Bright Moonlit Night

Chapter 12


After the Mid-Autumn Festival, Jin Yitou came back to Fangmanting after dinner. At this time, Zhaoyan had returned, and Fu Ming thought about it in his heart, what would he do now

Lu Fei brought tea, but Fu Ming didn't order incense and play the qin like in the past. He also brought a cup of tea and sat on the other side and drank slowly without saying a word.

After a long while, Jin Yixian spoke up: "Ren Lan has been learning the pipa for many years, but that night was the first time I heard her play music." The tone was more peaceful than before.

It seemed that he didn't come to ask the guilt. Fu Ming was a little relieved, but he didn't want to mention the incident at that time, so he replied: "Little sister Renlan is very talented, what can't she learn?"

Some words were intertwined in Jin Yi's heart, but it was always difficult to blurt it out. After a while, he said again: "On the Mid-Autumn Festival night, I was invited by the chief to play with a few people in the middle of the night."

sir? Presumably it was the one who, although silent at the time, made everyone pay attention to his face all the time. Fu Ming understood in his heart. Jin Yi wanted to say that there were high-ranking people among them that day. Even if he had the heart, he couldn't interfere offside, right? So, Jin is here to apologize tactfully

Fu Ming knew that he should go down the slope, readily accepted his explanation, and generously expressed that he was relieved.

But on that day, Mr. Cui, Tao Yang later told Fu Ming that he was a descendant of the Cui family and a cousin of Cui Jing. Although he is an official in the court now, he is a relative of the three princes, but regardless of prestige or status, But not as good as Cui Jing. On the Mid-Autumn Festival night, the person who offended Fu Ming first was not the officer Jin Yi mentioned, but Cui Rong. If Jin Yi really wanted to protect himself, why would he keep silent

It was Cui Jing, who later sent letters to apologize to him, saying that it was because the two brothers were not on good terms, and Cui Jing and Fu Ming were on good terms, so Cui Rong took the opportunity to embarrass him. Friends are so sincere, what about Jin Yi

Fu Ming smiled, the smile was exactly the same as what Jin Yi saw in the night, but his tone could not tell the emotion: "Master is the head of the family, whoever you make friends with, who you play with, Ming has no right to interfere, and has no right to speak."

When Jin Yi heard the words, he understood that Fu Ming had not yet planned to forgive himself, and thought to himself that after a few months of entry, his temperament had become good. But Jin Yi felt ashamed, so he still said nicely: "Master Cui drank a few more cups that night, he told me yesterday how much he offended you, and asked me to bring a gift to apologize to you. ."

Fu Ming thought to himself that he should be wiser, even if he was unhappy, and even if he was unwilling to accept the person's unknowingly false apology, he could not act willfully, so he calmed himself down and said slowly, "There is a message from Lord Lao. I will forget about it soon, and I don’t have to worry about it.”

Jin Yi didn't know whether Fu Ming really didn't care, or whether he was calm, but seeing his light expression, he didn't sit any longer, left to apologize, and got up and left.

After Jin Yi left, Fu Ming asked Lu Fei to put away the gift, but he didn't even look at it himself.

For that Master Cui, he was disgusted. Since he was disgusted, he didn't plan to make good friends with others. He reluctantly accepted this apology from Jin Yi. As for Jin Yi, although he rationally knew that he should not care, but his emotions made him still feel uncomfortable when facing Jin Yi today. Although Jin Yi came with apology and apology, he was the one who conveyed it, but what really embarrassed and hurt Fu Ming was his indifference and laissez-faire as a husband.

Forget it, Fu Ming smiled sullenly, what else could he do

Since then, Jin Yi has continued to come to Fangmanting as usual. When Fu Ming treats Jin Yi, he pays more attention to his words and deeds, and becomes more respectful and polite. I don't know if Jin Yi was unaware of Fu Ming's attitude, or he didn't care, but Zhao Yan was aware of it.

One day, at the dinner table, Zhaoyan asked Fu Ming, "Don't Uncle Ming like this spicy steamed fish head? Why can't he move his chopsticks."

Fu Ming really liked it. He didn't move his chopsticks because Jin Yi hadn't used his chopsticks yet for this dish, but he said, "I don't have a good appetite today, and I don't really want to eat fish head."

Zhaoyan shook his head, took a chopstick of fish from the fish head and put it into Fu Ming's bowl, and said with a smile, "If you don't have a good appetite, you have to eat what you like!"

Fu Ming felt both helpless and comfortable, so he took the fish and ate it.

Jin Yi looked at him and finally said, "If you're not comfortable, I won't come here for dinner in the future."

"Daddy don't! No, Daddy don't want to come here to eat." Zhaoyan was anxious first.

Fu Ming hurriedly said: "There is nothing uncomfortable, it is my honor to be here, my grandfather."

Jin Yi put down the table and chopsticks and said coldly: "If you have something in your heart, just say it happily, I don't like to be around. Why bother with the trivial things that night. Although you are married to Jin's house, you are still a dignified man, how can you keep up with it? Like a woman, so awkward, losing her husband's bearing?"

When Fu Ming heard the words, he moved his hands for a while. He didn't speak for a moment, then put down the tableware and chopsticks. He closed his eyes and said, "What Master taught me, I have learned it, and I won't do it again in the future."

After Jin Yi finished speaking, he felt a little regretful that he had made a slip of the tongue, but Fu Ming's lukewarm attitude made him even more suffocated, so he stopped talking, and Huo Di got up and left.

"Father!" Zhao Yan didn't call his father, turned to look at Fu Ming, Fu Ming smiled at him, spooned the shrimp custard into his bowl, and said warmly, "It's alright, don't worry, eat the meal first."

At night, when all the sounds in the courtyard were silent, Fu Ming asked Lu Fei, "Am I a little ignorant of current affairs?"

Green Fei shook his head.

Fu Ming said: "I used to be able to swallow any grievances in the Fu family, but now, it's actually worse than before."

Lu Fei took a step closer and looked at Fu Ming with pity in his eyes, "Young Master, I know that you are not a willful person. You just treated your grandfather as a family member, so you can't help but feel sad."

Fu Ming lowered his head, raised his head again after a long time, and said with a slight smile, "I'm delusional. People, you can't be arrogant. Once you think who you are, you will forget your situation, and you will suffer in the end." That smile It seemed a little sparse in candlelight.

Lu Fei persuaded: "Master, time is short, and it will get better and better in the future."

But from this night until the end of autumn and winter, Fu Ming has hardly seen Jin Yi again.

Jin Yi didn't set foot in Fangmanting anymore, but it wasn't entirely because he had animosity with Fu Ming, and the entanglement of official affairs also made him spend a lot less time with his family.

After the winter, the southern border bandits who had been on the verge of moving gradually assembled into groups, and finally raised the anti-flag, stirring the border of the southern border of Qi into a pool of muddy water, and the people could not rest in peace. Jin Yi was ordered to lead troops to suppress the rebellion.

In this regard, the masters of Jin's house are both happy and worried. The Jin mansion is gradually declining, and it is in need of descendants to make military contributions to revive the family, but after the winter, the weather is harsh, the southern border is a land of miasma, and fighting is also a difficult and dangerous thing.

As the day of the army's departure approached, the old lady asked Mrs. Wang to pack Jin's luggage every day. This should have been done by Fu Ming, but as a man, Fu Ming might not be as careful as a woman. Moreover, Mrs. Wang has been following Jin Yi for many years, and she grew up by serving Jin Yi. The old lady thought it was more appropriate for her to do this.

Before setting off, Jin Yi deliberately took extra time to go to the old lady's house to say hello, and even went to say goodbye to his uncle and Renlan, and received many warnings and blessings. But did not go to Fang Manting.

"Young Master, you are leaving the house tomorrow, you..." Lu Fei hesitated.

Fu Ming put down his pen, looked at the fine snow falling in the light under the eaves outside the window, and said after a while, "Bring an umbrella."

Qianlan smiled and said, "Let's go!"

The candlelight reflected the snow light, moving all the way from Fangmanting to the center of the backyard of the entire Jin Mansion.

Knocking on the door, Bai Lu's voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"Sister Bai Lu, our son is here." Lu Fei replied.

The door was opened, the thick curtains were lifted, and the heat was overwhelming, Fu Ming couldn't help sneezing.

In the room, Mrs. Wang was taking a few maids to check the packed luggage, while Jin Yize wiped a long sword beside the candle, the light of the sword and the armor on the rack were dazzling.

They saluted and met each other, and Fu Ming said, "I'll take a look at the expedition tomorrow."

Jin Yi nodded, saw the water stains on Fu Ming's shoes, and asked, "Is it raining or snowing outside?"

"It's snowing." Fu Ming replied.

The two of them were speechless, but Wang's voice of checking the luggage echoed in the room, which was particularly clear.

Jin Yi retracted his sword and sheathed it and said, "Click here and there, click a few times, that's enough. You've worked hard these days, go back to the house and rest."

Hearing this, Mrs. Wang asked the maids to close the box, and then walked to Jin Yi and whispered softly, "You don't need to tell me when you're here, it's not a place like Kyoto. Swords and swords have no eyes on the battlefield. Take care of yourself. The concubine prays for the lord every day at home, hoping that the lord will win the battle and return safely at an early date."

Jin Yi nodded and waved again, and Mrs. Wang stepped back with her personal maid, and when she walked to the front of the curtain, she turned around and said, "Young Master Ming, please go back to rest early, I'm tired, and I have to get up early tomorrow. !"

Fu Ming ignored her, she gritted her teeth, then smiled coldly, and walked away.

Fu Ming took a small bag from Xian Lan's hand and put it on the table, "These medicinal powders can be rinsed with water, it has the effect of dispelling cold and dehumidification, and warming the stomach and intestines. If you can trust me, you can drink it regularly. It’s easy to get acclimatized.”

Jin Yi nodded, "I see, you have a heart, thank you."

Fu Ming stopped talking and got up to leave.

When he was about to leave, Jin Yique stopped him and said to Bai Lu, "Go get my crane cloak." When Bai Lu got it, he personally took it and handed it to Fu Ming, "It's cold outside, go back in your clothes. , don't catch a cold."

Fu Ming took it and put it on. It was a little heavy, a little big, but it felt very warm. He smiled and nodded and said, "Thank you, sir." Turning around and walking a few steps, he stopped, "I have already thought of the name of that song. , called 'Mingyueye', I'll play it for you when you come back."

The person behind him replied "Okay" and said, "These days when I was out, it was hard for you to take care of the family."

"Don't worry, Lord." Fu Ming nodded in response, no longer stopped, and strode away.

Back when the snow fell even more, the wind swept the snow and filled the night sky.

Qianlan asked, "Young Master, with such a heavy snow, can the army still be dispatched?"

Fu Mingdao: "As long as the road is clear, we will start. Fighting is not a child's play. The military orders are like mountains, and they will not be changed easily."

Qian Lan nodded, now that she could better understand the difficulty of being the head of the family to support the family business, she silently prayed for Jin Yi in her heart.

The master and servant were silent all the way, the falling snow was silent, and the wind was tight, and the night became more and more silent.