Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 97


At the gate of Jianning Municipal Bureau, Yan Yan hurried down the steps, the hem of his black jacket lifted in the rain with his footsteps.

"Where are you going, Brother Yan?" Ma Xiang chased after him and asked loudly, "Would you like to join me? Hey, Brother Yan!"

Yan Yan got into the police car door, waved her hand without looking back, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

"After identification, the rifling, primer and firing pin marks on this 9mm Luger bullet can all be determined to be fired by the Type 92 military and police gun, but no matching rifling records have been found within the province's public security system. It shows two possibilities. First, this pistol is a military gun, but the data of the ordnance is never disclosed to the outside world, and naturally it is impossible to check it; Lost police gun."

"As for the first possibility, Lao Wei has asked his old classmates in the army to help him check, and it seems that the possibility is very small. As for the second case, we have already made a report to the Ministry of Public Security, and we are preparing to send a report from the national police. In the missing gun database, unified screening and inspection are carried out.”

The headlights of the police car penetrated the rain and fog, and the wipers repeatedly drew two arcs.

The voice of Director Lu in the office of Director Fang Cai still reverberated in his ears, Yan Xun's black sword-like brows were locked, and the police car drove through the puddle.

"The road surveillance around the scene of the police raid in Jiangyang County has been screened several times, but no trace of the gunman has been found, and there is no clue about the interrogation of Fan Wu and others. But Lao Wei turned all the self-made cameras of the surrounding businesses. After coming out, after a large number of investigations and visits, I finally locked a suspicious man who hurried in and out of the scene when the crime happened, and he was a criminal who had a history of robbery, theft, and 'selling small bags'."

"Have you been arrested?" Yan Yan asked immediately.

Bureau Lu nodded, and after a while, he slowly shook it again.

"You are... "

"The suspect is dead."

Yan Yan's face changed instantly: "Dead?"

Lu Bureau exhaled.

"National Highway 734, a hit-and-run traffic accident, has been frozen by the traffic police squadron as an unnamed body in a local funeral home." Lu Ju paused and said in a low voice, "We didn't get the news until the local police station found the source of the body at noon today, and we missed it too. The best time for investigation... If the date of death of the suspect's 'traffic accident' is calculated, it should be around the eleventh or twelfth day after you were shot."

The phone on the passenger seat suddenly rang, and the ringing interrupted Yan Yan's chaotic thoughts.


"I told you that cross-jurisdictional investigations require provincial and departmental approval procedures, and don't act without authorization. Why did Xiaoma say that you have been blown out of the city bureau like a tornado?" Deputy Bureau Wei was almost half-dead from this worry-free bastard. : "Where are you, don't panic! Lao Lu has sent investigators and a forensic doctor to assist you. You stop to have a meal first, they will be there later!"

"What time is it, what do you want to eat? I just brought two pieces of bread from the city bureau to eat." Yan Xun drove the car and glanced impatiently at the sign above the road: "I'm heading to Jiangyang now. Go to the county, get on the expressway in five minutes, let the forensic doctor and the others follow me behind my car, and meet at the Jiangyang County Funeral Home."

Deputy Bureau Wei was about to habitually talk about the importance of eating well and keeping healthy, when he heard the words, he suddenly became furious: "Who is meeting with your funeral home? If you don't know how to speak, don't say it! The hairy boy doesn't know the importance, and the criminal policeman needs to discuss it the most. I'm so happy, how many times have I told you not to push around all day—"

On the phone, there was a faint persuasion from Director Lu: "Old Wei, don't be so angry..."

Yan Yun couldn't help laughing, thinking that the old man was quite superstitious, and hung up the call.

Who knew it was evil. Just as he threw his phone back into the passenger seat, it suddenly rang again, this time it was Jiang Ting.

Yan Yan paused, his expression seemed to have changed subtly, but he still picked up: "Hello?"

"Where are you?"

Yan Yan's eyes flickered, and then he hummed casually: "Yo, it's so strange. You can actually receive two calls from Captain Jiang in just three hours. Did I win the jackpot?"

Judging from the background sound of the call, Jiang Ting should have taken a deep breath.

"Where are you? Why don't you go home?"

Even though he knew it was impossible, out of a guilty conscience, Yan Yan subconsciously glanced at the rear-view mirror and side-view mirror. It was getting late at this time, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the visibility around was very low. Cars came and went at the entrance of the highway, but no familiar shadows were found in the front and rear.

"Me? You don't care where I am. If you're not married, don't worry about what a man does after get off work. What's the matter? I know I'm going home today, but I didn't go looking for your surnamed Yang?"

Jiang Ting obviously wouldn't respond to such a provocative and meaningless question. His voice over the phone was slightly aggravated: "You are driving. Where are you going?"

- Yan Yan suddenly heard Jiang Zing's meaning from these words: He is going home from KTV tonight.

At the entrance of the expressway, a black and blue police SUV marked "Jianning Public Security" sped down, breaking through the heavy gray rain. After a while, a silver G65 followed the police car at the high speed, and the taillights of the car glowed red in the night.

Yan Yan put one hand on the bottom of the steering wheel, pondered for a moment, and said, "Run away with Ma Xiang."

Jiang Ting: "..."

"I'm not kidding you. Before I got off work, the branch suddenly reported a case. It should be a major burglary. Lao Wei told me to go to the scene before going home. I might have to go to the branch to have a meeting with the criminal police brigade later. I Now near the Fuyang District Bureau, you may have to stay up all night tonight, you should go home first."

Deputy Yan's Detachment really lived up to his reputation as the No. 1 Best Actor in Jianning's Oscars. He spoke calmly and naturally in just a few words, and he couldn't hear the slightest difference at all. After a while, he suddenly remembered something, and hummed, "If I find out that you haven't been honest with your family after returning to Jianning, and secretly ran out to meet Yang Mei privately, you should be careful... Hey, Hey?"

Jiang Ting Junxiu's face was expressionless, staring at the fleeting taillights of the police car in front of the highway, and suddenly stepped on the accelerator.


G65 is like a performance monster, roaring like lightning, and instantly jumping out of the cover of darkness!

"Hello?" Yan Yan suddenly felt that something was wrong, he lost his phone and looked outside.

In the heavy rain in the dark night, a familiar silver phantom broke through the thick fog and kept pace with the left side of the police car. The street lights outlined the iconic Founder model and Biturbo logo in the rain.

Immediately after the window was lowered, Jiang Ting's clear and cold profile was revealed from the driver's seat.

Yan Yan: "…"

The two cars were speeding on the highway at the exact same speed, like a boat breaking through the stormy waves in the vast darkness. Yan Yan stared at Jiang Ting through the car window as if he was living in a ghost. It might be because of shock and anger. Suddenly, his temples throbbed and hurt: "Why are you here?"

Jiang Ting's indifferent voice sounded on the cell phone: "Why didn't you tell me you were going to Jiangyang County?"

"I..." Yan Yan was speechless.

"What happened in Jiangyang County, is there a new clue in the case of Fan Wu's gang attacking the police last time? Yan Yan! If something happened around you, you must tell me!"

Jiang Ting's usual calm and calm voice was rarely filled with anger, Yan Yan couldn't breathe, and suddenly felt an abnormal tightness in his chest, and a strange anger rushed to the back of his head involuntarily: "Why should I tell you?!"

"You didn't realize the seriousness of this..."

"Did you tell me everything?! How much did you hide from me?! Why did I have to tell you everything when I came to my side, who are you?!"

The high-speed car was fast. At this time, they had already driven out of Jianning City. The two cars rushed onto the winding mountain road at the same time. The road illuminated by the street lights in front of them was like countless curved pythons, tangled together strangely.

No, Yan Yan's brain was dizzy, and suddenly a cold touch crawled across his brain.

It doesn't feel right.

"I came to you just to tell you something, but it doesn't make sense to say it now..."

Jiang Ting's voice came from the phone, but for some reason it was suddenly near and far, it sounded as indistinct as it was across the sea:

"Your safety is very important to me. If there is a new situation in Jiangyang County's case, or anything happens around you, you must tell me as soon as possible..."

Yan Yan was panting rapidly, feeling a burst of blackness in front of her eyes, and her heart was beating rapidly in her chest. All the blood was pressed to the ends of the limbs by the chaotic heartbeat, so that the hands and feet were numb and breathless, and all the scenery was twisted into mottled patches of color behind the galloping windshield.

What's wrong with me? he thinks.

This situation is not right, brake, brake fast—

But his feet couldn't move like lead, and he stepped on the accelerator a little bit. His hands quickly turned blue and purple, and even with all his strength, he could only slowly slip off the steering wheel.

"Jiang Zing..." Yan Yan used all his strength, but only let out a breath as thin as a gnat:

"... Jiang Ting... "

Before he lost consciousness, his last and strongest thought was, get away from me, I'm going to crash—

Yan Yan closed his eyes and slid his hands completely off the steering wheel. At that moment, the police car lost control and roared towards the overpass guardrail!

Jiang Ting shouted, "Yan Yun!"

On a rainy day, the road was slippery, and the police car that lost control could not grasp the ground at all, and spun to the left!

On the right side of Yan Yan is the winding road on the side of the road, on the left side lane is the G65 where Jiang stopped, and on the left side is the guardrail that separates the hillside. Although the guardrail seems to be very strong, the speed of the police car before losing control has reached an astonishing 130, and the huge collision force is enough to make the car jump over the guardrail and plunge into the valley!

Torrential rain, highways, tumbling car bodies, tumbling and tragic collisions... All similar details are like a blood-colored web, sweeping from every corner of the field of vision, all of which did not enter Jiang Ting's pupils that suddenly shrank.

Yes, he has been through.

The car accident that caused him to be in a coma for three years, the nightmare that never disappeared, and the fear projections that appear in his mind from time to time to this day...

In an instant, Jiang Ting's toes had touched the brake pedal. As long as he stepped on it, the outstanding braking performance of the G65 would immediately bring the entire body to an abrupt stop. He would stay in the safety zone and watch the police car roaring from the front and rushing into the abyss.

- Just hit the brakes.

In the next second, Jiang Ting almost closed his eyes and kicked the accelerator to the end!


There was only a trace of G65 left on the spot, and in an instant it rushed to the left side of the police car, like a steel beast coming out of the gate, forcibly squeezed into the angle between the approaching police car and the guardrail!

The police SUV has completely lost its control. Under the effect of terrible inertia, it sprinted to the left and approached the valley; the G65 went hand in hand with it, relying on its powerful off-road body to push the police car to the top of the mountain wall, and Jiang stopped in severe bumps. Zhong Meng hit the steering wheel, and the back of the hand and the arm were all bursting with blue veins!

stab - stab -

The sides of the two cars rubbed together, and scorching sparks erupted. At this moment, "Wow!" With a huge G65 shock, Jiang Ting almost let go of the steering wheel. He glanced out of the corner of his eye, and all the pores on his body suddenly opened up—

The police car had cornered the G65 to the edge of the hill, and the dark valley behind the guardrail was just under the wheels.

The metal of the guardrail could not withstand the heavy pressure of the two cars. While rapidly deforming, the left side mirror of the G65 was squeezed into powder!

After a lapse of three years, the shadow of the broken body once again fell on Jiang Ting's head, and he even heard the ravings of death in his ears again. But at this critical moment, his heart calmed down like never before.

Don't be afraid of Yan Yan, you won't fall.

I can't let you fall-

Jiang Ting slammed on the handbrake and turned the steering wheel. Against the double strangulation of the left guardrail and the right police car, he pushed the heavy body onto the road inch by inch. The friction of the tires of the two cars made a screeching sound of tearing eardrums. At the same time, the left and right doors of the G65 wiped out terrifying electric sparks, and in that bright moment, the speed on the dashboard climbed steadily, one hundred three, one hundred five, one hundred six, one hundred nine...

The speed of life and death caused the G65 to explode with greater thrust, and the police car was pushed hard to the road one by one, and finally slumped away from the guardrail and rushed towards the mountain wall!


Jiang Ting only had time to pronounce this word.

Even the performance monster G65 couldn't handle Jiang Ting's extreme tightrope driving, and finally lost control at the moment when the police car slammed into the highway.

The silver steel body spun wildly in the heavy rain, and the rear wheels raised fan-shaped sand and gravel mud, shooting in all directions in the heavy rain. The front of the car, which had completely lost its grip, roared and hit the rocks.

—Bam! !

The final impact seemed to be far away, and it seemed to penetrate the eardrum and exploded directly into the brain.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Ting could not feel the existence of his whole body, and he also lost the concept of time. Everything in front of him turned into a double image, and in a trance, he only felt that the nasal cavity was hot, and the mouth and even the throat were filled with sticky warm liquid.



He felt his eyelids heavy, and an invisible force dragged him down into the gentle abyss. There is a vast darkness, neither pain nor fear, sadness and nostalgia are pulled away, only he is alone floating in the deep sea.

- What about Yan Yan? he thought vaguely.

If I leave, where will Yan Yan go

In the dark cab, Jiang Ting twitched his fingers, his throat spasmed, and he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood!

"Cough, cough, cough, cough—"

Jiang Ting was choking violently, he didn't know where the strength came from, and he shivered and pushed open the car door.

The G65 is worthy of the title of Mountain Road Fighter. If you change it to an ordinary off-road vehicle, the whole body may be twisted into a twist. It is just a deformation of the front bumper, a large pit in the door, and a half-shattered windshield. Fortunately, this is the case. Jiang Ting's weak physique was able to save his life by luck in such a violent collision.

Jiang Ting dragged himself out of the car. As soon as he touched the ground, his whole body became weak, and he couldn't support himself and knelt down, his hands subconsciously propped up on the ground.

He couldn't feel the pain anymore, and all of a sudden, his palms felt wet and hot, but he didn't realize that it was blood from the broken windows of the car all over the floor.


Jiang Ting reluctantly got up and stumbled towards the police car in the heavy rain.

Yan Yan's natural fortune was fully demonstrated at this moment - the police car that was spinning at high speed on the spot slammed into the mountain wall, the rear half of the carriage was twisted into steel scraps, but the first half was miraculously intact. Jiang Tu forcefully opened the deformed car door, grabbed Yan Yan's arm and carried it on his shoulders, gritted his teeth and dragged him from the airbag to the ground, patting his cold face: "Yan Yan... cough cough cough! Yan Yan! "

no respond.

Yan Yan's face was blue and purple, and his breathing was weak. Jiang Ting didn't have time to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth. He knelt on the ground and probed his breath, and pressed the carotid artery to check the pulse.

Yan Yan's heart rhythm is seriously arrhythmia, and she can feel the sudden fast and slow down just by touching it with her hand. If this continues, it will cause ventricular fibrillation!

How is this going? !

hum - hum -

Suddenly, there was a vibration in the picture in the torrential rain, and Jiang Ting Mi raised his head in an instant, it was a mobile phone!

"Hello, Brother Yan?"

Ma Xiang was sitting in the back seat of the police car, playing mobile games quickly while talking on the headset, shouting cheerfully: "Brother Gou and I have brought a few trainees to rush off the highway, where have you been? A place to have dinner by the way-”

"It's me, Lu Chengjiang."

"Ouch, Consultant Lu?" Ma Xiang was both surprised and delighted: "I heard Brother Yan say that your husband and wife are not quarreling with each other, that..."

"Yan Yan had an accident. The car hit the middle of the Panshan Highway."

Ma Xiang was caught off guard, and the phone fell to the ground: "What?!"

Jiang Ting's trembling gasps came from the rushing rain. Although he could hear calmness, his voice was hoarse as if every mouth was full of blood:

"Contact the nearest hospital and ambulance immediately. We were trapped in the rain. Yan Yan's situation may have been poisoned."