why did the drug dealers run away, is there any news of the action leaked?"

"Many people suspected this after the incident, and some even thought that Jiang Ting was 'cooperating' with drug dealers by bringing a large number of criminal police officers to the plastic factory. But this suspicion is difficult to prove, because Jiang Ting himself died, and the fire burned very fast. Not even a whole body can be found."

Wei Yao stopped here and said suspiciously: "—Why, you suspect that he is not dead?"

Yan Yan slowly sat back, her eyes wandering a little. After a few seconds he coughed and cleared his throat: "Oh, that's not it."

Wei Yao seemed to want to say something but held back, only looking at him up and down with probing eyes: "Then why did you ask me just now if he really died?"

"... I'm just curious why he didn't posthumously award a martyr. I just saw that all the sacrificed criminal policemen of the Second Detachment of Gongzhou Anti-drug Detachment were posthumously awarded. If it was a command error, although serious, he sacrificed for duty after all. To the point where the title of martyr is not even given."

This question was actually made by Yan Xun at the moment, but Wei Yao's expression suddenly became a little difficult to explain. After thinking for a while, he said, "Because of that undercover agent."

Yan Yan: "Huh?"

"After the explosion, Gongzhou City Public Security Department set up a special investigation team. After a thorough investigation of all operational arrangements and details, one thing was discovered—do you remember when I said that the undercover agent reported two trading locations?"

Yan Yan's brows furrowed unconsciously.

"This undercover agent, codenamed 'Riveting', has been lurking within the drug cartel for several years. Although he failed to infiltrate the leader of the group's top-level codenamed 'Big K', he was once close to the second person in the group. It has delivered a lot of valuable clues, and it is a very valuable source of intelligence in the Gongzhou anti-drug system."

"After the explosion of the plastic factory, the police's internal information was suspected to be leaked, and the 'rivet' also encountered a great risk of exposure, so the task force set up a rescue team for him. The rivets were removed, the corpses were burnt and traces were destroyed, and the rescue operation fell short."

Wei Yao let out a long sigh, and Yan Yan's expression became solemn.

"After Rivet died, the task force got the computer he used and found that he had forwarded encrypted emails inside the drug cartel to the police. This email was decrypted and was a part of the transaction deployment map, which showed the drugs and drugs hidden in the ecological park cultivation base. The illegal armed forces made it very clear. That is to say, Jiang Ting, the chief planner of the operation, could not have read this email, so he suddenly transferred elite firepower from the ecological park to the plastic factory before the operation started, so that more than ten people When the anti-narcotics police died and exploded, their original intentions became extremely suspicious.”

Yan Yan's tone sank slightly: "He probably did it on purpose."

"Yes," Wei Yao looked very serious: "What's more, the traitor who disclosed the news of the police action may be him."

Yan Yan didn't make a sound, and the air suddenly became very rough, like a slapped knife, shaving the skin on his face.

The two sat facing each other for a long time, and Yan Yan said in a low voice, "The case that I co-handled with Gongzhou, when the case was closed and the report was made, someone came to talk to me and asked me to take the initiative to give the credit to a 'connected household' in Gongzhou. At that time, I was young and arrogant, so I refused. As a result, I was taught a lesson by people from all walks of life for half a month. I only felt that the whole world was sorry for me.

Deputy Director Wei covered his mouth and coughed.

"Every day I slapped my face and became emotional, until two days before the celebration, news suddenly came from Gongzhou, saying that in the report signed by the commander-in-chief, the credit was still given to me, and at the same time, he also gave me a comment. Second-class personal merit." Yan Yan let out a soft breath and said, "The commander-in-chief of the operation at that time was Jiang Ting."

Wei Yao is old, and his view of the problem is more pertinent: "People are multi-faceted. It's good for you to be grateful to him for this, but after that, you have to look at it in two."

"—No, it's not gratitude." Yan Yan said categorically, "I'm not grateful."

Wei Yao didn't understand.

Yan Yan did not explain his state of mind to outsiders, but said leisurely: "I just can't figure out Jiang Ting."

Wei Yao patted him on the shoulder: "People are already dead, although there is no conclusion, it is useless to think about it. What I told you today, don't say it, after all, it is an unsolved case in Gongzhou, and it is very important. Sensitive, it won't do you any good if you spread it out carefully."

Yan Yan nodded silently.

The phone on the desk rang, "Hey, Deputy Yan! We have caught Hu Weisheng's grandson, and it's almost time for the city bureau!"

"You guys are busy first." Wei Yao stood up: "Any drug-related case is not a small case, we must find out the source, the next family and the entire network, and we must capture all the suspect's accomplices. The inside story of the attempted rape case in the state must not give up the opportunity, understand?"

Yan Yan said, "I understand."

Yan Yan personally sent Deputy Director Wei out of the office, stood at the entrance of the stairs, and watched Wei Yao enter the elevator. After a while, the downstairs gradually became noisy. The sound of cars, footsteps, and voices came from far to near. The detectives who took the suspect out of the bed early in the morning came back.

"Brother Yan!" Ma Xiang stuck his head out from the end of the corridor and pouted towards the interrogation room: "—Walk together?"

Yan Yan raised his hand.

Ma Xiang ran over without knowing why, only to hear Yan Xun leaning in his ear, and whispered: "You and Lao Song and Lao Zhao, call the deputy Qin next door to go and put Hu Weisheng on trial. I'll go out, Don't talk to anyone."

"You're going to..."

Yan Yan patted him on the back: "Call at any time if you have anything." Then he walked to the stairs, went down a few steps, and suddenly stopped as if he remembered something.

He turned around and went back to the office, grabbed a long-lost car key in the drawer, caught a glimpse of the computer when he got up, and stopped there.

On the screen, Jiang Ting stared at the void with calm and indifferent eyes, and the corners of his pale lips fell slightly, like a sculpture wrapped in a police uniform without the slightest warmth.

Yan Yan stared at him for a long time, slowly took out the gun from the drawer, pinned it on the back waist, put on a coat to cover it, turned around and closed the door and walked out.