Breaking up, No Joke

Chapter 95


After the food was put on the table, the assistant on the side came up and whispered: "Mr. Song, the matter is solved^" Song Shilin paused in scooping up the porridge, "I understand."

Little Watermelon bit a cucumber slice in his mouth and said vaguely: "Eat it, Ba Ba?"

"Pack it back and give it to him later. You eat first." Song Shilin raised his wrist and glanced at his watch. When he found that the time was almost up, he took out his tablet and pressed the video chat button.

The video was quickly connected, and after a while, a man who looked 50% similar to Song Shilin appeared on the other side of the video. He straightened his tie and said, "Xiao Lin."

Song Shilin said in a deep voice: "Brother."

"Is he the little watermelon?" The man looked at the little watermelon sitting on the side and chewing the bun obediently. The corners of his tight mouth slightly curved, and he said with satisfaction: "He is very cute."


It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when Bai Yu woke up. He scratched his hair and crawled out of bed sleepily. As soon as he finished washing, he saw Song Shilin and his son walking in with packaging bags in their hands.

"What did you buy?"

Bai Yu took the beef rice and a few side dishes out of the bag and took a few big mouthfuls. Feeling choked, he walked to the refrigerator and took out a can of beer, and drank half of it.

Song Shilin, who had no time to stop him, frowned and scolded in a cold voice: "Come here to drink soup and put down the beer."

Bai Yu licked the corner of his mouth, reluctantly put the remaining half bottle of beer into the refrigerator, walked back, picked up the beef rice and continued eating, "Why are you guys back now?"

Little Watermelon rushed over and hugged Bai Yu's waist, with bright eyes, and said excitedly: "Ba Ba, I just saw... uncle!"


Song Shilin looked at Song Shilin suspiciously, "Is your elder brother back?"

"My eldest brother is still in a branch abroad and won't be able to come back in a short time."

Song Shilin took out his computer and started to process the emails sent to him by his subordinates. He explained without thinking: "Brother wants to meet Little Watermelon. They had a great time chatting."

The eldest brother of the Song family is stationed in overseas branches all year round. He is very similar to Song Shilin from appearance to personality. And because he is several years older than Song Shilin, his personality seems to be more reserved and deeper than him.


The three men of the Song family are all notoriously cold. How could Brother Song have such a happy chat with Little Watermelon

Bai Yu teased Xiao Xigua, "What did uncle just tell you?"

"Uncle said that he prepared a gift for me. The gifts are flying and I will get them soon." Little Watermelon was lying on the sofa playing puzzles with a deep look on his face.

In fact, if Little Watermelon didn't smile, she really looked like Song Shilin.

"Then do you like uncle?" Bai Yu poked Xiao Xigua's serious face with his hand. It was soft and cute.

"I like it!" Xiao Xigua was annoyed by him while playing puzzles, and said angrily: "Ba Ba, don't talk to me anymore."

Bai Yu said boredly. Seeing that the two father and son were busy with their own affairs, he also took out his tablet to watch TV. Darkness enveloped the earth, and the two parties were confronting each other.

Yin Li held the hostages and kept retreating to the rooftop. Next to him stood the poisonous boss.

The "hostage" lowered his hand and lightly tapped Yin Li's leg. Yin Li shuddered without any reaction.

This "hostage" is a close friend in the same department as him, and he is also a "hostage" who took the initiative to help him.

The boss gave all his trust to Yin Li, so when he escaped, he only took him with him and captured a silly "hostage" on the way.

Opposite them is the jc who came to arrest them.

Boss Du stood next to Yin Li and said in a deep voice: "As long as there are hostages in their hands, they will not be able to attack us. They will find a chance to break out later."

Yin Li nodded firmly.

Not long after, Yin Li and the three others were tightly surrounded by a group of JCs.

And just when the poisonous boss was talking to them calmly, Yin Li suddenly let go of the hostage and pounced on the boss fiercely.

Boss Poison didn't react for a while.

A large group of gangsters rushed over and held the boss down.

The boss shouted angrily: "Traitor! Yin Li, you traitor!"

"I'm not a traitor."

The thin Yin Li no longer looked like he was young and handsome back then. He looked into the boss's eyes and said one word at a time: "I am not a traitor, I am an undercover agent."

The poisonous boss's eyes were angry and unbelievable.

The scene changed, Yin Li accepted the medal given to him by his immediate superior, and then resolutely entered the rehabilitation center.

The moment he stepped into the iron gate, he turned back, glanced at the blue sky above his head again, and smiled.

This blue sky will eventually belong to him.

He will definitely come back.


When Shan Yan, the supporting actress on the side, looked at Bai Yu's last turned smile, her heart suddenly stopped, and then she started beating very fast.

The third female member of the crew who played well with her came over and asked, "Shan Yan, what are you looking at? Are you looking so fascinated?"

Shan Yan coughed awkwardly and said perfunctorily: "It's nothing, it's nothing. Don't talk nonsense."

The third girl followed her gaze and saw Bai Yu who had just finished shooting. She smiled knowingly and teased her: "Is it possible that you have fallen in love with Bai Yu? It's not bad, except that she will become a stepmother as soon as she gets married. , Baiyu is good in other aspects.”

Shan Yan's face turned redder, she lowered her head and said sheepishly: "Don't talk nonsense, I just... With him, I just think his acting skills are very good, I just admire him."

"Admiration? I think it's more like admiration."

The third female rudely poked her through, then approached Shan Yan's ear and whispered in a low voice: "Director Liu is inviting us to a wedding banquet tonight. He will definitely come. Then you should take the opportunity to get closer to him."

Shan Yan's heart was moved, but she still hesitated: "Can it be done? I'm afraid of him..."

"He still dislikes the beautiful woman who comes to his door? What are you afraid of!" The third female curled her lips in disdain and said, "However, you are hiding it too deeply. After more than a month, I haven't noticed that you are interested in him." have a feeling."

Shan Yan said "hmm" in a low voice, not knowing which of the third female lead's words she was answering.

Bai Yu, who was secretly in love with someone, was completely unaware of this. After filming the last scene, he happily followed Liu Kai in a car to the reserved box.

The restaurant Liu Kai booked is a specialty restaurant in Linxian County. Eighty percent of the food in the store are specialties unique to Linxian County. The chefs who cook the dishes are highly skilled and the service is good, so it attracts not only foreigners but also locals. I also like to come here to treat guests to dinner.

Because it was the wedding banquet, everyone's nerves that had been tense for a month finally relaxed, so when ordering, they unceremoniously ordered a large table of dishes.

While eating, Shan Yan glanced at Bai Yu from time to time across the table, but still did not dare to take the initiative to strike up a conversation with him.

When the third girl saw Shan Yan like this, she felt a little jealous.

After eating, a group of people moved to the singing hall.

Liu Kai suggested playing Truth or Dare, and the director spoke. Of course, everyone wanted to give him face, so he brought an empty beer bottle over and everyone formed a circle.

In the first round, the beer bottle stopped in front of Liu Kai. After everyone laughed, Liu Kai was asked to call the first person he contacted on his mobile phone to confess his love.

Liu Kai snorted coldly and made a confessional phone call to his father who had gone to bed long ago, but the result was a slap in the face.

With sharp language and cold attitude, everyone could feel the anger of the old man being woken up through the phone. Liu Kai said: "...The old man has been very angry recently."

Bai Yu laughed so hard that he burst into tears without caring about the director's face.

As a result, it was Bai Yu’s turn second, and Bai Yu said: “…”

Liu Kai gloated and said, "Let me tell you the truth, just tell me - do you have someone you like now?"

Shan Yan on the side clenched her hand fiercely when she heard this, looking slightly panicked.

Bai Yu nodded, as a matter of course: "Little watermelon."

Everyone groaned, extremely dissatisfied, but Shan Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

After playing until about 11 o'clock in the evening, Bai Yu saw that it was getting late, so he told Liu Kai and left.

Liu Kai was having fun and waved his hand casually.

The third female pushed Shan Yan hard and said angrily in a low voice: "They are leaving soon, why don't you hurry up and chase after her! This is your chance!"

Shan Yan bit his lower lip, then stood up and chased out in a panic.

When Bai Yu walked to the door of the singing hall, he was stopped by Shan Yan. The paparazzi who were squatting not far away lit up their eyes when they saw this and quickly raised their cameras to take pictures.

"Shan Yan, are you looking for me?" Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, then looked at Shan Yan who was standing in front of him and said obviously nervous.

Shan Yan nodded quickly, lowered his head and took a deep breath, mustered up his courage and said, "Bo Yu, I like you."

Bai Yu was stunned, then looked around and found no one there, and said, "I'm sorry, I don't like you."

Shan Yan's eyes were red, "But I like you. I am willing to be Xiao Xigua's mother. I will be good to him. Can you consider me?"

"...You are still a girl, don't say such things." Bai Yu refused her, knowing very well that he should not be too hesitant about this kind of thing, and it was best to reject it neatly.

"It's getting late now, I'll go back first."

Shan Yan rushed forward and hugged Bai Yu's waist tightly, "I like you, just give me a chance. If you don't try to get along with me, how do you know that we are not suitable for each other."

Bai Yu's expression suddenly changed.

The entrance to the singing hall is a public place, and there are many pedestrians coming and going. It would be terrible if their current intimate behavior was photographed and posted online.

Especially if their crew came here to sing with such a big fanfare, there would definitely be a lot of paparazzi squatting nearby. If they were photographed...

Bai Yu used force to separate the two people and looked at her coldly, "Did you do this on purpose?"

Shan Yan's face was covered with tears, and she clenched her hands tightly, "I just want to be with you^" She didn't understand the meaning of Bai Yu's words, she just retorted subconsciously.

"Then let me tell you clearly, I don't like you."

Bai Yu turned around and left. When Shan Yan tried to pounce again, he said again: "If you are really willing to give up this career, please continue to stalk me."

Bai Yu noticed that many paparazzi had sneaked into them nearby, and secretly thought something was wrong.

Shan Yan swallowed hard and watched Bai Yu quickly leave his sight, with tears streaming down his face. After a while, she turned around and went back - she hadn't said hello to the director yet, so she couldn't leave without permission.

The paparazzi who was squatting not far away excitedly gestured to his companions and dug up another exciting piece of information! It’s about to be posted now!

□Author's gossip: There are ten updates today r I want to praise, I want to praise, I want to praise [097] Angry