Breaking up, No Joke

Chapter 85


Five children, with an average age of five, got lost in the town for ten minutes before they found the convenience store under the guidance of locals.

The owner of the convenience store is a gentle and handsome man. He looked at the five children with a smile and said, "Children, do you need to buy anything?"

Liu Xiaoshuai was the oldest here, and his personality was relatively calm compared to the other children. He took a step forward and said, "Boss, let's buy lunch."

"I want candy." Little Watermelon was obsessed with finding candy for his beloved Ba Ba.

Liu Xiaoshuai turned around, took Xiao Xigua's hand, and with a straight face, he taught him a serious lesson: "No, you can't eat sweets for lunch, you will get cavities. We have to bring lunch to the dads."

"But I don't have fast food here. You can go in and take a look and bring out anything you like." The handsome uncle said with a smile, "But you have to pay."

After Xiao Xigua heard that he could go in to get something, he immediately shook off Liu Xiaoshuai's hand and walked in quickly. After searching for a long time, he couldn't find the candy, so he could only say regretfully: "There is no candy."

Weiwei is a handsome young boy of mixed race. When he saw this, he handed the pickled cabbage-flavored instant noodles he found to Xiao Xigua with a righteous look on his face and said: "This taste is my favorite food, and your dad will definitely like it too." Eat, it’s given to you!”

Xiao Xigua hurriedly took it and thanked him very politely, "Thank you, Brother Weiwei."

Weiwei waved his hand, turned around and gave himself another pack.

At this time, I had no choice but to type on the screen [Hey, hey, hey! Haven't paid yet!]

[Ahahahahahahahaha, it’s so cute. It’s so cute that I want to have a baby with my boyfriend!]

[Wei Wei’s expression of finding a treasure is really something I’ve never seen before, hahaha]

Little Watermelon walked to the checkout counter holding the instant noodles bigger than his head, and said in a sweet voice: "Uncle, please help me get it." The handsome uncle took the instant noodles, and then followed Little Watermelon's request and used a After filling the bag, he handed it to Little Watermelon again and said, "What do you want to do?"

Little Watermelon put the bag on the ground and dragged it with his hands to save time and effort. "Goodbye, uncle, I'm going back to find Ba Ba."

"But you didn't pay. If you don't pay, this thing can't be given to you." The handsome uncle squatted on the ground, pulled the other end of the bag with his fingers, and stopped the little watermelon from leaving.

Xiao Xigua frowned, unhappy: "I'll go back to Ba Ba to give you money."

"I don't know if you are lying. What should I do if you are lying?" The handsome uncle looked innocent.

Little Watermelon stood there, thinking hard.

At this time, Liu Xiaoshuai appeared beside them and said, "I have money, give it to you."

The handsome uncle turned around and looked at the fifty cents Liu Xiaoshuai was holding in the air. He was silent for a moment and said, "Fifty cents can't even buy a pack of instant noodles, let alone five bags in a pack."

"Oh." Liu Xiaoshuai put the money into his pocket and patted Xiao Xigua on the head, "Don't be afraid, brother will protect you."

Xiao Xigua looked at the instant noodles with a sad face. Ba Ba hadn't eaten yet, and he hadn't eaten either, but his uncle wouldn't let him leave. What should he do

Weiwei watched for a long time, holding ham sausage and instant noodles firmly in his hands, with a thoughtful look on his face, "Uncle, do you really want to be so cruel?"

'' 9, "Uncle, you have caused me so much pain!" Wei Wei looked at the handsome uncle with a sad face, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today."

The handsome uncle smiled, "What did I do to you?"

Weiwei took advantage of holding the instant noodles in one hand and the ham sausage in the other. He spread his legs and ran towards the door. As he ran, he shouted, "Jianghu is here for help. I'll give it to you when the Ai family gets back the money!"

Everyone present was stunned for a moment.

Audiences:"… "

[Empress Dowager Wei, your shameless trick of escaping the golden cicada's shell and attacking the west is really amazing!]

[Confused face...]

[The psychological shadow of the football coach and boss hahaha]

The handsome uncle stood at the door of the convenience store, looking at Weiwei's back as he ran away with a helpless expression. After a while, he suddenly laughed, "These kids..."

Just as he was talking, he saw Xiao Xigua dragging the bag of instant noodles past him with a determined look on his face, and couldn't help but say, "You didn't pay."

"But Brother Weiwei didn't pay." Xiao Xigua said with a righteous face, "You can't bully children, Ba Ba said, he will give you money."

The handsome uncle was speechless and stood at the door with his hands on his hips. He watched expressionlessly as the four children happily left his convenience store with their "trophies". He half-smiled but said, "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. I'm old and can't compete with these little farts." It’s a baby.”

Just as he was talking, the steward hurried over to settle the bill with money. The handsome uncle gave up sighing and took out his mobile phone from his pocket, counting one by one how many things the five children had taken from him.

It took nearly an hour for the five fathers to wait for their cute babies to come back.

Weiwei came back first, holding the trophies and telling his father about his heroic deeds. From time to time, he would speak a few foreign languages, his face full of pride.

Wei Cangsheng, a big figure in the literary and art world, sighed, took out a tissue to wipe his son's sweat, and then began his long lecture.

The remaining four children walked back one after another. Little Watermelon had short legs, so he was the slowest to walk back. When he saw Bai Yu, he waved excitedly, "Ba Ba, lunch!"

Bai Yu was heartbroken, "Are you tired?"

"I'm not tired." Little Watermelon's eyes were bright, "Baba, you can kiss Little Watermelon and you won't be tired."

A master at flirting with men? Little Xigua slowly closed her eyes in front of the camera, waiting for him to kiss him domineeringly.

Bai Yu kissed the child's face hard, "Our little watermelon is awesome!"

Xiao Xigua held her face in her hands and laughed, then buried her face in Bai Yu's arms embarrassedly: "Yeah."

The babies chose their houses one after another, then ate the food they brought back from the convenience store and took a nap.

During this period, Bai Yu was busy promoting the Nine Heavenly Tribulation, which was to be broadcast in a few days, so he had very little time to rest. Now that he had time, he hugged Little Watermelon and slept in bed for a whole night before waking up.

At the same time, the Song family.

Father Song took the portfolio from Uncle Song, waved his hand and said, "You go out first."

Said,, 狖.

Uncle Song left the study, and Father Song took out the two documents from the portfolio, opened them and put them in front of him. He was silent for a long time before slowly opening them.

Turning to the last page, Song's father looked at the identification results above: After identification, the DNA index of Mr. Song and Mr. Song was 99-99%, indicating that they were father and son.

Song's father breathed a sigh of relief, took out the second document, and opened it to the last page. When he saw the identification results written on it, the questions that had been lingering in his heart finally got a satisfactory answer - he really didn't guess wrong. .

After identification, the DNA index of Mr. Bai and Mr. Xiao Song was 99.99%, indicating a father-son relationship.

Father Song put the two documents into the portfolio, and the corners of his cold mouth slowly raised.

To be on the safe side, the institution he asked Uncle Song to take for appraisal was a place far away from Huacheng, and the level of security and confidentiality was very high.

In order to avoid accidents, the cautious Uncle Song did not write the names of the three people when filling out the materials, but only wrote a code name.

Father Song took a sip from the tea cup, then returned to the bedroom with the file bag, put the things in the drawer of Mother Song's dressing table, turned around, left the bedroom, and returned to the study to continue working.

Now that all the doubts in his heart have been solved, there is no need to continue to be distracted by these things.

In the evening, after watching the TV series, Mother Song returned to the bedroom, sat on the chair on the dressing table, looked at herself in the mirror and sighed, then opened the drawer and prepared to find her essential oils. I didn't find it, but I saw a file bag. My heart skipped a beat and I took it out to look at.

Five minutes later, Song's mother's eyes were bloodshot and she fell on the bed clutching her chest, looking in disbelief.

She is not stupid. This file package must have been placed by Song's father when it appeared in her dressing table drawer. As for the names of the three people in the document, Song's mother instantly understood what they meant.

But it was precisely because she understood that she behaved like this.


Xiao Xigua is the eldest grandson of their Song family, Xiao Lin is the child's biological father... Bai Yu is also Xiao Xigua's biological father.

Well, if you put it this way, then... wouldn't it be!

The world is in complete chaos!

Father Song stood at the door and saw Mother Song's look of disbelief. He sighed, walked in, sat on the bed and said, "I remember Xiao Lin said before that he broke up with Bai Yu."

"I know you have investigated. Let me tell you the results of your investigation." Father Song said coldly.

Song's mother was dejected, "I thought Xiao Lin was lying to me, so I checked and found that they really broke up, and Bai Yu also left..."

"It must have been two years since he left, and Xiao Xigua is now exactly two years old." Song's father said meaningfully, "It's time for you to learn to control your temper and find a time to apologize to the two juniors. .”

Mother Song was silent.

Back then, a large part of the reason why Song Shilin and Bai Yu broke up was because she was the one who got in the way. At that time, she was also misled by Qi Yan, who had just returned to China...

Song's mother sighed and said, "I don't have to apologize. I won't interfere in their affairs in the future."

"Even if you want to interfere, they won't give you the chance to do so." Song's father exposed her, "Try to accept it. In fact, his temper is not bad."

Mother Song didn't speak, and she nodded slowly for a while, "Yes, I know.

Father Song put away the file bag, then walked to the door, paused, and said: As the eldest brother, he also needs to know about the things in it. "


□Author's gossip: "Let the boss come back and have a look at some time. [086] Scandal