Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 91


Yan Yan was like a tiger who had been hungry for a long time and finally started eating meat. Just now, he was just tearing and venting impatiently. He quickly pressed Jiang Ting to the big bed in the bedroom for the second time.

This time, he was finally able to regain a little sanity from the burning desire. He could try his best to explain in simple language, control the rhythm, and prolong the torture before the climax to the point where it seemed endless. In the end, Jiang Ting couldn't hold it anymore, his physical strength had been exhausted to the limit, his body softened into a pool of water, and he intermittently uttered out of control groans; but on the other hand, the back hole was twisted more tightly, and the genitals stretched out. The brutal ravages were a mess, the inner thighs were soaked with cum and water.

"I can't stand it anymore?" Yan Yan asked in a low voice, "Why are you so squeamish?"

Jiang Ting grabbed the sheet consciously, and seemed to want to break free, but as soon as he made a move, Yan Yan grabbed his waist and pulled him back and pinned it to the bed. place.

Jiang Ting lost consciousness when not a single drop of semen was left, and it was already dark. It took several minutes for Yan Yan to calm down from her excited to frantic heartbeat. She went to the bathroom to take a hastily shower, but deliberately did not lift Jiang Ting from the bed to wash.

He himself couldn't explain why, as if he instinctively hoped that the traces of lewdness and eroticism and the hot body fluids would stay in Jiang Ting's body for a longer time, and even let this person's flesh and soul be smeared with the intimate relationship with him. the breath of the past.

Yan Yan went to the kitchen to heat up a bowl of pork ribs soup cooked at noon, carefully tasted the temperature, and then brought it into the bedroom.

The lights were not turned on in the room, and the dimly lit room had a smell of fishy sweetness, which vaguely stimulated Yan Yan's nerve endings.

Jiang Ting seemed to regain a little consciousness, curled up his overly opened body, half-drooping his eyes, his sweaty eyelashes still sticking together. Yan Yan picked him up and leaned into his arms, kissing him constantly, from the temples to the eyelids, and feeding him sparerib soup spoon by spoon to supplement his extremely exhausted physical strength.

"..." Jiang Ting opened his mouth after a long time and made a hoarse voice: "Go and take a shower..."

Yan Xun put down the bowl and rubbed his face and side of his neck repeatedly. It seemed that he finally got some great treasure. He didn't even want to let go for a moment, and after a while he whispered, "Wait a minute."

Jiang Ting had no strength and fell asleep in a daze. In the middle of the night, he was forced to wake up again by the breathless thrusts and thrusts. His body was so paralyzed that it didn't feel like his own. He couldn't even make a sound. Inside, deep, heavy and fast, it was brutally crushed back and forth between the twists and turns of the ravaged tender meat.

"... Yan... Yan Yan... "

Every time the weapon twitched quickly, it made a sticky sound of water, and even the inner thighs were rubbed red. Yan Xun was panting heavily in the confrontation that was even more ruthless than the beast, and leaned into Jiang Ting's ear and said, "Well, I'm here."

Jiang Ting closed his eyes, and the water stains washed the pupils into extra black, but the back, the back of the neck, and even the cheeks, large areas of skin were white and glowing in the night.

"I'm here, Jiang Ting." Yan Yan kissed his ear and whispered, "I've been here."

That was Jiang Ting's last memory before he lost consciousness.

Drowsy, sore.

Jiang Ting opened his eyes, and it took him a long time to recover from the hazy discomfort. His distracted eyes gradually focused on the alarm clock on the bedside table—13:45pm.

It was afternoon the next day.

Jiang Ting rolled over and sat up, and was immediately pulled out by a hidden pain somewhere, and it took a long time for him to tremble and relax his muscles a little.

He had been washed all over his body, and changed into a loose short-sleeved white T as pajamas. The soft texture exuded the smell of sunshine, but because Yan Yan's size was too big, it seemed a little empty on his body. Looking from the standing mirror on the opposite corner of the bed, the neck and collarbone exposed between the wide neckline, as well as the arms under the short sleeves, bear all kinds of marks, which will not disappear for a while.

Jiang Ting closed his eyes gently and sat motionless on the bed, the quilt fell silently from his waist.

Jiang Ting's previous physique was not more than 30 seconds from deep sleep to the state of preparation for battle, but now it is obviously not good. It takes more than ten minutes to recover from the low blood pressure dizziness. After a long time, he finally opened his eyes tiredly again. Just as he was about to get out of bed, leave the master bedroom, and go to the guest bedroom to take a shower, his hand suddenly froze when he lifted the quilt.

He had a ring on his ring finger.

It was a seemingly ordinary platinum ring, and it was very new and could not see any traces of use. In fact, the size of this ring is just right on the middle finger, but for some reason Yan Yan still put it on the ring finger, which looks a little loose.

Jiang Ting was silent for a long time, then took off the ring and placed it gently on the bedside table.

He got up and walked out of the master bedroom, which was full of strong sternness, and went back to the guest bedroom next door where he had been living to wash his face. When he got up, he looked at his water-drenched face in the mirror, with some doubts deep in his eyes, as if he didn't quite understand.

Where does it look good? he thinks.

After a while, he shook his head mockingly, turned around, and suddenly bumped into Yan Yan, who was leaning quietly against the door frame with his arms folded.

"..." The two faced each other for a moment, Yan Yan seemed to have not seen Jiang Ting's empty left ring finger, and a smile slowly appeared on that handsome face: "Morning, Team Jiang."

The joking element in these words is so obvious to the point of being beaten up.

"It's afternoon," Jiang Ting said without raising his head, and wiped his face with a towel. He didn't know if it was because of this or because of last night, his lips were still slightly red. Yan Yan watched intently, until Jiang Ting finished washing up and tried to bypass him and walk out of the bathroom, when he suddenly grabbed Jiang Ting's hand.

The movements of the two stopped, and they stood in a very limited space and stared at each other.

Yan Yan moved his mouth and said slowly, "Jiang Ting..."

Just when Jiang Ting thought he was going to say something, he saw Yan Yan suddenly stopped and smiled: "I made something to eat, come on."

Yan Yan is more than just "cooking something to eat", it is like moving the Cantonese-style morning tea from a five-star hotel into his home. On the dining table, there are preserved egg and lean meat porridge, chicken feet, fresh bamboo rolls, various shrimp dumplings, etc. Dazzling. I don't know when he got up and called to order food. The porridge was still warm, just the temperature you could eat.

"Is it too much?" Jiang Ting raised his voice.

Yan Yan took the dishes in the kitchen, "You eat first, and you have to go out later!"

Jiang Ting didn't listen carefully, and when Yan Yan turned his head, he glanced sideways into the master bedroom.

—The ring on the bedside table had indeed been quietly put away.

Jiang Ting breathed out silently.

"It's hard to give me a suspension review. I have to wonder if Bureau Lu has insight into the future and gave me a marriage leave ahead of time." Yan Yan took a bowl out of the kitchen and filled Jiang Ting with preserved egg and lean meat porridge, sighing. : "Especially when I woke up this morning, I thought there would be at least a dozen missed calls or a hundred and eighty things waiting in the bureau, hey, who knew that there was only Ma Xiang's short-sighted thing I made a phone call and just asked about the case file."

"Because the rest of your team has gone to work."

"Hey, Yu team works half a day every day. Ma Xiang said that the rest of the work is presided over by Lu Bureau."

Jiang Ting's spoon slightly knocked on the edge of the bowl.

Yan Yan sat on the chair next to him, staring at Jiang Ting to eat, and suddenly asked, "Is it unpalatable?"

Cantonese-style morning tea, like Sichuan-style hot pot, is the ace Chinese food that can conquer the world and sit in the country. Jiang Ting regained his senses, shook his head and said, "No, it tastes good."

"Is this chair comfortable for you to sit on?"

"Ah?" Jiang Ting didn't respond.

Yan Yan said seriously, "Wouldn't the chair be too hard?"

"… "

Jiang Ting stopped in the air with his chopsticks holding half a fresh bamboo roll, staring blankly at Yan Yan. The next second, he was suddenly picked up by Yan Yan with lightning speed, and quickly took him into his arms, forcibly forcing him. Sitting on his lap: "Come, come and sit with me, it's softer in my arms..."

"Yan Yun, you daytime-"

"Come and let me feed you this, I specially ordered a cage of leeks and shrimp dumplings, leeks are good for your health..."

Jiang Ting didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he hurriedly struggled out of Yan Yun's arms, knocked off the green chives and shrimp dumplings on his chopsticks, and stuffed a piece of steamed fish belly into his bowl: "Eat less leeks and more fish, your kidneys really don't need to be replenished. , make up your mind!"

Yan Yan shook his head regretfully, then glanced at the piece of fish and sighed, "Forget it, whatever you gave me is delicious." Then he glanced at Jiang Ting's waist with worried eyes.

Jiang Ting, a seriously ill patient who had been in a coma for three years, didn't bother to argue with Yan Yan. He lowered his head and drank half a bowl of porridge, then put down the small white porcelain spoon, feeling that his stomach was full. . Yan Yan saw that his face was fine today, so he stopped forcing him to eat more, and said while cleaning up the dishes, "You can go out with me later and come back at night."


"Birthday." Yan Yan laughed: "Although I don't think a man's birthday is very meaningful after he turns 18, but every year there are a large family of relatives who want to get together, in addition to helping me celebrate in name, of course, There are some others... After all, my parents gave birth to me, and the business stall is so big."

Maybe because Yan Yan's usual performance is too simple and down-to-earth, and can't be reminiscent of any bloody rich and powerful family's grievances, so when he said this, Jiang Ting couldn't help but look at him unexpectedly.

Afraid of his misunderstanding, Yan Yan quickly explained: "But my mission is just to make an appearance in the past, to show that I am still alive, to call on my relatives to unite and live in harmony, and then come back after eating and drinking. They will not ask more questions if you are with me. , just say that you are my friend, and my parents won't say anything nonsense, don't worry."

Jiang Ting hesitated for a few seconds under Yan Yan's unstoppable eager gaze, and said slowly, "But... I'm quite tired today, why don't I talk about it next time?"

"We can just go around and come back in ten minutes."

Jiang Ting still shook his head: "Your relatives usually have a lot of friends. I'm like this, it's better to avoid such crowded occasions, forget it."

Yan Yan's eyes seemed a little disappointed.

But the advantage of Yan Yan as an adult in his thirties is that he can quickly control his emotions, so he nodded nonchalantly and replied, "That's true." Then he even smiled and waved his hand and said, "Then you Rest at home, I'll be back soon."

Yan Yan said that he must go home early, but he did not leave the house early at all. He diligently packed the tableware and chopsticks, dragged Jiang Ting to the cloakroom of the master bedroom, opened the front special equipment wardrobe for blind dates, took out each shirt and kept making gestures in front of his upper body, repeatedly asking Jiang Ting for his opinion: "Are you handsome? How about this one?"

Jiang Ting said, "Handsome, handsome."

"What about this one?"

Jiang Ting put his hands in the pockets of his trousers at home, and said helplessly, "He's also handsome, he's all handsome."

Yan Yan stopped after hearing the words. His upper body was naked. He had been working in the front line and insisting on exercising for many years to maintain a perfect body shape. Dressed to be thin, undressed and fleshy, he threateningly pulled Jiang Ting to the corner of the cloakroom, lowered his head and gritted his teeth and asked, "Why are you so perfunctory? Yesterday? Didn't you say that in bed late?"

"..." Jiang Ting's face was a little red, but he was still very calm: "What did I say last night?"

"You hug me and say that my husband is so handsome, so handsome, the most powerful in the world..."

Jiang Ting burst out laughing, raised his head and tried to pull a few centimeters away, and said solemnly: "Your good looks have nothing to do with what clothes you wear."

Yan Yan was about to teach him a lesson, but he didn't expect Jiang Detachment to say these words, and was stunned at the time.

"So don't go naked in your clothes," Jiang Ting said with a smile, "then everyone will know that you are the most powerful in the world."

Before Yan Yan had time to act, Jiang Ting, who was already prepared, had already slipped out against the corner of the wall and rushed to the door of the master bedroom in three and two steps, when Yan Yanfei, who had reacted, rushed forward and pulled it back and pressed him on the bed. , he restrained his hands and feet a few times, and forced himself into the creaking nest and scratched: "You come back to me! Where do you run to?!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong..." Jiang Ting struggled and begged for mercy with a smile: "Okay, you look good in whatever you wear, oh don't push me..."

Yan Yan grabbed Jiang Ting's waistband and wanted to shove it down, but was caught by the latter and failed. The two tumbled and scuffled on the big bed for a while, and finally ended when Jiang Ting kept begging for mercy and claimed that "it hurts". Jiang Ting watched it for a while before he said angrily, "I'll give you two days later... I'll... I'll give you another one tonight."

Jiang Ting was squeaked out of breath, his black and white eyes were full of water, his cheeks were slightly red, and his black hair was messily pressed against the snow-white sheets.

Yan Yan couldn't bear it, he lowered his head and sniffed anxiously around his neck, as if he was holding a tender and delicious prey in his arms, but he couldn't eat it. After a long time, he finally got up unwillingly and muttered: "Why don't you want to eat more leeks..."

Jiang Ting made a deterrent gesture: "Will you try again if you don't leave?"

Yan Yan covered her crotch and went into the cloakroom. After a while, she finally changed her clothes, grabbed her hair and came out. He really didn't really want to dress up to meet relatives. Without Jiang Ting as a display object, he only changed into ordinary polo shirts and jeans, and wore a stainless steel watch on his hand, which looked better than wearing a formal suit. Young, the breath of a frizzy young man who just fell in love can't be stopped between his brows and eyes.

Jiang Ting was sitting in the living room drinking tea and playing Go. When he looked up and saw him like this, the corners of his pale red mouth seemed to want to laugh, but he held back his expression blankly.

"Why are you laughing?"


Yan Yan snorted complacently and said, "Kiss one kiss one..."

Yan Yan bent down in front of the sofa, greasy and crookedly grabbed Jiang to stop, and exchanged a long kiss that smelled of lemon mouthwash. It wasn't until a few minutes later that he parted reluctantly, stared into Jiang Ting's eyes, and then kissed his eyelids again.

Jiang Ting closed his eyes, and felt the warm breath passing from the end of his eyelashes, and it was a touch.

"You have finished drinking my daughter-in-law's tea, and you want to lift your pants and run away," Yan Yan whispered.

Jiang Ting didn't say a word, he was calm, and his ears were a little red. This time, he finally couldn't put the blame on the innocent Han Xiaomei.

"I'll bring it to you when I come back at night, ah." Yan Yan couldn't help laughing: "The old Tongxing photographed at that time has five cakes in one tube."

Jiang Ting: "..."

"But I only have one daughter-in-law," Yan Yan winked at him with a teasing smile, and before Jiang Ting could answer this, he turned around and left the house.